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  1. I love crayon eyeliner, and the best ones i used i would say are Maybelline drama eyeliner and Holika Holika Jewel light waterpoof eyeliner =)
    both are really smooth, creamy, highly pigmented and long lasting :)

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    Credits: candy63_li of http://tw.club.yahoo.com/clubs/LoveChun_1010/































































































































































































































































































    ahaha~~ yea i was wondering about the pic too o__O































































































































































































































































































    please, dont change your hairstyle!! *pray pray* hahaha~~





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG!! that's an AMAZING GREAT NEWS!































































































































































































































































































    he's dreaming to play in a movie with Jacky Chan but Stephen is realy not bad either XDD~~ ( i heard that Jacky Chan's successor is already Louis Koo :P lol )































































































































































































































































































    hope that's really going to happen *cross fingers*




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    EDIT :






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    just want to share a lil file that i find so cute ^^































































































































































































































































































    Zun saying 'Did you eat ur breakfast yet' aaaaiiii~~ so cuuuute~~































































































































































































































































































    > http://download.yousendit.com/79BCE718133A7220

























    ^ I would be interested!!

    I have been downloading from your CB a lot these days (mainly Korean stuff tho...haha), hopefully its helping with the points...






























































































































































































































































































    thanks alot for ur support~~















































































































































    but i dont know if i'd keep my cb, really running out of space -___-;;
































































    :lol: @ The Arron and Calvin interview. "Miss, are you alone?" :lol:
































































    That interview was so cute. Thanks for the translation.








































































    Thanks for the anecdote, niko. So he just bought a ring and decided to wear it around his neck? Something smells fishy...








































































    maysia, you're right. The Miami Vice looks is just not cute. Who came up with that idea? The outfit needs to be burned.















































































































































    haha~~ yea~~















































































































































    dont know if a guy would just go buy a ring that he'd wear it around his neck............. only couples do that XDD~~













































































































































































































































































































































































    i was just ike :blink: what the hell was the stylist thinking when he gave that outfit to Zun :wacko:

    maysia, I have that concert clip too, but it's 349mb and about 1hr 45 mins long. You have a better version of it?








































































    i said that mine is +950Mo and yea, it's around 1h45 too i think~~















































































































































    you can check the caps i've post to see the quality of the video




























































































































































































































































































































































































    what i can do is to make some cuts and upload them on MU or YSI if u guyz want















































































































































    just tell me which part u want ^^

    Tau Suan desert he ate in SG (The one on top of the desert is a curry puff, also found in one of the pics in his Indonesia album)
















































































































































    Tau Suan!!















































































































































    i always eat that, but never knew where this was from XDD~~













































































































































































































































































































    here are the pics of him with tau suan ^^















































































































































    (dont think that has been post right?! :rolleyes: )











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (u can see Jiro on the bg kekeke~~ .........and Aaron?)













































































































































































































































































































































    ahaha~~ i always wonder about this ring he always wear thanks niko for the info :D















































































































































    (the Ella part was kind.. sarcastic right?! lolol~~)













































































































































































































































































































    waaah on the Cashbox mag cover.... i really dont like his outfit... (back to the 80's?! eww) (actually Jiro's is not that great either o__O)















































































































































    on the 3rd pic, his outfit it's not bad, pretty casual, but that fits him really well!.... i just dont like the blue shoes...















































































































































    and on the last pic, brown outfit.... just perfect! modern, classy and fresh ^^













































































































































































































































































































    oh i've upload the whole 完全不好笑 in AVI ^^















































































































































    (it's about +15min long)
















































































































































    Fahrenheit - 完全不好笑 [720x480].avi















































































































































    > http://down.clubbox.co.kr/maysialee/c22rc








































































    (please dont take this out of maysialee cb)






























































































































































































































    ENJOY ^^













































































































































































































































































































    i also have this concert 就愛飛輪海 自由演唱會







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's about 2 hours long (size : almost 1Go) , i havn even watch it yet XDD~~















































































































































    i'm thinking about upload it, but since we are running out of space, just wanna know if there any people interested in this file ^^















































































































































    ( i'm a HD files maniac XDD~~ )























































































































































































































    thanks for the clips... :rolleyes:















































































































































    are these recent??















































































































































    When was it shown???? :blink:















































































































































    Was it in March...going by the date of uploading.....















































































































































    I love his black frame specs !!! :rolleyes:















































































































































    this has been aired on march 11 in the show 完全娱乐 ^^















































































































































    i love love his emo glasses too aaiii~~















































































































































    cant resist, here are some caps ^^






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    aaaii~~ dont think we'll learn alot if he really was a teacher... we'll just be drooling all over him hahaha~~

    I don't think this interview with Danson and Chun has been posted b4... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiGJ6_pZsjQ
















































































    niice~~ thanks^^















































































































































    oh that's from their promo in HK ^^















































































































































    Wu Zun, Jacky Chan's hardcore fan hahaha~~






























































































































































































































    They always have to answer to the same questions on & on lol~~















































































































































    funny when Danson say that Zun actually 'copy' his answer about his ideal girl haha~~
































































































    waaah~~ this thread sure grow supa fast o__O






























































































































































































































    here is this is from Vogue (march, no. 126) ^^






























































































































































































































    he looks gorgeous there.















































































































































    (i dont think that has been post yet :mellow: )




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (i've edited the pic because it was too big and kind of dark :sweatingbullets: )













































































































































































































































































































    Oh have u guyz watched 完全不好笑 yet?!















































































































































    that's really 不好笑 tho.............. hahaha~~ but have to watch because Zun + emo glasses = HOT kekeke~~













































































































































































































































































































    PART 1 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM09nFJrxOc















































































































































    (ok, the 2nd scene is funny, stupid, but funny lol















































































































































    Calvin and Jiro... always making fun of Zun's accent XDD~~ )






























































































































































































































    PART 2 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZWKvsf_pjg
















































































    Okay, so suddenly, I'm really interested in acting and all that great stuff so how does one get involved in Kuso Kuso? Er... how does one get to be a cast member because I'd love to be in that position that girl is in... :wub:






















































































































































































































    Lol... the gif is so cute.. hahaha. Chun being all mad and authoritative. Go boy! :D Now I want to see him in some gangster role.





































































































































































































































































































    LMAAOOO~~ me too!!! i just want to be in KusoKuso to play THIS scene with Zun lol (the pervert/erotica version lol)






























































































































































































































    actually in the gif he say 'I'm telling you.....DONT STEAL MY LUNCHBOX NEXT TIME!!' XDD~~'






























































































































































































































    + the KusoKuso girlz are really young :blink:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ maysia you killed me with those second set of caps =( hahas.

    But that gif is so cute! Hope you don't mind if I save it to look at when I'm bored (yes, I'm pathetic like that.. especially during school breaks)















































































































































    yea i'm killing myself by watching those caps too................ haha~~






























































































































































































































    haha~~ no no u're pathetic, it never hurts to looking at Zun :P kekeke~~












































    maysia - Pictures 2 & 3 were taken when he was still working as a model in Singapore, I think the other ones are too but not quite sure. Apparently after joining Fahrenheit, HIM actually asked his modelling agency to delete all the photos and stop publishing his modelling photos that he had taken previously because the image was so different to what he presented in Fahrenheit. He was very surprised when I said that I had seen them (right before I also asked him why in the world he was wearing the world's smallest pair of shorts ahaha :D )










































































































    sunshine4ever - I remember Wu Zun said that series 2 depends on the popularity of the first series when I asked about a series 2. Apparently the producers are interested in making a second series because of the popularity of the first series, but it will be difficult incorporating everybody's busy schedules.





















































































































































    oohh~~ are they trying to 'erase' his past?! :P hahaha~~







































































    i mean, yea there some really 'sexy' pics, but it's not like he was all naked haha~~ (actually u're right, he were wearing the SMALLEST pair of shorts!! hahaha~~ but.... nice body anyway *drool*)







































































    to be honest, that's just IMPOSSIBLE to hide, even the agency has to delete all his pics, there always 1 or 2 person that would save these pics o__O





















































































































































    that's goind to be hard to make a #2 better than the 1st one...







































































    and yea, since they are all so popular now, i guess it's going to be hard to incorporate they schedules.







































































    But hope to see him in more funny series ^^ (yea, i never watch TJ... but it doesnt sound funny at all :P haha~~)

    lol... I like Chun's modelling photos... I like he's not a squeaky clean guy. And they are just modelling photos i.e. I'm guessing they were done for his porfolio...

    I think it's fine for the HK magazine to publish the photos because he's now a public persona and so his past isn't off limits. I think it was inappropriate for HIM to ask the modelling agency to get rid of those photos since he took them of his own free will and I'm sure they paid for them. But maybe HIM asked nicely.




































    Thanks for the caps, maysia.




































    I just got this from Danson's blog... has it been posted? It looks familiar











































































































    yea~~ i never like skinny guyz tho haha~~







































































    Zun is just... perfect aaaiii~~














































































































    hahaha~~ the HK paparazi/reporters are one of the craziest one lol







































































    they are good at looking for celebs past....







































































    i guess that the agency want to release their newbies as all 'clean'... they are teens idoles after all~~







































































    but Zun were just a model like Jiro :rolleyes:





















































































































































    oh yea, i think this pic has been post already ^^







































































    but he looks so cute with Danson there kekeke~~







































































    Well, I'm a bit contradictory here, and personally think both sides are valid opinions :D














































































































    Stary - He was a bit surprised that I had seen them but he wasn't "They should not be up! I demand to know who did this!" kinda thing.














































































































    Me - I've seen your modelling pictures







































































    Wu Zun - Really??! You've seen those pictures?







































































    Me - Y'know you were wearing close to nothing. Just the world's smallest pair of shorts, and nothing else :blink:







































































    Wu Zun - Yeh, that was when I first started modelling in Singapore. I didn't know I had to take those sort of pictures. I got there, and they said we'll be taking photos like these today. It's because the photoshoot had to incorporate art and movement. It felt a bit weird *laugh* :blush:














































































































    actually i find these pictures really pretty, i mean it's soft and the colors are nice. i really like the 1st one.







































































    so there really nothing to be shame of.







































































    but i guess the agency has their own opinion to hide these.

    has anyone seen this show kuso kuso , the epsiode with wu zun?





































    when i watched it just cracks me up!! jsut look at his expression!




































    but can someone tell what they are saying?











































































































    *haha one of my FAV episode!!! hahaha~~ and this is one FAV part!!







































































    Mai Er just crak me up!! lol














































































































    and niko|niko just translated it ^^ thanks girl ;)














































































































    i guess i'm just like u, my chinese is not great ( but as long as be get what they're saying, i'm already really satisfied lolol~~ )
































    Hahaha, I'm a bit jealous! She seemed to have enjoyed a pretty thorough feel there :D



































































    By the way, A-Mai-Er's really a girl right? I'm seriously not sure :unsure:







































































    if u are jealous of Mai Er u would be WAYYY more jealous if u watched the whole thing, because just before Mai Er, it was Ai Er..................... MAAAANNNN i get SO JEALOUS OF HER!!!







































































    she got to touch him and all~~~~














































































































    here are some caps ^^




























































































































































































































    Love how he tried to make it look funny hahaha~~







































































    (actually he said that he tried to make the scene funny then the host said that he'll let him make the scene even funnier by playing the scene with Mai Er!! hahaha~~)

















































































































































































































































































































































































    I think Mai Er is a MALE! lol~~







































































    if she's really a girl... i dont think they would be 'that' mean to her no?! :P lol + she's wearing a wig hahaha~~





















































































































































    ok and to finish, here is another lil gif i made ^^




























































































































































































































    still from KusoKuso^^







































































    aaaii~~ love his love for food!! hahaha~~







































































    (+50 layers, took me a while to do this o_O i think i'm blind now lol)









    maysia, that Gif is extra cute... which show is that from? Kuso Kuso?




































    yup ^^







































































    this episode aired on 070227














































































































    here are some caps ^^





















































































































































































    he appeared in alot of episodes of Kuso, actualy all Fahrenheit members went to this show (even Danson)





















































































































































    ohoh~~ many of u guyz met Zun, lucky BUTTS!! hahaha~~





















































































































































    i've been looking for some of his pic to make some graphics and i found these...............................














































































































    is that realy him...?! (u can see the tatoo on his arm... so i guess it's really him XDD~~)



































































































































































































































































































    i tried to make the picture clearer, but the quality is so bad already.. cant really make it look better than that.





















































































































































    ok on those we can recognize him




























































































































































































































































    ^ who was looking for pic of him in suit?! ^^





































































































































































































    wow, this thread grow so fast!! thanks for all these pics ^^ holala~~ *drool-drool*







































































    that's riiiight... never saw him in a suit o__O














































































































    hmm anybody know where i can find the schedule of all their tvshows? or can post the schedule here keke~~







































































    i've dl all the KusoKuso episodes, now i'm looking for all tv show with Wu Zun ^^







































































    thanks in advance ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi everyone!!





















































































































































    just want to let you know that i'm uploading the AVI (XviD) version of the drama ^^ (i HATE rmvb -__-;; cant watch that on tv)







































































    it takes FOREVER to encode, convert, edit and upload so please DONT TAKE THIS OUT OF MAYSIALEE's CLUBBOX !







































































    i'm still working on it and only uploaded the 1st episode.














































































































    it's about 700mb each episode (like those kdrama HQ video format)














































































































    >>> http://clubbox.co.kr/maysialee <<<























































































































    (aish, Youtube was so slow)

    BUT YAHHHH, today's Scoop is finally uploaded!




































    I love it when overseas artists get featured on Scoop, they're so interesting.








































































    (Youtube might still be processing it, so yeah, gotta wait T__T)




































    The Twins part.. no comment. (Sorry, not a fan of them ;x)







































































    thanks ^^







































































    about Twins................... hahaha~~ same here.......... :P no offense to their fans tho *cough cough*







































































    but it was funny when they say 'teen' (mando = fang tien) , it sound like 'teem' > 'teem keui' XDD~~














































































































    actually, even Zun's accent is really heavy, his cantonese is pretty good o.O














































































































    i like the part when Zun was eating 'chi fan'







































































    Danson : it's not good, it's not good







































































    Zun : u're lucky! u lost!





















































































































































































    love the lunch box story ^^







































































    have u notice how Zun never stop eating on the show?! hahaha~~














































































































    they need to stop asking him about Ella..... it's kind of boring now :P











































































































































































































































































    Thanks for the link and summary... too bad I don't understand a word. But they (Chun mainly) looked like they were enjoying the food!














































































































    after working my mando, i'm working my canto then XDD~~







































































    (same thing, alot of mistakes, but hope u wont mind peeps^^)





















































































































































    [ Wu Zun & Danson on TVScoop 070315 english translation]





















































































































































    MC : So the big punishment is that Zun is allow to eat but u're not




































    Zun : aaahhh~~




































    Danson : i'm not happy




































    MC : you're not happy?




































    Danson : i wanna cry~~




































    Zun : you wanna cry?




































    MC : Zun, before to eat u have to tell what you are going to eat




































    Zun : i know this is 'dan tah', 'polo bao', this is... 'yu dan'




































    MC : yea 'yu dan'




































    Danson : 'kali yu dan'




































    Zun : but this.. looks like 'Siu mai'but it also doesnt looks like 'shui mai'




































    MC : yes these are 'siu mai', do know what's 'siu mai' is? can you tell him what is 'siu mai' since u ever come to HK before.




































    Zun : hmm~~/right~~ what is this?




































    Danson : 'Siu mai' 'siu siu mai'




































    MC : hee~~ they know pretty well, but there still 2 things u might not know : 'Chi fan' and 'boot jai goh'




































    MC : Eat 1st then tell him how is it




































    Danson : Not good, not good~~




































    Zun : You're lucky, you lost^^




































    MC : haha~~ really? is it that bad?




































    Zun : it's really good~~ it's like taiwanese 'fan dun'because they put some 'yui diao'




































    MC : it's made of 'no mi'




































    Zun : right, it's the same thing




































    MC : *ting ting*




































    Zun : 'hung dao' (red beans)




































    Danson : 'hung dao'~~




































    MC : yea i know 'hung dao'




































    MC : this is call 'boot jai goh'




































    Zun : *laugh*




































    MC : why are u laughing?




































    Zun : because they are laughing at me/my cantonese~~




































    MC : it's alright, keep on speaking, u're canto is correct




































    Zun : 'hung...hung dao~~ hung dao what?"




































    MC : Boot jai goh




































    Zun : 'boot jai goh.. hung dao boot jai goh'




































    MC : after learning the name, time to eat and he really want to share it with his good friend.




































    Danson : you really want to give it to me 1st right?




































    MC : right, do you think he can eat some?




































    Zun : honey~~ have some~~ is it good?




































    Danson : if you give me some, of course it's good^^




































    Zun : oohh~~ 'ho bei min ho bei min'^^ (dont know how to translate that in english ^__^;;)




































    Zun : Since we came from Taiwan, we havn went out to get some good stuff to eat, now we have and it's even good because i eat with him^^




































    MC : you are realy good buddies, good buddies *clap clap clap*




































    Danson : good friend~~




































    Zun : don't cry, don't cry~~




































    MC : the too handsome boys are eating then out of nowhere someone has something to reveal!




































    Danson : i ever came to HK many times before




































    Zun : he has a hk girlfriend




































    MC : ooohhhh~~




































    Zun : no, that's not true, just joking^^




































    Danson : why have u reveal that?




































    Zun : i cant?




































    Danson : i really like to come with my friends, walking around




































    MC : oh~~ u come to see your girl friends right?




































    Zun : what a pity~~ when we say boy friends or girl friends, they always have something to say about us




































    Danson : there always problems..




































    MC : so there boys or girls?




































    Zun : look~~ look~~ here we go again -__-




































    MC : it's because they played in Hana-Kimi together so they became friends and it's also their 1st collaboration.




































    What did they (dont know the english word for that >__< like what is the thing they noticed from each other that mark/shock them)




































    Danson : He's always eating, everyday he was eating eating eating~~




































    When we were acting, someone came with 'bien dan', in HK it's also 'bien dan'?




































    Zun : 'fan hup' (mand>bian dan = canto>fan hup = lunch box)




































    Danson : 'fan hup' | 'here are the lunch boxes!! he was like 'really? where? where?! until we can't act and have to NG




































    Zun : that's not true!




































    Danson : he was always looking at the lunch boxes 'is there anybody took my lunchbox? no? U cant take it!!




































    Zun : when he were playing in Hana-kimi, he's character is really 'cool and handsome', sometime he would make a pose until.. he fell asleep!




































    Danson : no..




































    Zun : it's because.. he doesnt move alot




































    Danson : it's because they all can sit like this and i have to sit like that




































    Zun : right, he has to sit like that




































    Danson : so everytime when he was talking to me or Ella i would just.. zZzzZ~~




































    Zun : and then Ella would be like 'HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!'




































    MC : Wu Zun is Taiwan actor/idole + Fahrenheit member and Danson, before acting he was a model + he ever played in 2 MV with Twins.




































    Talking about Twins, both handsome boys say they are good!




































    Danson : before i already really admire AhSa(Charlene), her acting is really cute, really natural that's why it's so cute. So i never though when they called me to play in their MV, the company even lied to me saying that i wont even meet Twins 'no no no you wont meet them, u'll shot your parts and they'll shot their parts / separate' i was so.. sad/disapointed, but then, at the end, when i get there i saw Twins. AhSa oohhh~~ and then i told her..




































    MC : how's Gillian?




































    Zun : Gillian it's me when i see her i go 'oohh~~'




































    MC : AhSa praised you, she said that your eyes can 'teen' people (waaah dont know how to translate that in english lol, but look at what Zun did, it's exactly that! haha~~)




































    Zun : you 'teen' her right?!




































    Danson : i 'teen' her? oh no.. everytime i see a girl




































    Zun : u'll 'fang tien' ( canto> 'fang teen' = mando> fang dien)




































    Danson : i'm really shy everytime i see a girl




































    Zun : aayyooo~~




































    Danson : everytime i see a girl, i dont know what to say




































    MC : then why can you talk me then?




































    Danson : because...




































    MC : you're not shy when u see me




































    Danson : it's not that..




































    Zun : it's because you're not his 'type'(kind of girl)




































    Danson : what did he say?




































    MC : you're not allow to eat >__<




































    Danson : what did u say?




































    Zun : you're not allow to eat! ^^




































    Danson : it's not that... it's because it's work...




































    MC : they are alot of girls' prince charmin, so how's their Snow White?




































    Danson : i like beautiful eyes and girls who like to smile, that have a really pretty smile, because i'm the type of person that dont usually smile, so if i have a girlfriend i would like she has a really nice smile then when i look at her i would feel its so sweet. About personnality i like sincere/real person, because i really dont like those who are'fake'..




































    MC : what about Wu Zun?




































    Zun : me too, i dont like those who are 'fake', i prefer those who are natural




































    MC : you mean it's Ella? i mean i'm saying, it's nothing~~




































    Zun : oohh~~ look!




































    Danson : do you like Ella?




































    Zun : me? in the serie i really like her




































    Danson : and outside?




































    Zun : outside? we are buddy-buddy ar~~




































    MC : ooh~~ so let's eat and drink then ^^




































    Zun and Danson : thanks!!








































































    [credit : maysia@soompi]
























































































































    ^ nice~~







































































    thanks for sharing ^^







































































    (good pic to use for vector ^___^)















































































    I think he didn't mean that it's boring. He said the Tokyo Juliet is "悶" (men, 1st sound of the hanyu pinyin) meaning that the storyline is more depressing and his role inside the drama shuts himself up quite alot.





















































































































































































    i missunderstood then :P







































































    thanks for corrected me then XDD~~





















































































































































































    i also didnt know that soompi has Chun's thread!! and thanx for the translation....




































    here's the link for AEC music station part 1 & 2




































    Chun at AEC Music Station 17 Feb 2007







































































    1st part




































    wmv file 47mb




































    mirror 1 ll mirror 2




































    ASTRO AEC Music Station







































































    24 Feb 2007




































    2nd part











































































    wmv file 66.56mb




































    mirror 1 ll mirror 2




































    credit to eyka aka ika1801 @ soompi







































































    Awesome ^^







































































    too bad there not alot of HQ chinese varieties shows like korean shows >__<














































































































    Omg, this thread grows wayyyy too fast for me to catch up.










































































































    Wu Zun and Danson play basketball.































































































































































































































































    '他3分 我4分 他4分 我3分 他3分 我4分~~'














































































































































    so funny!! ^^







































































    his accent is so heavy (i think i've got a 'guai' lo accent hahaha~~), but so cute at the same time ^^ love it love it^^




























































































































































































    HAHAHAHAHA i agree, everything chun said was hilarious.







































































    i loved the part where he told danson to turn around and walk away cause he didn't want to see his face HAHAHAHA














































































































    nope, they weren't doing a tongue twister...chun just randomly went hyper and couldn't stop saying 'sam fun sae fun' meaning 3 points, 4 points...HAHAHAH







































































    haha yea he made Danson repeat then he went all 'hey~~ what does it mean?!' hahahah~~














































































































    and love the end when he said to the camera 'do you guyz want me to win?'







































































    Danson : 'no'







































































    Chun : are you guyz excited?







































































    Danson : no














































































































    XDD~~ so funny ^^










































































































































































    HAHAHAHA he was speaking cantonese in today's TVB interview and omggggg HAHAHA there was this part where he was trying to say 'boot jai goh' this chinese red bean snack, and he kept on saying it with an accent and he got all embarassed and when the interviewer asked him why he was laughing hysterically, he said 'they're laughing @ me!!' (referring to the people off screen behind the camera) HAHAHAH soo cute!














































































































    remember how in the basketball interview, danson lost and he was going to get a punishment...well his punishment was not being able to eat whilst chun ate all the yummy hk food!! HAHA and then omgosh the CUTEST thing was chun put his arm around danson and said 'HUNEY (with a really strong singaporean accent) eat this!' OMGOSH %*(#$%*#%& CUTEEEEEEEEEEE. and then when they asked him about ella and him (<______< can they STOP? LOL) he was like we're just 'good BADDAY' as in buddy but he had an accent.














































































































    and danson revealed that when they were filming hanakimi, since all chun thinks about is food, whenever ppl say that the 'bian dang!' (lunch boxes) has arrived, chun will go looking for it right away and when he starts filming, he will constantly look and check if anyones touched his box. HAAAAHHAHAAHHAAH chun is so SILLY!!














































































































































    cant wait >__<







































































    u live in HK?!........ 'boot jai goh'?! hmm i want some too ar~~







































































    yea this guy always think about food XDD~~ that's so cute tho...... he eats alot but dont seem to get fat at all hahaha~~ only muscles :P
















































    hahaha~~ it's not a radio program, it's a random tv show i found ^__^







































































    the name of the show is 'AEC Music Station' from Astra (i think it's a malaysian channel, but they all speak mando)







































































    i think u can find that on icefish or ydy.. not sure sorry >__<





















































































































































    haha~~ about the Tokyo Juliet thing i dont know if it's really boring because i havn watch it yet and i dont think i would watch it anyway hahahahaha~~







































































    i'm just like him, i prefer the 'happy kind' ^^
















































    waaah~~ didnt knew there a Wu Zun thread ^^







































































    this guy's eyes amazed me : SO BIG! hahaha~~














































































































    off topic : i've been so into kpop lately that i kind of losing my mando, thanks to Wu Zun, i'm working my chinese again keke~~







































































    i've translated the whole part 2 of AEC music station (feat WuZun and Aaron) (havn even watch the 1st part haha~~ need to check for that)







































































    but since my english is not 'that' great, i feel kind of ashamed to post that here :P (i'm half chinese and living in Paris.. it would be way easier if i had to translate into french haha~~)







































































    I did that for practice and fun^^ i know there alot of people who dont understand mando, so.. if it's help.. ^^





















































































































































    [ FAHRENHEIT on AEC Music Station part 2 english translation ]




































    MC : so we are at...




































    Aaron : Chinese culture university!




































    Zun : Who study here?!This student studied here before (when he was in taiwan)(that's not really what he said but it means the same thing, dont really know how to translate lol)




































    MC : Actually when i was in taiwan i also learn about this 'chinese culture university'




































    Zun : Hurry and call her 'shuai jang'




































    Aaron : Shuai Jang!




































    MC : Call me 'Shai Jie'




































    Aaron : Hi Shuai Jie




































    MC : ok, so now introduce a bit to everyone.




































    Aaron : ok, the 'Chinese culture university' just finish to build this side (etc.. he's talking about how the university is build, like there swimming pool etc.. at each level there a different area to practice sport)




































    So at each




































    Zun : actually i'm really interested in 'mei zhi kwan... (cant really hear what he said >__< but i think it's the restaurant)




































    Zun : hey, there the sea, have you see the sea?!




































    [caption : sea...? where...? HAHAHA HE CRAK ME UP!! hahaha]




































    Aaron : actually, that's not the sea! it's one of Taipei 'ting' (top/roof?)




































    Zun : whooo~~




































    Aaron : When we look at it in the morning it's really beautiful and at night we would see each place 'so cute' (dont really know what he means lol), actualy this place has a name called 'xhing ren poa' (xhin ren = lovers), because late at night we would see alot of couples coming here looking at the beautiful landscape.




































    Zun : oh, so that's why last time i called you, u said u were here.




































    Aaron : have you hear on the phone the sound of the wind was so strong?! baaahh~~




































    MC : oh, so it was here..




































    Aaron : i was here looking at the landscape.




































    MC : looking at the landscape?!




































    Aaron : and sometime, the couples would drive and park their car here and then the car would...




































    Zun : ...earthquake right?! (HAHAHAHAHAH~~ XDDD~~)




































    Aaron : right right right~~ haha~~




































    Aaron : hey guyz look at this! hey?! where's everybody?




































    MC : who are you? why do you bother us?




































    Aaron : why can you...




































    MC : why we can't? he's my boyfriend. so what? are u jealous of him?




































    Zun : so what? you said thats a place couples/lovers like to come right?.




































    MC : right~~




































    Aaron : i'm not like that/doesnt fit me




































    Zun : you're not like that?! it's because you're (too young?! i'm not sure, cant really hear)




































    MC : oh yea that's right, i can't go out with someone that young (then i cant hear lol)




































    So i just pick him then, would you be happy for us?




































    Aaron : so.. i just leave now




































    MC : Don't forget to not talking about us to Ella ok?!




































    Aaron : it's ok, i'm dating Ella now




































    MC : is it ok (for you Zun)




































    Zun : (waaah cant hear what he say! lol)




































    Aaron : hey don't say nonsens!




































    MC : ok, i'm happy for you and Ella, so you have to be happy for us. We'll get married really soon and he'll come to live in Malaysia with me.




































    Aaron : that means u'll be Malaysian




































    Zun : I'll be the representative in Malaysia




































    Aaron : So Farhenheit will be famous then




































    MC : right




































    Aaron : it's like we kicked u out




































    MC : Ask Ella to join Farhenheit then




































    Aaron : right




































    Aaron : we are all men (hahaha~~ he's so mean! lol..)




































    Zun : hey, Ella's fans will be mad at you!haha




































    Aaron : Ella..Ella... DONT BE LIKE THAT!! i find Ella realy cute..




































    Zun : hey, after i said that u say that about her!




































    Aaron : no~~




































    Zun : No no~~




































    Zun : hey, i'm really hungry now




































    MC : yea me too, i'm really hungry




































    Zun : where is the 'mei zhi kwan'?




































    Aaron : just be in love and stay here, i'll take the others get something to eat.




































    Zun : how can you be like that?!




































    Aaron : (talking about the restaurant blahblahbah~~]




































    MC : restaurant on the rooftop right?! so what's so special about that?




































    Aaron : just looking at this way, u can see the really beautiful landscape and also on this way there the little 'bubu'? etc..




































    MC : There the 'Paris atmosphere' (really? i live in Paris and i dont feel this way at all haha)




































    Zun : Doesnt looks like Taiwan




































    MC : right, doesnt looks like Taiwan and the most important is that i'm here with you 2 guyz so there the 'romantic atmosphere'




































    Aaron : and there also really nice music on the background so hurry to get someone to eat ^^




































    MC : yea, get something to eat lor~~




































    MC : (talking about the food that Aaron introduced them)




































    Zun : hi everyone, i'm Fahrenheit's Wu Zun




































    Aaron : hi everyone i'm Farhenheit's Aaron




































    MC : hm, and where are the 2 other members?




































    Zun : The other 2 went to (i think they are acting or something, not sure.. sorry >__<)




































    MC : the 2 other members are not here, so you guyz should talk about what image/impression/picture u have of them




































    Zun : hehem, so the 2 other members are not here so we can say bad stuff about them




































    MC : right right right~~^^




































    Aaron : actually Wu Zun already started! lol




































    Zun : in fact we wanted to 'kick them out' since the beginning haha~~




































    Aaron : Our company alaready though about calling us..




































    Zun : 2rhenheit (two+rhenheit )




































    Aaron : WuYen




































    MC : ZunYen




































    Aaron : oh yea ZunYen




































    MC : Zun and WuYen = duo




































    Zun : no; in fact the 4 of us have different personnalities (here we go again with this story -__-;;), so this is a really 'special group', and we will come out with our different ideas and associate all together, so the power of Fahrenheit will be even bigger (aaaiissshh~~ that sound so corny lol)




































    Actually this album already came out on september 15th in Taiwan




































    MC : on 2006




































    Zun : yea on september 15th 2006, it's been about 5 month already right~~ But we havnt went to Malaysia to see u guyz yet! Actually we put alot of effort on this album, and there alot people who helped us to write songs like JJ Lin Jun Jie and also our 'big sis' Hebe who sang with us on the song 'Zhi dui ni you gan jue'




































    Aaron : and the title track 'wo you wo de young' represent Fahrenheit spirit...that we have the same target (etc... lol)




































    Actually i like music since i (forever) was little, i like every kind of music of each century, really want to learn more about it. about this century i really like R&B, like Leehom and Jay Chou




































    MC : oh, Leehom, ok so sing a song of Leehom then!




































    Aaron : *sing Leehom's Wei Hi*




































    Zun : me, i'm from Brunei, we don't have KTV (karaoke) ar~~ so we don't really have the opportunity to sing, before i get into the show business, my target was to become an actor, to have the chance to play in movies.




































    Aaron : yea, he really want to play in movies like 'Jacky Chan's movies'




































    Zun : yeah that i can move alot, because i realy like to practice sports, like boxing, basket ball, i'm the active kind so that's why i really hope to.. but for the moment i slowly get more experience in Taiwan.




































    MC : i know u will




































    Zun : actors? i wish i can play with Jacky Chan. Actually i really to watch Miriam Yeung, she's really funny and cute.




































    I think.. no matter if it's the good or the vilain, if he has the 'power' like in 'the new police story', Daniel Wu is the vilain but people would think that..




































    MC : he has the 'feeling'(kan jue)




































    Zun : right




































    MC : that's why u prefer the more 'active' kind (that move alot)




































    Zun : the 'happy' romance kind is ok too




































    MC : happy romance kind!^^ what about those sad love story?




































    Zun : that kind... is ok too, actually i don't really like to play those..




































    MC : yao sen yao sii (means really sad / to death)




































    Zun : yea, because the 1st time when i played in 'Tokyo Juliet' the storyline was so boring, and we shot this serie for 6 month, the story also affected me and makes me feel like i was also really boring




































    MC : that's why u prefer those happy romance kind




































    Zun : yea the happy kind, so even when the public watch it they would also be happier




































    MC : last time Ella came to promot, people would compare/talk about you (Zun), please give us an explanation




































    Zun : that's normal since i played in 'hana-kimi' with her, and we are like idoles, so when people see me they would think about Ella and when they see Ella they would think about me




































    MC : at that time alot of people asked Ella if Wu Zun would have a chance (to date her)? and then Ella said, just go to ask Wu Zun! and since i'm interviewing you i ask u then^^




































    Zun : So u ask me




































    MC : right ^^




































    Zun : actually... love, like you guyz know is really hard to explain/to talk about love but we are all so busy because of our work, or target




































    MC : so.. it's hard to talk about




































    Aaron : so there no chance (hahahahaha~~)




































    Zun : because Ella's dating Aaron




































    Aaron : hahaha~~




































    Aaron : we all grown up in different areas, that's why they would have alot of different interesting results..




































    MC : talk about Wu Zun then.




































    Aaron : Wu Zun aften makes mistakes when he speaks mandarin or don't know the meaning of some words




































    Zun : because sometime i don't get what they mean, when we go on some chinese shows, they speak so fast, using some complicated words, i just don't understand what they say so i would just go "haha" fake laugh! (hahaha poor Zun! i EXACTLY know how he feels!! hahahaha)




































    Aaron : (don't get what he said! hahaha, but he's talking about Zun XP)




































    MC : So and Zun about Aaron




































    Zun : Him? i can't bear because he's always there singing waaahh~~




































    Zun : hey friends from Malaysia i hope that i would have the chance to go there to see you, hope u'll support us and our Farhenheit album ok?!




































    Aaron : hello friends from Malaysia, hope we'll have the chance to see you really soon and that u'll support our 1st album. We, Fahrenheit we'll keep on working hard, please keep on supporting us^^








































































    (credit : maysia@soompi)




































    sorry for all the mistakes, but i did my best... -_-




































    my english and chinese is not that great, but i'll try my best to do better next time^^




































    hope u enjoyed watching the show with translation!




















































































    hi ^^







































































    i guess that almost everyone already got this concert...







































































    (dont worry it's not the DVDrip version, i already ordered mine ^^)




























































































































































































































    actually this version is the same as the +1Go version (high quality)







































































    but the file is waayyyy smaller + chinese sub + it's AVI file ^^














































































































    > http://down.clubbox.co.kr/maysialee/e4s5c_7tx5c




























































































































































































































    > http://down.clubbox.co.kr/maysialee/dl06c










































































































































































































































































































































    that's all i can do before my clubbox turn silver again........







    ohoh~~ thanks for these new pics

    yea GD's new haircut makes him look even younger o.O but still really cute kekeke~~

    i'm not big fan of those kind of pic tho... lol, their poses are a bit... 'too much' lol




    Welcome mady finally u've joined us..Thanks mady for caps & yt links.didn't want to download full come to play show since gd wasn't in it that much...so many clips to catch up on need sleep..will be back with caps..


    kekeke~~ thanks Jess, here i come haha~~ u made me curious about this thread lol (the BigBang's virus is CONTAGIOUS!! lol~~)

    yea not much of GD but still :P u know that i'm a HQ freak haha~~




    haha~~ mandy, at least u made it, now i have to reach +100points to be able to keep on uploading.... dont know if i'll keep my clubbox if i cant make it......we'll see :sweatingbullets:






    here are some caps from today's Musiccore, i havn watch the whole thing yet -___-;;

    still have alot of work, but cant resist to make some caps ^^


    Brian look SO SHORT next to them o.O haha~~









    ^ dont u just love TOP's face there?! kekeke~~










    enjoy ^^


    credit : maysia@soompi.com




    haha yea~~

    i was thinking about Love Letter too, too bad, no more Love Letter, but seeing them in X-Man will be so much fun ^^



    ok i've dl then went out and forgot to upload it haha~~

    i made some caps and u really can tell that GD was sick when he shot that o__O

    heavy make and.... look at those (white) lips o___O

    (but i love his haircut tho XDDD~~ )
























    but he try to smile anyway ^^


    credit : maysia@soompi.com




    if u want the cut of this (HQ) let me know, then i'll edited the video, but will only upload into clubbox :sweatingbullets:

    (but it's bed time for me now kekeke~~)





    those who wanna watch BigBang perf on SS501 Young Street radio

    i've made some cuts and uploadED them into youtube


    Big Bang - [PERF] 070111 - SS501 YoungStreet - Big Bang > http://youtube.com/watch?v=6m1LcR2hk6Y


    Big Bang - [PERF] 070111 - SS501 YoungStreet - Dirty Cash > http://youtube.com/watch?v=7MC5kP7bKf8


    enjoy ^^


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