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  7. This drama has me hooked. I just saw the first ep from AA and I'm loving it. I love the main couple, because SYR as SG is adorable. But to me it's all about YH (Young Hee) and DK (Da Kyum). They've been together for how long, probably going into a 5+ years and they don't even know how much they look like a young married couple. Like in the first scene

    when he comes in to get the beer and she's in the kitchen making some egg pancake and he's asking where the bottle opener is....then he accidentally touches her booby....awesomeness. I really can't wait for the romantic aspect to happen. I wasn't too fond of the second ep where it looks like YH is bringing some girl in red to a dinner date...well it didn't look like DK. But I like some romantic-conflict drama building.

    And guys isn't the baby super cute?!

    OMG! I had a baby-gasm when I saw that kid. He was absolutely divine. He'd be my live baby-ruxbin. I'd be hugging and kissing him all day and never let him out of my sight. He's cuties. We need pics of that sweetheart! Great ep and I'll be participating more.

    vaberella! lol how r u?!

    yayy we're going to be watching the same drama again...maybe i should create a chat like i did for CS hehe.

    what do u guys think? chatbox or no?


    haha at the end of preview 3 SSH asked KTH:

    princess are you trying to leave korea because you want something from me?

    i think she still wants to go to egypt :P but i hate it that her sister is so evil...she is very jealous and now we have 2 evil women attacking our princess :( thank goodness we still have 2 men defending her:P hopefully SSH wont believe that evil ^woman

    ahhh this is my week:

    monday: dream high

    tuesday: dream high

    wednesday: my princess

    thursday: my princess

    friday: -----break

    saturday: secret garden

    sunday: secret garden

    oh and everyday checking the rumors and subbed episodes XD soo i have to study more in order not to fail :P are there any other people who are behaving as me :P


    i have final exams next week :/

    but im watching MP subbed right now lol.

    somehow im managing to pass all my classes with an A :)


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