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  2. ^he's probably in Koreatown!

    OMO do you think that he's in Flushing??! they do have that hotel were all the korean stars go to when they come to the states...

    who wants to go manhunting with me?!!!

    since he'll be doing a photoshoot...

    he's probably going to tourist spots...

    like bridges, central park... etc

    i swear if they do a photoshoot next to the brooklyn bridge i will shoot a random dog...

    my college is 5mins from the bridge!
































































































































































































    THERE IS A GOD!!!!!
































































    j/k j/k!!!
































































    but seriously WHOA that is one heck of a transformation~!!
































































    he prob had surgery done so... props to the surgeon!

































































  4. i guess im one of the few that liked the ending... although there are some places that can be fixed, overall the final episode was enjoyable

    people expressed that the episode was so illogical but then again...

    isn't love illogical? isn't the idea of finding a soulmate who doesn't have to be a lover but an eternal best friend illogical?

    i actually learned a lot from this drama

    the idea of hardships & obstacles that can stand in one's way to achieve a soulmate, best friends, illogical love is just...ive never really thought about it until i saw this drama...

    and to mysticalz

    an ending doesn't need to have a passionate kiss scene or a scene with a marriage ceremony or with kids running around...

    the fact that everybody are seen happy, smiling, & looking into the future together should give you the indication that yeah

    their future would be alright...

  5. ^OMG thank you soo much!!

    btw there is this New Clip on Hoonfamily that is an interview of LMH

    and it really has me worried about the ending for the drama...


    on the 3:40 mark although not subbed...

    LMH said

    "like the BOF audience, i too want a happy ending BUT they have the watch the drama first and see what happens..."

    can he get anymore ambiguous?! argh im dying here!!! the way LMH said it is making me feel sooo uneasy...

    if its an open-ended ending i will shoot my... cactus!

  6. even helen kellar would know Jihoo is in love with Jandi ! ! !

    Jandi is just dumb dumb dumb [in wedding music theme]

    LOL@ that dress, its so hideous, but i would've done the same thing. LOL!!!

    yes but hellen keller is not JanDi

    there is a big... no HUGE difference there...

    and omg the hamburger dress is still... o_O to me...

    i swear i will work/dress the actors for free if i get to meet LMH or Kim Bum!

  7. sometimes I find it hard to believe that JD doesn't realize that JH likes her. I mean yes he hasn't admitted it to her yet, but any sensible person would realize it. The large number of JH-JD scenes don't help either.. it's like how does she not see it? :mellow: The scriptwriter should've thought that through more.

    actually you'd be surprised how blind people can be

    (T_T happened to me... a guy bought me perfume from Paris and i still didn't have a clue! i was currently heavily crushing on someone else *palm face*)

    also JD is in love w. JunPyo so if you factor that in, its almost impossible for her to register in her mind that someone else could possible like her

  8. I think a lot of the censorship is down to BOF fans too.

    I mean look at this:

    10,000 netizens voted on a poll with the title "Is there too much kissing in Boys Over Flowers?" and 57% said "So what?" while 43% said "There's too much."

    credit allkpop

    And Im assuming netizens that do online voting are actually YOUNG people too. Yet a high proportion think there's too much kissing in BOF? UNBELIEVABLE.

    I think there's too much of a double standard with the official censorship. These kind of scenes ADD to the story of the drama.

    You probably get much worse on the music programmes with little girls dancing around on stage in miniskirts.

    :phew: please... American teen dramas make korean dramas look like children's play...

    seriously i want more kissing... and not just the touching-of-the-lips kind of kiss...

    realistically... if you're in love with someone wouldn't there be skinship involved???

    and now im not only talking about kissing... i want to see more hands holding etc

    to me one of the reasons why i think that the JunDi's relationship is so underdeveloped


    i feel soo perverted after i reread my post :sweatingbullets:

  9. i just wanted to put my two cents in...

    even though overall the episode was so-so

    the editing for this episode was a bit to rough for me

    BUT episode 23 is the first time i cried...

    in the previous episodes i teared up but never cried...

    my god the way junpyo looks like an empty shell. he's walking, talking eating etc. but looks as if he's missing his soul...

    minho totally stole the episode today...

  10. Indeed, JH is really prefect but not for only Jan Di but every girls, so we can see that JD is better with JH than JP. It seems that JH has no weak point in love, he is warm-heart, a calm guy, always appears in-need. But sometimes we are in love with an imprefect person to make us become perfect :rolleyes: . I think it's a point

    actually i don't think that JH is the perfect guy

    he has some major issues that he should deal with before getting into a relationship

    especially about the death of his parents, and the awkwardness between him and his grandfather...

    he always keeps to himself which i think is bad... he should learn to lean on his friends

    other than that yeah he's almost perfect~ ^_^

    but im still rooting for JP and JD!
















    NEW PIC.... for the 09-10 calendar...








    i dun understand why they didn't let them wear the white...








    they both look gorgeous!!












    more can be found here -> Clicky~









    these are the other scenes that were left out

    (some of them should've been in the movie ex: Baseball extended scene)























    im soooo mad at Catherine!!!








    they should have left reading charlie's mind scene in!!!








    it would have made the flow for that scene sooo much more better!!








    and the meadow!!








































    credit as labeled...





  13. my question is....

    should those pictures that might contradict his 'natural' looks really matter???

    i mean yeah his looks are important but his acting skills are more impressive no?

    everyone has some skeletons in their closets...

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