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Posts posted by juhee
































































































    use full credit!
































    now i'm off to take a nap~
































    <Meanwhile the Next Concept Left for the YonSeon Couple>
































    <What kind of Image Would They Show Us…>
































    MC: Ah! So Cute!
































    P: Oh you look totally cute!
































    SH: Really?
































    P: Yes!
































    SH: That’s a relief. I even have props.
































    P: When the groom comes out, I’ll explain what to do.
































    MC: Now it’s taking the groom longer
































    P: Why is the groom taking more time?
































    SH: Groom~ why are you taking so long?
































    MC: I guess they’re trying to make look cute.
































    <Finally Coming Out Yong Husband>
































    <Has Completely Changed to Child Yong!>
































    SH: Cute! Like a dog.
































    YH: You look like Sailor Moon.
































    SH: So~ funny!
































    YH: Why…
































    P: This whole idea came from the bride.
































    SH: Ha Ha HA! It looks fun, right?
































    YH: Yeah… looks fun… You’re the best, the best… Did you play the recorder well? I always got an A.
































    SH: I can play the short bamboo flute well too!
































    P: Did you ever play together before?
































    SH: No~
































    P: I Can Stop Taking Pictures
































    <The Instinct to Not Stop> (not to sure about this one)
































    P: Pretend that you guys are fighting.
































    <The Competition Between Them Rising>
































    SH: It’s as if I’m seeing your usual image.
































    P: The main issue isn’t the instrument… It’s the spicy rice cakes!
































    MC: Spicy rice cakes!
































    <Ah! If It’s About Spicy Rice Cakes…>
































    NY: Ah when they went to eat spicy rice cakes.
































    <The Couple’s First Meal Together!>
































    YH: You eat spicy rice cakes late at night~
































    SH: Huh? Thank you for the food~
































    <Late at Night Spicy Rice Cakes>
































    SH: It looks spicy! Is it really spicy?
































    P: It’s really spicy.
































    P: Try and eat it.
































    SH: Eating it before taking the pictures!
































    MC: It seems to be spicy~
































    MC: It’s spicy, it’s spicy.
































    P: You’re slowly feeding it to her.
































    <Feeding Each Other the Spicy Rice Cakes>
































    P: Slow Motion~ Ah saying it’s tasty~
































    YH: Right into the next one!
































    P: Right! Feeding each other~
































    P: The Best! The Best!
































    MC: AH Cute!
































    MC: They really look like a young couple
































    <Immediately Bringing Out the String Bags>
































    NY: Ah I used to hit everyone with those bags!
































    MC: When you were hitting I was forgetting~
































    YH: My mom packed me lunch~
































    <A Little Bit Too Realistic Acting From Child Yong>
































    YH: What grade are you in? What room are you in?
































    SH: I’m 6th year
































    YH: You’re 6th year? I’m in my 1st year…
































    <6th Year Hyun and 1st Year Yong Going to School Together…>
































    YH: Rock, Paper Scissor
































    <After Playing With Each Other, They Become More Friendly>
































    YH: You want it to be real right?
































    SH: You can’t!
































    P: At this time, you can grant her a wish and get hit instead~
































    YH: I’ll grant you a wish and I’ll get hit instead
































    SH: So I just hit him?
































    P: Yeah! So it can hurt!
































    SH: Really?
































    P: Yes so that it would really, really hurt!
































    SH: I’ll really hit you!
































    P: 1…2…3!
































    <A Sound That Can Shake the Studio!!>
































    SH: AH! I’m sorry!
































    MC: A clear wooden sound came out.
































    P: This is the final scene, where before he bought you spicy rice cakes, and even got hit for you. You’re so grateful so you give him a kiss on the cheek.
































    <A Kiss >
































    MC: RIGHT!
































    YH: I won’t grant that wish.
































    SH: No… Huh?
































    YH: Don’t do that please~
































    <When You’re Saying No You’re Lips Are Going Up>
































    P: You were just going to go to the neighborhood.
































    YH: I understand…
































    <Their Ability to Say No Is Weaker Than Before>
































    YH: I’ll pretend I don’t know. Huh… What is this?!
































    <She got her pose ready…>
































    <Uselessly Playing Around Yong>
































    YH: AH what is this!
































    SH: Look forward.
































    P: You have to at least lean toward the bride…
































    SH: I can’t go to him.
































    <Trying it Again>
































    P: Ah~ There a gap by this much~ I’ll do this in one shot~
































    SH: I just have to be near him right?
































    <This Time Is a Little Bit Closer…>
































    SH: I did it~
































    P: When did you do it? I didn’t even get to shoot yet!
































    YH: You wanted to do it twice?
































    SH: You didn’t see it?
































    P: You have to touch so I can’t take it!
































    SH: I did touch… right…
































    YH: it was just air from her nose!
































    SH: Alright, I’ll do it again… You have to take it.
































































    P: Alright. 1…2…3… Go!
































    <Will Hyun’s lips touch Yong’s Cheeks…?>
































    <Just In Time Hyun’s Lips Touched Yong’s Cheek>
































    NY: BRAVO!
































    <The >
































    MC: Ah Seohyun’s worked really hard.
































    <Finally The Difficult Wedding Photo Shoot Ends>
































    MC: But now they have a lot of good memories together.
































    MC: They look cute
































    P: You’re final courage is amazing.
































    SH: Thank you.
































    P: A courage of love~
































    MC: I’m guessing when he came back to the home he felt good. *thanks aisuo415*
































    JS: Yes I think so!!
































    YH: Thank you for the hard work Seohyun…
































    SH: Thank you for the hard work~ It was fun!
































    YH: Now we have to go to school.
































    SH: Right. Slowly, slowly I went to him a little. I guess I really did ended up giving a kiss… It’s interesting… it was my first time…
































    YH: Daring little guy~ She has her charms
































    MC: He said she has charms. If that is her charms her lips would faint…
































    <After Finishing the Wedding Photo Shoot, the Two Walk Outside>
































    SH: Ah it’s cold!
































    MC: That looks as if it was a really cold day.
































    <Using his bare hands to cold the snow>
































    SH: What are you doing?! Don’t do it!
































    <Of Course Child Yong>
































    SH: Aren’t you cold? It looks like if it’s cold~
































    YH: Ah it’s tiring~
































    SH: Thank you for your hard work.
































    YH: You did really well. I don’t think I’ll be able to see or pick a dress or tuxedo anymore.
































    SH: Really?
































    YH: Yes, it was really hard.
































    SH: This doesn’t seem like anything regular work.
































    YH: Starting from the morning to now.
































    SH: Right…
































    YH: I was hard but it was fun
































    SH: I never wore a proper dress
































    MC: It must be cold since they can’t open their mouths.
































    YH: But you really fit the dress well.
































    SH: Really? Ah~ It’s Cold.
































    MC: She keeps saying she’s cold.
































    MC: At this time you have to hug her.
































    SH: Why don’t you go around with a scarf?
































    YH: You should wear one too.
































    SH: I wear my a lot
































    <Worrying About His Neck in the Cold Couple??>
































    SH: I usual wear one but today I couldn’t.
































    YH: I have a scarf!
































    SH: Ah~ Besides that.
































    YH: Ah~ It’s stuffy. When it’s colder I’ll wear one.
































    SH: If you want to keep safe your voice, you should keep it warm and…
































    YH: Miss Seo Ju Hyun
































    SH: Listen to me.
































    <Child Yong is Not Listening to Mom Hyun>
































    YH: Alright~
































    SH: You should always wear it.
































    YH: I do…
































    SH: Child! Child Yong~
































    YH: You’re like a webfoot octopus.
































    SH: What?
































    YH: I’ll make a shop selling webfoot octopus!
































    SH: Ah~ I’m really cold.
































    YH: What…what… what is it that you want?
































    SH: No it’s not like…
































    YH: Do you Want me to Hug You or What?
































    < Do you Want me to Hug You or What?>
































    YH: Why do you beat around the bush all the time?
































    MC: Of course she wants a hug!
































    SH: You will be moved…
































    YH: Why?
































    SH: I don’t know…
































    YH: You keep saying you’re cold, you’re cold.
































    SH: That’s because I’m really cold…
































    YH: Don’t make me laugh~
































    SH: Ah seriously what is up with this person?
































    YH: What is it? What do you want?
































    SH: You webfoot octopus!
































    YH: I was waiting for a while, since you kept saying it’s cold, it’s cold.
































    <Something that Caught Yong Husband’s Attention>
































    SH: Ah~ Seriously what are you thinking about?
































    YH: You’re wondering what I’m thinking?
































































    <Certainly SkinShip from Yong~>
































    YH: Don’t pretend you didn’t like it. I can see everything from your eyes.
































    SH: I really because you I think I’ll catch asthma.
































    MC: Why?
































    YH: Cough?
































    SH: Yes.
































    YH: Why do from me would you catch a cough?
































    SH: Because I…
































    YH: Ah~ hurry up hurry up. Don’t turn it around and just tell me out straight. That you worked hard on the handmade scarf.
































    SH: Huh?
































    YH: You handmade a scarf.
































    SH: Why suddenly a scarf?
































    YH: I’m right, right?
































    SH: No~
































    YH: Gloves? Mask?
































    SH: Forget it, let’s just go.
































    YH: Hurry up and tell me.
































    SH: It’s my punishment… Hold my bag…
































    YH: Ah there something in here then…
































    SH: No. Hold it on this side…
































    YH: I don’t want to~
































    <The Fun from Wife Hyun is Slowly Going Away~>
































    YH: Stop hiding it and tell me!
































    SH: AH! So child-like!
































    YH: Why do you keep turning it around? You really think I wouldn’t know?
































    SH: It’s cold!
































    YH: Who else in the world would know your suffering! Alright I’ll hold it here… See I put it here~
































    SH: Thank you. What are you doing?
































    YH: You really can be arrogant?
































    SH: Fine
































    YH: What is it? What if I’m not moved by it?
































































    YH: I’ll first act if I’m moved.
































    <The Last Jokes by Child-Like Yong>
































    YH: Alright, alright!
































    SH: Forget it!
































    YH: I’m playing around.
































    SH: I really worked hard on making this…
































    YH: What is it?
































    SH: Tada!
































    <Surprise Present of a Scarf>
































    YH: It’s a scarf~
































    <Child-LikeYong Who Really Guessed Correctly>
































    SH: You have no idea how I knitted it!
































    <Stitch by Stitch Knitted Scarf!>
































    MC: If it’s stitch by stitch of course you’ll be moved by it
































    MC: The Italian craftsman(?) knitted it stitch by stitch…
































    YH: Ah Yongseo~
































    <On the Scarf Initials Y.S by Wife>
































    MC: She even put their initials.
































    YH: I’m really grateful.
































    SH: I’ll put it on for you.
































    MC: He seems happy about it but at the same time a bit sorry.
































    MC: You’re right, you’re right.
































    <Revenge >
































    YH: I think I’ll die from the heat.
































    SH: I really made it from scratch
































    MC: It’s the only one in the world!
































    YH: Thank you~
































    SH: I don’t think I have any sense when it comes to this. I really wanted to pretend that I didn’t know. I was really thankful for him. He did a lot for me. I wanted to thank him for doing so much for me.
































    YH: I felt sorry. Maybe I should have pretended that I didn’t know. Because of the knitted scarf I really feel that… it’s warmer than any other cashmere. Yes I’ll wear it around every day.
































    YH: What?
































    SH: It suits you well.
































    YH: It suits me well? Because it’s covering my mouth?
































    SH: Yes!
































    YH: Seohyun~ again you worked so hard~ Aigoo~
































    SH: Ah seriously what am I going to do?
































    YH: Aigoo our Seohyun worked so hard.
































    SH: Not I did not… Show it off a lot.
































    YH: Alright.
































    SH: Remember to wear it.
































    <As Big As Wife Hyun’s Heart… He Makes a Promise to Wear the Scarf>















































































































































    This is the first part of the translation~































































    The rest would be up soon~
































    Remember to take out using full credit~















































































    edit~ oh i topped a page!! WHOOT!
































    Day of Yongseo Couple Wedding Photo Shoot
































    SH: Is it alright?
































    YH: I decided.
































    SH: Really?
































    <Picking out both their clothes>
































    SH: This one? Stand over there.
































    <Although it’s an awkward dress and tuxedo>
































    SH: why do you keep coming out?
































    YH: It’s embarrassing standing here!
































    SH: 1…2…
































    <Nervous and Fun First Wedding Photo Shoot>
































    SH: Pose!
































    <Waiting After He Put His Clothes First>
































    MC: Pretty~
































































    NY: Hello!
































    <Seulong & NahYong Surprise Visit>
































    CNBlue: Hello.
































    NY: For a top star their quick with their pace to greet us.
































    <To Cheer for the Bride and Groom?>
































    YH: Thank you.
































    SL: You look so cool Yonghwa!
































    NY: You look like a cool groom. You look so cool!
































    JH: Wow, Hyung is this pizza?
































    SL: Yeah~
































    <Having >
































    SL: Is SeoHyun inside?
































    YH: Yes. She’s getting ready.
































    JH: Thank you for the food!
































    SL: You guess must look so cool together!
































    SL&NY: Oh Hello!
































    MC: His mouth is hanging wide open. So pretty!
































    MC: Really, isn’t SeoHyun pretty?
































    NY: Oh so pretty!
































    SH: Somehow you came.
































    NY: Wherever I go I’m usually a welcomed face. But here…
































    SL: You guys match each other well.
































    SH: Thank you.
































    <Really well match Couple>
































































    SH: Seriously, I mean it.
































    NY: But when you guys are taking the pictures together the size of your height is important. I guess the groom has to take a step up.
































    <I Guess the Groom Has to Take a Step Up>
































    YH: Just hurry up and go!
































    Everyone: Thank you for the food!
































    NY: Where you guys not able to sleep last night? Friends have told me that it’s hard to sleep before the wedding shoot.
































    <Not Able to Sleep Before the Wedding Photo Shoot>
































    <Truthfully Hyun was in a Deep Sleep>
































    SL: For example, you don’t eat because you think you’ll gain weight.
































    YH: Something like that.
































    SL: YongHwa you really have a catch.
































    NY: Right, how long has it been now?
































    SL: It should be more than 200days.
































    SH: Us?
































    YH: More than a year
































    <Already More Than 1 Year>
































    SH: It should be more than a year.
































    NY: If it’s pass a year…
































    SL: They should be ready to kiss.
































    <Ready to Kiss>
































    SH: Huh?! Why always this…
































    <Eventually They Would Go to This Topic?!>
































    NY: And also it’s usually on the wedding shoot that they kiss.
































    SH: That’s what I meant!
































    NY: Kwon with Gain
































    <The Bride and Groom Have No Words>
































    NY: In Bali… or Guam…They did it on their wedding shoot. You did at least prepare yourselves right? Why are you so serious?!
































    MC: So I’m guessing he did think about it!
































    <Without Knowing He Overreacted>
































    MC: He’s turning red!
































    NY: But for SeoHyun, isn’t it your first kiss? (Really meant for first kiss in her lifetime)
































    SH: Yes??
































    YH: We can’t~
































    SH: It’s not!
































    NY: It’s not?
































    JS: It’s YongHwa’s first kiss as well (in his life)
































    SL: You too??
































    NY: It’s your first kiss?
































    YH: HUH??
































    <Everyone With >
































    YH: Drink your Cola.
































    SL: We’re not trying to pressure you guy but still if you can do it today, it’ll be great~
































    NY: Yeah, it would be great if you can do it today.
































    SL: We’re really not trying to pressure you! You don’t have to show us this side to us now.
































    <Is Does He Mean What He’s Saying or Not>
































    <Now It’s Time For the Couple to Take Their Photos>
































    SL: After you eat do you have to take your photos?
































    YH: Yes.
































    NY: Why won’t you use some mouthwash? (clean your breath)
































    SH: Huh?
































    SL: You should use mouthwash since you just ate. You’re not going to?
































    YH: What is your true goal?
































    <The People Who Need to See Their Kiss>
































    NY: I always use mouthwash after I eat.
































    SH: Really?
































    NY: I’m always prepared for it.
































    MC: Just if they do have a kiss scene it’ll be SeoHyun’s first kiss, ever.
































    MC: You’re saying her first kiss?
































    MC: Yes her lips are pure.
































    MC: Pure lips?!
































    <The People in the Back have a Strong Wish for These Two to Kiss>
































    <A Group Shot>
































    NY: It looks as if I’m the only one having fun~
































    <Real or Fake Laugh?>
































    MC: Friends are meant to do that
































    <A Harmonious Group Photo>
































    NY: They came out great~
































    SL: NahYoung unnie, are you pregnant?
































    <I want to get married too!>
































    Photographer will be P
































    P: From now on it’s only going to be the two.
































    <Explaining the next scene>
































    P: Having them back to back, Yonghwa will serenade her with his guitar while she goes “oh Yonghwa oppa you’re so cool”
































    <Next Motif is the Guitar!>
































    SL: How about, there are some shots where they can kiss.
































    MC: Right! Nice!
































    SL: Or something with a similar feel?
































    P: That’s what I was going to do right after. I’ll be on the ceiling shooting down
































    <Already Prepared Kiss Scene?!>
































    NY: We leave them in your care.
































    P: It’ll be right after~
































    SH: What?
































    YH: You can slow while taking the pictures.
































    <So Does This Is the Confirmation for a Kiss Scene?>
































    <Photo Shoot Starting Again>
































    YH: You look as if you’re riding on a cloud.
































    SH: Really?
































    YH: Yeah.
































    MC: NahYoung what are you doing?
































    SH: Return safety!
































































    MC: What did she shout?
































    MC: That she’s pretty.
































    P: Now give YongHwa his guitar.
































    <First with the Guitar Scene>
































    MC: It’s already been a year
































    YH: Now C
































    <The Way for the Couple to Find a Connection Was the Guitar>
































    YH: G. If you keep going at it, you can be a guitar genius.
































    SH: Really?!
































    <The Reason for the YongSeo Couple’s Together is the Guitar>
































    P: Right toward Seohyun, you have to give me a smile~
































    MC: She was a girl, now she’s looks like a woman.
































    <Time to Take Pictures of the Ring>
































    <The Couple Ring they Share From Their KangWanDo Fishing Trip>
































    MC: Ah their memories from their fishing trip.
































    SH: I have something to give you. Push open the bottom.
































    YH: Oh what is this?! Are you sure it’s the right size?
































    <To Have their Couple Ring Memory Now >
































    SH: Please don’t do that~
































    <Following to Hyun’s Facial Expression>
































    SH: Ah ~ Seriously!
































    YH: Why?
































    MC: It’s so pretty~
































    MC: She really looks like a princess.
































    P: After a 5 minute break we’ll go right back in.
































    YH & SH: Yes!
































    <By Any Chance the Next Scene is…!>
































    YH: Seo Ju Hyun~
































    SH: Yeah~
































    YH: Is it hard?
































    SH: No!
































    YH: It’s fun, no?
































    SH: Yes.
































    P: Just sit there, because I’ll be going up there.
































    YH: How will you be going up there?
































    P: By a ladder! You guys are going to lay down next to each other. The scene is that the oppa is reading a book to her.
































    <While Laying Down the Groom will be Reading to the Bride>
































    P: After reading the book, we see that the bride has fallen asleep. That is your chance.
































    MC: AH, is it finally the kiss scene?!
































    P: Slowly, slowly go to her and kiss her slightly on the forehead.
































    <This is the Forehead Kiss?>
































    SH: Huh? Seriously?
































    YH: You really want this…
































    MC: AH, it’s been a while that I got a forehead kiss!
































    P: Now, staff please get ready!
































    <In Agony, Yong Husband?!>
































    MC: It’s him laughing.
































    <Already the Photographer is Going Up>
































    P: Alright, get ready~
































    YH: You have already arrived up there?
































    MC: YongHwa should have been nervous as well.
































    YH: We shouldn’t have brought Seulong.
































    MC: For us, we’re grateful for Seulong.
































    P: Naturally you can move your hand.
































    YH: Huh?
































    Staff: You can get closer.
































    P: Now we’re starting with you reading the book.
































    YH: Ah it’s in English.
































    MC: It looks like they gave him an original English book.
































    YH: I can’t do it. I …. And will have~ (in a heavy accent)
































    P: Ah it’s in English, sorry~ This time have the groom slightly lowered down next to her.
































    <The Couple Comes a Little Bit Closer >
































    NY: So Pretty~
































    MC: The feel is great!
































    SH: How should be do this?
































    YH: Obviously…
































    <Starting the Photo Shoot>
































    P: Since you keep reading in English, the bride falls asleep.
































    <Hearing This the Bride Falls Asleep>
































    P: Now, seeing that she’s fallen asleep. Slowly and slightly on the bride’s forehead…
































    <Forehead Kiss>
































    SH: I have to be asleep?
































    P: Or you have your eyes open…
































    SH: No… No… that’s alright.
































    P: Naturally close your eyes.
































    SH: Yes.
































    P: With a feel of a smile.
































    <Finally the Bride Has Fallen Asleep.>
































    MC: This should be hard for Seohyun.
































    JS: It’s only the beginning that’s the hardest, then they should get used to it.
































    MC: Right the beginning should only be hard.
































    NY: Ah, that’s so old fashioned.
































    P: Alright now this time lower the book a little.
































































    P: I can’t tell who you guys are from the pictures. The groom should have courage.
































    <Conflicted Yong Husband>
































    YH: Really, do it?
































    SH: Don’t you just have to get close.
































    YH: SeoHyun should I really do it?
































    SH: HUH?
































    YH: You decide.
































    <Scared Hyun is left to Decide>
































    YH: Should I or Not? Yeah~
































    SH: Yes…
































    YH: Should I or not?
































    MC: She said to do it.
































































    P: Alright~
































    <The Seriously Careful Yong Husband>
































    YH: You really have to do it in one shot!
































    P: Slowly just go ahead. Okay… now… the book… what is the book?
































    <Slowly… Slowly…>
































    <This Time…>
































    P: You’re not trying to smell her hair right?
































    YH: Why did you put so much hairspray?
































    SH: I don’t know!
































    P: This will be the final and only shot.
































    <This Time…>
































    P: More… a little bit more!
































    YH: Thank you for the hard work(?)
































    SH: Thank you for the hard work.
































    YH: Seohyun, I’m sorry.
































    P: From there I’ll take a shot of you looking up.
































    <And That is How They Completed Their First Kiss>
































    SH: Just… as it is… that… if he came slowly it would be fine.
































    YH: I just thought a lot if I should do it or not. Because It’s Seohyun’s first I thought I needed it to be respectful. Seeing her like that was cute. Always having her eyes shut… pretending like she’s sleeping. Even when I was close to her forehead it felt as if it was far away…
































    <After the Hard to Shoot Forehead Kiss…>
































    <Yong Waiting For Hyun>
































    MC: For him to see her from the side would be pretty~
































    <Just Seeing Her Makes Him Smile>
































    MC: Because of the kiss they should feel closer.
































    <The Guitar Making an Appearance with Yong Husband>
































    YH: Seo Ju Hyun… hurry up and come out.
































    SH: Please wait~
































    YH: The photographer is waiting as well~
































    <This Time Wearing a Mini Dress!>
































    YH: Oh~ Miss Seo Ju Hyun. Pink lady~
































    SH: The pink ribbon is cute!
































    YH: You thought it wouldn’t be?
































    SH: I have to think whether to compliment you or not. Ah sweet potatoes!
































    <This Concept Is…?>
































    <The Concept of Sweet Potatoes >
































    MC: Ah you can’t forget the sweet potatoes.
































    SH: If we grew sweet potatoes like how great would that have been.
































    YH: Seriously…
































    <At Their First Meeting Together: Sweet Potatoes>
































    SH: Do you like sweet potatoes?
































    YH: What did you say?
































    SH: I really love sweet potatoes.
































    YH: From now on I’ll forever love sweet potatoes.
































































































    SH: Come~ OUT~
































    YH: The sweet potatoes won’t even come out~
































    SH: We messed it up!
































    P: We’ve completely filled it with sweet potatoes. So the feel is to pleasantly go back to the hostel.
































    YH: Is this a repayment from last time?
































    MC: But the radish-like sweet potatoes were delicious.
































    <Beginning the Shoot with the Sweet Potatoes>
































    MC: We did receive and ate it well.
































    <A little bit of drastic skin ship(?)>
































    P: Now this is really like a wedding. Just lean everything onto the oppa. Don’t worry. Hold onto her waist…
































    MC: Like this~
































    YH: Like this?!
































    <Tough Yong!>
































    MC: Ah~ still the hand is awkward!
































    <Hand is awkward>
































    <But Their Facial Expression Seem Real!>
































    P: More softer.
































    MC: At this point the girl would be holding their breath.
































    MC: Do you even know how much strength we put into our stomach? Your internal organ feel as if they would come out.
































    SH: This is alright, right?
































    YH: Your bad posture is coming out~
































    P: This is the final pose by you lifting her up.
































    <Lifting Up the Bride>
































    YH: You want me to life SeoHyun up?
































    SH: I don’t think he will be able to.
































    YH: I’ll lift her up and…
































    SH: Throw me?!
































    P: Ah you have to trust the groom.
































    <Fully Determined>
































    SH: I understand!
































    <His Expression is Like a Stone!>
































    P: Right like that! Be happy!















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    currently both M3 & dduk are sick with the flu~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so I will be taking over today when the episode comes out~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so have a bit of extra patience while I try my best to quickly and accurately translate for you wonderful gogumas~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    dduk is currently sick with the flu so i'll translate it for you~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Because of your angel-like smile
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wondered what it would be like if you became my love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just imagining it makes me happy~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I imagine (think) about you everyday~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Be my love, i love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Have courage, i will try to confess oh~ oh~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hi you fellow gogumas!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the episode was AMAZING on so many levels!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and i love Yong being all cheesy~ it's endearing and hilarious!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    also the additional support from JungShin & JungHyun was really sweet~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sorry for the caps i just seriously can't contain my excitement for next weeks!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they look so awkwardly ADORABLE!!! it sucks i can't scream out since it's 4:43AM here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg omg omg omg omg this is me right now!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ugh i'm sorry this one is so late...































































    its already 1pm here and i haven't slept yet~































































    this is the last part of the translation~














































































































    if there is anything wrong with it... please pm me~































































    im a bit delirious from the lack of sleep~ i seriously don't know how dduk and M3 does this?!































































    if not IM OFF TO SLEEP~ NIGHT YOU GUYS im taking a nap!
































    <Quickly grabs his wife’s hand while explaining>
































    YH: Straighten your waist. This is called an edge.
































    SH: What is?
































    YH: Look. This is an edge.
































    <Board’s edge>
































    SH: Are you saying that the board is the edge?
































    YH: Right, then using both legs give it equal strength…
































    SH: No~!!!
































    <During this important time>
































    <The board is slipping down by itself>
































    MC: Oh, she’s going down, she’s going down!
































    SH: No! Save me!
































    MC: Doesn’t have to hold her?
































    YH: Look forward! Look forward! This way, this way!
































































    MC: She has to stop! She has to stop!
































    MC: She’s doing great!
































































    YH: Alright, you’re doing well!
































    SH: Wait…! What am I suppose to do??
































    YH: You’re doing well, you’re doing well. Just hold on and come down.
































    SH: We’re going down now?
































    YH: Yes we’re going down. Ok.
































    SH: We’re going down?!
































    YH: If you just open up… you shouldn’t open up.
































    <Yong teacher calmly explains>
































    YH: If you keep yourself open you’ll definitely fall.
































    SH: Where? Where, are you not supposed to open, your legs?
































    YH: Your thighs but straighten your hips
































    SH: Okay…
































    <Following Yong teacher’s instructions…>
































    YH: Alright we’re going. Pretend you’re walking on the edge.
































    <Slowly she’s going down>
































    SH: Like this, this is how you stop right?
































    YH: Ok! But you can’t just suddenly stop. Naturally… O~K!!
































    SH: I can do it!
































    MC: He’s teaching her properly.
































    YH: Look forward, look forward, look forward!
































    <Interested Beginner student>
































    <Now letting go of the hands!>
































    MC: Wow her posture is good! He’s teaching her well.
































    MC: Surely the man should know how to ride well to teach.
































    YH: Follow me to where I’ll be.
































    SH: I understand.
































    YH: Understood?
































    SH: But I can come down in a straight line right?
































    YH: Just straight, slowly.
































    <This time leaving the child to come down herself.>
































    MC: He’s going down by himself.
































    YH: Up to here!
































    MC: Ah still that looks scary.
































    SH: Slowly~?
































    <Sure enough, can she make it down by herself?>
































    <slowly, slowly, slowly>
































    MC: But apparently that’s how you learn the edge.
































    SH: bending down…No! I becomes likes this!
































    <Again the slippery board does what it wants>
































    MC: Ah! That’s fast, its fast, its fast!
































    SH: SAVE ME~!!
































    MC: Stop! Stop! Stop!
































    YH: Brake Brake! Ok!
































    SH: Beginner specialist of downhill slopes.
































    YH: You doing great!
































    <In the confusion she managed to get the brake…!>
































    YH: You’re doing great, you’re doing great, you’re doing great!!!
































    <A gradual miracle?>
































    SH: Like this?!
































    YH: More, turn your body more. Not like this but like this.
































    <Yong the the meticulous teacher>
































    YH: Only this.
































    SH: Like this?
































    YH: Ok. You’re doing great. Your body is leaning too far. Your knees, your knees!
































    SH: My knees?!
































































    YH: Yes you have to learn from falling. Again!
































    <Yong coach doesn’t give out breaks~>
































    YH: How do you get up again?
































    SH: Like this.
































    YH: Push up your butt.
































    SH: Push.
































    YH: Ok and grab (the board) Push yourself up… ok!
































    SH: I did it!
































    MC: He’s really like a ski teacher.
































    YH: Don’t come here by stopping suddenly.
































    SH: It won’t go down!
































    YH: Smoothly, come down, smoothly.
































    MC: It sound like the army.
































    SH: I want to go the correct was too!
































    MC: Why can’t move forward?
































    YH: Ok! You shouldn’t do that because there is a 100%you’ll fall down.
































    <Again the board is starting to move >
































    YH: Again Again!
































    SH: No!
































    YH: Don’t purposefully get it wrong!
































    SH: No, it just happens…
































    YH: Alright~
































    MC: Right now he wants to go the highest slope and show of…
































    MC: It must be frustrating…
































    <Hyun taking her time using the slowly coming down the slope method.>
































    MC: Ah, but they look nice together~
































    <Right away Yong teacher switches directions.>
































    YH: Right,
































    <Hyun&Yong’s young fans>