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    Also, thanks for all the translations that was provided. 
































    Welcome Jenny1987,


























    Things are a little crazy around here at the moment.:sweatingbullets:


























    I enjoyed this episode and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.:D
































    The scene where Lawyer Park holds JS's hand for too long is not so bad but he caresses it!  I think I would be a bit unnerved by that.


























    I have to agree that the kiss was pretty hot but it didn't end very well.  It didn't look like EY was really into it.  It did look like a good-bye or an ending.


























    As for the link not working, I was watching another link which quit just as the show started so I went back to forums for the new link and was able to get right back on where JW & JS were behind the gutter.  It didn't buffer again so I bookmarked it this time.  I also have to say that I started using Maxthon II instead of IE; programs seemed to think it's IE but it seems to work better and it has extensions that I like.  I like to skin my browsers for one and it offers split screen which can be pretty handy.  I can watch "Coffee House" and read the forums at the same time. :D
































    I wish that people would not get caught up in the age gap because in the long run it's not important here.  My husband was 18 years older than me and we were happily married for 20 years.  People even thought I looked younger than my age.<_<  I think attitude is more important as you can see where JS has acted more immature than SY or EY.  He runs off from his obligations and leaves others to deal with the chaos that he behind.  And the oldest among them is JW; he will not take responsibility for his actions and tries to put the blame on EY for his shortcomings.  I think the women in this drama show much more maturity than the males.
































    Did anyone know that Park Jae-jeong's (Kim Dong Wook) birthday is on the 24 of this month? He was born in 1980 so he will be 30. I was interested to know if he had already served his military service and I guess he did though I didn't find anything, just that I know Korean males are suppose to start before they are 30. And I also saw where he graduated from Dongguk University in Feb along with Choi Jeong-won of "Wish Upon a Star".


























    He played in "I Am Sam" and I thought at the time he was very good looking but he didn't have a very big part. That appears to be when he was just beginning to play in dramas. I've really enjoyed his character in "Coffee House" and hope that he continues to get more screen time.
































    Isn't it interesting that JS is so observant while watching others but can't tell that SY has a growing attraction to him? 


























    I do hope that Park Jae Jung (DW) will end up as a leading man one day in a future drama.
































    In "Witch Amusement" it seemed that it took forever for the true couple to get together. Chae Moo Ryong even kept pushing other guys at Ma Yoo Hee so that she would fall in love and it ends up that she falls in love with him even though he was in a long-time relationship, and about to get married.


























    Too bad this forum doesn't allow for polls like some others do then we be able to try and get a better idea of the shippers here.


























    I vote for a second season where EY finds a different love match, maybe DW can start his own Coffee Shop to rival her's and they can fall in love.
































    I guess I'm a SY/JS shipper though I tried not to be I can't help myself. There's just something about their dynamics that appeals to me.


























    Don't forget that SY's father said that he didn't like JS and he hardly approved of DW which would seem like a good indicator that it won't go DW's directions. I think that SY will decide that she loves him too much and wants him to be happy so she sets them before she disappears with her senior's support.


























    At least that's kind of what I got from the MV where she found the photo of EY/JS but she then smiled at the end because she thought at least he would be happy.
































    I think the writers are very clever, stringing us along giving hope first to one group and then to the other. I'm just trying not to get too invested into one ship only to be disappointed. Some things that don't appear quite right is when JS jumped out of the taxi in Episode 2 when JW was taking EY to dinner. I've read thousands of romances and that is not how the main guy acts. He would stay just to look out for the woman even if he didn't understand why he did so. I guess he could be in denial and go against his true feelings but he didn't appear to look that way when he got away from them. Also EY is not only mean to SY but to her other employees when she flicked the coffee grounds in their faces in Episode 5; to me that didn't seem to serve any purpose except to show she is kind of mean-spirited.



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