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    being approve. Overall this series has great cinematography to make it feel like it's not just your ordinary k-drama.

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    oh no why is this on the second page D;










    well I heard a rumor going around that










    Yoseob will rap for G.NA on mubank idk if that's










    true but if it is oh man I so want to see seobie










    rap I never heard him rap before it was mostly










    Doojoon & Junhyung






    did anyone share this yet?




    Beast & dj Koo practicing imma be by black eyed peas for Kim Jung Eun's Chocolate HERE.


    Cr: koo yt ch. & bulgogi88 @ CY thread






    ohhh thank you thank you I was hoping


    someone will help me find this video cause


    I saw a gif from this earlier and I wonder where


    I can watch it from thanks to you ^^



    1. My list of favorite BEAST members is: Kikwang,Yoseob,Junhyung,Doojoon,Hyunseung,Dongwoon


    2. The body parts of the BEAST member that I like the most are: their arms keke




    3. The 5 songs of BEAST I love the most are: TCOMG, Shock, Special, Osais & Beast is the B2ST (intro)


    4. The best BEAST couple is: KiSeob & Junseob




    5. The saddest BEAST moment is: when hyunseung's vocals were ill D;


    6. The BEAST member who kiss the best is: Doojoon <3




    7. The happiest BEAST moment is: When they won the rookie award >_>" (yeah I was naive back then)


    9. My favorite photo of BEAST is: woah I have alot but ummmm

    I'll get back at you aha




    10. The craziest BEAST member is: YoSeob




    11. The most romantic BEAST member is: Kikwang or Doojoon




    12. The shyest BEAST member is: Hyunseung




    13. The most outgoing BEAST member is: Yoseob




    14. The BEAST member with the most sexy lips is: Kikwang




    15. The BEAST member with the greatest body is: Kikwang




    16. The BEAST member who will get married first is: Dongwoon




    17. The BEAST member who will get married last is: Kikwang




    18. The BEAST member with the worst habits is: probably Dongwoon aha




    19. I think BEAST is the best Kpop group because: their talented...have potential and they go all

    out show them what they got aha



    I'm like in love with this group they sing so good I mean really good


    I love Jaewon so much he's husky voice is to die for ^^






    I really hope they succeed throughout the year cause I want to see


    them on variety shows & more mvs from them :D




    Hwaiting Code V <333





    hii people..


    even if junhyung is not your bias..


    you have to see this....






    is just perfect..... OMGGGG




    credit as tagged






    omg omg omg omg omg omg








    oh wow that is hawt why is junhyung teasing me


    aghhhhhhhhhhhh xP



    wow can't believe it's goodbye stage already


    cause last week they started promoting Special D:




    wahhhh I don't want to say goodbye to the boys T____T




    too soon now...but I'm gonna wait for their BIG COMEBACK!!!!


    and hopefully they will be sweeping off the charts and get more


    awards next time ^^









    Hyunseung: actually I like his hair now for Special promotions he should


    keep it that way




    Dongwoon: I like his hair from Bad Girl days




    Yoseob: aha even though I wasn't to fond with the blonde I like it even the Shock






    Doojoon: he has all sorts of good hairstyles I can't choose >.<




    Junhyung: I like the Shock hairstyle the most




    Kikwang: keke my bias I say ALL aha but no really I like every each of his hairstyle from


    Dancing Shoes til Now






    ummm have these videos been posted up yet??





    aha I just love it when they re-introduce themselves over & over again when another member comes







    omg the dance is so cute ^^



    1.Are you a dongseng, nuna, hyung or same age fan?


    well you can say same age fan to some and a dongseng doojoon,junhyung I believe




    2. How long have you been in the fandom?


    keke well almost 3 months




    3.Where are you from?






    4. What ethnicity are you?






    5. How did you get into BEAST?


    At first I didn't like Bad Girl so I didn't really pay attention but when


    they made their comeback with Shock I got into them quickly ^^

















































































































































    just got back home from the HB. it was a blast.















































    saw a lot of them and they were really nice.































































    the leader always had a smile on his face ( :































































    yoseob was really cute in person and i was lucky enough to get an autograph from him : ]































































    err...OH! and dongwoon was looking like a superstar! XD































































    aj, he was the best. very shy guy *O*































































    when i asked him "aj can you make a heart with me?" he didn't get what i meant until i made half a heart then we figured and say "ne ne" heehee <3































































    &&he was very nice when my friend