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Posts posted by LuCky_Se7eN
































































































































































































































    if you don't want it, i'll take it off your hands!!!
































































































































































    I have a Bold 9700 and I reaaaaally don't
































































































































































    want it -____- Lol. Prob the worst
































































































































































    phone I've had, but to make it worse,
































































































































































    I'm with AT&T so they all weird applications on my phonee.































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my boyfriend lives a a few minutes from me, and he's always driving and I felt bad
































































































































































    i said: I'll just meet you there
































































































































































    he said : you don't want me to pick you up? Don't you want to ride with me!?
































































































































































    i said: It's a waste of gas, you're going to be backtracking
































































































































































    he said : it's never a waste, you are worth it
































































































































































    I like hearing you are worth it<3
































































































































































































































































    I don't mind, as long as the last girl he slept with isn't a girl I personally don't like, which my boyfriend did, so...yikes =\. but look at this way, he's more experience? :)
































































































































































































































































    when girls easily speak about big issues in their life so carelessly to random people to get sympathy
































































































































































    i.e yeah, i tried to commit suicide once and .....
































































































































































































































































    i need help with painting my room and was looking for someone to help
































































































































































    me:...trying to find someone to help me paint my room
































































































































































    him: I will help you!
































































































































































    me" relaly!?
































































































































































    him:Wait, boys aren't allowed in your house
































































































































































    me:Oh please, i'll sneak you in and you'd be in my room, nobody will even know!
































































































































































    him: NO! We'll get caught and i don't want to dishonor your father!
































































































































































    me: Its not like you're gonna meet him more than once
































































































































































    him: I will if we get married.
































































































































































    it was weird but sweet at the same time (:
































































































































































































































































    my friend did this:
































































































































































    they were at this chinese restaurant and the meal is ending so there are fortune cookies
































































































































































    He had asked the chef to come out and go to the table they were at before opening the cookies
































































































































































    the chef says: I made these fortune cookies, and I placed a fortunate inside each, in all my heart to believe it will come true"
































































































































































    and then he leaves. She was like wtf. She opened her cookie and it was a regular fortune, typical stuff.
































































































































































    He opens his fortune cookie and drops his jaw. she asks "what does your say?!"
































































































































































    he puts it in his pocket and says "It says that my next girlfriend is going to be wearing a purple dress, sitting across from me at a chinese restaurant".
































































































































































    she shakes her head like no no no, that's ridiculous.
































































































































































    and he says "you heard what that chef said, he picked this fortunate with all his heart...i dont' want him to become a liar!"
































































































































































    she laughed and said yes.
































































































































































































































































    one of my friends, we were at this really strict no getting close-when-dancing policy and he screams out in the auditorium, front of everyone when he found this out "BUT I LOVE FREAKING!"
































































































































































    One guy i liked asked me on Easter Morning "Are you going to capture and enslave rabbits on this fine morning for your own pleasure?"
































































































































































    i was like wtf dude. but he's cute so it didn't matter
































































































































































    One guy on the light rail, turned around and leaned in closer to me and said "I really want to have some afternoon tea with your mom."
































































































































































    \and he had a british accent so it cracked me up
































































































































































    we were learning about qutam physics and in the middle of lecture, my guy friend puts his elbows on the table and head in hands, sighing dreamily "If a girl was in a bikini smoking some bud, upside down on a motorcycle, i'd pop one with no hesitation"
































































































































































    we have physics class at 7 in the morning.
































































































































































































































































    happiest: i got so much of those. one when we were at prom together
































































































































































    , sitting in the party bus and he wrapped his arms around me and held my hand
































































































































































    and he spoke so softly, like our own secret conversation, it was...kind of magical really
































































































































































    saddest: got a lot of those too. we sort of stop talking
































































































































































    because he found out something about me and i found out
































































































































































    something about him that just doesn't mix.
































































































































































    clean vs. dirty.
































































































































































































































































    kay...so i had a dream about you dying and then woke up in tears...
































































































































































    then i felt sick and stayed in bed all day, well most of the day.
































































































































































    remember when i had to get up early for school, and you didn't want to go
































































































































































    but texted me good morning? and that you were still laying in bed
































































































































































    and even though i was changed i laid in bed too.
































































































































































    and you sweetly said i wish you'd stay in bed and talk to me all morning
































































































































































    than have to go to school. and i said that i wish i could too.
































































































































































    i remember, and then you made me
































































































































































    promise you that i would eat breakfast. but i said i'd rather get ready
































































































































































    and you said there's no need to get ready cause i'm pretty as it is
































































































































































    and i said no worries, if you aren't coming to school,
































































































































































    there's nobody to get ready for.
































































































































































    remember? i do, so vividly, it's like imprinted.
































































































































































    well, i dreamt of you dying and woke up in tears, and waited for your good morning text.
































































































































































    it never came. of course i know you aren't dead, but perhaps
































































































































































    in my heart that's how it should be after everything you put me through.
































































































































































    i guess that's how it should be. Realization.
































































































































































    Something I was lacking since you've blinded me with words, but now i have it
































































































































































    and now I'm begging it didn't exist.












































    "You really are, and it makes me want to kiss you all the time (:"




    We were both contemplating if we should kiss each other on this date




    but i thought I would make it awkward and he thought i didn't want to




    but we both really did. hahah miscommunication blows. so he just decided:




    "I'm going to kiss you whether you like it or not!"










    i'm not dating this guy, but we've been flirting alot


    so where i live, it doesn't rain often, so I found out it was going to rain today


    and i texted him saying it was going to rain and how happy i was.


    Me: IT'S RAINING! I love the rain


    Him: Have you ever kissed in the rain?


    that was totally random but that's how he is.


    Me: No I haven't, have you?


    Him: Nope n.n


    Me: Is it something you always wanted to do?


    Him: Yeah, it is.


    Me: I'm sure you will then!


    Him: Have you wanted to?


    Me: Yes, I have.


    Him:...then do you think...we can arrange...some sort of meeting, or something?....(:


    ends up, we didn't get the chance to meet up due to EASTER. DARN IT but then a few minutes later, er right now he texted


    Him: It stopped raining ):


    Me: There goes our kissing chance


    Him: You know, it's still raining in my head


    Me: Is it really still?


    Him: It might just keep raining until I get my kiss


    Him: but who knows...(:


    Hopefully, we are going to arrange a time to meet up cause he's driving me nuts!


    oh and another thing he did was, prom is coming up in like two weeks and he rented a party bus


    with all of his friends, i mean ALL of his close friends, and i don't really know them


    so i asked if the party bus was full cause i wanted to bring one of my good friends.


    turns out the party bus was booked, so i said it was okay.


    he immediately grabbed my shoulder and shook me lightly and said "No it's not okay."


    i told him it really was okay, no need for the hassle. and he said "But I have to try, i'll kick someone off the bus for you."


    and he whipped out his phone and made a billion phone calls. it was too cute<3333








    just turned 17


    i don't think being in 5th grade counts either but he did get me a box of chocolate for valentines day (:


    then he broke up with me on my birthday! whattajerk. hahaha i don't really count it cause we didn't even like...talk?


    i've never been in a relationship, i've just dated guys, we've never took it further than that.


    sometimes relationships are overrated!





    well since your ears and nose are the only parts of your body that continues to grow even as you get older

    the cartilage in your nose grows too. if you put pressure on it, the cartilage grows in the form of the pressure.

    it probably works. i haven't tried it yet

    but that's what i heard <_<


    i pinched my nose alot and it hasn't gotten taler

    but i think if you clip or pinch your nose too long or put TOO much pressure

    it causes breakage in your cartilage and may cause bleeding

    i once was pinching my nose all day and i got a massive bloody nose

    so be careful :D


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