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momoko doll*

Friends of Soompi
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    Those are the types of guys i would stay away from.....
































































    same. a lot of those bro's have no respect for women. 10% of college rape occurs in frats.. drinking, sports, and objectifying women is a past time for them and it's how they 'bond'.
































































    not to put down all frats, i've HEARD of some decent ones but havent witnessed.





  2. I would be shocked to hell and then I would think it would be because of some lie someone told her.

    i guess i should ask guys that are jerks this question xD

    well sometimes guys don't realize, and sometimes they are well aware of it and don't give a richard simmons? i wonder if i should even bother to let them know.








































































    um for my own eyes and sensibility? i don't dress for NO ONE, but i love the feeling of being ultra feminine. i just like beautiful things. some people just refuse to acknowledge and understand why others take joy in doing certain activities or interests. i feel as if fashion and makeup are art where the body is the canvas... nobody can criticize me for that. it's like why do we bother planting gardens and decorating then?
































































    guys who think girls dress FOR them are full of richard simmons. it's as if they believe the world revolves around you/men.





  4. In my situation though I was the one who was trying to make something more out of it whereas she just wanted me for sex. In hindsight I could see clearly that we had almost nothing in common other than physical attraction.  Both of our situations have nothing to do with whether we were good enough, it's just the fact that we wanted different things from our respective partners.

    A woman only wanting sex? That's rare. I guess I personally felt a connection/relation based on conversations during our dates. We had quite a lot in common. But then he turns 'nasty (sexually)' and overly flirtatious on me. ..maybe he did not feel the same way about me so that's why I feel not good enough? :( I guess I don't understand why men (or women too I guess) would ONLY want sex? Are they that afraid of emotional attachment and commitment? To me just sex is a waste of time...it's like instant gratification and there's nothing to look forward to in the future and no real personal intimacy.




















































    I'll be completely honest. Looks are what grabs my attention, but without a personality I lose interest really fast and easily.


























































































































































    I'm not saying the guy needs to be gorgeous (although that would be GREAT) but he needs to catch my eye. I need to be able to look him in the face and be ATTRACTED to him. It's not really about looking pretty or looking ugly, it's about how attractive they are to me.






























































































































































    I know that I've found some not so good looking guys to be extremely attractive.







































































































    ^ i totally agree.




















































    from my experience i feel that way...




















































    if someones personality is that great everything about them becomes attractive...




















































    of course he physically cant be bad to look at either tho
























































    ^ahahaha yes.












































    i hate it so much when a guy smokes around me.












































    maybe with his friends only or social occasion i would mind less....but id prefer if he didnt smoke at all.




























































    omg i totally feel the same way...
















































    happiest: him holding me tight at a party and giving me his sweatshirt wen im cold--him saying he will protect me,never let anything happen to me and feeling safe in his arms. and my heart just melts every moment im with him.....
















































    saddest: when he told me the only reason he comes to class was me and he doesnt show up anymore after 4 classes. and he has a gf.




































    haha for me:
























    - pretty, exotic eyes...nice shape
























    - milky white clear skin
























    - tall (long legs!)
























    - cute hair (any natural colors..brown..black...strawberry blonde...w/ev)
























    - exotic-but elegant TALL nose...perfectly straight is boring =P
























    - small mouth




































































































































































































































































    haha the shiny looks gross/like grease
































































































































































































    but im lovin Janice`s new look..tan+caramel hair color she looks gorgeous
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woww thankss it looks good on u

































































































































































































































































    so i check facebook this morning and i get 2 group invites....to...dadada....angelababy and janice man facebook groups!!!LOL they are soo popular now! fanclubs on facebook..wow
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    theres an FZL group on facebook too haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    & MAY has very cute pictures =)

































































































































































































































































    Personally Im Viet and I dont like that Viet uhjjang thread always on the top page here. But, believe me, bunchs from there are from Vietnam's homeland, just a minor are Viet-American. The reason why Im getting annoyed with all the Chinese, Vietnamese uhjjang or whatever its called (I also wonder why dont they use another word instead, although soompi is a korean forum?) is that most of the girl/boy try too hard to be Korean as much as they can. Ok some of them are very pretty with unique looking without posing/dressing like Korean such as Angela, Janice,... But the rest is just a piece of crap (Im sorry and its painful to say coz Im Viet). I cant distinguish anyone among them, both Viet and Chinese. However, they have the right to dress and style like that and who says i have the right to guide them?

    But i feel a little bit uncalmed. And i dont know why.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    um i dont think theyre trying to be korean..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    european features (ie. BIG EYES, pale face, tall slender nose) are popular in asia now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think im the only one in here that thinks naomi is hella ugly weird looking -__- i like naomi chen better~~

































































































































































































































































    lol you think i can be like the girls that are like boy ulzzangs?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    :o thatis you? you look like a really cute/pretty boy in those pic :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    keke,,i dont think we can post member pic in here tho xDD;;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wow I love Sua's clothes, so dolly <33

































































































































































































































































    gosh i dont know if it just me, but for me, fob(which stands for (fresh off the boat, for me again atleast) reminds me of poop green pants, and pink shirt, yellow flip-flops and some nappy hair pulled back in a nappy pony-tail....so yeah....

    i'd call this stuff preppy"scene" if anyone knows what "scene" even means....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    it depends, some fob fashion is really cute...most of it can be crap tho
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    but the clothes itself look like junk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    looks like plain and boring gmarket/zipia clothes...poor quality
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    now i loveee babydoll dresses but these arent even the LEAST bit cute.. they dont have any design its like wearing a plain pillowcase or gray sweatpants as a dress :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    WOW!! GORG! I LOVE HER EARRINGS...... :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Bee & YangYang are cute girls....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i dunno if i should say this but I think they would be better (prettier) actresses for the lead role in Hana Kimi (in place of ELLA)....going for looks at least. Ella's personality is cute though~

































































































































































































    HAHA... OMG.. They guys ARE pretty cute in china... ^^ Only some though

    This really really cute guy (Looked a bit like Edison ^^) walked up to me in Shanghai, but he was really freaky coz he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me to the side of the road O__O.. and he was speaking to me in Shanghainese so i didnt understand a word... ARGHHHH... sooo cute... but PSYCHO behaivour!!! Scared the hell out of me... and so i started screaming and ran off, even though he was super cute O___O". So yeah... "BOYS WILL BE ALL OVER ME".. isnt really a good thing ^^
































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway.. thats my story on cute guys in China... =P Pretty random eh?
































































































































































































































































































































    Off to dinner, brb for an actual picture post =D
































































































































































































































































































































    S2 HaiKi































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^really psycho behavior!! similar thing happened to me..and i just ran off because he kept following me =o=;
































































































































































































































































































































    haha i was in Shanghai and this random guy came up to me and gave me a card w/ his number and asked me if he was interested in marrying him O_O; i was like do you know how old i am?!?...I am from America...and he was just like THATDOERSN`TMATTER xD
































































































































































































































































































































    anyhow, 77 is real pretty<3.


































































































































    i am a supporter of Jiana..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and i post her pic here cos she is a ulzang.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my friends agrree too































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    please stop posting pics of her here....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i dont think you can ask us to support Jiana as an ulzzang...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think most people would agree that she is not ulzzang material... sorry

































































































































    No she is 100% chinese. she says so herself on her myspace and cyworld.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oo interesting... but what if her myspace and cyworld are fake.. probably? ><;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    is it just me, or Dodolook would look so much cuter if she dressed nicer....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    idunno..... she doesnt really dress to accentuate her features....her face is really pretty tho.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    maybe its ignorant of me to say but i hate her tomboy look & sometimes she looks fat like that...she would look so much better feminine style

































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..