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    [+] Has to be taller than me (At least 5'8" to 6'0". I'm 5'2" so I dont really want a guy who's shorter than me)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [+] Asian (or half can be good)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [+] Non-smoker/doesn't use drugs (Drinking is alright)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [+] Shows respect, not just me but to all my family & friends. (who would want a jerk or an a$$?)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [+] Healthy & Fit






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would've gone on.. but those are the Minimum Requirements. ;)





































    Dang.. what's up with everyone in this thread? O_o





    I've been quietly looking at this thread time to time, and





    many of us needs to CHILL.





    I understand why many fans are upset, but does do you really





    think that boycotting JYP and involving others that had





    nothing to do this is the right thing to do?








    HONESTLY! Its not gonna affect 2pm.. its gonna affect everyone horribly.





    Its only gonna make matters worse.





    Besides, JYP already gave out a statement that he'll be continuing 2pm with the just 6 of them,





    leaving a spot open for Jay's return.





    Plus, Jay even said that he still wants to return to Korea, but at the moment he's not sure.








    Seriously, there are a lot of ridiculous, immature people here that are posting





    and thinking NEGATIVELY about Jay and JYP.





    While there are others, who are trying to keep this thread positive and showing





    support towards the members.








    And think about it. Do you REALLY think that Jay would be happy when he





    hears that fans are doing a boycott??





    I think the answer is : No. Who would be happy about it?! Anti-fans maybe..





    but to others, no.








    Whatever Jay's decision is on returning, I'll respect and wait till the day he returns to 2PM.






    After reading at the 2pm thread, and reading it here..



    I refuse to believe this.



    Its truly heartbreaking to me and to all fellow 2pm fans



    And it really richard simmons me off with all the things that those ANTIs



    have said, and now they're shocked at this.



    Psh.. I don't want to even start with them.



    Jaebeom's leaving is horrible... Leaderja... T-T



    I hope & pray that he returns to 2PM isn't leaving forever!!






    Someone get me a ride to Seattle this moment!!






    Super Junior: Kyuhyun/Kibum





    DBSK: Changmin





    So Nyeo Shi Dae: - - -





    Wonder Girls: Sunmi





    SS501: Hyunjoong





    Shinee: Key





    Big Bang: Daesung





    2PM: Taecyeon/Junsu





    2AM: Jokwon





    2NE1: Dara / CL





    Kara: Nicole





    FT Island: Jonghun





    4minute: - - -





    After School: - - -


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