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Posts posted by asul_03

  1. since most of the things i have to say have already been said by the other monarchs, let me just say, to everyone, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING (theories, pictures and even the drawings). watching TKEM was so much better and understanding it was easier because of the interaction in this thread. i learned from the various theories contributed by the monarchs. it was a joy unlurking and sometimes joining the conversation of the monarchs although i was mostly lurking because i couldn't keep up with the LTE speed of the thread, which is actually not surprising as this is Soompi after all.:):):)


    @vangsweetie637, i knew the green dumpster was on standby yesterday & i was so happy it was of no use after all.:lol::lol::lol:


    @SweetButters, i will miss your legendary drawings.:lol::lol::lol:


    monarchs, see you around.:):):)

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  2. 17 minutes ago, kboramint said:


    What I don't understand is why are those new memerories. In episode 1, LG went back to 1994 to save his younger self but didn't decide to met 1994 JTE and 2016 JTE? This is why I don't like time travel stories. It creates plot-holes and contradictions to the story. 

    because that was his first time to travel back to the night the treason took place in KOC? i mean, prior to that, those events (1994 and 2016 meetings) never happened, right? it was only when LG time traveled was he able to make those things happen.


    LG and JTE only met in 2019 when he crossed the portal with maximus. so, any event happening prior to 2019 are all new memories, an offshoot of his time travel to the year the treason took place aka 1994.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, gwin said:

    It would have still been consistent with the loop theory if LG did not do anything from 1994 to 2020 that would have an effect of changing future events.  But he did (particularly, that 2016 meeting with JTE).   So now the question is:


    -What happened to that meeting we saw in Episode 1 where JTE was rude to him, and the events that happened subsequently thereafter?

    -What knowledge of LG does the JTE of Episode 14 have?  Only the fact that the same LG visited her in 1994 and in 2016?




    sorry to cut your post, chingu. this was also one the questions i asked myself after watching episode 14. i mean, JTE's reaction towards LG in episode 1 is poles apart from her reaction towards meeting LG in episode 14. it is obvious that the new memories contributed to her hugging LG


    episode 14 was simply wow! the revelations, the backstory and just the way the story is starting to come full circle. wow!


    i appreciate the fact that JTE's character is consistent throughout the series. her keen sense of smell has saved her from harm a couple of times already. if there's a thing that bugged me about her, it was the fact that she went straight to luna without anyone to back her up. eun sup or even KSJ could have been with her to deal with luna. that was a bit careless of her, i think.


    as for SJ, i hope he still gets to meet his mother in KOC and for the real SJ to recover, wake up and be with his real mom in ROK too. i hope KSJ (the police guy) will also help LG defeat LR when the right time comes. for sure he has an axe to grind against LR because of the switch that happened years ago.


    lady noh was right about JTE in saying that she was instrumental for LG to fulfill his destiny and that she has always been the anchor that keep LG from going astray and when times get tough. after episode 14, i love lady noh's character even more. bravo, i would say. bravo!


    finally, as for LG, his time travel is a lonely road to take but he did it anyway. through it all, you gotta appreciate how he has held on to JTE whenever he is confused and lonely in his journey. his meetings with lady noh in 1994 and JTE also in 1994 and 2016 were all poignant and kinda sad at the same time. lastly, you gotta appreciate how he is doing his best to restore balance in KOC and ROK.


    i am one with everyone who wants LG and JTE to have a HAPPY ending. our OTP deserves that.:wub:


    since i can no longer read hundreds of pages of this LTE thread, may i just say good job to all the female and male chingus here. amazing thread we have.



    too bad i failed to join the poll re: savior of the king. i would have been part of the winners of the poll too.:)

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  4. some of the things i learned in episode 8:


    * it is finally confirmed that the owner of the restaurant (as seen in episodes 7 & 8) belongs to KOC who was switched to a person in ROK. the restaurant i am referring to is the place where LG & JY dined together. in episode 7, it was somewhat apparent that he is also a minion of LR and this was confirmed in today's episode.


    * it appears another switch will take place, this time, it will be between the pregnant woman in ROK as seen in episode 5 and one of PM's minister friends named park ji-young.


    * it is also confirmed that the real mom of SJ is the tea lady in KOC named park sook-jin. ergo, SJ is also from KOC. in a way, SJ reading about the autopsy report on LR turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him because it led him to the discovery of his life back then.


    * what will the prime minister's mom do now that she found out the truth about LR? will she tell the PM about it or not?


    * and now the PM has seen the picture of her doppelganger in ROK. hello parallel universe...


    be back later...it's already past midnight. good night chingus.:)

    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Dramafreak said:

    I was wondering why is the King shocked when he sees something on his laptop in episode 9's preview. And now the wait (with a conjecture-filled-week) begins.


    Btw I cracked up when i read the post "in the drama named The King, they show so little of him": haha! I think it was @leeminhosny -- thanks.

    Thanks to @madmad min for sharing the pics of the siblings sitting in PM's mom's house. I am now going blind and cant keep up with the characters and their look alikes.



    that explains why i changed my signature here.:blush: so that whenever i get confused with the characters and their respective doppelgangers, i can always click on it and it will lead me to @syntyche's post on page 206 of this thread.:) gotta keep it handy when needed.:)


    wow this thread! i went offline to watch portions of episode 8 and now i am a handful of pages behind once more.:sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

    it’s been send to evil uncle



    now it makes sense why there's a photo of JTE & SJ in LR's dark room/red room.


    so, lady noh's investigation as to who took the ID in her room will likely lead to LG as he is the one who took it and handed it over to JTE for her to see back then (kitchen scene).


    slowly but surely, the clues and episodes are beginning to add up.:blush:

    • Like 4
  7. 23 minutes ago, briseis said:

    Lee Gon asks TE in the episode  9 preview: Could you live with me in my world?


    if JTE will say yes, what's gonna happen to luna? i mean, they have identical finger prints. they look the same akin to twins. plus, we've never seen doppelgangers co-exist for a long time. just wondering...


    22 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

    the kisses is most unexpected thing in this drama  :joy:


    a kiss that is reciprocated is always welcome and when this happens, it'll be the first time for LG and JTE to kiss having similar romantic feelings for one another.:heart:

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  8. 1 hour ago, Jaja said:


    I know right? these people don't discuss anything at all about story but come here every week to discuss about ratings like their livelihood is dependent on tkem's success.. I'm pretty sure they are not even watching this drama but come here just to give us lectures on how ratings work. 


    personally, i don't think the beginning and end of TKEM rests with ratings. i agree that it is important but it should not be used as the sole basis of the show's success. TKEM has SO MUCH MORE to narrate and offer. how do i know? just look at this thread. imagine, we have only seen 7 episodes and yet this thread has already reached 210 pages and counting. look at the discussion going on in this thread. you don't only see pictures, videos and TKEM articles here. rather, you see that the chingus are thinking, researching, analyzing and TKEM encourages you to look at and for the clues throughout episodes 1-7. as an example of a clue, the opening credits is a clue neatly placed by the creators of TKEM before the show starts.


    so please, to the bashers of TKEM, enough with the ratings thing. let us just enjoy the show for what it is. if one doesn't like the story of TKEM, then don't watch it. plain and simple. anyway, to each his own.


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  9. some of the things i learned after watching this episode specifically with regard to doppelgangers are:


    * in ROK, the character lee sang-do (mentioned in episode 2) is one of the stable workers in KOC.
    * in ROK, jang yeon-ji, one of the suspects in the murder of a masked woman is one of the palace security guards (probably a mole/minion of LR too)
    * at least 2 minions of LR are now running the HG group.

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  10. @mrsj3n, been rewatching portions of episode 7 myself. when i reached the scene where JTE and SJ were at the firing range and finished a round of shots, my reaction was, "i hope their ears are okay because they forgot to use the earmuffs that's meant to protect their ears.":glasses:


    i am not so sure if this has been asked here, but the dark room/red room of LR where he develops the pictures of his minions and potential minions is located in ROK right?


    thank you in advance.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, mrsj3n said:



    He told the "father" not to bow with the face of his father.

    Else why did he call him an idiot?


    So he is aware of the swapping because he thought it would benefit him.


    What a son! I can say that seeing him being killed is actually satisfying.  :naughty:


    SON: it keeps getting postponed.
    SON: why don't you do something? i'm sure he'll listen to you.
    LR: what do you want to do after the succession process is over?
    SON: it's simple. we'll say he got sick and retired and send him off somewhere abroad since he's done with his work.
    LR: do you agree with that?
    FAKE FATHER:  i will do as you order. your highness.
    SON: he's acting like that again! what a load of nonsense. i'm the one who asked you to bring that idiot. but he only listens to you. and not me. damn it!
    LR: the succession will end smoothly.
    SON: that's obvious! i'm asking when that will happen! $h!t. and if it's nothing urgent. let's just talk over the phone. all right? stop ordering me to go back and forth.


    right. my apologies. he knows that his father is gone somewhere, if not yet dead, judging from what he said above (the statements in bold).

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  12. 10 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

    I have now the impression that Lee Rim didn't kill the doppelganger of Lee Gon but killed another child as replacement. Why? Because we know that he used his doppelganger to fake his death, however his doppelganger has been declared as dead in ROK as well. By doing so, he could separate the son from the mother and influence the boy so that he let Ji Hun replace Lee Gon as king before getting rid of him. Ji Hun would be the perfect puppet and he controls Ji Hun's mother by using her guilt.

    @syntyche Lee Lim knows that time stops, when Lee Gon enters or leaves the parallel world and in my opinion, he is using this time to change certain things, like f. ex. enter Luna's fingerprints and send her to jail. In my opinion, he has been manipulating the info.

    i think so too. besides, the body of the young LG was never shown when he apparently died while he was still young. LR merely told LG's mother in ROK that young LG is already dead as seen in episode 1 or 2.


    8 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

    I usually don’t have a hard time understanding this show but this scene got me confused. I can’t decide who is from Korea and who is from Corea. Why would the fake son be ok with replacing his real father? And how does owning a company fit into the grand scheme of everything? 

    The only thing I understood, it’s taken place in Korea and someone got killed. Maybe we just have to wait and see more but @syntyche @scrawford, I’d like to know your take on this scene. 

    i don't think he is aware that his real father is not the same guy who he thinks he is.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Heretorant said:

    Watch it again and let me know what you think. I need more eyes to confirm whether my eyes are tricking me. Scene @ 26:00. The old man is Prince Buyeong’s doppelgänger, cleaned up with hair combed back and no glasses. They have the same exact voice but I can’t decide whether they are the same person because the glow up is too strong :lol:. If he is Prince Buyeong’s doppelgänger, then the real prince’s son just got killed. 

    i watched this scene just to check this statement and i think he is not prince buyeong's doppelganger. i believe these are two different characters. although, based on the same scene, it appears that the old man came from KOC and was switched with the original park mun-haeng of ROK.


    46 minutes ago, YongZura⁷ said:


    Yes, someone did mention it somewhere in the post.....:)



    The old man already replaced the father of that man who was killed. He expected himself to be the heir of the business but nope.. LR said it is better if your real son took over the business -- your referring to the old man.   


    Oppps... mod.. please help me to combine these two posts.. tqvm

    i believe this is a correct observation. that means, 2 minions of LR from KOC will be running the operations of that said business.

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  14. 1 hour ago, syntyche said:

    Here's a larger version of the photos of doppelgangers introduced in episode 7

    cr: ochloe weibo


      Hide contents



    And the rest of the doppelgangers so far (there's a link to these photos in the first page for easy reference) 


      Hide contents



    thank you so much for this, chingu. now it will be easier for us to familiarize ourselves with the many doppelgangers of TKEM.:blush:


    as expected, this thread is moving at an amazing speed.:heart:


    i gotta love the scenes of WDH in this episode. he is so good and so funny at the same time. him playing the JES character was superb.


    and as for the first date of LG and JTE, :love:.


    over all, i love that JTE trusts LG now and has actually asked him about the case she's working on, specifically with regard to K Stadium. i appreciate it that she now believes in a parallel universe no matter how weird the idea is.:blush:


    i also love the fact the LG actually brought JY to ROK for him to see for himself that LG is telling the truth and that JTE is luna are 2 different persons...and for him to also meet his doppelganger.

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  15. On 5/4/2020 at 9:13 PM, madmad min said:

    It is on the opposite side where LG's scar is...I mean if LG has the scar on Left side then LR has the thunder on right side. Or vice-versa but both of them get struck with lightening where the blood was spilled from Flute / from Four Tiger Sword.

    yes, i agree with you.


    i gotta love the LTE speed of this thread as the chingus are doing a good job in having an interactive discussion on TKEM. i also love the pictures, gifs, videos and even the articles from various websites. thank you all.:):):)

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  16. 1 hour ago, madmad min said:

    Yup NETFLIX Updated!!.. :flushed:


    Tiger Sword Broke the Flute and spilled blood. Tiger Sword spilled the blood from LG's father on specific part of LR's face, ie right side on cheek and forehead that is the place he gets his Lightening SCAR. Nor sure why LG gets the thunder on shoulder, maybe cause he was strangled on his left neck and the blood spilled from flute there?..

    My other 2 cents on the facts:


    1. LR does not know the time travel factor ( as for the dialog you still do not know what am I gonna do in first episode refers to make his brother see the killing of Royal Guards at that moment )


    2. There is Time Travel, in the First episode King LG is in a different attire when LR says "I thought my Nephew

    will also face the same destiny as me of travelling the 2 parallel worlds "or something like that.


    Cue 1: I think we thought this is the same Diamond Button Coat that King wore when he saw ROK for the first time and meeting with JTE. This is what we saw, black Gold coat with Blue Collar.


    But Below was the Diamond Coat!!! TADA


    Sorry For the BAD Quality Pictures.

    i think LR's lightning scar/skin reaction is on the left side of his face.


    31 minutes ago, rocher22 said:


    like i said in one of my posts before, JY and secretary mo's reaction is priceless.:lol::lol::lol: also, me thinks this is also the first time they saw LG being affectionate/showing PDA (somewhat) towards a woman, hence, their reaction.:)

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  17. 22 minutes ago, Kris Silva said:

    i can’t seem to find the long trailer in YT or it might not be available in my region but try this link.


    The show is still shooting and not preproduced. 


    And I don’t know about the instrumental soundtrack being released in Spotify ... All i know is the instrumental versions of the OST songs get released same day in Spotify. Probably the soundtrack will come out when  the whole album for the drama gets released. 

    i checked Spotify and found out that there are A LOT of TKEM playlists out there.B)B)B)  there's a playlist created by a certain Jayson Pugat that contains 12 songs (6 songs are not instrumental while the remaining 6 are all instrumental songs). i didn't get to check the rest of the playlists.:)

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  18. 24 minutes ago, L A said:

    I have a question, someone who has watched all the episodes and paid very well attention please help me: when LG entered Republic of Korea world they couldn't find his identity. When JTE entered Kingdom of Corea world she gave her fingerprint but of course they couldn't identify her existence. However, when the elder doctor presented the real death certificate of Prince Emperor Geum, he said 'even the fingerprint of the body (that was handicapped) matched Lee Lim's.'. How is this possible if this was a person from the parallel world?

    Please excuse my English. And thank you to anyone who could explain me this.

    MAYBE, they share the same DNA under different worlds but not exactly having the same circumstances and features of LR in KOC vis-a-vis LR's doppelganger in ROK. if you can recall, prince buyeong knew something was amiss because the LR in KOC had a fairly good build while the doppelganger in ROK was born with poliomyelitis.

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  19. 2 hours ago, syntyche said:

    There have been questions about the existence of another door to cross the parallel worlds. Lee Rim might be using another one aside from the one in the bamboo forest, which is guarded by the royal court and CCTVs. 


    In the opening credits, there seems to be another door, through some arc structure:


    By the way, there's a link to the character description and other useful links in the first page of this thread. We need all the help we can get in analyzing this drama :) 


    this is one of the MANY questions i have since i started watching TKEM. i mean, apart from the portal/gateway/door leading to KOC and vice versa, is there another way that LR uses which makes it easier for him to recruit and grow his minions? because if the bamboo forest is the only way to leave KOC and return undetected, then it makes me think that he has enough minions in the palace who cover his tracks once he sees the need to use the portal/gateway/door undetected/unrestricted.

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  20. 45 minutes ago, rocher22 said:

    He thinks he failed to protect the king.

    my take on this is that he feels the same way JTE felt when she was investigating/checking all details with regard to LG the first time they met. remember how JTE tried her best to find any clue that would reveal the identity of LG in ROK is basically what JY's doing now in regard to JTE's identity in KOC. basically, the frustration/exasperation of JTE back then is what JY's feeling in this scene.

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  21. 4 hours ago, simplebeauty08 said:

    Then this means in LR's case, the skin reaction can be seen on his face. He seemed not bothered by it? Unlike LG who feels pain every time there's thunderstorm. Maybe because he's used to it? 

    They looked like teenagers there. LOL. I sooooo love their interaction in that part. Most especially LG's creative way of holding hands with JTE. >.<

    perhaps. after all, he's been using 1/2 of the flute for 25 years already.

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  22. 37 minutes ago, simplebeauty08 said:

    He is so sweet and thoughtful. Who wouldn't fall for him? 


    It is on LR's face. Does it mean that it is slowly covering his body? Since we saw that same skin reaction on LG's shoulder. Does crossing both worlds trigger it? If that is the case, should it have covered most of LR's body since he has been crossing between the two worlds for 25 years. 

    re: kitchen scene, i know right.


    re: negative effects of possessing the flute, i don't think it was mentioned in any of the episodes what the extent of its negative effects are. we shall find this out soon.


    re: skin reaction, i just noticed that whenever there's rain + lightning (thunderstorms/thundershowers), it would flare up. otherwise, there's nothing.

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  23. comments after watching episode 6:


    i saw many sides of LG in this episode.


    he cooked for JTE. don't you just love it when a guy cooks for his girl?:wub::wub::wub:


    LG and JY looked dashing wearing their navy uniforms. they can wear it all day and i won't get tired looking at them.:wub:


    any scene between LG and lady noh is a treat for me. i have always loved their scenes since episode 1. i have lost count on the number of times lady noh said aigoo because of LG.:lol::lol::lol:


    when LG travelled to JTE's world, JTE was so eager to find out the true identity of LG. now, it's JY's time to do the same. good luck JY.:D


    the airplane scene had me gushing and laughing at the same time. i thought LG and JTE looked cute in this scene and the reactions of JY and LG's secretary were priceless. LG read her secretary perfectly.:wub:


    it is good to see that prince bu-yeong has finally told LG the truth about LR's autopsy. since the prince does not know anything about the parallel universe, he is not aware that the dead person in KOC is LR in ROK. i hope LG will figure this out someday the same way the JTE is beginning to connect the dots on the murder case she is working/investigating on.


    it is interesting to note that LG and LR experience the same skin reaction whenever it rains and lightning would strike. however, the same cannot be said whenever LG is at the portal/gateway since the striking lightning does not have any effect on him at all.


    the ending had me saying "awww..." for LG and JTE. i guess absence makes the heart grow fonder, huh?:wub:

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  24. 10 hours ago, leeminhosny said:

    I love war scene so much, I think so exciting , at least it is better than 5 minutes long dedektive's slipper zoom :lol:


    i loved it too. that was a good scene which showed the other and tougher side of LG.:) although we don't mind the lover boy side of him at all.:lol:


    9 hours ago, 1ouise said:


    I'm interested to see how this plays out.  As I remember, the ID that LG kept no longer had the lanyard attached.




    this was also my reaction when LG handed over the ID to JTE so that later on, when we see that JTE's ID was no longer in the possession of lady noh, it had me asking, "where did JTE's ID go? who took it? did LG retrieve it from lady noh's box sans her permission?" interesting...


    9 hours ago, Keikokoko said:

    There were so many hints from past episodes that is now gradually becoming more apparent and dots are beginning to connect. 


    0, as in zero, LG's favorite number, which is beginning and end and infinite from mathematics view point. JTE is LG's 0. His journey started with her having hold of her ID card and will end with her in some way that we don't know yet. But since 0 is also infinite, the end will just be another beginning. Kind of like keep going through same time frame with same people  but with different outcome depending on actions taken or not taken. The critical date or catalyst of series of events is 11/11/2019.


    My thinking is that LG saved his young self and dropped JTE's ID to himself as reminder to find the path back to beginning to resolve events that include his evil uncle and his fate with JTE. 


    In ep1, JTE was interrogating evil uncle but did not appear to know him as LG's uncle from different universe. And yet, from ep 5 and 6, we know that she learned about LR from online search and LG's telling of that tragic event. So when did this interrogation take place? This leads me to think, maybe the interrogation took place in different round of YG and YTE inter-fated looping. Just a though. 


    This drama has so much potential. Loving it. 

    this has been my guess all along, that the future LG did save his younger self and what you said is actually a good twist to the story.

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