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Posts posted by yukino78

  1. StaRix said: F.T. Island's Jonghun and Yoon Eun Hye show off their surprising friendship
    Jonghun tweeted on August 30, "Before worship, with our Eun Hye noona ~ :)," revealing that they're church buddies. Jonghun and Yoon Eun Hye are both known to be Christian among fans, and Jonghun is seen holding up his guitar, getting ready for their worship service. What they also have in common is their kindness as they both chose to donate after being nominated for the 'ALS Ice Bucket Challenge'.
    Yoon Eun Hye is starring in the movie 'Chronicle of a Blood Merchant', while F.T. Island are set to release their 14th Japanese single "To The Light" on October 15 and go on their 'FTISLAND AUTUMN TOUR 2014-To The Light' from October 16 to November 24.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    foxiscully said: @yukino78 - u r rite, chingu! its been a while  :) how have you been? we've missed u, & looking forward to yr upcoming scandalicious-fic :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    counsel05 said: Judith09 said: Annyong MinSullians...just passing by..and send my kisses to this lovely the best shipper family....eventhough currently i took my part as a silent reader of this thread...it won't lessen my love for MinSul..in fact...my faith on them getting more and more deeper...see u later... Oh btw...love this vid ..thankyou to whoever made this lovely vid
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ravissant said: waahhh!  @yukino78 I see you!  OMG!  We miss you here on the thread.  How are you doing?  I hope you're well & I hope you'll have time to post your insights here about our beloved MinSul.  I'm also hoping you'll update TACI because I LOVE that story!!!  But please, no pressure.  The most important thing is you're health first before anything else.  Take care, dear!!!  God bless you always.

















  5. nzeeba said: rsu618, what kind of drama does Kim Eun Sook does? Any examples?

    By the way, will someone here pls help me out? I am trying to buy all of YEH´s dramas...oh well, I will start with Coffee Prince and Goong first :P
    I checked on Amazon and Soompi...and the appear to cost more than $50. However, I found this website called Mallkee.com in which the majority of dramas, including the ones I want, are sold below $25.

    Hmm, I am uncertain if to try buy in that site. I wonder why all dramas there are cheaper. Has anyone bought dramas from that site before? I will appreciate any feedback he or she may have concerning buying dramas in this site.


  6. @cahaya @foxiscully @zheisya @nana4ever @monicachan @pandora460 @jenniline @bananali @fizaz @estherlim @meenzer99 @stekatta @nize143 @tikah @T2Crazy @payel @cassy_0508 @xiao_ai19 @happychu @wonderstruck13 @chocwenz @icelolly2009 @mafet @nislalatif @biancalicup @kamilafauzia @hybird @lablyness @lisajayne @mafet @pinkdreams @cmgw @dillies @ravissant @angelangie

    Hello everyone!

    Happy New Year!

    So sorry for this late update...Things were not that peachy on my side the last few weeks.

    But I wanted to update this fic before the New Year...which is probably late on some of y'all already...I still have 7 hours to go for the New Year!

    I just want to thank you for all your support and being patient with me!

    Hope y'all had fun on this chapter.

    Again, Happy New Year!

    Go MinSul Couple!!!

    Here's Chapter 12!

  7. nize143 said: yukino78 said: whoa whoa whoa! this thread is hot right now! the pages goes so fast.  took me a long time to catch up...

    is it still going on? is it still raining? wow...they are really professional..rain or shine they still perform...i hope they don't get sick...reading y'all post i can see another good story...lol.

    thank you for sharing all the news! lucky members who are there! can't wait for the ending too...now i want to write!!!

  8. bananali said: yukino78 said: whoa whoa whoa! this thread is hot right now! the pages goes so fast.  took me a long time to catch up...

    is it still going on? is it still raining? wow...they are really professional..rain or shine they still perform...i hope they don't get sick...reading y'all post i can see another good story...lol.

    thank you for sharing all the news! lucky members who are there! can't wait for the ending too...now i want to write!!!
































































































































































    stekatta said: @yukino78 *hugs* Happy you can join us, even for a minute. :-)

















  10. whoa whoa whoa! this thread is hot right now! the pages goes so fast.  took me a long time to catch up...

    is it still going on? is it still raining? wow...they are really professional..rain or shine they still perform...i hope they don't get sick...reading y'all post i can see another good story...lol.

    thank you for sharing all the news! lucky members who are there! can't wait for the ending too...now i want to write!!!

  11. lianaestimo said:



    Off-topic for a few minutes, but I was thinking about that TVXQ VCR where Sulli appeared and was hugged and kissed by Yunho. Well, today I read this headline:
    SM Entertainment denies dating rumors between TVXQ’s Yunho & Go Ara
    Maybe the VCR was to cover up HIS relationship not HERS (Sulli's). ;-) hehe...
    And now back to our regularly scheduled MinSul Program...
  12. Chapter 10: The Unexpected Trouble is UP!!!

    @cahaya @foxiscully @zheisya @nana4ever @monicachan @pandora460 @jenniline @bananali @fizaz @estherlim @meenzer99 @stekatta @nize143 @tikah @T2Crazy @payel @cassy_0508 @xiao_ai19 @happychu @wonderstruck13 @chocwenz @icelolly2009 @mafet @nislalatif @biancalicup @kamilafauzia @hybird

    Click on the poster to direct you to the link. (^o^)v


    --  I hope y'all liked this update.  It is much longer than my previous ones.  I wasn't feeling well this week and did more resting.  Thank you again for all your supports and comments! I love reading all of them! Give me the fuel to write more...Hope y'all enjoy this update!

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..