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    I cannot wait anymore. OMO, They're going to perform in the Dream Concert ?! WAAAHHH.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg.omg.omg. -DIES- XD So excited about this plus they're going to perform on the VMAJ.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Teehee. They're outfits on the press conference are totally hot btw. :-bd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    replying on croll and editing on photoshop.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If the sleepover is still going to happened plus my breakfast.


















































































    I had dream about a certain guy whom I liked. Lately, he had been on my dreams



























    for like days already but the events are confusing and it changes every night. Plus



























    it's freaking weird and it just I'm not blissful about it. I'm already over to that guy



























    and his freaaaaaaking on my dreams.




















    -posting pictures in my tumblr



























    -looking for good fanfics



























    -listening to music



  19. OMO, it is the first time I'll be posting here. so HOORAY -throws confetti-. Aigooo~ Anyways, I heart

    his performance in Brian Mcknight's concert. Even though there are bad things that happened. Well

    let's not look on that parts let's look on the good parts. And they're collaboration is effffingg great.

    Totally loved plus Where U At & Wedding Dress is haaaaaawtfosho` I'm craving for the clear version of

    their collab "My Kind of Girl" if there's one, please kindly post it here. Thank you in

    advance Taeyang really did his best and honestly I'm so proud of him opening the concert of Brian Mcknight

    an international artist.

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