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miwako

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    you're getting too difficult to deal with. it's frustrating. everything was ok when we were friends, but i guess thing've changed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i don't like you. i doubt i ever will.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm sorry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's the truth.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i don't need this sort of strain right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    love in the fallen city - eileen chang
































































































































































































































































































































































































    norwegian wood - haruki murakami (sp?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    a hundred million hearts - kerri sakamoto
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Need to go on a ban soon (end of next week) : / Been spending too much money on small things >__> doesn't help that I'm pretty much unemployed til late this month.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm Chinese, but everyone thinks I look Korean O__o;;
































































































































































































    even in China, I got confused as a Korean O__o;;
































































































































































































































































































































































































    not much of a shopaholic (no time, really) ... just need to stop the habit on stocking up on cheap goods that i'd never use in the future whenever i do get the chance to shop.
































































































































































































    goodluck all with the shopping ban ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ahh Hwanhee ... I love his voice XD haven't seen much of his acting, except for Over the Rainbow
































































































































































































    I miss his old face : (
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i get it late at night and in the mornings O__O;;




























































































    wow i remember wandering into the east side of the shinjuku station and wondering why there were so many hot guys dressed up in suits




















    lateri found out i'd wandered into kabukicho, one of the main host districts in tokyo -___-;;




















    and wow makoto is pretty *__*
































    "You're so flat, you have no curves." -__-;;




















    "You look like a wall."




















    "Your eyes are too small."




















    "Well, there's always plastic surgery for you." <-- From a family "friend" ... gee thanks.








































































    the new shin looks so much better than the old shin ^_____^ ... the first guy to play shin was simply way too old to play shin >___< I, however, don't like the new guy they picked to play ren ... well, i didn't like the old one either : x




















    damn, they're skipping the reira x shin romance? I actually like that pairing - yeah, I know it's pedophilia, but I don't know ... the romance is kind of cute : )




















































    urgh, fillers end in FEB O_____O! that sort of sucks. but on the brighter note, that's only 8-12 episodes away : x
























    i'm pretty sure fillers will end over the next ten-fifteen episodes or so. cause the ED gives us a hint of what naruto'll look like two years after, which probably means that the two year break is coming up soon : D.
























    ^ hee, very optimistic. okay, that was a lame pun or whatever it's called =___=












    i don't know. i just hope that "taking over the world" is akatsuki's only goal ... because it just seems so ... overdone. each member probably does have an individual goal because each member seems to function as an individual ...












    damn, fillers are NEVER going to end. i swear. =____= i guess that's one way in which the manga beats the anime.




















































































    URgh, can't stand Wisdom =___= it's so weakkkkkkkk. need to continue leveling up my forms : P anti wasn't that bad. i always got anti with the minor enemies, so i never ended up dying.
















































    Is it just me, or is it really hard to get dense crystals?
















































































    I love Ryo's sense of humor : DDDD
































































































    ^ooh, neat : )
















































    I love the little dance scene in the middle of the signal pv.
































































































    dsfja;f; ... i went to the wrong world after beating agrabah (yes, i'm still there) ... ended up going to hollow bastion and getting my butt kicked by demyx (gosh, toughie boss) ... was sort of caught off guard when 10 water forms appeared out of no where and ran out of time....
















































    so off to halloween town + pride lands it is for me ^___^

















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