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Posts posted by rosetic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i try to at least get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, otherwise my skin will look very sickly and rough the next day T_T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































      double cleanse - use cleansing cream at night especially if you wore make-up during the day. cleansing creams moisturizes your skin while gently melting off make-up. follow up with washing your face with your usual facial cleanser.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































      toner - use toner to remove any excess soap residue after washing your face.































































































































































































































































































































































































    emulsion - this is basically a light moisturizer. use it after applying toner to retain your skin's moisture before applying anything else.
































































































































































































































































    essence/serum - a serum or essence is a specialized treatment for your individual concerns(acne marks, wrinkles, visible pores, etc.). some are applied before moisturizers and some are applied as the final step of a beauty method.
































































































































































































































































    moisturizer - a moisturizer is an essential part of the recommended 1-2-3 beauty regimen that is used after cleansing and balancing to protect the skin as well as offer moisture-retention benefits encouraging a healthy complexion.
































































































































































































































































    eye cream - eye creams or eye treatments are important because skin around the eyes is very delicate, thin and apt to show signs of age.EXTRA:
































































































































































































































































    facial masks - use this every 2-3 days. their main purpose is to provide nourishment your skin needs from the outside. when you put it on your face for a specific time, it does not allow your skin to breathe. the mask's nutrients are absorbed by your skin. facial masks can be in the form of essence soaked sheets, cream, peel-off, sleeping packs, etc. most korean beauty brands offer masks that cater to your skin's concern.
































































































































































































































































    exfoliate - exfoliating both the face and the body weekly helps get rid of the dead top layers of skin. this allows moisturizers and serums to better penetrate the skin.
































































































































































































































































    rice water - the use of rice water in skin care is very big in asia. washing your face with rice water makes your skin very soft and it also helps in improving the complexion.
































































































































































































































































    ice facial - do this every morning. ice facials are very popular in asia. korean actresses swear by rubbing ice cubes on their face to achieve that beautiful radiant glow. this will help reduce morning facial swelling and help constrict large pores without using chemical toners.
































































































































































































































































    bb cream - it can be worn alone as a tinted moisturizer, over serum and moisturizer as a regular foundation, and under powder, depending on the desired amount of coverage. koreans don't consider bb creams a make-up, they consider it as a skin care product(because of its skin care properties such as skin repair, anti-aging, whitening, etc.). whenever celebrities say they are barefaced, they most likely still have bb cream on.
































































































































































































































































    sun cream/sun block/sunscreen - it is necessary to apply sunscreen on a daily basis no matter what the weather is like. it is also very important to use sunscreen underneath your base make-up. even if your foundation or bb cream has a high amount of spf in it, you would need to apply at least 1tbsp. of the product on each part of your face to get the full sun protection it offers(yikes!). koreans use a lot of sunscreen to prevent premature aging. it is a very important part of their skin care routines. ideal amount of spf for face is 30.
































































































































































































































































    green tea - drink at least two cups of green tea everyday. its benefits for skin have long been treasured as an anti-aging secret in asia. other main benefits for skin are clearing out acne, prevents skin cancer, protection from the sun's rays, and naturally treat warts, dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and other skin ailments.
































































































































































































































































    get facials. may it be just cleaning or for more specific treatments, it is very important to get them at least once a month.
































































































































































































































































    avoid taking in too much caffeine, sweets, powdered juice, oily food, and dairy products.
































































































































































































































































    try to sleep before midnight.
































































































































































































































































    drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
































































































































































































































































    avoid touching your face.
































































































































































































































































    eat less fast food and opt for healthier home cooked meals.
































































































































































































































































    avoid stressful situations.CELEBRITY SKIN CARE TIPS:
    Go Hyun Joong
































































































































































































































































    avoid salty and spicy food to maintain clear skin
































































































































































































































































    wash your hands before applying skin care or make-up. avoid facial interaction with your hands apart from when cleansing and applying skin care.
































































































































































































































































    when washing your face, mix foaming cleanser with warm water and work up a foam the size of an egg. start from behind the ears and the jawline, and once the cleanser is warmed up, move towards the center of your face.
































































































































































































































































    breakouts can be treated naturally by washing affected areas with salted lukewarm water to sanitize the area and prevent it from worsening.
































































































































































































































































    skincare should be applied from the center then outwards. for neck cream, start from the jawline down to the decolletage in an outward 'c shape' motion.
































































































































































































































































    apply skincare once it is warmed up in your hands, and press both palms onto your face to improve absorption.
































































































































































































































































    discard skincare after two months of use for hygiene.Song Hye Gyo
































































































































































































































































    stay away from chocolates, sodas, black tea, caffeine, and junk food. eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
































































































































































































































































    she applies egg white and honey mask, every fortnight, to whiten her skin.
































































































































































































































































    to brighten and reduce fine lines on her skin, she applies honey with water every fortnight(alternates it with the egg white and honey mask).
































































































































































































































































    she washes her face with milk.
































































































































































































































































    to make her face smaller, she massages her face with ice cubes.HOME MADE FACIAL MASKS/SKIN CARE: 
































































































































































































































































    half a tomato + 1/2tbsp. lemon juice + 1tbsp. organic yogurt/whipped cream = helps lighten acne scars and brightens skin.
































































































































































































































































    1 avocado + 1 banana + (optional/for moisture) olive oil = helps hydrate and brighten dull and dry skin.
































































































































































































































































    2tbsp. rice flour + 2tbsp. honey + 1tbsp. green tea = oil control and acne treatment.
































































































































































































































































    1 uncoated aspirin + water + honey = acne treatment.
































































































































































































































































    1 egg white + honey = tightens pores, helps dry pimples, and whitens skin.
































































































































































































































































    1 egg yolk = moiturizes skin.
































































































































































































































































    1/3 of a banana + half a small spoon of honey + small spoon of lime juice = for 'ulzzang' pale skin. also helps in reducing dark circles.
































































































































































































































































    1 mashed avocado + 1 cooked and mashed carrot + 1/2 cup heavy cream + 1 beaten egg + 3tbsp. honey= helps skin rebuild collagen, fade age spots, and improve skin tone and texture.
































































































































































































































































    1 tea bag of green tea + olive oil = acne treatment and hydration.
































































































































































































































































    다시마(dashima/tangle weed) = whitens skin for 'ulzzang' pale skin.메이크업(KOREAN NATURAL MAKE-UP): 
    *apparently this is how koreans do their 'natural' make-up.. they still put on a lot of products on their faces tho! this is why double cleansing at the end of the day is very important.
    베이스 메이크업(Base Make-up)
































































































































































































































































    skin care routine.
































































































































































































































































    apply sun cream.
































































































































































































































































    apply make-up base.
































































































































































































































































    apply primer.
































































































































































































































































    apply bb cream.
































































































































































































































































    apply concealer on problem areas.
































































































































































































































































    settle with powder.
































































































































































































































































    dust off higlighter on t-zone and c-zone.
































































































































































































































































    apply blusher.아이 메이크업(Eye Make-up)
































































































































































































































































    groom eyebrows(if you have bangs that cover your eyebrows you may skip this step, but if you don't have bangs, it is necessary to groom your brows because they help in framing your face.).
































































































































































































































































    apply eyeliner.
































































































































































































































































    curl lashes.
































































































































































































































































    apply mascara.
































































































































































































































































    apply clear mascara.립 메이크업(Lip Make-up)
































































































































































































































































    apply lip concealer(only if your lips are heavily pigmented. if they're naturally pale then you may skip this step.).
































































































































































































































































    apply lip tint.
































































































































































































































































    finish off with clear lip gloss or lip balm.

































































































































































































  3. morning:

    1. cleanse - etude house ac clinic acne foam cleanser
    2. tone - belo essentials pore refining whitening toner for oily skin
    3. moisturize - pond's flawless white beauty lightening day cream SPF18 PA++
    4. sunblock(when i'm not wearing make-up/bb cream) - innis free eco natural perfect sunblock SPF50++ PA+++

    1. cleanse - etude house ac clinic acne foam cleanser
    2. exfoliate(every three days) - snoe magic apple whitening s-rub
    3. tone - belo essentials pore refining whitening toner for oily skin
    4. mask(every three days) - the face shop face masks / snoe white vitamin c rich calamansi whitening detox clay mask
    5. moisturize - nature republic soothing and moisturizing 92% soothing gel
    6. acne treatment/prevention - sulfur san-ing cream
  4. Already posted here before but my routine has changed so I'm gonna post again lol

    1. [*]
    Cleanser - Etude House AC Clinic Acne Foam Cleanser[*]Toner - Belo Essentials Pore Refining Whitening Toner for Oily Skin[*]Moisturizer - Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture 92% Aloe Vera Soothing Gel[*]Lip Balm - Human Heart Nature 100% Natural Tinted Lip Balm Island Kiss[*]Sunblock(Only when I'm using my Skin79 BB since Missha already has an SPF of 42) - Innisfree Eco Natural Perfect Sunblock SPF50++ PA+++[*]Face Primer/Base(I usually skip this step because I'm too lazy) - ELF Mineral Infused Face Primer / The Face Shop Lovely ME:EX Make Up Base 02 Violet / Majolica Majorca Skin Lingerie Pore Cover[*]BB Cream - Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream 23호 Natural Beige / Skin79 Super+ Beblesh Balm[*]Concealer - Etude House Surprise Essence Concealer 02호 Natural Beige[*]Powder - The Face Shop Lovely ME:EX Angel Skin Powder Pact RB35Highlighter(Only on rare occasions) - Tony Moly Crystal Light 02 Gold Beam[*]Eye Primer - ELF Eyelid Primer[*]Eye Shadow - Etude House Petite Darling Eyes Matte 01호 Vanilla / Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick 01호 Shooting Star & 02호 Butterfly Star[*]Eye Liner - Tony Moly Back Stage Gel Eyeliner 08호 Khaki Black / The Face Shop Lovely ME:EX Auto Liner 01호 Black / Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner Black / Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner 02 Brown / Etude House Styling Eyeliner 02호 White[*]Eye Brow Pencil - Nature Republic Pretty Tree Auto Eyebrow 01호 Black[*]Mascara - The Face Shop Face It Collagen Volume Mascara 01호 Curling[*]Lip Concealer(I usually skip this step too) - Etude House Color Me Nude Lip Concealer[*]Lip Color - The Face Shop Lovely ME:EX My Lips Eat Cherry Aqua Tint 02호 Juicy Red / Etude House 55 Kissful Tint Chou 01호 Red Chou / ELF Lip Stain Nude Nectar / NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream SMLC05 Antwerp
    ... But on REALLY lazy days I just put on BB cream/Sunblock and lip and cheek tint after skin care :D































































































































































































































































    has anybody tried maybelline's hyper sharp liquid eyeliner? i've read mixed reviews about it so i'm thinking if i should get it or not thanks! :)








































































































    i've recently gotten addicted to gel eyeliners and i find tony moly's back stage gel eyeliner and maybelline's eye studio lasting drama gel liner to be really great! :) now i can't go out without these on ^^









  7. i guess i'm lucky to have etude house branches near my home and university(etude house stores are spreading like wildfire here in the philippines lol) :) the products are more expensive than those in korea though ;~~;
    anyway the products i've tried from etude are:

    • dear darling tint (orange red & real red) - i super love this! looks really natural on both my lips and cheeks. long lasting too! i can go for 5-6 hours without retouching ^^ and it's super cheap.
    • O2 white c cleansing foam - this broke me out :( i didn't see any whitening/brightening effect too. total waste of money tbh.
    • ac clinic acne foam cleanser - good for washing make-up off but it didn't really do anything for my pimples. meh~
    • happy tea time lemon tea cleansing foam - mild. good for daily usage. instantly brightens face after use but the effect doesn't really last long. but this smells really nice and it's very cheap!
    • baking powder crunch pore scrub - waste of money lol i regret buying this.
    • ac clinic red spot balm - ugh i do not recommend this omg super waste of money fhvjkfsujfdfa it's supposed to lighten your pimple marks and prevent new pimples from forming BUT IT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING FOR ME :| and it feels super oily on the skin orz.
    • i need you facial masks(aloe, green tea, lemon, pearl, red ginseng, honey, & pomegranate) - i love their masks! they're all relaxing and they smell good haha :)
    • essence facial masks (vitamin c & vitamin a) - i love these too~ i actually like these better than the i need you masks. :)
    • styling eye liner pencil (black & white) - i dislike the black one orz it smudges easily!! the white one is ok though. i use it to brighten up my eyes. they're super cheap so i guess it's okay~
    • oh m' eye line liquid eye liner (black & brown) - i love this eye liner!!! staying power is really good like it lasts the whole day without smudging or peeling off.
    • petite darling eyes matte (vanilla) - this is the best. i'm not really into eye shadows but i needed something to liven up my eyelids and this one is the best i've tried so far :)
    • lovely cookie blusher (orange cookie) - staying power sucks lmao it lasts on my face for like and hour or so then fades away completely :|
    • precious mineral bright fit bb cream (honey beige) - i was so stoked to get my first etude house bb cream a few months ago because i've read a lot of good reviews about it. when my tony moly bb cream ran out i immediately grabbed this bb and it worked like a dream for the first few uses but after a while idk why but my skin would always look cakey + the shade became too dark for me(i used kojic soap on my face for the pimple scars to fade so my skin got super light lol).
    • surprise essence concealer (natural beige) - i love this. coverage is so nice. a little goes a looooong way. :)
    • color me nude lip concealer - i use this together with my lip tint to achieve that natural just bitten look.
    • magic tint balm (magic red) - meh~ didn't do much in moisturizing my lips and the tint isn't long lasting either.
    • 55 kissful tint chou (red chou) - FAVE EVER! best lip tint! looks super natural on me and its staying power is amazing! i love this product so much lol.
    • petite darling nails nail polish - they sell really nice shades of nail polishes! and super cheap too like a dollar for a small bottle of polish. :)
    • fresh nail wash safe - nothing special about this one other than it smells really really good.
    •  mini anti-germ hand lotion (walnut) - smells really good and makes my hands feel super smooth. :)
    hmm might have left out some other stuff i've tried but right now they're all i can remember. etude house is a good brand.. not really the best but it's good. their products are all hits and misses tbh. i used to love etude house so much until i discovered other better brands like tony moly, the face shop, nature republic, etc. i'm just glad they all have branches near my home :D i love korean cosmetics haha.







































    vaseline lip therapy! it's the only one that works for me ^^ maybelline's baby lips used to be my fave but it made my lips chapped towards the end :( lip therapy comes in squeeze tubes here and i like it better than the small pot ones because it's more hygienic.
















































    i started wearing make-up(bb cream, lip&cheek tint) when i was 19 and now i'm turning 21^^ until then i only used baby powder on my face :) but now i've started to use other kinds of make-up too(mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, etc) i feel like such a lady with make-up on lol
















































    I'm currently using Missha M Perfect Cover BB Cream No. 23 & Etude House Precious Mineral Bright Fit BB Cream W24 alternately. I like these two a lot! Missha oxidizes on my skin perfectly making it look natural while Etude House doesn't really oxidize on me(but it does on other people idk what's wrong with my skin lol) which is a good thing because its shade already fits my skin perfectly(Always choose BB creams one shade lighter than your skin color because most of them tend to oxidize). Both have anti-wrinkle, anti-darkening, whitening, and SPF properties ^^ I kinda like Missha's smell better though? Missha smells like Johnson's baby lotion while Etude House's is a bit strong for me? But it's not important anyway as you won't really notice the smell once you've finished applying it on your face. When it comes to coverage, I think Etude House does a better job at it than Missha ALTHOUGH Missha does cover up redness and post-pimple marks pretty well, EH's is a bit thicker and it's more pigmented imo but of course it doesn't really have that heavy feeling on your face. :) Missha gives off this glowing finish to your skin while EH gives off a very flawless but natural finish. Both are dewy though so I set them with BB powder after. :D
















































    First I wash my face, I love Etude House's Happy Teatime Facial Foams! ^^ then I use Celeteque's Acne Solutions toner & moisturizer(I have combo/oily skin T_T these two works wonders and they're /really/ cheap too!), I use Nature Republic's 92% Soothing Aloe Gel before my moisturizer though, 'cause it makes my skin feel more cool and relaxed ^^).
























    Then for my make-up routine:
























    * Make-up Base (The Face Shop) ~it minimizes the appearance of my pores & evens out my skin tone perfectly! kk
























    * Cheek Stain (Herbench ♥/The Body Shop) ~I cannot /ever/ go out without this on ;~~; I use it before BB cream because it looks more natural like that Idk
























    * BB Cream (Tony Moly/Etude House/Nature Republic ♥) ~I use three BB creams alternately but Nature Republic's is my fave! Too bad I only have the 10ml sample tube so I only use this on /special/ occasions lawl & I'm trying out Missha's Perfect Cover BB cream soon I'm so essited!
























    * Concealer (Etude House ♥/The Face Shop) ~EH's is my HG concealer & it's super cheap too! I only use TFS on fresh pimples because it dries them really fast kk but I don't really like its consistency :(
























    * Eye Liner (Etude House) ~I only use this when I'm not too lazy to put on make-up(which I am most of the time ;~; )
























    * Eyebrow Pencil (Nature Republic) ~I only use this when I'm not too lazy to put on make-up(which I am most of the time ;~; )
























    * Lip Balm (Carmex/H&M) ~Maybelline's Baby Lips is my HG lip balm but I want to try other lip balms too kk
























    * Lip Concealer (Etude House) ~I love this product!! ^^
























    * Lip Stain (Etude House ♥/Nature Republic) ~EH's lip stain is the best I've tried so far ^^ stays on for hours even after eating/drinking. NR's is really nice but it's really drying :(
























    * BB Loose Powder (Tony Moly) ~it's like BB cream but in powder form lol i use it for re-touch ^^
























    ~Sometimes I use powder blush(Etude House) & lipstick(Herbench/Covergirl) too but only when I'm in the mood -n- uhmm and Idk how to put on eye shadows so I don't own any :( also I don't really need mascaras(I have naturally long, thick, and curled lashes) ^_^ ah most of the cosmetics I own are Korean because they suit my skin tone best :)









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