Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by elaiine
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    That scene in the preview where HJ's mum said are you HJ? And she touches the scar on the back of her neck...I bet the episode ends there tomorrow . The next saturday watch them drag it and the mother still non the wiser that HJ is her daughter. CH's father I despise him as much as I despise DH, and that's some feat. Pity HJ in the preview when poor CH introduces her to the father and says this is the girl I want to marry and that awful man throwing tantrum. I think KS ask if HJ was rejected because of him? Sweet hearing him call her '' Tinker'' again and stealing a kiss.... what a player...he had missed and thought of her all these years. DH accepts CH as a son-in-law only because he's useful to him bet he wants him as a dog that does his dirty work like the father. >:) 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  3. Episode 09 PreviewCH: I'm Park Chang Hee from Ulsan District Public Prosecutors Office.Do you want me to get the reporters here to film all of this?
    KS: Are you done with the inaugural book?Girl: Not yet...KS: What's taking you so long?
    HJ: Hello ahjumeoni!Woman: What are you doing?HJ: Since I'm a regular customer, you should give this to me for free.
    HJ: Oppa!CH: Are you okay?
    HJ: Hello everyone, nice to meet you.KS: Cheon Hae Joo?

  4. Preview Translations IH: Just tie your hair up for once. Hurry up!IH's mom: You can't seem to stay in this house. (Chi translations are a bit iffy for this line..)HJ: I'm sorry.IH's mom: Anyway, it's not like we will be seeing a lot of each other. Go out.JDH: You know where HJ lives, go and take a look.CH: What are you doing in other people's houses?Get out before I call the police.IH's mom: That HJ, is she Yoo Jin?HJ: Don't touch oppa. I won't let this pass.PGC: The plan has changed.That HJ girl cannot be there.

  5. ^ Lol. A minute after I just said that I have to wait for the download link to come up, it comes out.Thank semifly for the torrent!It's been a long time since I'm watching a drama raw again but this is too good to pass up :PHopefully episode5 doesn't disappoint!
    And it's going to be another long wait for ep6, SIGH.

  6. Darn, missed the live and now I have to wait for the download link to pop up D:Anyhow, I think this has got to be one of the rare times where I'm actually happy with the 8 (it's got to be the first time) episodes allocated to the child actors/actresses. 
    Kim Yoo Jung and the two boys are totally killing this!Especially love her and Park Gun Tae, hehe. They are too cute together!I really can't wait till they grow up and get their own lead roles, they will probably be snatched up by producers like hotcakes.

  7. o really?that is so cute of them to be honest as i've said i am addicted to these kids since il jimae they are also the reason why i have watched tmtets aside from being a kdrama addict originally.i followed them in twitter waaaaaaaaaaaa too bad i dunno korean language. i even made them a love team thread in another website for fun:wub:

    Haha, I think they're cute too.

    The tweets on Twitter were like hell long ago tho, I have to backtrack like crazy and then click on the mentions.

    But that was when they were still filming the show, I should have taken a screencap!

    Anw, I think it's cute how they like to tease each other esp KYJ to YJG plus she is constantly bringing LMH out to make YJG jealous (IMO).


    but she 's really unfriendly to yeo jin goo dont know why

    Nah, it's obvious that she's just playing around with him.

    They seriously flirt on Twitter.

    I went to backtrack this conversation of theirs with another friend on Twitter and their friend was saying how if they were to be in a relationship it would be a pity on KYJ and then YJG was saying how if he's like the only guy on earth worth dating or SOMETHING along those lines.

    My memory is failing me.

    KYJ was just acting coy and playing along the whole time, it's so cute.

  9. I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK!!! Thank you jaejoongstolemyheart so much for the recaps!!!:wub:

    That cliffhanger omgosh both of them know! :o My heart was beating so fast when they were outside the Moon Pavillion and I was crying with Hwon when he was reading that last letter from Yeonwoo T_T And Janshil! That was unexpected, her coming in secret to tell Yangmyung. And woon with seol! excited to see how they would develop their plot. That last scene had me breathless. I was like OMG THE LETTER THE LETTER!!!

    Btw I didn't understand why some people were complaining how the previous episode was boring because I thought the writers did a good job building up the climax to the reveal next week, developing each character.

    해를 품은 달 대박!!! Ratings should be going up again ^^

    Hah, definitely. I'm so excited to see how are the ratings for this episode.

    Such an intense moment between Wol/Hwon and then we have that crazy cliffhanger. It will prob peak at 40+% again n___n

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..