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Posts posted by sipredstraw

  1. livingforhistory said: bbycoco said: Last year, I met someone in one of my classes and we became friends quickly. He would text me everyday and we hung out a couple times. After about 4 months he confessed to me that he liked me and all, but I couldn't see us as more than friends...He then decided that we shouldn't be friends anymore because he doesn't like staying friends with girls he had feelings for. I messaged him a few months later because I saw him and decided to see how he was doing but he was telling me we had nothing to talk about so we shouldn't talk anymore. I was like ok then. 3 months ago, he messaged me saying that he missed me and told me how when he visited places we've been to together, I'd always pop up in his mind. Now we're friends again, I suppose, we planned to take the same classes and we're usually partners for group activities in class. We did homework together once and he asked me if I changed my perfume because I didn't have the same scent as I had last year. I think I might have developed feelings for him now, but I feel like he has moved on and people were telling me that if he didn't want to be friends at first when I first told him that we should stay friends, it's not a good sign. He's still nice to me and cares for me but I think it wasn't the same as the past. What should I do? Do you think he still has feelings for me or am I just a friend now?

  2. writerstale said: sipredstraw said: @writerstale 
    I was texting with a guy I was talking to, and I guess he got the feels since I complimented him on his personality with the implication that he'd make a good boyfriend. And then he let me know he got a hard on. So maybe the idea that I was able to see him in that light turned him on? 

  3. @writerstale 
    I was texting with a guy I was talking to, and I guess he got the feels since I complimented him on his personality with the implication that he'd make a good boyfriend. And then he let me know he got a hard on. So maybe the idea that I was able to see him in that light turned him on? 

  4. Just wondering how common this is... do you guys get boners when texting/messaging a girl you like even if the conversation isn't anything sexual? Could it be due to feeling an emotional connection through text that this would occur? 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    It's okay. I still have time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Yeah, most of the time actually. A lot of people think I'm Filipina or something
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When its awkward, I just pull out my phone and reply to texts. If there are none in the inbox, then I look through my phone like I'm trying to do something. If it's still really awkward, I start to text people lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My dad is a naturally loud person but my mom is on the quiet side. At restaurants with a loud live band, I can hear my dad's voice across the room no problem LOL. At parties and gatherings especially when he's drunk, it's like damn. He's super loud and I love him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Today I am grateful for:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - My friends and family who make my day brighter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    - Delicious food
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    My parents don't really mind, meaning they're cool with it and don't nag me or anything. They know that I'll be disappointed in myself and push myself to try harder. They just tell me, oh its okay. Just try your best and do better next time. haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Uhh, in the movies? Despicable Me haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if its the home phone, i'm like ughhh who's calling this early
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if its my phone, which rarely goes off in the morning, i'll pick it up
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Look away from the person, hide my face, hide my eyes with my bangs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "Just prayin' to a god that I don't believe in"
































































































































































































































































































































    love the song
































































































































































































































































































































    the script - breakeven
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh, and major piano skillz :P








































































































    Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
















    Need You Now Lyrics
















    Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
















    Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
















    And I wonder if I ever cross your mind































    For me it happens all the time
















    It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
















    Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
















    And I don't know how I can do without































    I just need you now
















    Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
















    Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
















    And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
















    For me it happens all the time
















    It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
















    Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
















    And I don't know how I can do without
















    I just need you now
















    woah woaaah.
















    Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all
















    It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
















    And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now
















    And I don't know how I can do without
















    I just need you now
















    I just need you now
















    Ooo, baby, I need you now




























    He wasn't at work today :( lol
















    It's okay. I'll see him soon.
















    optimism recharge******* xD




























    D, work is so boring without you.
















    L, come talk to me soon.
















    Ugh. AP physics test on Monday.
















    Yay, we're eating out tonight :)




























    The desktop that I used to use is 6-7 years old
















    My new laptop is almost a month old
















    yay for the new laptop :)
































    damn, i should be studying for my ap exams T.T




















    but i have no motivation to study anymoreeeeeeeeee hahaha




















    why have i become so lazy!?!
































    Hi everyone,




















    Just realized something cool and wanted to share (even though you guys might not care, lol ^_^).. Well, my school's prom is going to be on the same night as the KMF, and it's going to be held in the same Sheraton as where the KMF artists are planning on staying. I thought that was interesting heheh




















    I'm not going to prom though, gonna be at the concert~~ :):):)









    there is a group discount (15+) but it's only for tickets that are less than $70 or something o.o i just know you can't use it for pool/garden




















    oh really? cool :) yeah, we were planning on getting the $50 seats anyway. I called the office twice but they were busy with someone else supposedly.. do you (or anyone, lol) happen to know what the discounts are ?








































































    Does anyone know what the privileges are if you buy group tickets? Like 15+ people? I'm not sure if there's a discount or if they move you closer to the stage or something....




















    thanks in advanced ~





  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..