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Posts posted by J-Pooh

  1. @Rom828 - After seeing PBG in Record of Youth as a baddie (thug-like one), would like to see him play something like the "the Doctor's Son" in Heartless City.  I thought Jung Kyung-ho was great in it, but PBG can take it to the next level.  But rather than dramas, would love for him to explore movies.  He expressed a desire to be in Hollywood - I agree, his big eyes can charm the western world too!!  Not a superhero movie, something with grit would be nice - so he can show off his acting chops.  He's not just a pretty face after all!

    • Like 3
  2. Product placement is where TV began, at least in U.S.  It was all about getting eyeballs to watch their channel so they can sell stuff...I remind myself that whenever I see outlandish product placement.  But if you what a big laugh, watch Welcome to Waikiki 2 - I watched that because of Kim Seon Ho (yep, I caught the 2nd lead syndrome after watching Start Up) - they poke fun at it in such a hilarious way that I no longer get annoyed when I see it in other dramas.  Whenever I see product placement now, I think of that drama and it make me smile instead. =)

    • Like 1

    Sorry I am jumping in late in this topic, but I had to have an outlet for my fangirling over Park Bo Gum.  Reply 1988 got me interested in him, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds aka Love in the Moonlight made me swoon but life happens and I watch Record of Youth in Netflix and bam!  It all came flooding back - why he is so awesome!  So I went back and found Encounter.  I kick myself for not having watched it sooner.  Now with both ROY and Encounter on my brain, can't get enough of him.  2022 seems so far away...but the 1st quarter of 2021 is near to the end, he's got a couple of movies that we can look forward to...can't wait until he returns so we can see him grow further - as an actor and in life!

    • Like 3
    • Love 2
    • Awesome 1
  4. I have been watching k-dramas for decades, but this is the first I ever posted about shipping a couple!  I have been a fan of DWL and YIN for some time now.  I liked them in Goblin, but TYH got my heart!  I've seen LDW in variety shows and he appears to be a funny guy, and YIN in the variety shows I have seen her, she seems fun  - can you imagine them as a couple?!?  How can you not ship them?


    Well, I don't plan to hold my breath for it to happen, but it would be great if the stars would align and they become a couple for real.  They definitely would have beautiful babies!


    If there will be a poll for re-naming the couple, I would pitch in for Pocket Couple (especially due to the 8th ep when Jung Rok starts to show his feelings by taking an initiative...)

    • Like 6
    • Love 2
  5. I'm not quite done yet, but after exhausting my brother of me spazzing about this drama, had to find another outlet!  I'm not much into fantasy dramas because of the ones I've seen before this one, they didn't float my boat.  But this drama WOW! 

    The fantasy adds that lyrical works with the story telling and the character development!  Not to much mention it's beautiful to watch.  I began watching this for Wallace Huo (he hooked me in Love Me If you Dare) but I was a bit taken aback at the first episode and I almost skipped it not seeing a more fit looking Wallace.  But his physique worked for his role.  Thoroughly enjoying this!

    • Like 2
  6. I've seen Ji Chang Wook on Warrior Baek Dong Soo, but beginning wasn't doing it for me, but after Empress Ki, seeing his vulnerable acting got me.  Now Healer, I am just riveted by him.  The scene where he tries hold onto the female lead in that drama (where she says she'll wait for "him" and then she leans her head on his shoulder, and just as he's about to hold her she walks away then extends his hand to grab her but then holds back...) daebak!  There was just so much tenderness in it - kiss scenes great, yes, but achieving sweet but heartbreaking tender moments total greatness!  I'm off watching Five Fingers now and probably try go back through his drama works.  But from what I recall from his "Warrior" days till now, he has grown so much - I am looking forward his next projects!  BTW - is it me or has his skin gotten more lighter as well?

  7. I've put off watching Healer because of the chatter that it was similar setting as Pinocchio, which I was watching with relish.  I agree, there are similar themes - news business shaping our reality, a behind-the-scenes "puppeteer," a wannabe "real reporter" and one that falls into it out of necessity.  Boy, even that makes it sound like it'll be the same.  But as I watch it - my mind draws no comparison at all.  Pinocchio?  Pinocchio, who?  Granted there were some great scenes by Lee Jong Suk, but man oh man, Ji Chang Wook!!!!  He's the bomb!  Every scene he's in I can't keep my eyes off him - not so much due to his looks (though he is verrrrrrrry easy on the eyes) but how he's emotional and emotionally contained at the same time.  He keeps me on the edge.  And the cast of characters/actors - the episodes stay with you.  Can't wait to the next episode!

  8. I had my eyes on him since Will It Snow at Christmas and I am so thrilled he is doing so well!  More than his looks, I was drawn into his ability to embody emotion at such a young age - and to see him grow and become more polished (yes, I admit in his looks as well), he just makes me anticipate seeing him more and more!  I just can't wait for his next project!!!!

  9. @dreamerland - Thank you soooooooo much for sharing about his fan meeting.  I just got into Lee Jong Suk today!  I had a hunkering to get to know what he might really be like - and what you shared about the fan meeting shed a lot of light.

    @mizuchan - I agree, this thread could use more love, but I don't think we'll need to worry for long.  I got into him only after catching up with I Hear Your Voice (IHYV) (didn't see School 2013).  Watching School 2013 now, and I see why it's considered his breakout role.  I've watched Prosecutor Princess and didn't recall that he was even in it!  In Secret Garden, I noticed him, yes, but just as a pretty face.  With so many "flower" boys out there, I felt at the time, he was a dime a dozen.  But seeing him more grown up and with some muscles on his bones in IHYV, I DEFINITELY NOTICED him.  And his acting!  As much as I get captivated by his beauty, I also get caught up with his charm, his feelings, his character...looks and talent?  That's a formula for fans to come a-flocking!

































































    Just curious anyone know how the ticket sales are going on the world tour. Is it as expected? I think Prudential was a little less than 3/4 full. Although as far as I could tell the lower level/higher priced seats appear to have been nearly full. I'm hoping they are doing well so they will tour again :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So far, I went to the Vancouver one and reading fan accounts from the NJ and LA venues, it seems that it's been around ~50 - 60% full. I'm going to the San Jose one, so I'm hoping that it's packed. (^.^)x
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'll be driving up from Oregon to see JYJ in Vancouver - got my trusty GPS , PM if someone needs a ride around town. I'll be driving in on Wed - real late (right after my evening class - man, that's dedication ain't it?...On top of that I got a final on Mon!). ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know where JYJ is staying in Vancouver?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey guys I'm planning to buy tickets for their vancouver concert. I saw a presale date for it on ticketmaster.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    How does that work? Am I suppose to have some kind of code? How do I acquire the code? Did you guys have a pre-sale for the locations that are already available for ticket purchasing?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You can get on ticketmaster a few minutes before (get on JYJ ticket sales page) and right when it hits sale time refresh and the options to purchase the tix will appear. Hope that helps (I bought my SJ tix that way!). ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yup - @au_dinosaur, like dbSk iS k00l said, gotta check. Glad I checked everything that I possible could to see if it could get me an edge with getting tix at the last moment. That's I noticed (about 5 minutes before the tix sale started) on Powerhouse site re: JYJ concert, that there would be NO standing that all seats are reserved.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A good thing I saw that otherwise I was planning not to get floor seats. So happy to get main floor now! Yeah, there might be people still standing and crowding going on, but when you need a little rest it's nice to have a chair just for you. ^^

































































































































    Just bought my ticket! Row N, seat 4 for the San Jose show! Floor seat! I'm so excited! If you're next to me, PM me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm over at Main Floor P for the SJ show seats 2 - 6! See ya at the party! \:w00t:/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    is anyone from Vancouver here?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wonder why Ticketmaster still hasnt shown a page, when the ticket sales starts on the 19th already >.< ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    could the price be the same range as well? i doubt it if they would have VIP privileges ... hehe ^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There's a flashmob being organized, but let's meetup before the concert or smt (: Msg me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Where is everyone sitting? I'm aiming for 90$ seats































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Going to the Vancouver venue too!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    mclaire - I hear ya concern, been checking periodically hoping that tickemaster will pop up information about it. ^^x
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Serpantine- sounds like you have great ideas! Hope there's a meet up and seeing how large the venue is I hope there are some fan surprises planned for the event. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sooooo excited about JYJ's US tour! Especially a Vancouver stop (gonna go to that one)!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The CA venues seems so intimate, having to choose - going to the SJ one too!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    If I had more money would go to all of them in a heartbeat!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wasn't thrilled about the lineup last year, for me, no BIG headliners. '09 was awesome with SS501. I'm hoping for JYJ - they said their going to be doing their US promotions in the first half of the year, hopefully it'll include HB (and reading comments in this thread sounds like SME artists would be MIA so hopefully that means a greater likelihood that JYJ would show).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh I'm just so excited - last year I on the phone and on my computer for like 3 hours (site crashing, etc.). The garden box seat went gone in a snap! Gonna try my luck again this year. ^^ Looking forward to all the updates - soompiers were awesome help last year (I think I might have given up if it were not for others complaining about the same problems I had and providing helpful guidance along the way). 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