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    oh how very nice these words are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Once i get my car im for sure gonna prettify it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope i'll have enough money and time ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































    The Snow Queen - Hyun Bin & Sung Yu Ri
































    Dream High - Suzy & Kim Soo Hyun
































    Secret Garden - Hyun Bin & Ha Ji Won
































    Sad Love Song - Kwon Sang Woo & Kim Hee Sun
































    Iljimae - Lee Jun Ki & Han Hyo Joo

















  4. Would you guys like it if a girl made you a gingerbread house for Christmas?

    i would

    i mean like SOME guys would act like they dont care

    but then when they are aloen with it

    they will stare at it

    and smile

    and ur face will like pop up in front of it

    and he will start thinkin bout u


    or is it only me


    that part got me the most in his friend's letter. it really hurts seeing him like this. I wish he knew just how much more people loves him. I mean have you guys seen the sticky notes on JYP building? its really sweet, thoughtful, and impressive of Hottests. they just got started and I doubt they're giving up. stay strong <3


    that's a huge relief. reading this is heartwarming. the fact that his friend mentioned JYP also shows that JYP himself may be silent but very concern and is keeping on the down low for now. Jay just returned home from the airport and must be tired as anything. so much must be running through his head and as much as I want to hear something from JYP, I'm much more concern about Jay's health. aside from his fan's support, he needs food and rest more than anything.


    again, HOTTESTS - don't give up and keep the faith. I'm sure hundreds of people are keeping an eye on this thread for any light of hope. amazing that this has got to be the most united thing I've seen on soompi, fancafe, and other forums. you're all not alone. dont forget to also support the rest of 2PM as well~


    I support HOTTESTS.

    I support 2PM. and...

    I support Jay Park.



    OMg i feel better also ^^


    hope u come back to 2pm


    maybe i can sleep tonight :D




    Is it true that Jaebom is only leaving temporary

    cause i read somewhere on youtube that he will return and is only quiting for a while?

    will jyp's contract with jaebom make him stay in 2pm

    or will uhh, he have to pay back jyp for quiting with the contract still going on or something, you kno

    REPLY pls!!


  • Create New...

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