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Felicia Soh

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Posts posted by Felicia Soh

  1. Better late than never... Hahaha...

    1wigglessnowman961gm.gifMerry Christmas Choi Ji Wu's angels!!! 1wigglessnowman961gm.gif


    welcome back Felicia oh dear!!!


    Hello APPLE! :)

    Thanks for dropping by with such beautiful Christmas postings....what a feeling?? :) You are such a dearie...your postings will forever lift up everyone's mood. You just remind me that I need to pay a visit to my other hunks.... B):rolleyes: Hope to see you here more often, chingu.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HELLO TO ALL MY SUNNY BABES CHINGU.....Brook, Ella, Azura, Inez, Sonickim, Lee, Yessy, Miyawoks....and ALL. :D:)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry been MIA lately....but how pathetic to find our JHSUN tucked at the back of page 7 lol.... :(:(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to all who had contributed so much articles, pictures and news of our dear SUNny for us to enjoy....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope you gals had a wonderful Christmas and A Happy Happy New Year 2006! :)

































































  3. Sorry but I'm just wondering... Abt the "Sister Café" (Korean Food Restaurant), will JW be the manager in reality? That means she will do her own business with this restaurant in Japan? Or TBS (or Producer) will manage it all and they only use the name of Ji Woo?

    I dont think JW has intention to do business. Thanks for anyone can help. ^^

    Hello Yessy! :)

    From what I interpreted in the news as posted here....I think the inception of "Sister Cafe" was formed with a business venture in mind even before the production or filming commences. Smart business acumen. It's a business deal...once the filming wrapped up, the investors of the Korean Restaurant will take over and continue running the restaurant. They had even thought of a chain restaurant.... for other outlets too....coz with CJW's popularity, it is secured to say there'll be exodus flow of customers at the restaurant and in no time they'll get back their investment with profits "cheng cheng"....(sound of the till machine)..$$$$...he!he!he!... I guess CJW will get a share or a fixed lump sum for endorsing/advertising her name as part of the business deal. Hope, I have not deviated too much from the article ..... :rolleyes:B)

  4. Thank you so much HYC for your constant effort to shower and pamper us with the clips.

    I remembered watching with envy how JW laid her head on Yutaka's broad shoulder ...ooh! how I wish I can share YT's comfortable shoulder with JW....aish! dream again... :rolleyes:B)

    OMO! Poor Ellabel....can't log in to Soompi during the holidays....it's better late than never.....It's always nice to see your posting here....don't stray away too long...dearie <_<;)

  5. Kamsahamnida HYC & Dramalover for answering my question! :)

    So it was the press conference and I would have guessed it since there were rows of standing flowers with Congratulatory Wishes (bet that was written in Japanese)...

    Apple Red, I think the way they decorated the posters and flowers were arranged with a touch of "Japanese Culture"....lol... :lol::rolleyes:

  6. Hi Felicia,

    Welcome back to M'sia and to soompi. :lol:

    Any unusual experience in Panda Land? :P:lol: Anyone tried to smell your water bottle? :lol:

    Hello Hyc!! :)

    Thanks but strangely everything went smoothly...was expecting the unexpected with the immigration but no one seem to bother about us...So we walked away hassle-free.....no checking or whatsoever from the Chinese counterpart. :rolleyes:B) Could it be at that time you were there, they were freaking out on some issues only known to them??? <_<;) They can be pretty unpredictable whole lot of people there and of course you may have landed at a different zone with different sets of rules? Oh gosh! What am I talking about? :unsure:

    OMO! You've changed your banner again....all the same it's always a pleasure to see some changes but it'll always be LBH & CJW, right?

    Sorry, off-topic...

    BTW, I had a jolly fun time and it was a great trip.. despite the climbing, walking, riding on a bus hopping from one city to another and with the cold weather, it was indeed a worthwhile journey...(I'm sure you had the same experience before and I must admit my previous perception on China was unbiased and now after visiting Kunming, Jiuxiang, Dali and Lixiang, I shall give some due credit to the Chinese for their fast improvement and advancement in tourism industry.

  7. Thanks HYC for the news....smart idea, great investment for the production of RONDO. The K-food chain was a well-thought investment (The Sisters Cafe) ...even before the drama is aired!! :D

    BTW, I simply adore your new banner.....love BH & JW ....what a christmas feel?? B):rolleyes:


    Mian hamnida....for MIA in this thread!! and thanks to all who had contributed articles, pictures and news of our princess CJW... missed all the postings and enjoyed reading them now!


  9. Hei Rubie.....YOU DID IT...FIRST Poster at page 100 and do you know what! Ironically your number of posting just hit my ""tuah/ong"" number 1188 and most of my numbers (you know ....laa) carry the same number too!! Whoa!! Tomorrow should be my lucky day...I wanna visit the **horses**....he!he!he! :lol::rolleyes:B)

    edited : P/S : Just noticed that your number of postings remain unchanged...is my eyes playing tricks on me..or did I miss something here?? so blur blur I think I better zar....zzzzzz

    SO HERE'S MY OFFICIAL ONE....."CHOOKAI EH....TO ALL THE EEPUTAR AGASSI AKA HUNNIE PANDAS"...with so many forces in no time you gals shall reach 200th pages!! Aja! Aja! Fighting!!

  10. ^

    Hi Felicia, you are going to China for the year-end vacation. :D

    Have a pleasant and safe trip, ok and enjoy all you can... of course!

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2006!

    Will you be back for the countdown? :lol:

    Yay Rubie! I'll be going to China on Sunday and will be back for the countdown.... :)

    Will miss everyone and as you aware I don't think I can log in .....still.. ahem! somewhat primitive...


  11. Hi Felicia,

    A sleepy panda has just woken up. :lol:

    Thanks for the christmas greeting. Same to you too. :D

    Have a save and wonderful journey to China (if I am not mistaken about your holiday destination). :lol::lol:

    Hello Hyc!! :)

    I hope my presence at the lushy bushy forest (minus the panda) will shoo away all the BIRDs....hoping that my "Flu Shot" taken is gonna shoot them off too.....**piang** **piang**...drop dead.... :rolleyes:B) Thanks chingu....I will take care ....especially on my belongings. Gosh! I sound so paranoid..already! ;)

    Thanks Rubie, Ella and everyone here....for making this thread so lively...and I owe this message to LEE BYUNG HUN ssi!! (actually I've been waiting to make my posting on page 100...but I think I can't wait...lol...)


    and what the heck..since I'm here might as well.....extend my congratulatory message to all the HUNNIE PANDAS.....it's only a page away and you gals will reach 100th PAGE!!! GREAT WORK EVERYONE.....AjA! AjA FiGhTinG!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry to all my fellow chingus here...been MIA lately??? :(:rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello to Brook, Ella, Nique, Inez, Yessy, Lee, Miyawoks, Azura and all lovely agassi!! ...... :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wishing you ladies an advance...a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS & A VERY MERRY NEW YEAR....will be MIA for awhile....!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    See ya!! :lol:

































































































































































































































































  13. Hello Felicia chingu!!!

    Nice to see you here. Dont feel guilty or anything. Just drop by whenever you can.

    We always appreciate your nice inputs in the thread.

    Thanks for all the warm wishes for LBH.

    I think LBH knows that he keeps women swooning over his specs attire that he dons it once in awhile. ;):rolleyes:

    It's so quiet in the bamboo forest...... Silent night........ must be the holiday season rush...

    Gtg gals and practice my tahitian for next week's performance. :blink:

    What i will do to retain my job. <_<

    Hi Ella dearie....You gonna do a tahitian dance...Whoa! Wish I can see you do that.... :rolleyes:B)

    I like guys wearing glasses ...make them kind of BRAINY...& SMART LOOKING???

    Yeah! At this time...you'll notice a drastic drop of attendance in Soompi.....just zzzzzooom off...maybe all are going to dreamland...

    Here's wishing an early MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE!! :):D

  14. Hello to Everyone!! :)

    So many good news ... hope it'll keep pouring in before the year end and may all his good luck charm flourish into year 2006 for LEE BYUNG HUN SSI! :D Aja! Aja! Fighting! :)

    Just a curtesy visit...(felt guilty for not dropping by as a regular visitor!)...mianneh... :( Hello to all my fellow chingu....Rubie, Ella, HYC, QQ, Chula, Mrs Lee (it shows how often I drop by coz I don't know many of you)and to the rest of the HUNNIE PANDAS in this thread....You gals did a splendid job in making this thread....so warm and full of latest articles to read and pictures to drool....like his specs..Why is he wearing it....has he been appointed as a spokesman for one of the brand for specs...??? :rolleyes:B) Just curious!

    An Nyong.. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HI hi ~~ dear Felicia, Choi Ji woo ~~ ^_____^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so sorry for the late reply ..... been real busy...... :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Felicia ~ ^^ WOW~~ thanks so so much for sharing your review on the drama, soo detailed and in-depth ~~ B) I enjoyed it a lot lot ~~ :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (O... I also miss the memorable time when we shared on the old thread .... ;))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I found this drama intrigues me a lot, the acting, the storyline, the cinematography, the music & songs, the mood .......
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I also found the funeral part awesomely presented .... :o
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the fast drum beat, the big fire, the chants of the nuns, from morning till its dark .... the whole scene taken from a long shot ..... its breath-taking ~~ .... i felt I was watching a movie... its very powerfully and carefully portrayed..... B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    & the lines shown right after the ending of the drama tells it all .... B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I soo agree w/ U for this ---- Bravo! Bravo! To the writer who went beyond the norm…a bold attempt but was not much acclaimed for his/her effort. A well deserved recognition to : The PD’s for directing all the perfect shots; the Cameramen for giving us all these breathtaking scenes, the Music Producer for a great OST and the entire production crew/team for everything.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ...There is neither victims nor assaulters when it comes to love…The person you love has always been right there with you....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello Middy!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's my pleasure to share my views here and compared to what you have been contributing here and for that matters ALL of Kim Rae Won's related thread...YOU ARE EXTREMELY MAGNIFICIENT & A DEDICATED FAN OF KRW!! and if there's an award for this title..sincerely, you deserve it. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    With so little time.....so many threads to venture....I can only confine my time and effort to the BEST (my choice only...) of KRW's drama!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Many thanks to you again for making this thread alive with your hardwork....and of course to Choi Ji Woo too for her constant posting....ahem!! so do you like being the "mistress" to Byung Soo!! But beware lol...he's very vulnerable ..... so take care of him....just joking.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  16. Yeah! Thanks Yasmin for re-posting the article and VOD for us to keep abreast on her latest development! :)

    I know how difficult it is to place the violin on the neck and your chin to hold it...but I hope they gave her a shoulder rest which ease a lot of the burden particularly for someone who has no experience. They way she held the violin gives me the impression she did practise how to play the violin. Hope she has recovered from her sore neck... B):)
































































































































































































































































































    yes chimei!
































































































































































































































































    he's got a very nice voice. he's got a very strong and masculine voice.
































































































































































































































































    loved his song from ALL IN and his english song I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
































































































































































































































































    i'm searching for sites where i could DL his songs too.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello Ujin & Everyone!! :)
































































































































































































































































    I have a copy of PYH's album which includes the song I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. But as I am totally a computer ignoramus I can't be of help to you gals. On the brighter note, I remembered that I download the song in the thread where they stored all the OST songs ....oops! I can't remember which Drama OST has this song..Let me crack my head a bit and if I can locate it, I shall inform you....Mianneh....My brain is a bit rusty... :(:(

































  18. Droppin off some CJW pix 'nd artworx...



    cartoon7_533.jpg -- cute^____^




    Hello APPLE....Very nice of you to drop by!!

    Those lovely mufflers with its intricated way of tying was a phenomenal hit after the drama was released! Some sites even teach you how to tie the muffler exactly the way they did it! Thanks for sharing those unforgettable cap scenes and artwork from Winter Sonata!! Kamsahamnida! :):D

  19. Okay....I'm curious, since Mr Takenouchi is portraying a Japanese policeman who falls in love with our Ms Ji-Woo in the drama, surely there must be a kissing scene coming up soon right? An affectionate hug or passionate embrace will not serve us any justice :lol:

    Trying to act innocent but 15_1_61.gif

    15_1_63.gif before the coast is clear

    Beary Bear, you are not alone...we are all craving to see these scenes and Japanese production do saviour us with these desires, so let's keep our fingers crossed. :rolleyes::huh: Maybe, both of them has yet to develop into a serious relationship....Gosh! I sound so desperado...... :P

    Thanks Dramalover for posting the article...the pictures of her and YT is sufficient ... :lol::unsure:

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