Jump to content

Felicia Soh

Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

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Posts posted by Felicia Soh

  1. OMG!! Lee Eun-hee must be one of the most beautiful brides that had graced magazine – she is a sure winner – drop-dead beauty!!

    hello3ow9.gif Barbara and all newbies (sorry been too engrossed with hot pictures that I’ve lost my manners). :P

    LBH should be called EVERYONE’s heart-throb and he makes me so giddily-in-love with him (sorry fan-ahjuma couldn’t resist his charm!) Anyway, who can resist... so many hot pictures gracing this page!!! He is forever gorgeous – loving the royal-hotness-moustache-look and so adorable with his boyish good looks too! Both of them are so blessed with good looks.

    Thanks rubie and ylin for all those updates.

    Btw, thanks rubie for posting the link to view the beautiful bride of Go Soo. Yesterday, KBSW captured a bit of the wedding news of GS and they showed two beautiful shots of the bride (one of the shots reminded me of SHG…). LBH appeared briefly as he gave his thoughts on the couple. He jokingly said that being the MC was the most appropriate post as he can't be the one to chaperon the bride to walk the aisle (I think that's what he said..). :P

































































































































































































































































    awwwwwwww ... you mean JM has only proven it in today's episode? hahahaha ... he already wow'ed me many episodes ago. he's practically the only character that seems unreal to me. but from the preview ... looks like he has not given up on looking into the fishy death of his bestie ie. EY's hubby? :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hahaha….you are right, I am a bit slow to warm up to his lovey-dovey actions because it took me awhile to follow the storyline. I just picked up this drama recently, think two weeks ago at KBSW. At times I have to come up with elaborate back stories to make for the episodes that I have missed with those little tell-tale hints here and there. Anyway, the writer has a habit in using flash-back scenes and recapping past incidents in their conversation to allow viewers like me to be able to understand the back stories. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Some evil-vibes I developed while watching the earlier episodes - I was expecting the writer to write-off EY’s character when she was diagnosed with TB. But I guess it’ll take longer than I expected for her character to be written off! I have to agree with you guys- Junmo’s character is almost extinct in real life! His heart is so full of love, he could have loved the whole wide world - no harm done if BH owns a small part of it, right? :P ! I wonder whether it was love or his compassionate hearts that he ended up marrying Eunyeong (I didn’t get to witness how they ended up together).

    Not yet, but the hubby did bring Eunju to tears. Even after all these years he still doesn't want Eunju as a DIL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It'll be tough for Dr. Kim to find a potential girl like Taeung's family background for Minsu. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Today’s episode has lesser major issues revealed except that as far as Geumju’s plan to runaway from her family with the intention to hook up with Yeongpyo in Seoul, she failed in her attempt to lead a new life in the city. She was betrayed by her sister. As promised, Bokhui sealed her mouth tightly without letting any hints to GJ about her meeting with YP. BH wanted YP to move on from her and to live his own life - he deserves happiness!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There were some interesting exchanges among the workers on BH’s relationship with YP and they all concluded that YP is BH’s first love. Unfortunately, the answer they get from BH is that her first love and ideal man is a married man! Gosh...BH should move on with the unavailable ideal namja! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dr. Kim is home alone watching drama while grumbling to himself about how his wife left him without following up with a phone call. Meanwhile, Insuk is enjoying her time bonding with Eunyeong’s baby and spending quality time with her son and brother – there’s no room for Dr Kim to squeeze in her peaceful mind. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    GJ finally surrendered to her dad’s wish and returned home – the silent presence of her father in the hotel room was an amazing scene where no words were exchanged but the tense atmosphere probably had GJ fearing for her hair to be snipped off!! The sour looking GJ packed her bags and leave without any fight – her father must be relieved! :sweatingbullets:

































































































































































































































































  3. Thanks rubie and everyone for sharing all the wondering pictures and links.

    The wedding news which actually focuses on LBH attendance made it to HK TVB Entertainment News on Sunday. The highlight of the news was focused on LBH touted as one of Korea’s most successful and most influential and most well-loved figures (oops…looks like I ad-lib a little bit…hehehehe) will return to the spotlight with his first period role – I never really realized that until they highlighted it. Whoa….can’t wait to see our Royal Hotness dons the dressed-up gear as the King in “The King of Joseon”!! He looked smashing as ever and if "A Smile Can Launch A Thousand Ships" it would be Lee Byung-hun's mega-watts (from Ylin's quote) smile! smileyyehey.gif

    A bit OT, I’ve yet to see the bride….did GS intentionally hide her from the press? ;) Go Soo looked refreshingly handsome and I wish the newly-wed couple eternal happiness. :D

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome back rubie-hunnie. It’s so good to be back to a home with lots of gorgeous stuff.

    A big emotbighug.gif for all your time and contribution to this thread – gomapta chingu.

    I am looking forward to see our handsome man taking a step back as not the front man in today’s event. I am sure most of BH Ent artistes would be attending the wedding – can’t wait to see the pictures of the bride and groom and their guests.

    Congratulations to Go Soo and his bride - 11_3_2.gif

    Thanks for the news - didn't know his sister is getting married too. Well, that makes it very unlikely BH will be getting hooked up in a marriage ...well at least not for now or anytime soon. :D

    Happy image003.gif and have a good week everyone! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I enjoy watching today episode – lots of beautiful and dongsaeng-romantic-like interactions between Bokhui and Yeongpyo. It’s a treasure to finally witness how handsome YP is when he breaks into a smile and feeling so comfortable in the companion of BH. For a moment, I wish this two are lovers – it’s so funny BH joked that her ideal man must be taller than her and there are only two qualified men that matches her requirement. One is Kang Junmo and the other is of course Yeongpyo. While she knows nothing will happen between her and JM, she is very clear that YP can only be her best friend - though she did throw that question to YP but he gave her a smile in respond to that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Meanwhile, Junmo revealed another one of his romantic lines and gestures towards Eunyeong who can’t believe she has the right to receive such happiness from him. Now, Junmo is not only BH’s ideal man but everyone’s ideal man – I have that feeling today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gemju finally found her way to Seoul and pressured Eunjo to find BH’s contact number – I don’t know she is going to find YP since BH has promised YP not to reveal anything to anyone at Deokchan that he met her. She even lied to her mother when she called to ask about his whereabouts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A promising future is set for YP as BH helped him with a temporary job as a Supervisor at her 2nd Plant. She introduced him to all the workers and everyone were so smitten over his handsome face especially the funny ahjumma! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dr. Kim is whining and complaining to his son about how darn good a husband he is to his mother – aigooo…..he didn’t have lunch and dinner and is all tipsy after some drinks and he is cursing away. I think the reason he didn’t eat is because Mrs Kim didn’t cook for him and not because he chose not to eat…hahaha! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can’t wait to see the reaction from President Hong (MLA) when he meets Yeongpyo whom he will probably think he is a threat to him!! :o

































































  6. wave.gif everyone! Haven’t been around for some time and it’s time for catching up news – looks like LBH will be busy acting as MC during the wedding of Go Soo (congratz to him). Hope the next round of wedding news relating to LBH would be HIM being the groom.

    Thanks all for the latest update especially rubie and ylin. :D

    I can’t wait to see him in his next movie with one of my favourite actresses, Han Hyo-joo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for all the spoilers creidesca:D KBSW is not that far behind from the current episode aired in Korea which enable us to catch up on the progress of the story.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can't wait to see the reaction from those people (especially MM couple) who looked down on YP when they found out how successful he has become.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So does BH know that the person working with her is her brother?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think more than chauvinistic ... MS's dad is the kind of person one get sick & tired of talking to because he constantly deride & snide about anything his wife shares with him. not the kind of hubby you want to be telling your troubles to ... because he just ridicules the situation and make you feel even worse instead of offering solution or making you feel comforted. i know people like that in real life ... so i totally get how MS's mom feel. hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Very well said exupery – he continued with his barraging demand as the man-in-the-house on today’s episode!! Insuk finally walked out on him and left him fuming as he claimed he would divorce her….-save your pride Dr. Kim!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pretty Geumju (sounds like Princess in Chinese) is shooing everyone out of her room and refused to eat. She can't get rid off her sarcasm every time she opens her mouth. The MM couple (Mija and Malgu) is the happiest family member with YP gone – Malgu who doesn’t know the real reason why YP is gone tried his way to win BM’s heart with affirmation of his loyalty (not realizing the true reason why YP left). Aigoooo….Round 1 – failure attempt - he was asked to leave his office!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Love the lunch scene of Bokhui with two Presidents (Hong and Kim) – BH did not expect the money-lender ahjussi (MLA) is the actual host who has asked President Kim to arrange BH for lunch (since she rejected his previous lunch dates). It was interesting to hear both “bosses” felt that BH has been bewitching them and MLA even called BH a wily fox….hahahaha!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It seems Geumju left the winery after finding out that her father is going to send her off to Japan earlier (before the wedding day).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe she'll come back a widow? So far she's a no-show in EP 72-73.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Uh oh, will Boknam be working for the money-lending ahjussi (Hong Baek Gu)? I think Boknam is not using his real name at the moment, but the surname Hong, which piqued the ahjussi even more?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I like the pacing of this story despite not revealing the status of Boknam until the latest episode. It would be interesting to find out what happen to our Gemju as well as Boknam. Thanks again for sharing - err...I seem to be like stalking you...I guess our drama taste has grown alike. :D

    Seems like the winery are having problems. I can't wait for YP and GJ return even BH return to the winery. Will YP or BH help the winery? Would GJ return rich, full of hate and destroy the winery? All three of them was chased away and suffered to preserve the winery's reputation.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would want to find out how the winery manage without YP - BM has emphasized many times that he depended on YP to help him run the winery and has the intention to pass his role to him one day. So it was a painful decision to ask him to leave for the sake of his daughter whom he blamed Gemju for all this drama. Malgu is a hopeless BIL but at least he is useful as a driver. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi everyone,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sharing some similar thoughts as exupery on this drama. :D I just recently picked up this drama and has been enjoying the story development of Bokhui, Junmo, Geumju and Yeongpyo. I was actually hoping Yeongpyo to have an interest in BH but I guess they are treating each other like best friends/dongsaeng. Even the people at work were questioning YP on their relationship status as they don’t really look like just-friends.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I know it’s very unlikely for Bokhui to develop a love-relationship with her new business partner aka money-lender ahjussi but they seemed to have the kind of business chemistry that brings out the soft side of him. Somehow, I like their scenes together and it’s so weird that he has to use “threaten-method” to date her for lunch. I think in Episode 70, Bokhui found out something about him not comfortable having meal alone or something like that – thus, she rushed back over to take up his offer for lunch. It may take some time before Bokhui hook up with Junmo (I think that’s how their relationship will turn out to be based on the storyline/opening cast introduction) since Eunjeong is still around?!?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 63 on KBSW today is almost all about YP and GJ’s relationship being busted by her father which resulted in YP being asked to leave the winery. The farewell dinner between Dalbong and YP was truly a heartfelt scene with both men crying in each other’s arm. Like credeisca highlighted earlier, YP left without taking the money and insurance policy, even the business-suit that Byeongman bought for him recently was left behind. GO YP – leave this heavy-emotional-baggage behind and start a new life in Seoul.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Elsewhere in a lighter moment - Bokhee revealed to Junmo that he is her ideal man (I like how she’s so open about it) and her admittance was not planned but at a right timing which was related to JM wanting to meet her business partner. BH refused to let JM meet him since he once said that he will break JM’s legs if he sees him because her ideal man is a married man.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Humbly, he told her that there are many great men in the world and in response to his words, smiling to herself she said – “There are many great men in the world but I don’t know any of them. You are the greatest person I know – that’s why you can’t help that you are my ideal man”.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Minsu’s mom who couldn’t stand her chauvinistic hubby, Dr. Kim declared that she wants to divorce him. Yay….whether she is serious or not, I support her decision since it’s so difficult to live with such an arrogant hubby.












































































































































































































































































































































































