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~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks so much! I'm just posting it on the soompi main page of the story...hope it's not TOO big lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyTc_DiBVx4
































































































































































































































































































































































































    text: Into the darkness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    time: 2:31 - 2:38
































































































































































































































































































































































































    pixel size: The same size as the Mika Nakashima gif you have as an example is good :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    specifics: If I had milliseconds it might be easier cause in these seconds, the scenes switch pretty fast. Um, 2:31, please start where she starts to rip the paper off of the wall. And then in 2:38, end/fade into black when she's facing the right direction, not when the scene cuts to her facing the left. Hope it's not too confusing! >_<
































































































































































































































































    Short Recap:
















































































    Everything happened so fast. The gun went off and I felt my body being shoved to the ground. The breath was knocked out of me and my vision blacked out for a moment from the sudden and immense impact.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The scream woke me out of my brief knockout. When I looked up, I realized I had no pain. When I took in the situation, I saw YuHwan’s body laying limp a foot away from me.






























































































































































































































































    I scrambled over to him, tears burning the corners of my eyes as I tried to take in the sight. The blood was rapidly spreading and I couldn’t bear to touch him.






























































































































































































































































    “YuHwan, YuHwan wake up!” I sputtered. “Wake up you idiot! EUN YUHWAN!” I screamed.






























































































































































































































































    Out of the perimeter of the construction site popped up police. They all had guns in their hands and were fast approaching. HeeJoo and AeRim were already forced on the ground, handcuffed and stripped of any weapons they had.






























































































































































































































































    Around me I could hear all of the voices telling me to move aside so they could help him. I couldn’t leave though. I held on tight to his arm as we disappeared into the ambulance.















































































































































































    Kissed By You || 100
















































































    There was a soft voice murmuring in the distance. All I could remember was the smell of YuHwan all around me. His arms enveloping me in a deep embrace, soothing away my fears as he stroked my face.
















































































    The vision was quickly disappearing though. Cold reality was crashing down on me as my eyes slowly opened, the vestiges of the dream skittering from my vision. When I looked into KyungHee’s grim face, my eyes immediately filled with tears.
















































































    It couldn’t be possible…there’s no way…
















































































    My sobs were loud and uncontrollable. The last time I’d cried like this was when my Uncle had died. Pain so raw it threatened to rip right through me.
















































































    KyungHee seemed to be saying something but she was pushed out of the room by the nurses. I was grateful for their respect.
















































































    Curling up in the blankets, I stared blankly out the window at the bright, beautiful day beyond these white sterile walls. Tears continued to roll down my cheeks silently. My chest felt like a huge gaping hole of nothingness. I’d never felt so void in my life.
















































































    The scene replayed in my head as I slowly gave myself over to my memories. Why hadn’t I seen him? Was he there the whole time? If not, who told him where I was? If he’d never known, he’d still be here…
















































































    The tightening in my chest stopped the trail of thoughts. I gasped for air against the uncomfortable pain. It was such a literal expression of heartbreak.
















































































    Outside, I could hear KyungHee yelling over the nurses trying to hold her down. I frowned and angrily wiped my tears away. Fcuking KyungHee can’t even give me time to grieve without causing trouble! I threw my blankets off and stomped to the door. Yanking it open, I poked my head out to yell at KyungHee when she cut me off.
















































































    “HE’S ALIVE!”
















































































    I couldn’t comprehend what she’d just said. Alive? Who…SeungHoo?
















































































    KyungHee shoved a nurse rather roughly and sent her flying into the wall. The other nurses gave up and went to help their fellow colleague.
















































































    Walking up to me, she shook my shoulders roughly. “Eun YuHwan is alive you idiot!” KyungHee yelled into my face. “You didn’t listen to me before you started bawling your eyes out!”
















































































    I gripped KyungHee’s arms with a death grip. She frowned and tried to make me release her, but I was way stronger. “He’s…he’s really alive? Eun YuHwan is alive?”
















































































    KyungHee rolled her eyes. “Yes! Now let go of me. If you hadn’t been such a drama queen and caused these nurses to assume the worst, I would’ve led you to him earlier!”
















































































    She took my arm and dragged me down the hall, ignoring the nurses’ protests. When we reached the room, I pushed the door open and stood in the entrance, staring at the empty bed.
















































































    “What is this?”
















































































    KyungHee poked her head in and frowned. She walked in and surveyed the scene with her hands on her hips. “I think he went for a walk,” she mumbled.
















































































    I was out of there before she noticed. My heart was pounding and I’m sure I was causing a scene running around in a hospital gown with no shoes, but I could care less. I needed to see him. I had to make sure he was alive and this wasn’t so cruel joke fate was playing on me.
















































































    When I reached the garden that the patients usually took walks in, my eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. I raced from left to right, searching high and low for the sight of YuHwan’s fluffy hair. Many doctors gave me a strange look and some tried to drag me back to the hospital. My shoeless feet certainly didn’t help convince them I was okay.
















































































    When I still hadn’t seen him, I slumped down on a nearby bench.
















































































    What a joke. Someone had to be fcuking twisted to be playing around with me like this. Maybe he’d left me. Maybe after saving my life, he had paid his debt to me…whatever that was. Maybe he didn’t want anything more to do with me.
















































































    “Why so sad?”
















































































    I didn’t bother turning to look at the voice. The sound of their scratchy voice did little to comfort me.
















































































    “Nothing,” I sighed. “Absolutely nothing.”
















































































    “Do you like the tree?”
















































































    I frowned. Turning to my right, I realized there was a little orange tree. Upon closer inspection, it was recently planted.
















































































    17. Plant a tree.
















































































    My heart jumped and I turned around. There was a bench behind me and there was no mistaking the back of this fluffy haired person’s head. Immediately, I threw my arms around his neck, squeezing and hanging on with all I had.
















































































    When I heard him choking for air, I let go, afraid I’d hurt him. He turned to glare at me but I planted a huge kiss on his lips and continued along his cheek, forehead, nose, anywhere I could.
















































































    “Man, if I knew you’d give unlimited kisses, I’d have tried to kill myself sooner,” he joked.
















































































    I ran over to the other bench, taking in his injury. It seems like he had taken a bullet to the shoulder. I’d thought it was the heart, but it seemed incredibly close. Sitting down next to him, I hugged him as tight as I could without hurting him.
















































































    He chuckled. “I missed you too. Glad you’re awake.”
















































































    “How long have I been out?” I asked him. It felt so good to hear him talk. I just wanted to hear him say anything, whatever, just as long as he was alive.
















































































    “Two days. I was worried I’d taken the bullet for nothing if you were going to die of exhaustion.” He laughed at my expression. “So, in hopes that you would wake up, I planted you a tree.”
















































































    I smiled. “Thank you.” It was really too cute, sitting beside the bench. I hoped it would grow big and bear delicious oranges.
















































































    We sat in comfortable silence, bodies close and hands clasped. Nothing else mattered at this moment…except one thing that was nagging me.
















































































    “YuHwan…where did you go?” I asked him.
















































































    The fear in my head kept whispering to me how he’d heard of SooJin’s arrival home, how he’d gone to look for her in his blind anticipation. But then the other voice in my head fought back, angry and defiant, talking sense into me. He wouldn’t have risked his life for me if he still loved SooJin…there’s no way. It’s too much of a sacrifice.
















































































    “WooRi and JaeHo convinced me to leave so HeeJoo would stop her bullsh!t.” He sighed, putting his arm around my shoulder and holding me closer. “I didn’t want to leave. So I cheated by keeping an eye out for you at night. It’s kind of stalkerish I suppose, but I couldn’t bear leaving you to fend for yourself with HeeJoo and AeRim’s nasty mischief.” He scowled. “Thank god they’re in jail now.”
















































































    “Took long enough,” I mumbled. My fears were put to rest at YuHwan’s explanation. I would accept it. Those two friends of his were just looking out for us anyways. They meant nothing by separating us.
















































































    “I was so scared,” he confessed. “When I couldn’t find you that night, I called you over and over again only to get your voicemail and I knew something was wrong. It was only confirmed when KyungHee arrived out of breath and freaking out.”
















































































    I frowned. “KyungHee left me?”
















































































    “I guess you were too preoccupied. She couldn’t reach me by my cell phone so she took off in a mad frenzy apparently. I’m glad I made it just in time,” he said.
















































































    I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t glad he’d made it…at least to get hurt. I’d prefer that I had taken the shot but I didn’t voice it. Thinking about it though…this is the perfect gift.
















































































    “Thank you,” I whispered, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
















































































    “For what?”
















































































    “My 18th wish. You’ve filled it perfectly.”
















































































    He looked confused. “How?”
















































































    “Your sacrifice. I didn’t really have an 18th wish lined up, but this outshines all of the other ones.”
















































































    He rolled his eyes. “You’re so savage.”
















































































    Offended, I pulled back. “What?”
















































































    “My sacrifice? Am I some kind of warrior to prove his worth?” His words were sarcastic and his eyes were laughing at my red face.
















































































    “Shut up. You know what I mean!” I muttered.
















































































    He laughed and pulled me in for a hug. “YeKyung, you are a mess. But I love it all.”
















































































    I smiled and hugged him back . “And you’re a jerk, but I forgive you.”
















































































    His laughter shook us both as I held onto his hug.
















































































    We spent the rest of the afternoon on that bench, beside our little orange tree. I’d never felt so comfortable to just sit and waste the day doing absolutely nothing with the person I love with my entire being.
































































































































































    KyungHee looked out the window, sighing in relief when YeKyung found YuHwan. “Stubborn cow,” she mumbled. She just couldn’t believe how much of a drama queen she’d been over the whole event! Sure, it’s scary to know you might’ve lost the person, but damn, give some credit to your best friend! She’d been the one to save her in the end after all. “I can’t believe how weak she’s gotten,” she mumbled again.
















































































    “Why would you think she’s weak?”
















































































    KyungHee spun around to find WooRi leaning against the doorframe. Her heart jumped, as it always did whenever she saw him. He looked just as good as ever and her hands twitched to pull him into a hug.
















































































    “Long time no see,” he commented.
















































































    She nodded her head, untrusting her voice to speak.
















































































    WooRi tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow in question. “I don’t get a hug?”
















































































    KyungHee rose her chin defiantly. Like hell would she appear to be needy. “Not sure if you deserve one.”
















































































    In exasperation, WooRi threw up his hands. “Oh come off it KyungHee. When are you going to get off that high horse of yours and just admit to missing me? Is it so hard?”
















































































    She turned away, crossing her arms in defiance. It really was hard…because giving into him would mean the risk of heartbreak and she just wasn’t sure she wanted to go through it…again.
















































































    WooRi walked up to her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. He tilted her chin to look at his face. “Kim KyungHee, say it.”
















































































    “Say what?”
















































































    He grinned. “Tell me you missed me.”
















































































    She tried to yank her face out of his grip, but his fingers tightened, forcing her to continue looking into his eyes.
















































































    “Please?” He added, trying to appease her ego. When he saw the stubborn look overtake her features, WooRi gave up. Hurt filled his ever telling features. “YeKyung isn’t weak for admitting her love,” he told her. “She’s courageous enough to take a leap for it.”
















































































    He turned around and walked out the door, slowly heading towards the exit in heartbreak.
















































































    KyungHee stood her ground, her feet fidgeting to run after him. Was he right? Was YeKyung really braver by taking that leap…or stupider?
















































































    “Oh hell,” she exclaimed and took off after him.
































































































































































    JungRoo ate her ice cream happily on the bench, watching as the old people walked by. She still didn’t understand why people thought the grandpas and grandmas were cute. They were so wrinkly!
















































































    Suddenly, her vision was overtaken by a huge, dimply face staring right into hers. She jerked back in surprise and anger.
















































































    “SeungHoo! Personal space!”
















































































    SeungHoo, remembering her reminder, backed off and took a seat beside her with his ice cream. “Sorry. You were so focused on the old people. Do you know one of them?”
















































































    JungRoo snorted. “No. Their minds are far too gone around here for me to even hold a conversation with them.”
















































































    As if he thought she was crazy, SeungHoo shook his head. “I don’t think anyone can hold a conversation with you. You’re too weird.”
















































































    “Am not!”
















































































    “You’re like an adult in a kid’s body,” he pointed out. Then, as though a brilliant idea came to him, he grinned. “You’re a midget!”
















































































    “What?!” JungRoo stood up, ready to shove him around for insulting her.
















































































    “Aren’t midgets adults but in kid’s bodies?”
















































































    “You idiot! I am NOT a midget! I am what they call a child prodigy. Get that straight bird brain!”
















































































    SeungHoo sneered at her. “You’re not a genius. Geniuses don’t get captured by Noona’s vengeful enemies! They’re supposed to escape.”
















































































    “Look, I said genius, not superwoman. I have the brains, just not the brawn.”
















































































    They went back to eating their ice cream, each thinking over what JungRoo had just pointed out.
















































































    “Hey, JungRoo…”
































































































































































    “Since you have the brains…”
































































































































































    “I’m going to be your brawn!”
















































































    She looked over at him and saw the seriousness etched into his face. Ever since she’d met SeungHoo, he’d been dedicated to winning her over. It was a weird thing for him to be doing since they weren’t even ten yet, but he was relentless in his efforts.
















































































    Slowly, she nodded her head. “Okay.”
















































































    He looked confused but happy. “Okay? So…you like me?”
















































































    JungRoo held a hand up. “Don’t take it any further than what I’d just accepted. I said okay to you being my bodyguard, not some crazy boyfriend.”
















































































    SeungHoo, ignoring her comment, started eating his ice cream happily. His eyes shined like stars as he scooted closer to JungRoo, peeking at her every once in a while in glee.
















































































    She’d finally accepted their friendship.
















































































    Now, he would make her his!
































































































































































    I watched as the sun set, holding YuHwan’s hand tightly in mine. If I had a choice, I’d never let him go.
















































































    “You’re incredibly touchy today,” YuHwan commented.
















































































    I shrugged, not giving him an explanation for my actions. He knew why.
















































































    “I think this is it,” I whispered.
















































































    He turned to me, a question mark on his face.
















































































    I turned to him and gently placed my hand on his cheek. My eyes trailed from his ever buoyant hair, to his chocolate brown eyes, to the gentle slope of his nose, and finally, to his perfectly shaped lips. “I think I’ve found my happy ending.”
















































































    Standing up on my tiptoes, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
















































































    One of many kisses that would lead to our everyday happy ending.
















































































    Side Perspective-
















































































    Outside of the room, the gang was peeking in on YeKyung and YuHwan.
















































































    “They’re always kissing,” JungRoo complained.
















































































    “Noona’s a pervert!” SeungHoo joined in.
















































































    JaeHo smacked the back of their heads in disapproval. “You’re going to ruin their moment!” He looked around and frowned. “Where are KyungHee and WooRi?”
















































































    “They’re probably making out in some secluded corner,” JungRoo snickered.
















































































    SeungHoo joined in, the two kids exchanging details about how gross the couples were. JaeHo looked down on them, smirking as he thought, Wait until it happens to you two. Then tell me how gross it’ll be.
















































































    He took hold of their arms and dragged them down the hall, away from the blossoming scene within YuHwan’s hospital room.
















































































    The End
































































































































































    Wow, finally the long awaited end. HUMONGOUS thanks to those that stuck with me till the very end and didn't kill me *winces*. I apologize for the unexpected hiatus. Life has a way with interrupting my posting time. It's been an exciting ride and editing the older chapters for my document made me nostalgic back to the time when I first started writing this. All of you have been wonderful and I look forward to seeing many of you at TDU's thread!
















































































    *If any of you would like to be PMed on the release night of TDU, feel free to leave a comment here and I will definitely inform those of you that would like a reminder!
















































































    loveloveloveloveloveeee to all my readers once again<3 See you all around!
































































































































































































































































































































    Short Recap:
































































































    Once I untied both of them, we had to carry them. They looked so exhausted, I had to hold back a sob. I couldn’t believe those b!tches! They were innocent children! How could they be so cold hearted?














































































































































































































































































































    “Keep them safe while I confront them,” I told KyungHee.














































































































































































































































































































    She took both of the kids and walked off to the side, trying to keep as far away from the clearing as possible.














































































































































































































































































































    “What a show,” HeeJoo grinned.














































































































































































































































































































    My anger was brimming, ready to beat the living sh!t out of them.














































































































































































































































































































    “I will kill you,” I murderously told them.














































































































































































































































































































    And that was when the men jumped out from everywhere, bats and the like in their hands as they started to encircle me.














































































































































































































































































































    “Ready to kill me now?” HeeJoo asked. Her eyes were empty, cold, and lifeless. She grinned at me before turning to one of the guys.














































































































































































































































































































    “Kill her.”
































































































    Kissed By You || 99
































































































    The men were circling me and I couldn’t be sure, but I felt like there were 15 in total. Ironic how I was boasting to that blob only yesterday about being able to take down 15 men.
































































































    “Why are you being such a coward?” I yelled. “Fight me yourself richard simmons.”
































































































    She smirked. “I don’t think so YeKyung. You see, you might have too much pride for this, but as long as I win, I don’t care what I have to do.”
































































































    “You crazy richard simmons,” I mumbled.
































































































    “Get her,” HeeJoo ordered.
































































































    Before I could utter another word, the men came flying at me. I was suddenly really glad for all of the sleep I’d had earlier that day.
































































































    The first guy flew at me and I punched him. Grabbing his bat, I butted the end of it against his stomach and used the bat to defend myself against several other bats. It was a blur of punches, kicks, and dodging as I slowly took them each down.
































































































    In about ten minutes, I’d narrowed the number down to three. I was gasping and drenched in sweat. I’d expected this, but it was draining the energy from me.
































































































    “Had enough yet?”
































































































    I flickered my eyes towards HeeJoo’s direction but kept my attention on the men. They were slowly circling me. I could see that they were all eyeing one another, trying to get a synchronized move.
































































































    They all came at me and I picked up a bat real quick, dropping to the ground as they all tripped and bumped into one another. Clumsy idiots.
































































































    When they regained their balances, I kicked the closest one and hit the other one with a bat. The last one looked at me and just dropped his bat, holding his hands up in surrender.
































































































    Dropping my bat, I turned to look at HeeJoo, breathing heavily and wiping the sweat from my brow. “Did you enjoy that?”
































































































    HeeJoo smiled. “I did. A lot.”
































































































    My legs were feeling weak but I forced myself not to tremble before them. Such weakness wasn’t what I wanted to project right now.
































































































    “This is the last time you will pull this type of sh!t, understood?” I asked. I needed to hear them say it because when they did, I had permission to kill them if they ever, EVER pulled it again.
































































































    “What if I don’t agree?” HeeJoo taunted.
































































































    Breathing deeply, I straightened my posture. “Han HeeJoo, are you being serious right now? After all the crap you’ve put me through, you’re not going to give it up? I will always win. ALWAYS.”
































































































    “Even with YuHwan?” She asked.
































































































    I furrowed my eyebrows. “What are you talking about?”
































































































    “Su YeKyung, you lost. You lost him.”
































































































    “You told me to make him disappear!”’ I exclaimed. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
































































































    She smirked. “Make him disappear? You didn’t make him do anything. HE went and left you. He LEFT you, understand?”
































































































    My heart started to beat fast again, not liking her tone of voice. “Stop this sh!t HeeJoo.”
































































































    She chuckled, slowly starting to circle me from a wide berth. HeeJoo turned back to AeRim and raised an eyebrow, sneaking a peek over at me to make sure I was still watching. “Why don’t you tell her the interesting story you told me the other day?”
































































































    AeRim smirked and walked up to me, a little bit in front of HeeJoo. My breathing was deep and I couldn’t seem to slow my heart down despite all of the oxygen it was getting.
































































































    “Well, I was just picking up some food when I ran into a certain little someone…” She stopped, her eyes sparkling in mirth at my torment. “Su YeKyung, Bo SooJin is back.”
































































































    I swear my world tilted off course. Everything I heard was like an underwater tank. My vision blurred and I didn’t bother to hide it. If Bo SooJin came back…why would YuHwan want me? She’s all he’s ever seen and still does. She would probably treat him better too…
































































































    “Don’t listen to her YeKyung!” JungRoo yelled, tugging on my arm angrily. She turned to them, her face red with fury. “You’re just a bunch of richard simmons! You’re just jealous of YeKyung!”
































































































    HeeJoo laughed, throwing her head back and holding onto her stomach. “This kid must be kidding me. Get it through your head kid. Bo SooJin is Eun YuHwan’s first love. He’s been looking for her ever since. Imagine what he’ll feel like when he sees her.”
































































































    I swallowed hard, sniffling and lifting my head higher. “He’s over her. It was a long time ago.” It felt like a huge lie coming out of my mouth and they saw right through it.
































































































    AeRim rolled her eyes. “Even then, do you really think he’d just ignore her? It was his fault that she was kidnapped in the first place. If he doesn’t go to her because of love, you know he will because of his guilt. She still loves him. There’s no way he’d tell her no after all she’s been through.”
































































































    I knew she was right. Eun YuHwan had that much of a conscience that he would sacrifice his happiness for someone else’s. I didn’t stand a chance.
































































































    My legs trembled and I felt JungRoo grip my hand. She knew I was past the point of exhaustion, both mentally and physically.
































































































    “He wouldn’t…” I choked out.
































































































    “He wouldn’t leave you? Look at the situation YeKyung. He already did,” HeeJoo said. Her eyes darkened. “You’re a worthless piece of sh!t. Even YuHwan got bored of you. He’s had his fun. Now he’s going back to the girl he’s really meant for. And you? You’re just meant for this: to be beat around and serve as my form of entertainment. I will continue to do whatever the fcuk I want with you because your purpose is just that.”
































































































    “Fcuking richard simmons,” I spat. I walked up to HeeJoo and slapped her.
































































































    Her head snapped sharply to the side. However, instead of returning with anger, she simply chuckled low.
































































































    “Must you always resort to violence? Is this your way of acknowledging I’m right?” She questioned, her hand holding the offended cheek.
































































































    “That’s my way of telling you to shut the fcuk up before I really attack your as$,” I growled. My hands were trembling and I clenched them into fists to hide my fear. Truly, I felt some of what she’d said was right, but I didn’t want to let her see it.
































































































    “Step back from her YeKyung,” AeRim warned. “You’re not in any place to threaten her.”
































































































    I turned over to AeRim and smirked. “Really? You guys hold nothing over me now.”
































































































    Before I could chuckle at the situation turn around, AeRim pulled out a gun and aimed it right at the kids. My heart jumped into my throat and I held up my hands to calm her down.
































































































    “Think you’ve got the upper hand still?” AeRim questioned, her eyes sharp as daggers.
































































































    I slowly backed up, placing myself in front of the kids. SeungHoo and JungRoo hid behind me, clenching tightly to my clothes.
































































































    “Let’s not resort to this,” I told her slowly, trying to calm whatever nerve I struck.
































































































    AeRim smiled cruelly. “YeKyung, I’ve wanted to kill you for so long.”
































































































    Her whole image at that moment screamed psychotic. I wasn’t sure she was in the right mindset anymore. She seemed extremely hypnotized by the whole thought.
































































































    “Lee AeRim, lower your gun.” HeeJoo sighed, as though she was getting sick of AeRim’s impromptu actions.
































































































    “No,” AeRim replied. “It’s time to finish her HeeJoo. She’s had too much freedom. I should’ve killed her the first time.”
































































































    “And what good will that do? I wanted to stretch out her torture. You’re giving her an easy out,” HeeJoo explained.
































































































    AeRim’s eyes flickered towards HeeJoo. “We’re done playing with her. Let’s just finish her off and those annoying pests. Then we can get on.”
































































































    AeRim started to walk towards me with the gun aimed straight at my heart. HeeJoo behind her shrugged and walked to her seat, seeming to get comfortable for the show.
































































































    I cringed with disgust. Show? This is like a fcuking massacre!
































































































    “AeRim, put your gun down. It’s getting really tiring playing this game over and over with you,” I said. I couldn’t control the little bit of anger that slipped through. Who did she think she was?! Why was she such an idiot about the consequences?
































































































    “Shut up YeKyung,” AeRim smiled sweetly. She toyed around with the gun for a moment. “Your death would be such a pleasant gift. Just like pathetic friends of yours.”
































































































    I grimaced and tried to convince her. “Put down your gun AeRim. It’s not worth it. I’m not worth it.” I tried to make myself seem too low for this. “My time will come in some form, but don’t force yourself to be the reason. I’m not worth your—“
































































































    “SHUT UP!” She screamed. I definitely zipped my mouth close then. “Stop trying to tell me what to do. You’re right, you’re not worth it. And that’s exactly why when I kill you, it won’t even be acknowledged. When I look back, I won’t even consider to name you because of your insignificance. You’re just an annoying bug that I want to crush at this instant, right now.”
































































































    She aimed again and this time, I knew my time was up. All the stalling I’d tried to keep up with was finished.
































































































    “Say goodbye to your pathetic life YeKyung,” She hissed and her fingers pressed down.
































































































    Everything happened so fast. The gun went off and I felt my body being shoved to the ground. The breath was knocked out of me and my vision blacked out for a moment from the sudden and immense impact.
































































































































































































    The scream woke me out of my brief knockout. When I looked up, I realized I had no pain. When I took in the situation, I saw YuHwan’s body laying limp a foot away from me.
































































































    I scrambled over to him, tears burning the corners of my eyes as I tried to take in the sight. The blood was rapidly spreading and I couldn’t bear to touch him.
































































































    “YuHwan, YuHwan wake up!” I sputtered. “Wake up you idiot! EUN YUHWAN!” I screamed.
































































































    Out of the perimeter of the construction site popped up police. They all had guns in their hands and were fast approaching. HeeJoo and AeRim were already forced on the ground, handcuffed and stripped of any weapons they had.
































































































    Around me I could hear all of the voices telling me to move aside so they could help him. I couldn’t leave though. I held on tight to his arm as we disappeared into the ambulance.
































































































































































































    Another update! Only one more chapter. Enjoy dearest readers! I'm sentimental as I write the last chapter. It's a relief to be finished, but a bit sad as I end another story. Thanks so much for the support everyone!
































































































    Just had my birthday on the 13th. Finally twenty years old! lol, I feel so old...living two decades of my life already.
































































































    EDIT Just finished the trailer for The Darkness Unveiled! Check it out by clicking on the banner in my signature :)
































































































































































































































    Short Recap:
















































    “Do you always carry soju with you?”






















































































































































    I chuckled. “Today is a special day. It’s a day to be pitiful.”






















































































































































    I drank and drank until I felt the burn stinging my eyes. Breathing deeply, the world started to spin faster and I smiled like an idiot.






















































































































































    “Ahjusshi, it’s kind of nice to have your company. I’ll kill you if you try something on me though.”






















































































































































    “I’m not an Ahjusshi. And don’t worry, nothing will happen.”






















































































































































    “Good,” I mumbled and felt my eyes started to droop. “Because my boyfriend will beat you up…”






















































































































































    I slumped over and felt my body being lifted. It was a strange experience, like I was floating in my dreams.






















































































































































    The last thing I remembered was the scent of something familiar…someone…






















































































































































    “Eun YuHwan?”
















































    Kissed By You || 98
















































    The next morning I opened my eyes, everything started to hurt. I cringed and held my head, swearing all over the place.
















































    KyungHee walked in with her hand on her hips. “You are one hell of a friend.”
















































    “What happened?” I asked as I slowly sat up.
















































    “What happened?! I found you slumped outside the door this morning! I had to drag your as$ all the way to my bed. Have you gained weight? You’re heavy as sh!t!” She exclaimed.
















































    I glared at her and regretted it. My head was pounding. “I’m about to lose my mind.”
































































































    Two pills and a glass of water appeared in my line of vision. I gratefully took them and slowly laid back down, hoping to ease my pain.
















































    “You really shouldn’t be drinking over this,” KyungHee said. “You crazy richard simmons, YuHwan didn’t break up with you!”
















































    My eyes snapped open and I glared at her. “He left!”
















































    “He left so that you could deal with this!” KyungHee said rolling her eyes. “You’re being a drama queen YeKyung.”
















































    I turned over. “He’s gone…”
















































    “Stop being such a lion king and go get HeeJoo then. She’s the reason for your pain.”
















































    “She doesn’t know where he is.”
















































    “But she can give you JungRoo so you can beat her as$ up. Then you can take him back.”
















































    I sighed loudly and just closed my eyes. The headache was making it too difficult for me to think.
















































    “Fine, sleep. I’ll call in for us today. Just be ready for tonight.”
















































    When she closed the door, I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling.
















































    “Eun YuHwan, you are so dead when I find you,” I said. “How could you just leave me missing you like this…?”
































































































    JungRoo slowly opened her eyes and coughed. She was getting a cold after being up there for two weeks. It was extremely difficult for her to move anything.
















































    She took a look around and noticed that HeeJoo and AeRim were staring up at her. Her eyes widened and she wondered what they were going to do. They started towards the elevator and JungRoo tried to move her hands. She grimaced when she realized her fingers weren’t even moving. Too much time in a chair had made her muscles weak.
















































    “Are they coming?”
















































    “Yea. They were looking at us like tonight is the night.”
































































































    JungRoo didn’t voice her agreement. All she knew was that they’d better not lay a hand on her anymore. She was still bruised from the last time HeeJoo lost her temper because of something she’d said.
















































    The footsteps were slow, but becoming louder and closer. When the girls were before JungRoo, she sneered up at them, trying to put up a front despite her exhaustion.
















































    HeeJoo and AeRim simply stared at her. “Tonight’s the night. I’m sure you’re glad to hear that YuHwan finally picked up and left.”
















































    “YeKyung will kill you,” JungRoo said.
















































    HeeJoo smirked. “You think I’d let her just attack me after I release you? I don’t think so. We’ve got a plan and she won’t even see it coming.”
















































    Without another word, the two girls left, whispering amongst themselves. JungRoo sighed and dropped her head forward.
















































    “Noona will be alright, don’t worry.”
















































    JungRoo hoped he was right.
































































































    I woke up and sat up slowly, stretching my stiff muscles. Judging from the sky outside, it was probably around 8. I picked up my phone and saw a text message.
















































    Meet at 10 at the construction site.
















































    I didn’t have to wonder who it was. The message was pretty clear.
















































    “Are you awake?”
















































    KyungHee walked in and handed me some clothes. I made my way to the bathroom and jumped into the shower, glad for the spray of warm water on my skin. It helped to wake me up as I thought about how to approach the situation.
















































    No doubt HeeJoo would have some surprise waiting for me. Once she handed JungRoo over to me, she knows I’m going to get back at her. So, she’ll probably have some kind of distraction waiting for me.
















































    I pondered over what it might be. The usual probably, tons of guys just waiting to beat me up. She’ll be in her car getting away as soon as possible. It won’t matter though, because I’ll be seeing her again, even if tonight I can’t get her back…it’ll happen.
















































    “YeKyung, are you alright? You’ve been in there for an hour!”
















































    I quickly proceeded to finish showering and get out.
















































































































































    KyungHee and I stood by the door as she explained to her Umma that we just needed to run a quick errand.
















































    “How have you been?”
















































    I turned to my side and my eyes widened in surprise. My arms encircled ChamSol Unnie’s neck. “ChamSol Unnie!”
















































    She laughed and hugged me back. “Been a long time.”
















































    “Where have you been?!” I shrieked.
















































    “Off on a trip. I had to take care of some things between my Appa and Umma,” she said, rolling her eyes. “They’re such children.”
















































    I smiled.”Well, I’m glad you’re well.”
















































    She nodded. “You look a bit tired.”
















































    I shrugged. “Things haven’t been going well.”
















































    “Tell YuHwan to stop being such a jerk and forget about his past. SooJin won’t be found,” ChamSol said.
















































    I raised an eyebrow. “How do you know about SooJin?”
















































    She smiled sadly. “Anyone who really knows him will know he’s not completely all here. Part of him is still stuck back there.”
















































    My heart became heavy from her words but I cleared my throat and straightened up. “He’ll slowly get past it,” I lied.
















































    ChamSol nodded, gave me another hug and disappeared into her room.
















































    “Let’s go YeKyung!” KyungHee urged and pulled me out the door. “Umma was being a freaking pain! She gets worse every day.”
















































    “Maybe if you weren’t such a trouble maker, she wouldn’t be so annoying,” I suggested.
















































    “Easy for you to say,” she mumbled.
















































    We slowly took our time walking since the site was pretty close.
















































    “Do you think YuHwan really left?” I asked KyungHee.
















































    She shrugged. “He might’ve. I kind of have a feeling they’re still here though…do you think we’re being watched?”
















































    We both looked around, wondering if we could catch a glimpse of them.
















































    “Choi WooRi…I can’t believe he did this to me,” KyungHee whined. “He could’ve taken me with him!”
















































    “Yah! What kind of best friend are you?” I snorted.
















































    “One that would rather not deal with this bullsh!t,” she mumbled.
















































    I sighed. “I know. But after tonight, it should be the end.”
















































    Just as she was about to reply, my phone rang. I picked it up and heard a lot of wind on the other line.
































































































    “Su YeKyung, who told you to take your time?”
















































    I rolled my eyes. “You said 10. It’s not even time yet.”
















































    “Not excited to get JungRoo? Should I extend it then?”
















































    “No, No! We’re coming,” I said and quickly hung up. “We’re definitely being watched. They’re threatening me.”
















































    KyungHee sighed loudly. “Those b!tches make me so tired.”
















































    “Let’s give them a good beating then when we see them.”
















































    We both started to jog towards the construction site.
































































































    When we arrived at the site, HeeJoo and AeRim were sitting on two chairs placed in the middle of a clearing.
















































    “Finally,” AeRim complained. She stretched and yawned loudly.
















































    I rolled my eyes. “Where’s JungRoo?”
















































    “Did you really think we were just going to hand her over to you?” HeeJoo smirked. “You have a two minutes. Go get her before the bomb detonates.”
















































    KyungHee and I were shocked. “BOMB?!”
















































    While KyungHee exploded on them, I had already taken off towards the site. Looking up, I cursed seeing that they were at the very top. I jumped onto the elevator and started it upwards, glancing down at my watch.
















































    When the elevator started to take too long, I jumped out and ran on the beams of metal. Completely scrambling about, I climbed and jumped from beam to beam, nearly slipping in my hurry to get to them.
































































































    When I saw the sight before me, my heart nearly jumped out of my throat. They’d taken SeungHoo too! The two sat in chairs facing way with their hands tied behind. They were looking at me with fearful eyes.
















































    I ran up to JungRoo and looked at the bomb strapped to her chest. The count-down was at 30 seconds. I quickly unstrapped the bomb and took it off of her. Just as I was about to start untying, SeungHoo screamed.
































































































    I went over to him and nearly fainted. Only 15 seconds left. My fingers trembled as I fumbled in unstrapping the bombs.
































































































































































































































































































    I threw both of them with all my might, bending down and wrapping my arms to cover the kids’ heads.
















































    The bomb exploded in the air, shaking the fragile structure and nearly throwing me over. Coughing, I started to untie the rope holding their arms together.
































































































    I turned around to see KyungHee slowly making her way up. I didn’t blame her for being cautious. It wasn’t all that stable up here.
















































    Once I untied both of them, we had to carry them. They looked so exhausted, I had to hold back a sob. I couldn’t believe those b!tches! They were innocent children! How could they be so cold hearted?
















































    “Keep them safe while I confront them,” I told KyungHee.
















































    She took both of the kids and walked off to the side, trying to keep as far away from the clearing as possible.
















































    “What a show,” HeeJoo grinned.
















































    My anger was brimming, ready to beat the living sh!t out of them.
















































    “I will kill you,” I murderously told them.
















































    And that was when the men jumped out from everywhere, bats and the like in their hands as they started to encircle me.
















































    “Ready to kill me now?” HeeJoo asked. Her eyes were empty, cold, and lifeless. She grinned at me before turning to one of the guys.
















































    “Kill her.”
































































































    Chapter 98 already. I honestly expected it to take so much longer to finish KBY, but it looks like the ending crept up on me! Enjoy the chapter and thank you for all of the wonderful replies. They certainly keep me motivated :)
























































































































































































































































































    Short Recap:
































































































    “Because that’s not me,” I pointed out. “I’m not someone that just cowers away.”














































































































































































































































































































    “You were doing that just a few weeks ago,” he said.














































































































































































































































































































    “That’s only because of you. But you know what? It’s not really me. If you really accept me for me, then you won’t try to force me to change.”














































































































































































































































































































    He stopped pacing and stood staring at me for a moment. I felt his gaze pierce right through me and felt like what I’d just said was wrong. He slowly headed to the door and, before leaving, said, “I don’t want to change you. But if you’re going to think selfishly about yourself only, then so be it.”














































































































































































































































































































    The door slammed on his way out and I cringed. Sighing, I fell into my pillow in frustration. Honestly, this dating business is so damn troublesome. Why didn’t I just stay single?!
































































































    Kissed By You || 97
































































































    When I was finally discharged from the hospital, two huge things happened:
































































































    1. I came back to an extremely normal school. No gossip, no stares, nothing.
































































































    2. Someone was missing.
































































































    Can you already guess? Yes, Eun YuHwan, my boyfriend, the cocky, fluffy-haired jerk, was gone. His two buddies were missing in action too. Think I expected this? HELL NO.
































































































    I immediately confronted KyungHee about this. She had no fcuking idea what was going on. She’d just assumed it was going to be another day of racing to find JungRoo. I did too, but now that I found this out, I was about to go out of my mind.
































































































    Stomping through the hallways like a bull, I confronted HeeJoo next, who looked like she didn’t have a single interest in me.
































































































    “Where the fcuk is he?!” I demanded.
































































































    She rolled her eyes. “How should I know? He’s your boyfriend.”
































































































    I pointed a finger at her in anger. “You’re the one that wanted him to disappear! What did you do to him?”
































































































    She chuckled and shook her head. “Poor YeKyung. Blaming a lover’s fight on me? Typical.”
































































































    I was taken aback by her comment. “How—what?!”
































































































    She smiled devilishly and leaned in. “I heard your fight. And to answer your question, I have no fcuking idea where your precious boyfriend is. Maybe he went in search of SooJin since you weren’t enough of a replacement?”
































































































    Her comment left me frozen in spot as everyone around me headed to class. I couldn’t hear anything but the sound of my heart beating louder and louder. The blood rushed to my face and I felt myself start to tremble.
































































































































































































    I turned to KyungHee and, like a fcuking weak as$ girl, I fainted.
































































































































































































    “She’s just having trouble dealing with the fact that her boyfriend is gone.”
































































































    “I heard he transferred.”
































































































    “Honestly, I’m not sure what happened. He just picked up and left. I’m surprised because he visited YeKyung just yesterday. There were no signs at all that he was going to leave. I mean, she’s not the only one that lost a boyfriend! Mine is missing too!”
































































































    “Well dear, you girls are young. There’s no need to get yourselves involved in such intimate relationships yet.”
































































































    I slowly opened my eyes, blinking to clear away the blurriness. Beside me, KyungHee and the nurse were chatting animatedly. I looked up at the ceiling and processed what had happened.
































































































    YuHwan had left. He’d probably done it out of fear for JungRoo’s protection. I mean, after the fight we had, I see no reason for him to be doing anything for ME. I was pretty selfish…
































































































    Sitting up a little too quickly, I reached for my bag and tried to leave but KyungHee grabbed my arm with an iron grip.
































































































    “Get back into that bed,” she warned. “You’re still in shock.”
































































































    I reluctantly sat down but didn’t lay down. “KyungHee, I have to go.”
































































































    “No you don’t. I already checked all of their apartments, called everyone, did everything. There’s not a single trace of them. It’s like they disappeared into thin air.”
































































































    My body suddenly felt extremely heavy. Slumping my shoulders forward and letting my head droop, I breathed slowly.
































































































    He finally did it. Eun YuHwan had finally grown tired of me.
































































































    “YeKyung? Don’t worry, I’m sure after JungRoo has returned safely, we can find them.”
































































































    Her words did little to comfort me because YuHwan had definitely disappeared and HeeJoo hadn’t even mentioned anything about meeting up.
































































































    …what were we supposed to do?
































































































































































































    Class seemed to play in slow motion. People were moving, talking, living, but all I could see was a bunch of slowed down actions.
































































































    “Su YeKyung.”
































































































    I looked up into HeeJoo’s face. She looked serious, instead of the usual cocky attitude she held.
































































































    “He’s gone?” She questioned, tilting her head to the side for emphasis.
































































































    I never said a word nor moved. She could already tell from my puffy eyes.
































































































    Pursing her lips then leaned down, putting her face beside mine. “How does it feel? To lose everything, everyone and know that you could’ve stopped it?”
































































































    Despite her words flicker a flame within, I had no strength to retort or fight with her.
































































































    She chuckled. “Meet me at the construction site, the only one near here. Tomorrow night, we’ll do the exchange. If you come early, there will be consequences, so wait until tomorrow. There’s no rush.”
































































































    With that, she swiftly straightened up and left. I watched her through lidded eyes. Tomorrow? Oh, right, life was still going on despite my life being torn inside out.
































































































    “YeKyung, what did she say?”
































































































    “Tomorrow night,” I mumbled to KyungHee. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door, ignoring the teacher’s calls.
































































































































































































    “Soju, you are my only friend,” I slurred as I slammed the shot glass down to pour more.
































































































    The night was calm with a biting wind stinging my face as it whipped past me. I shivered but continued to drink, glad to have the hazy film on my memories.
































































































    “Miss, you should be getting home now,” the owner suggested.
































































































    I waved her off slowly. “Don’t worry about me. I just broke up with my boyfriend. He’s a jerk,” I agreed and threw back another shot.
































































































    “Why did you guys break up?”
































































































    Leaning my head in my hand, I chuckled. “Funny thing is, I don’t know. He just left without saying a word.”
































































































    “Are you sure he broke up with you?”
































































































    Frowning angrily, I said, “Yah! What do you mean am I sure? He just left! What else would that say?” Looking at my bottle of soju, I swirled it around in sadness. “There’s not that much left…”
































































































    “You’ve had enough.”
































































































    I squinted at the owner. “Why are you so bossy? Don’t you have other customers to deal with?” I rubbed at my eyes. The lights were getting really bright and the owner was really blurry.
































































































    “You’re the only one left here.”
































































































    “Well, I’ll leave when I want to!” I drank the last of the soju straight from the bottle. Screw manners, I’d just lost my boyfriend to some heartless richard simmons.
































































































    The lights suddenly when out and I sneered. Slowly getting up, I stumbled about a bit before finding my balance. Grabbing my bag, I stumbled out of there.
































































































    “Fine! I’m leaving. You could’ve just said so,” I mumbled as I slowly walked along the sidewalk.
































































































    “Why did you leave?”
































































































    I jumped, holding my hand to my heart in surprise. “Holy sh!t you scared me!”
































































































    The person beside me put their hands in their pockets and shrugged. I frowned, squinting but unable to make out their face. Maybe I should get contacts cause everything is really bright and blurry.
































































































    “I’m just going to walk you home.”
































































































    “Who are you?” I asked as I attempted to walk faster. Instead, I ended up looking like I was trying to play hopscotch bowlegged.
































































































    “Your friend.”
































































































    “I have no friends,” I mourned. “They all left me because of some girl. She took them away.”
































































































    “Why would she do that?”
































































































    “She’s jealous!” I exclaimed, some spittle leaving my mouth. “She’s a rich, crazy, delusional richard simmons!”
































































































    “You didn’t do anything to provoke her?”
































































































    I put my arms on my hips and frowned. “Are you supporting her ahjusshi?”
































































































































































































    “Well, you seem like you’re old. Why else would you be following a young girl like me you pervert?!”
































































































    We stopped walking. I tried to see his face but the streetlight made his features even darker. It was too difficult for me to make out.
































































































    “Why are you looking at me like that?”
































































































    “You’re a weird blob. Why are you following me?”
































































































    “It’s dangerous at night. A girl shouldn’t be walking around by herself at this time.”
































































































    “I’m Su YeKyung. If you’ve ever heard of me, I can take on 15 guys!”
































































































    The figure chuckled. “Yes, I’ve heard of you.”
































































































    I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. “You have Ahjusshi? Are you a stalker?”
































































































    “Yah, I’m not an Ahjusshi! And no, I don’t stalk people. You just looked very sad and lonely…”
































































































    At his words, the initial reason for my drinking rushed back. I looked down at my feet, swaying for a moment. “Yes, my stupid boyfriend broke up with me.”
































































































    “Did he really break up with you?”
































































































    I threw my arms up in exasperation and stilled for a moment. That was a bad idea. My head spun for a moment before I was able to speak.
































































































    “Why does every keep asking me that like I’m the bad person here? I’m the victim!”
































































































    Unable to support my weight anymore, I slid to the floor, breathing in happiness to rest my feet. The blob sat down beside me but kept a safe distance.
































































































    “Why does everything bad have to happen to me?” I mumbled.
































































































    “Life is hard,” the blob agreed.
































































































    “I bet he’s looking for SooJin,” I mumbled. Sighing loudly, I traced a heart in the sidewalk with my finger. “She probably isn’t as selfish as me.”
































































































    The blob didn’t say anything and we sat in silence for a moment. Reaching for my bag, I took out another bottle of soju. I opened the bottle and took a swig from it.
































































































    “Do you always carry soju with you?”
































































































    I chuckled. “Today is a special day. It’s a day to be pitiful.”
































































































    I drank and drank until I felt the burn stinging my eyes. Breathing deeply, the world started to spin faster and I smiled like an idiot.
































































































    “Ahjusshi, it’s kind of nice to have your company. I’ll kill you if you try something on me though.”
































































































    “I’m not an Ahjusshi. And don’t worry, nothing will happen.”
































































































    “Good,” I mumbled and felt my eyes started to droop. “Because my boyfriend will beat you up…”
































































































    I slumped over and felt my body being lifted. It was a strange experience, like I was floating in my dreams.
































































































    The last thing I remembered was the scent of something familiar…someone…
































































































    “Eun YuHwan?”
































































































































































































    There we go! Closing in on the end in only a few chapters! It's so fast. Thanks to all of the returning readers and welcome to the new ones! I'm glad to still see people stumbling upon this story.
































































































    Anyways, the weather's getting so nice! I'm a HUGE summer person, so my mood is lifting significantly. Hope you all are getting as much sun as I'm soaking in right now :)
































































































































































































































    Short Recap:
















































    I stopped running when I tripped over something. Looking down, I dropped to my knees immediately.






















































































































































    YuHwan was laying against the ground, unconscious and bleeding from cuts on his arm, hand, and face. JaeHo came over and helped me carry me. I kept my tears back, forcing myself to be strong in order to focus on carrying him downstairs.






















































































































































    “YeKy—oh my gosh!” KyungHee exclaimed. She pulled out her phone and immediately called the ambulance.






















































































































































    Everything from that point moved in a blur. All I knew was that they were making it come true in their own way: he’d disappear for good if we didn’t listen.






























































































































































    Kissed By You || 96
















































    “His condition isn’t too serious. He’s just going to need to rest in the meantime, so no visitors,” the doctor instructed.
















































    We all let out a sigh of relief.
















































    “YeKyung, you really overreacted too much,” KyungHee said.
















































    I glared at her. “Wanna see how you’d feel if WooRi was near a bomb explosion?”
















































    She scrambled over to him and hugged him protectively. He gave her a ‘what-the-hell-are-you-doing’ look.
















































    I stared at YuHwan’s door longingly. Straightening up, I knew it was time to get back to those b!tches and do something about this. They’d almost killed people! Innocent people who had nothing to do with this. Regardless of whether they could hurt JungRoo, I had to show them a lesson.
















































    Ignoring the others’ calling my name, I walked out the hospital door and hailed a taxi, giving them the address for HeeJoo’s place. I’d wait outside her house all night if she refused to come out. The wh0re had it coming to her.
















































































































































    People scurried past me, sneaking glances at me like I was crazy. I sent them a death glare and they’d look away and run faster. Crossing my arms and tapping my foot against the sidewalk, I’m sure I looked extremely impatient. Exactly how I wanted to appear.
















































    HeeJoo stuck her head out of her bedroom window and looked down to see me. She smirked.
















































    “Why, here so soon? I wasn’t expecting you for another hour or so.”
















































    “Cut the crap and get down here. Let’s talk this out right now,” I growled.
















































    She disappeared and I saw the lights come on in her house. The front door opened and she slowly descended the stairs, taking her sweet time.
















































    “So, I’m assuming everyone’s safe since you’re not bawling your eyes out,” she commented.
















































    I walked up to her and grabbed her by her shirt, taking her off guard. “You could’ve hurt someone.”
















































    She rolled her eyes and shoved me, pressing at her shirt in annoyance. “It’s a fcuking bomb YeKyung. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were stupid. Obviously we wanted to hurt someone.”
















































    “Why set up a bomb when there are easier ways to just get at me?” I asked.
















































    HeeJoo raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Really? I’ve figured out what works best. Why harm the person when I could just take them down, inch by inch?”
















































    “This isn’t a fcuking game. This is reality. What fcuked up mind would think of this sh!t?”
















































    “Fcuked up? You’re the one that’s not following through. I told you simple instructions and you refused to do it.”
















































    I laughed coldly. “Han HeeJoo, give it up. You’re pissing me off to the point I could kill you.”
















































    Her eyes darkened. “Do it then. Kill me.”
















































    We stood there, two lone figures drilling holes into one another. I hadn’t felt such fury in a long time, ever since YuHwan came into the picture. She was pushing it though.
















































    Then, she smiled. “Well, YuHwan isn’t in critical condition then?”
















































    I turned my head slightly, wondering what she was getting at.
















































    “We could’ve gotten rid of him so easily…just the tug of a plug.”
















































    My mind started clicking, slowly, putting pieces together until realization hit me and I felt my chest tighten. She smiled widely, glee apparent in her sparkling eyes.
















































    “Yes, we’re the ones that did it.”
















































    I pointed a trembling finger at her, unable to believe she would do such a heinous act. “You…you fcuking richard simmons. YOU KILLED HIM?!”
















































    HeeJoo laughed, and the sound sent me over. I ran at her and punched her so hard she fell to the ground. All I could see was red as I kicked her, hitting her over and over.
















































    It wasn’t until I heard the loud noise of a gun going off did I realize that I’d been shot. The pain came a moment later and I looked down at my stomach to see the blood quickly seeping in. I fell to my knees, gasping for breath.
















































    HeeJoo stood up. She looked down at me with a bruised face and a bloody lip. Despite her pain though, she grinned.
















































    “You should learn by now, never approach without back-up.”
















































    I watched as she walked into her house and shut the door. Just as my vision start to blur at the edges, AeRim appeared, smiling and in her left hand, holding a gun.
















































    After that, I collapsed.
































































































    ”What if Bo SooJin was still alive? What would you do?”






















































































































































    I looked around, wondering where that voice was coming from.”What?”






















































































































































    “Bo SooJin, the one that YuHwan loves. You know he only sees her when he looks at you. She’s his first true love after all.”






















































































































































    My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”






















































































































































    “He’s going to find her one day. When he does, you’re going to be nothing but a memory.”






















































































































































    I could hear a heart beating. Slowly, it started to race and an odd feeling of fear crept up on me. I turned around and around, looking for a way out of this darkness.






















































































































































    “What’s going on?”






















































































































































    “You’re nothing but a replacement…A REPLACEMENT.”






















































































































































    The darkness was spinning and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Everything was becoming a blur. It was slowly enveloping me, thick and dripping all over.






















































































































































    Unable to take it, I screamed.
































































































    I sat up in bed, hissing from the sharp pain on my side. Looking around the room, I realized I was in a hospital. Next to me was YuHwan, staring at me with wide eyes.
















































    He gently placed a hand on my cheek and stood up from his seat to lean closer. “Are you alright? Did you have a bad dream?”
















































    Nodding my head to his answer, I dazedly looked at my condition. I was bandaged up on my right side. Things weren’t feeling too good either. It was like a huge chunk of me was missing or something.
















































    YuHwan grimaced. “AeRim got a pretty good angle on you. It didn’t help that you were so off guard.”
















































    I struggled to sit up straight and pursed my lips in anger. “Fcuking richard simmons is always playing dirty.”
















































    He sighed loudly. “YeKyung, I’m scared I’m going to lose you. Stop being so reckless, especially with them.”
















































    “They killed my uncle!” I exploded. YuHwan pursed his lips and I frowned. “Why aren’t you more shocked?” My eyes widened and I pulled my hand away from his. “YOU KNEW?!”
















































    He threw his hands up. “Everyone knew! YeKyung, you’re the only one that believed in any bit of moral left in them!”
















































    “Eun YuHwan, you knew they killed my uncle and you never told me,” I accused.
















































    He leaned back in his chair. “Calm down YeKyung, I already took care of it.”
















































    I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. “How?”
















































    “Let’s just say I had to get a few other girls to go beat up on them. I wasn’t about to lower myself just to hit them. That’s probably why they decided to get back at you with this game come to think of it.”
















































    I leaned back in frustration. It’s a never-ending fcuking circle.
















































    “Stop worrying yourself and just get better. I was so worried you’d really lost it this time.”
















































    “We have to get to JungRoo immediately. I know they’re going to do something to her.” I was so beside myself with worry that I didn’t even realize I’d opened up my wound again with so much shifting around.
















































    YuHwan forced me to lie back down and he went to call a doctor. I glumly stared at it, watching the blood slowly form a circle on my hospital gown. JungRoo was in trouble…there was just no time for me to be in here!
















































    “Ms. Su, you really need to be gentler,” the doctor admonished when he saw the wound.
















































    I just looked at YuHwan and he frowned at me.
















































    This day just couldn’t get any worse.
































































































    JungRoo started to hyperventilate when she realized who the mysterious figures moving in the darkness were. She started to struggled against her bindings but was way too weak to really make much of her motions. Taking deep breaths, she watched as the people ran around, taking equipment from a large van and setting them up in strategic areas around the construction site.
















































    She tried to wiggle her fingers, but was too exhausted from malnutrition and the lack of free movement. Giving up, she held in her tears, even though she wanted to bawl like a baby. It was really just pointless for her to cry. What would it solve? She’d only exhaust herself even more.
















































    Desperately, she tried to turn her head to look at the victim behind but was unable to. It was like torture. HeeJoo and AeRim really did know exactly what they were doing when they planned their kidnapping. It was so perfect that JungRoo knew a pretty big flaw was somewhere…she just couldn’t figure it out.
















































    “Don’t think about it anymore.”
















































    JungRoo nodded her head, but couldn’t help but go back to her over and over again. How she had failed to escape and react quickly made her angry every time she thought about it. She was usually so fast, but they’d caught her off guard…
















































    “Stop, JungRoo. I mean it.”
















































    She held her head up and breathed deeply. Stop thinking…that’s right. They needed to keep their energy for whatever those b!tches had planned. This was no time for her to be freaking out over something that had already happened.
















































    “She’ll find us soon, I know she will.”
















































    Again, JungRoo just nodded and tried to ease her terrified heart.
































































































    “Su YeKyung, stop fcuking moving!”
















































    I cringed at YuHwan’s voice. He was extremely angry with me, that much is obvious. I knew part of it was frustration at not being able to find JungRoo, but still, there was no need to take it out on me!
















































    Looking down at my bed sheets, I pursed my lips and nodded.
















































    He sighed and sat down beside me, rubbing his face in annoyance. “You make me so worried YeKyung ah. I think I’ll really lose you someday soon.”
















































    “I won’t go down without a fight though!”
















































    “And that’s what scares me!” He exploded. YuHwan stood up and paced the floor, his movements making me anxious. “You always put up a fight! And most of the time, it aggravates them. Why can’t you just leave it?”
















































    “Because that’s not me,” I pointed out. “I’m not someone that just cowers away.”
















































    “You were doing that just a few weeks ago,” he said.
















































    “That’s only because of you. But you know what? It’s not really me. If you really accept me for me, then you won’t try to force me to change.”
















































    He stopped pacing and stood staring at me for a moment. I felt his gaze pierce right through me and felt like what I’d just said was wrong. He slowly headed to the door and, before leaving, said, “I don’t want to change you. But if you’re going to think selfishly about yourself only, then so be it.”
















































    The door slammed on his way out and I cringed. Sighing, I fell into my pillow in frustration. Honestly, this dating business is so damn troublesome. Why didn’t I just stay single?!
































































































    Hey readers<3 It's been crazy with all the snow here. I'm not looking forward to going to shovel it...lol. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, the story is quickly coming to a close!

























































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