Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by crystalis

  1. Oh God! My wish actually came true. "Member Training" that sound exciting and from the title i think it will involve physical games if it is true then Hyesung and Andy are in disadvantage =.= Hyesung and Junjin in the same team? Maybe Minwoo and Eric in the same team too (that explain the picture)

    I can't wait for tomorrow but I don't think MT will be next week episode.

  2. On the other hand, I'm glad the first idol group on Shinhwa broadcast was Shinee. From what I've seen of them in interviews/shows, their reactions are rather genuine; they seem a bit removed to what is going on in the kpop world and if they don't know about you, they would say so. If they are laughing, they are genuinely amused with Shinhwa's antics lol I personally find that better than having guests who know too-well what to say on variety shows. I like that Shinee doesn't really know what to say on variety shows, it makes the things Shinhwa can bring out in them more surprising, which is better than the stereotypical jokes that are sure to show with variety veterans. Performance-wise, of all SM  groups, their presence is the most similar to Shinhwa.

    That said, rather than disrespectful (and it may be the editing), the way Minho bore his 'competitiveness' did make the atmosphere and almost painfully tense in not very good way ^^; I'm sure he will learn. Possibly from his Shinhwa hyungs, who are as competitive as they come?

    And unless it's SES, some Click-B members, NRG or maybe Fin.k.l., tbh, I kinda feel the same way as mommie Alice about members of the more famous old idol groups coming on to the show ^^;

    I don't know why, but I think if they did an episode of real job interviews of Shinhwa for various jobs, it would be hilarious. It's cost-efficient-ish?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @donits Limited Korean here as well.  But here's what I got: Shinhwa Broadcast team were playing pranks on Shinhwa members to see how 'human' they were.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     For Eric, his manager was supposed to tell him he's going to become a trainee under Sistar's company. But Eric just laughed cuz the manager took such a long time to tell him, and Minwoo and Dongwan already told him about the pranks when they were eating. Super fail.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For Hyesung, the story was that his manager was supposed to get married to their codi on April 14th lol Sungie didn't fall for it. He said of course he will be happy for his manager, but he's more afraid his manager will stop working for him lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For Jinnie, the story was that it was his manager's birthday. For a present, he wanted to spend time with Eric cuz he likes him more. He wants to be Eric's manager instead of Jinnie's. Jinnie looked so sad *hugs*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For Minwoo, I think the story is that his manager's dad is sick (?) and he needs money. Minwoo goes on and on and on~ (cuz that's what M does) and told his manager that they've been together for 8-9 years, so give him his bank account number so he can transfer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @ontheroad I think Dongwannie was missing a lot because he was filming a movie at the time. When they were all eating and watching Radio Star at Minwoo's Gaepan bar, Ricsyung tried to call him, but they failed. Just my guess why he was missing during the dorm part; I think he went to climb a mountain b/c there was a picture of him in the same outfit on his blog lol And yeah, streaming was totally horrible. It would only lag during Shinhwa Broadcast lol I wish ionair didn't remove the channel :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I hope they work well with jtbc. If you give Shinhwa members loyalty, they'll give it back 200%
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Agree  with this. 'Run' is amazing and it IS perfect as a comeback song for  Shinhwa... besides, I still feel cheated that this song was not promoted  at all.  <_<  I've  been thinking, for the past four years, how awesome it would be to see  them perform 'Run' on music shows... it certainly would have made the  newer idols and their fans go "woah!"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I  was watching Radio Star and Junjin mentioned something about Infinity  Challenge and feeling apologetic towards Kim Tae Ho, the PD. What was  that all about?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ I believe it was about his enlistment date. He was injured during one of the episodes and applied for enlistment delay. It was expected to be approved, but it wasn't. So the IC plans for him to film in New York were scrapped. I guess he felt sorry about that. There were also complaints by netizens about him not fitting in/not working hard enough...seriously tho, could they not see how hard he was working? He was on more shows than MC Yoo. Honestly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Impossible, but still wanting them to promote this song so badly~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's so swag and the lyrics fit their comeback perfectly <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    There's just something about the two of them hanging out, working and being crazy together <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hi guys! 4-month old shinhwa fan here. hyesung's my bias but i still love the other 5. i loved eric first in spy myungwol then andy in wgm then hyesung until now because he's so cute and he's voice is to-die-for. been catching up on all things shinhwa these past months and i was really depressed when i couldn't watch their concert. Been rewatching shinhwa broadcast and i still laugh at the same scenes over and over again. was wondering if there's a link i can go to to watch live streaming of their tv appearances. i have kbsworld at home but then that's not much. hope someone can help me. tnx!
















































































































































































































































    Hi, you can do live streaming on this site: http://www.ionair.tv/index.php
















































































































































































































































    You need to register, but it's free :) But it seems to be overloaded recently. You can try tvants if that doesn't work.
















































































































































































































































    Hope that helps.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dongwannie is so so so so~ going to be 'hated' for making the kids cry on the kids episode XP































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @vanessa1988 Welcome back! And so many first times with Shinhwa haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am currently watching it right now. I laughed my butt of the first few mins already haha. I love Eric's poker face  ^_^  ...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ^ Guuuurl, the first 15 minutes is nothing~ Nothing, I tell ya lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































    @lhjj Prince and the Paupers is an awesome name haha~
































































































































































































































    You know, episode 3 was super hilarious, but imo, the athleticism is pretty amazing too<3 Always amused, but amazed too :D

























    I hadn't actually planned to join this discussion with a self-introductory essay. Sorry to put you through this, everyone. ^^;; Please skip this post if you need to! It's just, you know, being a Shinhwa fan for so long, when I talk about it, there's just...so much to ramble about, lol. Once again, a big hi to everyone and do keep the comments coming. I may not be as zealous when it comes to commenting, but I absolutely love reading every single post (even if it's just 1 fangirly line!) from all you guys. What can I say? Being in this forum with Shinhwa  fans feels like home! ^^
























































































































    ^ HI :)
























































































































    This was an awesome intro to read :D Trufax that H.O.T. and Sechkies did find shinhwa changjo a bit annoying back then ^^: We all friends now lol
























































































































    Anyhow, I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work on those translations you did back then on shinhwa videos *hugs*
























































































































    And welcome back :) this isn't just a comeback for shinhwa, it's a comeback for shinhwa changjo too.
































































































































    and now Hyesung too is having knee injury..i wonder what theme they will recording for the next episode after Special Olympic episode end..
















































































































    because this show is Shinhwa show..Shinhwa Show without Hyesung is not gonna be same again.
















































































































    but, i believe they'll (PD+Shinhwa) think and find a way~ ^^















































































































































































































































































































































    They can always~ play "Win Prince Pilgyo's Heart" XP

















    Just watched episode 3 and I almost pissed in my pants. Sigh poor Hyesung, he looked so vulnerable before Junjin's powerful martial arts skills lol. The irony...








































































































































    ^ I know, right? But what is this joy? LOL
















































































































































































































































































    Shinhwa episode 3 gifs LOL
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just want to say before I go to work: EPISODE THREE IS FREAKING HILARIOUS~
















































































































































    @lilminx Awww<3 someone remembers me *hugs* Just chilling on twitter with fellow shinchangs <3
























































































































    Have you guys seen the video from eatyourkimchi about Shinhwa??
















































































































































































































































    I don't think they realized the beast (SHCJ) that they just unleashed...
























































































































    Anyways, I could care less about all those with negative things to say about Shinhwa. All that matters is our oppas kept their promise and that they're having a spectacular comeback! Winning awards and such would just be the cherry to top it all off.
























































































































    But wouldn't that be nice if they did win awards? So remember to do your daily to-do list and support our oppas!







































































































































































































































































































































































    I think there's nothing we need to say. We just have to keep supporting, voting and doing our best. When the fruits of our labor show and no show  or event is complete in Korea without Shinhwa, and when all the charts are topped by our oppas, they can look back and swallow their words. Even if you don't want to know Shinhwa, you will have to :P  I'm sure all Shinhwa Changjos are more than ready to give them one heck of a comeback. Who are we kidding? Of course, we're going to try our best to get them #1 (been winning them since 1999~)
























































































































    Like our Leadernim said, "Actions are greater than words." :)
























































































































    EDIT: THREE MINBONGIE avatars in a row. That is love <3 *o*








































































































































































































































































    I am so slow~ I had no idea this thread's active again <3
























































































































    Need time to catch  up on the pages ^_^
















































































































































































































































    120330 SHINHWA + CNBLUE - Waiting Comeback Stage
















































































































































































































































    So yeah, umm, why is Minbong doing the feel-me-up dance on Jinnie that much sechsssi-er than the actual female dancers?









  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..