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Posts posted by RiceGirl1212
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Went to Aruba this December such a beautiful place.
























































    AiYiYix3, DELINNERZ, and AznSimpleton
















    Thanks so much for sharing! :D I took a couple of the wallies. I love this thread. I always have a hard time finding nice cell phone wallpapers.




























    ^Those links are not subbed.
















    If you notice on the first page I make a note under the Cinderella Man Video heading:
















    *Note Video Links Are Color Coded
















    Raw is Blue
















    English is Pink
















    Chinese is Orange
















    Vietnamese is Green




























    Not Taeyeon's best performance. She usually on key but I have to admit the duet was a little hard on the ears. Even Park Hyo Shin was a little off.
















    Taeyeon did better during her solo but even that I felt she wasn't hitting it like she normally does.
















    I think she was just having an off day. Even the best of singers have those days.




























    My heart really goes out to all the Hottests...I can only imagine the heartbreak you guys are feeling.
















    Since no official statement has been made about 2PM's future we have a little hope and some solace that Jaebeom may end up returning.
















    Things are such a mess right now that no one is probably thinking straight. I hope he gets the love and support of family and friends back in Settle and then decides to come back and be apart of 2PM. Regardless of what he ends up deciding in the end I will support his decision. He should do what makes him feel happy.
















    Park Jaebeom hwaiting! 2PM hwaiting! Hottest hwaiting!




























    Looks like a fun poll so here goes:
















    Super Junior: Siwon (though I don't really follow them but Siwon always got my attention...just look at him :P...purely eye candy)
















    DBSK: Yunho (another group I don't follow but he caught my eye when they first debuted)
















    So Nyeo Shi Dae: Yoona (her acting roles/seems very respectful and down to earth), Taeyeon (her singing/variety show abilities), Tiffany (her singing/MCing/variety show abilities)
















    Wonder Girls: SunYe (singing/down to earth)
















    SS501: n/a
















    Shinee: Onew (though I don't follow them...he really has a great voice and he's cute^^)
















    Big Bang: Taeyang (his singing, plus he has one smokin' body), G-Dragon (mad talented), Daesung (too funny and I've always found him to be rather cute)
















    2PM: Taecyeon (his rapping voice and he is so goofy adorable)
















    2AM: n/a
















    2NE1: don't really have one just yet
















    Kara: Nicole (she is hilarious on Star Golden Bell...really wonders what happens inside that head of hers :lol: )
















    FT Island: Hongki (his singing)
















    4minute: n/a
















    Afterschool: n/a
















    CSJH The Grace: n/a
















    Brown Eyed Girls: n/a
















    New groups added
















    Shinhwa: Dongwan (his wit, singing, just everything about him :wub:)
















    Fly to the Sky Hwanhee (his singing...what a voice)




























    I have AT&T:
















    450 daytime minutes
















    5000 nights/weekends
















    unlimited mobile to mobile
















    rollover minutes
















    no data or text at this time
















    after taxes bill usually comes to $48
















    7/10 or so satisfied only cause sometimes my calls drop or I can't call out of certain areas around town.
















    Never felt the need for texts but since I got my eternity and I have that visual qwerty which makes texting so much easier I want to add a text plan.




























    Went from this:
































    to this:
































    trying out touch phones...so far I really like my phone. I just got it 6 days ago ^_^





  9. I got some new ones.

    Just got a new phone (Samsun Eternity) so the phone auto sizes them so some of them are kinda big or not the usual sizes that most phones have:

    387x324, 396x325, 335x322, 400x400, 500x330, 398x272, 399x279

    [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/KJK_Googims001.jpg] [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/KJK_Googims002.jpg] 


    273x393, 238x296, 240x320

    [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/LondonUnderground.jpg] [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/Lollicup.jpg]

    [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/WangLeeHom_HeartBeat.jpg] [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/FTTS_8th.jpg] [img=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/SushiRice1211/SoJiSub_SonyStyle.jpg]




    The final two episodes :D

    Only the AVI version is available on MU; if you ask me.. such an excellent drama deserves to be watched in full HD quality, especially for the last 2 eps - which is why i'm waiting for MU uploads for eps 15 and 16 in mkv.. Pretty please, anyone?































    Oops must have missed them. Sorry about that ;)
















    I'll have them upload on megaupload soon.
















    I'll come back and edit this post with the links.
































    Here are the links I promised...
















    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 15 MKV Version
















    001 | 002
















    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 16 MKV Version
















    001 | 002

    Megaupload avi links for the raw videos...

    You could watch it on the megavideo link, but it has poorer quality so i wont recommend it if seeing Yoona's face is important to you.































    ^Thank you for providing some mirror links. Greatly appreciated. I have add them to the 1st post/front page of the thread.

    These are all the songs I've heard played in Cinderella Man. Some songs are not on the OST.

    My Man -Davichi 다비치
















    입술을 주고-Baek Ji Young 백지영
















    U-Go-Girl - with 낯선-Lee Hyo Ri 이효리
















    내 사람인 것 같아서-Shin Seung Hoon 신승훈
















    여성시대 -SeeYa 씨야 , Davichi 다비치 , T-ara 티아라(T-ara)
















    사랑한단 말 못해-Ok Ju Hyun 옥주현
















    좋은 사람 (Version 1)-T-ara 티아라
















    나 너 좋아해-Black Pearl 블랙 펄
















    Lover-Lee Jeong Min 이정민
















    8282-Davichi 다비치
















    슬픈 다짐-Davichi 다비치
















    잘할 걸 그랬나 봐요-Ok Ju Hyun 옥주현
















    토요일밤에-Son Dam Bi 손담비
















    주르륵-SG Wanna Be 에스지 워너비
















    눈감으면-M to M 엠투엠
















    I've Got The Power- Earls 얼스 (i think this song hasn't been released yet) --> don't have this :(
















    All songs can be downloaded at genevieve282.blogspot.com. Either click by artist or you can click Cinderella Man Series. ^^
















    Maybe there are some more songs I've missed out on...but the DVD died on me a while ago...hehe..so couldn't check the other episodes! TT































    ^Thank you for compiling a list of background songs used in Cinderella Man but were not included in the OST.
















    I have added your link post to the first page/front of this thread.









    Very nice work SoshiSubs Team! Any chance of megaupload MKV links pretty please? Thank you!
















    Which episodes are you looking for?
















    The 1st page has all the episode links available and I'm pretty sure they include megaupload MKV links.




























    For those of you having trouble with mediafire
















    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 16---The Final Episode AVI Version
















    I've said this before but I don't think it can be said enough THANK YOU SOSHI SUBS for your awesome work!




























    what is the song by SG wannabe......called..thanks sso much loved this drama
















    I put it in the translator and it came out 'Week [lu] [luk' :huh:...but I don't trust the Babel Fish translator.
















    The Korean name is 주르륵.
















    I think it is off of their recent album.




























    For those of you having trouble with mediafire
















    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 15 AVI Version

    I can't download "Mediafire links"... I dont know why, ... help ME please
















    ^ If you are getting an error message just clear you cookies and try downloading it again.
















    I suggest that you download two files at a time instead of downloading it all at once.
















    If you are still having trouble with mediafire try megaupload.
















    Check the 1st page it has all the links and is updated.

    aznlockheart, could u post ep1~ep4 CM

    i want to collect all HD version of this drama
















    thanks anyway































    ^Check the 1st page. It has all the links released by SoShi Subs.









    Wait, so does anyone know the name of this song it go like: "I got the power, you are the real man"

    It has driven me crazy not finding it.































    ^ I don't think anyone has found that song.
















    I just listen to Davichi's My Man and I'm pretty sure that is not the song.
















    Where does it start playing?




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I like both but I like sushi more becasue of the different varieties that can be made.

































































































































































































































































    Thanks for the upload....but there seems to be an error in avi.001 from the MF. All the other parts are ok tho.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's just mediafire acting up again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just clear your cookies and try downloading the part again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If for whatever reason it isn't downloading for you there are megaupload links available too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I posted it a couple post back on this page.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For those having issue with mediafire
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Megaupload Soshi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 14 AVI Version
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For those of you having trouble with mediafire
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 13 AVI Version
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For those of you having trouble with mediafire
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 12 AVI Version
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well, the drama is over :(
















































    I want to thank everyone who contributed to this thread :)
















































    Big Shout Out and Thank you to:
















































    cute girl










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SGUpload Test














































































































































































































































    (I think that is everyone if I missed anyone BIG THANK YOU TO YOU TOO :sweatingbullets:)
















































    Thank you so much for posting up articles, video reports, ratings, ngs, photos, caps, songs, lyrics, piano sheets, and of course video links.






















































































































































    And to the subbers (SoShiSubs, SoShivnsubs, SGCom) of this drama thank you so much for your time and effort for subbing this drama for us non-Korean speakers.







































































































    I'll still be around this thread cause I'm waiting for the English subs to be completed so I can finish waiting this drama.
















































    I'm sad about the ratings but the drama was decently written and well acted. Cinderella Man hwaiting!!








































































    For those of you having trouble with mediafire
















































    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 11 MKV Version
















































    001 | 002
















































    Megaupload SoShi Subs Cinderella Man Ep. 11 AVI Version









  • Create New...

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