Jump to content

p i n k y.

  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by p i n k y.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Damn, haven't been on soompi for half a year already, lol.



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    They're actually doing quite well in Japan,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    even though they haven't started promotions yet,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    a lot of people love them already, there was a parody
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    aired on TV xD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2NE1 <333





































































































































































































































































    5 episodes aired including charice's comeback and Korean viewers voted about that on the site.(maybe cant' vote if they're not korean cuz SBS ID is needed) simply explain.

    1.clone dance : 0.8 %








    2.special Mannequin : 2.6%








    3.children flushed : 0.8%








    4.Fitness Boys : 5.1%








    5.Charice Pempenco's comeback in starking : 90.7%








    She is the perfect victory ^^








    credits: mygosi @ youtube















    DAMNNNNNNNNN. Look at the others compare to hers =O








    I swear, if she were ever to have a concert in Korea,








    I bet the kpop artists she met on star king esp. the girl she








    sang with (name?), Leeteuk & Eunhyuk would sooooo attend XD








    Her perforamnce was AWESOME. UNBELIEVABLE. lol





  4. Hangeng to Hold Two Solo Concerts Next Month


    Geng Xin (Basically means Geng Heart but it's a play on words because the pronunciation can also mean New)

    Where: North Exhibition Theater 北展剧场, Beijing

    When: July 17 and 18, 2010

    What: Han Geng's very own concert

    How Much: VIP RMB 1680, RMB 1280, RMB 980, RMB680, and RMB380




    Source: Baidu & Gengfans' blog

    Credits: geng_bao at livejournal
















    Hm, I don't know if these pictures have been posted yet, but these are the pictures I scanned from Japanese magazines I picked up earlier at the store. More coming up later, internet is slow at the moment -.-































































    credits: KBOOM Vol. 59 ; p i n k y. @ soompi for scans














    p i n k y. : Hey ! You changed your nickname dear, it's cuute :3 but YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! how can you forget that I live in Belgium and that I speak FRENCH as my first language ? O___O and also that my native language is vietnamese ... so that's make english as my third one xD haha you freaked me out, I was thinking that I created words ^^' Really you speak Chinese and Japanese ? So cool ! I recently watched a jdrama, it has been ages since the last time ... the title is the girl evolution, you know the one with Kame who has to transform a "horror girl" into a lady .. It was better than I expected , I finished it in 3 days xD <3








    LOL, yes. I changed my username, I've got sick of it and it's really...weird. Old too haha. Cute? I got it from a candy. I don't know if you've seen it, but it's the candy DBSK advertised in Japan? They're yummy XD ROFL FOR REAL?! But...I thought Belgium spoke German?! O.O Oh well, new fun fact of the day haha. Ohhhhhh, three languages? WOAH. I admire you unnie for knowing such complicated languages @.@ Japanese is my second language, I live in Japan, but I haven't spoken it since forever because I attend an international school. Eh, Chinese. It's one of the languages spoken in my family so I'm required to know it, but I don't really know, just currently learning it haha. Hm, Girl Evolution? Sounds familiar, I think I've seen it on TV before but I never really paid attention XD I shall see to it, since you said it sound good :] I'm watching this one J-drama, it's called "Hard To Say I Love You," starring Jaejoong from DBSK. I LOVE IT <3 You should watch it hehe ;3





    choco_yummy : Just like me my dear, occupied is not an english word ? XD I'm sorry, I am kind tired so I messed up French and English >< Haha you better clean up your msn to talk with me, I'm pitchounetta xp ILY my dear !








    oh no no no! occupied is an english word! =D I just capitalized it because you said you were occupied with life, and I totally understand hehe x] COOL! you're learning french!? Gah, I'm stuck with Chinese and polishing my Japanese haha~ LOL. yes I better clean it up, but I know which one is you now :] ILY2! I LOVE THAT WALLPAPER YOU MADE FOR ANNOYINGORANGE <3














    WHUT THE---!!!!
















    where have you beeeeeeen?!?!
















    i wonder if you remember me.... T.T





    i'm a filipino and i'm fluent but i can't find the english word of "batukan"

    waahaha. is it ''hit the nape''? LOL.















    "Batukan" is like, 'hit' in english. Related to that anyway.








    Like, if someone says, "Babatukan na kita," it translates








    to "I'm going to hit you."














    korean childhood friend gave mine...








    it's sang mi ahn








    i have no idea where he got it o_o








    it doesn't even relate to my actual name XD


























    woah, those looks exactly the same here where i live!
















    lol. idk how many different kinds of japanese food i've
















    seen already, but yours can easily pass as one of
















    the dishes ^^




























    definitely not replacing DBSK.
















    debut another boy group if the company wants, but they will never surpass moreover replace DBSK. not to sound ignorant or anything, but saying this new group might be the replacement is so cloudy.
















    SM has to stop wasting money and concentrate on the other artists first, esp. underrated ones <_<




























    haven't been here for a while...lol.































    awww, why is she going down?































    hopefully that goes back up ;D































    awaiting her solo debut <3





  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..