Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Lukii














    omg Ichijou Makoto...










    he's one really pretty guy!










    there's a lot of hot guys!










    but i don't really like how they did their hair...










    looks kinda weird...





    OMG...kesiannye...mesti geram kan...

    I've dropped my external HDD more than twice (i'm so clumsy) thank god nothing happen to my beloved HDD :sweatingbullets: if not I will drive crazy like you...










    Hey! why don't you go for a try for Nasi Lemak at Kampung Baru...the one that was located in front of Vision City [There was UniKL(which was my Univ.),DBKL and Bank Pembangunan.] It really delicious and cheap also or you can go for Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa which also located at Kg. Baru...



















    whoa.. that's quite expensive right??










    my brother's friend is selling nasi lemak there too... haha
















    I got 7 on first try...










    but then count them again, i got 5... haha










    what does 7 stands for??


























    1.) How am I feeling today?










    crush crush crush










    2.) Where will I get married?




















    3.) What is my best friend's theme song?




















    4.) What is/was highschool like?




















    5.) What is the best thing about me?




















    6.) How is today going to be?










    No Regret










    7.) What is in store for this weekend?




















    8.) What song describes my parents?.










    Chick 'n Stu










    9.) How is my life going?










    Uhn je gga ji na










    10.) What song will they play at my funeral?










    Beautiful Girl










    11.) How does the world see me?




















    12.) What do my friends really think of me?










    My Heart










    13) Do people secretly lust after me?










    I Swear










    14.) How can I make myself happy?










    Gotta Go My Own Way










    15.) What should I do with my life?




















    16.) Will I ever have children?










    Start to Love










    17.) What is some good advice?










    last farewell










    18.) What do I think my current theme song is?










    Hot Issue










    19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?




















    Whoa, what???










    20.) What type of men/women do you like?:










    But I Love You










    21.) Will you get married?:










    I Don't Understand










    22.) What should I do with my love life?










    Crazy Dog (haha it's like a big bang parade)










    24.) Where will you live?










    Until You Return










    25.) What will your dying words be?










    The two Of Us










    haha, corny xDD



  5. the attack of the pin-up boys... on dvd

    but if u mean movie at the cinema it's...

    The Last Breath.. such a boring horror movie...

    i thought i was gonna kill myself for choosing to watch it!!!

    i should've watch enchanted or something else!! hah...














    the title totally caught my attention haha










    sounds really interesting!










    and looking forward to seeing JungIlWoo in it...










    love his smile! he's such a hottie!!
















    ^ yeah saw him xDD










    why is he so cute!! can't wait for any new project from him!!










    i'm dying to see more of him!










    love him in snow queen! kept dreaming of him eversince.. haha
















    I should be studying for my big big exam!!










    my parents & brothers r out right now...










    if they knew, i'm so gonna die!!










    hah... i should think about my future more...










    5 more minutes!! haha


























    ipod that's really important!!










    other; Key!, watch, umbrella, money... & make sure that my jean's zipped ( always forget to zip my jeans >< )










    i don't really use handphone.. just use the public phone...



  10. Oh yeah speaking of Epik High,

    I thought their FAN mv looked alot like Taiji's HEFFY END mv..

    But then, Tablo has mentioned few times that he admires Taiji so maybe it was sort of like a homage thing.

    yeah... that's what i actually thought when i saw epik high's fan mv...

    i thought... have i seen this somewhere??? haha

    anyway, can't wait for Seo taiji's 8th album!!

    I love his lyrics & musics!! they're just awesome!!




















    Wow, i've just heard their music a couple of days ago!!
















    They're really good!!!
















    Their vocal is good to listen to too xDD
















    i love Jessica's voice^^
















    Can't wait to hear more from them!!


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha the drama seems funny!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's gonna be interesting to see how she's gonna chase karl back ><
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    and wow, from the synopsis.. the movie is surely gonna be very interesting!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    another drama about the past korean...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was kinda bored after watching alot about this kinda of drama...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i hope this'll be interesting^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but why is the episodes is so few?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Omg!! I can't wait to watch this!!
































































































































































































































































    This will absolutely be better than the taiwanese version!!!
































































































































































































































































    Shun Oguri <333!!! he'll totally suit Rui!!!
































































































































































































































































    and Maki Horikita looks really good too xDD
































































































































































































































































    two of my most favourite japanese actor & actress!!
































































































































































































































































    Can't wait!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































    omg!! When will the movie'll be released?
































































































































































































































































    I hope they'll finish the filming thing soon...
































































































































































































































































    I've been waiting for this movie for like forever!!
































































































































































































































































    Jang GeunSuk <3
































































































































































































































































































































































    It's the end already??? TT.TT
































































































































































































































































    i really love this fic!!!
































































































































































































































































    I love the ending... everything about this fic!!
































































































































































































































































    i thought she's getting engaged w/ someone else actually..
































































































































































































































































    when she heard people saying that she's married to Ki Joon??
































































































































































































































































    haha... can't believe that she got a good job in the end...
































































































































































































































































    && her relationship w/ YoonSung is really cute xDDD
































































































































































































































































    btw, are you gonna make any side stories for this fic??
































































































































































































































































    keep up the good work!!!

































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..