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Posts posted by paradicez










    I really love this fanfic =) !! It's so funny and it kept me laughing a lot!








    And to come to think, part of this is true..thats cool!!








    I was shipping Dong Wan and Yoojin at first because the things Dong Wan do for her is so sweet and caring...








    but then Kang Yoo Sung won over! hahah! they are uber cute 2gether! :)








    This is really well written and I ABSOLUTELY ENJOY reading it! ~ <3












    Hmm I wonder what my rep is..I haven't really post a lot on soompi...except in the fanfic thread..since i <3 reading them lol.









    Edit: so my rep is 8..guess I should post more comments xDDDD























    You're telling me that everything in your life is going wrong.


















    It's been 6 years ago that I loved you, and I still do.


















    My love for you isn't as strong as it use to be, but it still hurts to see you


















    talk about another girl to me...& also did you know that you


















    keep on leading me on by talking to me everyday? Please


















    stop leading me on, so I can forget about you :(














































    Physical appearance is attraction and personality pulls you in. But even if he's handsome and his personality is trash, I wouldn't continue a relationship with him.. -_- '




































































































































































































































































































































































































    I always procrastinate so I tend to do all my essays at the last minute...it's really hard to think of something right at the last minute...but I always manage to finish it by the due date. Which means staying up late...But there are also time when I can't even think of a single thing to write...and that drives me CRAZY ! But I never learn to write essay a couple of days before the due date :P I'll always be the same ~ ;_;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I always thought Jung Yong Hwa (CNBLUE) and Kim Hyun Joong (SS501) look A LIKE :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm Vietnamese and I get mistaken for Korean!
































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know.
































































































































































































































































































































































    Do I really look Korean? o__o
































































































































































































































































































































































    The skin probally. ;p
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Mayonaka no Shadow Boy prview was so coool! They look so mature. I can't wait for it!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I use to be obsess with Yamada, but now, it's definitely, Keito :D
























































































































































































































































































































    I love Hey!Say!Jump, espeically Okamoto Keito! (: Love him!





































































































































































































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