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Posts posted by Knossos
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He is so sexy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He hurts me with his beauty.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My keyboard is covered in my drool.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He made me a complete idiot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    His voice melts me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I know there is no way in hell but
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jong Hyun I do have pale skin and thin-ish red lips. keke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ~I wanna be with you, if only for a night, to be the one who is in your arms who holds you tight~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Otoke? I am in love....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He's so cute and sexy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Min Ho, Changmin from DBSK, Yu Jae Suk, Hong Su Ah, Seo in young, Shin Jung Hwan, Shoo (SES), Ok Ju Hyun, Moon Geun Young, Kan Mi Yeon, Yoon So Ee, Su Ae, Jang Suh Hee, Lee Young Eun, Lee Seung Chul, Sung Si Kyung, Kim Jung hoon, Hong Kyung Min, are buddhist....there are more but I dont' remeber..... but it's true...there are more Christian than Buddhist in K pop

































































































































































































































































  4. Hi! I did Happy together Translation..... you are welcome to sub this or publish it somewhere else.


    Happy Together

    090226 Kim Hyunjoong , Goo Hyesun , Kim Joon - 1/6


    start from 50 second because before that is preview

    Mc Yu: Being together makes it a happy thursday night. Happy together! Outside the studio it's crazy with all the fans.....

    PMS&Misun: The whole neighborhood is going crazy with the fans..

    Mc Yu: High fantasy romance...that is HYD ...GHS KHJ and KJ from HYD are here.

    Misun: The studio really brightened up when you guys showed up.

    Mc Yu: You came wearing the (faux) fur and earrings.....

    Misun: I thought Lee Hye Young was really cool (the actor who plays JP's mom...I guess she came dressed like JP's mom) "Where is my JP?"

    Mc Yu: Shin Bong Sun will be brigning somebody here for you guys....

    Misun: Could it be.....JP?

    Mc Yu: That's right....you guessed correct.... let's call her....Bong Sun!

    Bong Sun come out as Jandi and some other comedian as JP

    caption: so different from the drama

    Fake JP: If something happens to you, tell me... and don't run away from me....and I got something for you....necklace that exisit only one in the world. It's GJP Star and GJD moon...(paper necklace) JD!

    Fake JD: (hitting JP) Are you kidding me?

    Bong Sun: Hello hello

    PMS did you go to the olympics?

    MC Yu: GHS, how do you feel looking at another JP?

    GHS: he has different charm

    PMS: can you act with him?

    GHS: well I am not sure about that.....

    Hweesun(fake JP): You are picky

    Hweesun: In the Gag concert (comedy program) we filemd a parody of HYD. I play JP. Han Min Kwan plays JH.

    Caption: HJ is disappointed

    Hweesun: (To HJ) you seem really disappointed

    HJ: ....no I am not

    Hweesun: Huh Kyung Hwan plays WB

    Hweesun: Park Ji Sun plays JD

    Mc Yu: GHS looks like she got really tired all of a sudden (meaning she doesn't like this)

    Mc Yu: HYD's gotten really popular and it's really the trend....you guys are alll so popular right now...do you feel your popularity?

    GHS: Yea....didn't feel it in the film set but yes....

    Mc Yu: How about you HJ? You were already popular anyway....but how do you feel?

    HJ: This is my first try in drama acting (as opp to sitcome) and when I have an album out, I can feel my groups' popularity from how many fans come to us but the drama's popularity is measured by ratings so I don't really feel it in my skin..

    Mc Yu: How about you, Kim Jun?

    KJ: I am new to the business and I don't really feel it but when I see our drama being parodied...then I get the feeling that the drama's doing well

    Misun: ahh yes...my costume is making me so hot and sweaty

    Bong sun: me too....

    PMS: we get to make a living (by parodying drama and etc) because of you guys so please do it for a long time

    MC Yu: The response from the public was amazing from the episode one.....I heard you guys all watched it together

    KJ: welll not all of us together but with the staff and director and with Kim bum .....and well watching it together made us feel a little embarassed.....we had a bet whose line will be shown first Kim bum's or mine.

    KJ: In the first episode I had one line but my line was before Kim Bum's so I won

    MC Yu: what was the line?

    KJ: Do you want it?

    Caption: very short

    The scene: LMH : WB do we have the juice left? WB: yea want it?

    Misun: Kim Jun you look so much better in person.

    PMS: you guys didn't know that this would hit it big like this in the beginning....

    GHS: well not that but we felt very burdened because this was already very popular in Taiwan and Japan

    Bong sun: well I grew up reading the manga and I have to say that the Korean version's chacraters resemble the original charaters the most.

    Mc Yu: HJ, I heard you had a dream before the first episode aired

    HJ: yea I had a dream about the rating 19.8~22 % and but at the end of the dream it said 18% before I woke up.....And the next day the tv station was doing the guessing game of expectant rating and so I said 21%

    PMS: were you right?

    HJ: no it got peeled away (it's a real strange expression and I dont' get it and they dont get it )

    Caption: Corky HJ!

    Hweesun: You are not like JH from the drama

    Caption: Today we get HJ the way he is

    HJ: I thought getting 21% was easy but everybody else....they have been actors longer and they all gussed about correct number which was 14%.

    PMS: (to GHS).....after looking at F4....how do you like it when you are looking at us?

    GHS: well personally besides the looks, if I like someone then that person looks good to me

    Misun: did you like Mc Yu?

    GHS: yeah.. and you look like my mom

    GHS: when my mom was younger

    GHS: and Bong sun you look like my sister

    GHS: I feel like I am with my mom and sister

    Hweesun: what about me?

    GHS: Gu Jun Pyo

    Bong Sun: She totally lied about everything!

    GHS: My mom and sister's nick names are Park Mi Sun and Shin Bong Sun

    Misun: So you must look like your mom (lol)

    GHS: well my sister looks like my mom and I look like my dad

    Mc Yu: so you mean Park Misun and Shin Bong Sun look alike

    everybody lol

    PMS: Take the costume off if you are hot...

    Hweesun: I was able to come on the show under the condition that I'd be wearing this the whole time.

    MC Yu: (to GHS)I heard there was an episode revolving you with school girls?

    GHS: yea.... we film with school uniforms on....and when we were done with the shoot JP(LMH) was heading towards his car and I toward mine....but since he's tall the girls recognized him right away and ran towards him...but I got sort of absorbed into the crowd and the girls pushed me away...... but later when they saw my face they start running towards me.

    Shin Bong Sun: You really have a baby face.....you are nuna here aren't you?

    PMS: so shocked

    Mc Yu: Excuse me but how old are you?

    GHS: Born in 84...26 yrs old (Korean age)

    everybody wow...

    Misun: does your mom have a babyface too?

    GHS: yes

    PMS: In the drama you seem to experience such hardship

    Misun: It's the character who gets bullied...getting eggs thrown at her and everything..

    The clip is shown..

    Misun: in the manga that character has the hardest times too

    GHS: yes a lot of hard time in the beginning but i also get loved a lot

    MC Yu: yes a lot of people love and support you

    GHS:.... no I mean F4 love me =)

    Misun: yea she is loved by all of F4

    Mc Yu: (to GHS) heard you got hurt while filming diving scene

    GHS: yes well the last time I filmed a diving scene I hurt my back so I tried to practice it so I won't hurt my back again....but then I hurt my head....

    the first part over


    Second part:

    Misun: So you hit your head on the floor of the pool?

    GHS: yes

    Mc Yu: Are you ok now?

    GHS: I got an injury which will take three weeks to heal completely but had to get back to filming the next day that I wasn't able to get treatment yet.

    Misun: You got a light concussion?

    GHS: yea

    Misun: Then you must be out of your mid right now.

    Everybody LOL

    MC Yu: HJ you said this was your first real acting gig

    HJ: yea I was under a lot of stress.....the fact that a singer is doing acting.... some people are ok with it but some people are not. so I made a lot of effort not to get bad criticism....

    Misun: How do you like your own acting?

    HJ: I go to the viewers' forum to see what kind of good things and bad things people are saying about my acting that day. There are fans who are protective of me who like eveything I do and there are people who like nothing I do. And there are people who are in the middle who are being more objective and I tried to concentrate and get tips on how to improve my acting from more objective posts. Because of that my acting is getting better.

    Misun: Even if his acting might be a little lacking, when he smiles on the screen, I feel like phytoncide is pouring out of the TV....you know what you get when you go forest bathing.

    Caption: it's as if phytoncide the effect of forest bathing is pouring out.....

    Knossos: In Korea people go "forest bathing" to breathe in phytoncides emitted by plant and trees to improve health

    Mc Yu: ok yea

    Misun: why are you laughing? Was it too much?

    Everybody lol

    Caption: Yes it was

    Misun: a lot of housewives love him too thesedays (older women)

    Mc Yu: yea I know...

    Mc Yu: How about you Kim Jun? Your family must like this very much (you on HYD)

    KJ: I think that affects me the most....what people around me say....like "say many lines.. and be infront of the camera more" and stuff

    Mc Yu: But it's not like you can peek infront of the camera for no reason.

    PMS: What did you do before you were a F4?

    KJ: I was in this 3 member group called T-Max....we had two or three singles out before and we particiate in HYD ost "Paradaise".

    Misun: you sang that song too?

    KJ: yea a little....

    Mc Yu: which part did you sing?

    KJ: would be hard to find me there....my part is small

    Misun: I guess he doesn't remeber..

    KJ: yes... I am sorry

    Mc Yu: HJ's lines in the drama got a lot of attention such as "with this white cloth and wind we can go anywhere" etc....there are a lot of lines like that....

    Bong Sun: We can hear the line today?! weeeeee

    Mc Yu: of course... HJ, we've prepared a few lines for you....

    HJ: ok this is to Jandi

    HJ: "Ok then let me be Keum Jandi's honorary firefighter"

    Caption: everybody gets goosebumps

    HJ: And.... I am unfurling the sail and... "with this white cloth and wind we can go anywhere"

    Misun: I want to copy that scene....

    caption: she's so envious

    HJ: I don't really talk like this in real life....

    Misun: well it's from manga

    HJ: I can't usually say stuff that's overly sweet ...things that are embarassing...

    I have friends from childhood..... they called me to tell me that they will kill me (after watching those too sweet lines) They really threatened me so I am avoing them right now.

    Mc Yu: yea just for a little while

    Misun: but it's a really cool character

    Bong Sun: I really wish that you would say this line to me.... "why didn't I like a kid(girl) like you?" hahahahahahaha

    HJ: hahahahaha

    Caption: HJ is at a loss for words

    HJ: Should I ?

    HJ: "why didn't I like a kid(girl) like you?"

    PMS: Look at her face (and you know why)

    MC Yu: How can you say that directly?

    PMS: Why did you not look at her directly? (when saying the line)

    PMS: It's fortunate that I got to know a kid(girl) like you.

    HJ: oh you know it?

    PMS: of course I watch HYD all the time

    PMS: My parents want to see "East of Eden" and my wife wants to see F4....

    Misun: only one tv in your house?

    PMS: yes

    everybody lol

    Mc Yu: the kiss scene of JD and JP got a lot of attention....

    Misun: were you not embarassed with all the staff around and everything?

    GHS: I didn't want to show that I was nervous and wanted to come across as a professional (actor)...and wanted to get an ok with just one take but the staff felt even more awkward than the actors and couldnt' really tell us the kind of kiss they wanted us to perfrom... the script said "JP and JD Passionately kiss" so we followed the script....but it got edited out.

    caption: It was too hot that it got edited out..

    Misun: why did he edit it out.~

    Mc Yu: I guess the director wanted something a little less than that

    GHS: yes but he wasn't able to say that to us.... it was all awkward

    Misun: I guess you two were kissing too passionately..

    GHS: no it wasn't like that~

    Misun: Yoon Ji Hu also had kiss scenes...

    Mc: yes

    HJ: yes with Han Chae Young and GHS...

    PMS: ahhh I am envious what kind of fortune were you born with?

    HJ: I felt a lot of pressure...and I prpared hard for the kiss scene the day before....

    Misun: how did you prepare for it?

    HJ: I didn't eat anything the whole day for fear of bad smell...and brushed my teeth like

    6~7 times....and used oral detergent all day....(listerine or scope I guess) I was really nervous and it drove me crazy but I said .... since I am going to do this anyway, like a real man I said I should get it done in one take...

    Misun: Which kiss did you like better? with HCY or GHS?

    PMS: I am sure he liked both

    HJ: yes...

    MC Yu: why did you answer? I was going to ask him that!

    PMS: but he can't say one or the other...

    Caption: he should get a red card by F4 and get kicked out

    Mc Yu: what about You GHS how did you prepare for it?

    GHS: well I emptied my mind....prepared my mind..

    Bong sun: so you ate

    Caption: She ate all she wanted....

    PMS: Before kiss scene you should get hepatitis vaccination....and

    HJ LOL

    Bong Sun: and go to dentist to get teeth examined?

    PMS: yes need to get cavaties filled

    Mc Yu: There are a lot of things to do to prepare for a kiss scene! Get innoculated and treat teeth/oral problems...

    PMS: That's to show respect to the partner

    GHS: I use candies instead of oral detergent.... because of the flavor

    Misun: the sweet flavor of candy is romantic

    Mc Yu: HJ. there seem to be a lot of tricks of the trade....

    HJ: yes I am learning it one by one....

    Mc Yu: Ever since HYD was aired, New Caledonia's become the most wanted destination for honeymooners.

    GHS: To us New Caledonia is a word that we can't say.

    Everyone: why?

    GHS: Even if we just hear the word we all scream... it was that difficult to film there..you know on the screen we look really happy but in reality we didn't get to eat anything and it was almost as if we were doing expedition into the bush.

    HJ: After the episode aired, I read an article saying that New Caledonia is a popular destination for honeymooners..a fantasy island.....I just went WHATEVER ... If my future wife want to go to New Caledonia for honeymoon I will divorce her.

    Mc Yu: yea we are talking about New Caledonia and three of your faces look really grim.....so how was it for you Kim Jun?

    KJ: It was not only difficult to film...but there were a lot of things that we had to careful of .. For instance, lizards are endangered species there so we heard that if we accidently step on them while filming then we will get kicked out of the country and etc...and the chief of the tribe control everything there and if we make a mistake of even making wrong expression to him we will have to stop the filming immediately as well.

    Mc yu: the chief controls everything there?

    KJ: yea

    Mc. Yu: what's his name?

    Mc yu: I need to know his name so I can be careful when I go there....oh you don't remeber...

    Part 2 Done


    Part 3:

    Mc Yu: I heard that she is called "Gu Cho ding" (Elemantary school kid +her last name) is it true, HJ?

    HJ: I dont' know....

    Mc Yu: Have you heard that?

    KJ: I never called her that but she is older than the rest of the cast but...the character JD is supposed to be very outgoing and cheerful...and I think she really got into the character so she's really outgoing and cheerful herself. Because the filming is very dfficult we wished that somebody from the cast get sick (so they can't film and they can rest...) and GHS's part is the hardest.....and we say I hope HS noona get sick and pass out then we can rest..... but she's the healthiest among us.

    PMS: You guys call her noona?

    KJ: yes... well actually HS and I are the same age both born in 1984 but I go with the other F4 guys and call her noona.

    HJ: They fight all the time.... He calls her noona and she calls him oppa.... why are they like this? I don't get it...they should just be friends (not be oppa noona etc) I thought they didn't like each other.

    PMS: In front of everyone they fight but maybe they are secretly dating? oh....maybe not..

    Everybody lol

    Mc Yu: How is eveybody's real personality compared with the characters'? Are they similar or totally different?

    GHS: I can't tell you that they are nothing like the characters because even if you are playing the parts your real self come through.

    Mc Yu: Who among F4 is most like the character he plays?

    Mc Yu: She's considering it seriously.........it's hard to act while thinking like this so...she needs more time...

    Mc Yu: HJ, what do you think? (the same question)

    HJ: Kim Bum .....his character is precocious and mature for age.... and in real life too ....when I talk to him I feel like he is hyung (older) and he apdo handa mentally....

    Misun: but he's the youngest...?

    HJ: yea

    Mc Yu: I see.....he's charismatic...

    HJ: yea his thoughts are mature and I get surprised a lot by him.

    Mc Yu: what do you think KJ?

    KJ: I personally think it's GHS....JD's character is unyielding and outgoing and real life she's like that....very out going and eat a lot

    Bong sun: wow you eat a lot...?

    Misun: yea she looks like she'd barely eat

    GHS: well I eat as much as most men...

    Misun: HYD offers a lot of things to see...like nice clothse and houses...the viewers like it very much but it must be tough for you guys (to film)

    HJ: First of all...it's all constructed film set (not actual houses) and it's very cold there.. you'd sometimes see steam coming out of mouth when we are delivering the lines.

    Mc Yu: Rich people's houses with no heat?

    LMH ....steam out of mouth shown...

    Misun: When that happens do you do another take?

    GHS: Then we deliver lines with ice in our mouths.

    Mc Yu: so many tricks..... when cold ice in mouth, and candy for kiss scene....

    Mc Yu: HYD..and we have so many things to talk about....sooo we preared this

    "HYD...What Happy together staff is curious about"

    4) JH's awesome violin skill

    HJ: Actually I am not good at this.

    Mc Yu: It looked like you were really good

    HJ: I can kinda play happy birthday...

    PMS: Mc yu, isn't your b-day coming up?

    Mc Yu: yea it is.... it's August...

    Mc Yu: that's a sad birthday...

    HJ: There was this scene that I was really embarassed to do..... I was supposed to cry while playing the violin

    Caption: To cry to this!

    HJ: I had to do many takes ....for that coz I kept on laughing...

    Mc Yu: You learned how to play the violin?

    HJ: Yes I learned how to hold the violin and the bow but really it's not something that you can learn in a short time.

    Mc Yu: I heard that you had to even learn how to use chopsticks properly.

    HJ: yes....I wasn't very good at using them properly and my character is the grandson of a former president......I got a call saying "I think you should change the way you use them" so I started picking out beans with chopsticks....

    Bong Sun: Why is this conversation so funny? "I started picking out beans.."

    Mc Yu: So~?

    Misun: You are good now?

    HJ: When filming I use it properly but when I am not I go back to my old ways...

    Misun: You use chopsticks that way? (Knossos: ah that's so weird.)

    HJ: When I am filming I use it this way...demostrates the proper way...but when I am not... demonstrates...... If I use them properly I can't pick up stuff well....and demostrates...and goes "what? I can pick it up today...."

    Bong Sun: I guess you are in good condition today

    Mc Yu: next question..... the helicopter scene of JP and Jandi in New Caledonia.

    Was that Computer Graphic?

    GHS: No it wasn't .... we were really in the helicopter but it wasn't New Caledonia...we were in Korea.

    Everybody: ah~

    GHS: near Kim po airport... but we were wearing the clothes from New Caledonia and did our lines with ice in our mouths. The heart is from New Caledonia...

    Mc Yu: #3 JH's horseback riding and motorcycle scenes...

    Did you do them yourself?

    HJ: I did most of them myself....

    Bong Sun: Isn't it dangerous?

    HJ: Motorcycle is not that dangerous but we couldn't film the actual horseback riding scene so we got a leash on the horse and the staff spin the house. Cameraman turn with the house and and I was on top of the horse....and it was scary.... and as for JP he couldn't film that scene because it got dark already.... so he was on top of a rail thing and he pretended to be on a horse moving his upper body...and the camera man was in a handcart to simulate ups and downs of the horseback riding.

    Mc Yu: so he was not on a horse but acted like he was....wow...

    Misun: Watching making of HYD will be a lot of fun...

    HJ: As far as motorcyle scene is concerned.... because of the weather the battery went out frequently on the motorcycle so I suggested that I would act the upper part without motorcycle.... and he demonstrates

    Mc Yu: wow just like that?

    HJ: Yes just like that...we filmed it

    Mc Yu: wow.... it's really difficult...

    Misun: what we go through is nothing (compared to that)

    Mc Yu: Let's see what's #1 JD's kick to JP

    There were a lot of talks about that...wether it's real or not

    GHS: I do the kicks but for the full shot I use a body double. I turn around in one spot.

    Part 3 done


    Part 4

    GHS.and the body double she actually does the kick and the editing brings that together..

    MC Yu: If you were to be casted again what character do you want to play?

    KJ: I like the character Wubin but I want to play JP.... in what place can you see that curly hair look that attractive and order eveyone around?

    Mc Yu: how about you, HJ?

    HJ: I was asked that a lot....and even if I get casted again I'd like to play YJH.

    Mc Yu: In the beginning, JD likes JH but later JD falls in love with JP.... if you were JD in real life who would you pick, HS?

    GHS: I would pick neither..

    Eveyone: Why????

    GHS: The fact that she can't pick one or the other... means that neither is for her.

    Mc Yu: What about you BS?

    Bong Sun: It's really hard.....

    Misun: Is it hard?

    Bong Sun: Of course it is

    Mc Yu: what about you, Misun?

    Misun: Of course it's JP...

    Mc Yu: why?

    Misun: He's richer

    Mc Yu: In the drama you give up JD for JP.... if it's real life what would you do?

    HJ: I would have fought him till the end.

    Misun: ahh that's good..yea

    Bong Sun: yea girls like that

    HJ: I would do everything to steal her heart.

    Bong sun and Misun like it soooo much

    Mc Yu: I heard you sent a letter to the blue house (where the prez lives...just like white house in America)

    GHS: in junir high, there was this regulation in my school where your hair can't be longer than 1 cm from the ear robes. And when you go against that the teachers would cut your hair. That didn't happen to me but to my friend....and she cried her eyes out. and thatreally riled me up. I decided to write to the president.

    Misun: which president was it?

    GHS: Prez Kim Dae Joong

    I wrote him that we should have freedome concerning our hair. It was a long letter...but didn't know the address so I just wrote to the blue house.

    Mc Yu: Did the letter reach him?

    GHS: That I don't know...

    Mc Yu: We have to intrudoce someone now..."blind guest" has been waiting for over two hours! That's the longest wait for a blind guest.

    Mc Yu: Hello? You waited for long.?

    Blind guest: yes...WOW

    Mc Yu: It must have been hard for you to wait this long....

    Blind guyest: yes WOW HEY

    Mc Yu: Are you related to any of our guest today?

    Blind guest: yes I know one ajusshi among the guests I first met him when I was in high school and he was a really corky 4D ajusshi..

    Mc Yu: Is it Kim Hyun Joong?

    Blind guest: WOW ...

    This person....he was wearing a really big school uniform at the time..It was really too big... so I asked why are you wearing such big uniform? and he said I am going to grow this much.....but he didn't grow that big. and....

    Mc Yu: Because of this person you had a hard time?

    Blind guest: yes...becaues of this person I sitll have to go to the dr's. He bought eczema medicine..When we were in Japan, he couldn't tell the diffrece between eczema medicine and tooth paste that I brushed my teeth with the medicine for a week! My gum is still bleeding but he still hasn't apologized...

    Mc Yu: To brush teeth with eczemna medicine... ah

    Misun: Didn't he notice that the foam is not there? You must be generous/forgiving (she means dense in a nice way)

    MC Yu: I think this person know you very well.....

    PMS: You know who this is?

    HJ: yes.... well but this happened because he didn't study Japanese hard.... this kind of thing happened to me a lot as well. I used tooth paste to wash my face becuase I thought that it was a foam cleanser.

    Misun: with tooth paste?

    HJ: yes....I didn't know Japanese well so that kinda thing happened.... I am just surpised that he still held the grudge.

    Misun: must be one of the members from SS501

    MC Yu: let's bring him out ....come on up!

    Blind guest: Can I?

    Mc Yu: Yes

    Blind guest: WOW Thank you

    Mc Yu and Misun:...is it Kyu Jong?

    Mc Yu: Today's really pretty boys special. It wouldnt' be weird for Kyu Jong to be part of F4 (he's that pretty looking). You said it before but..... Does HJ really act 4d when he's with SS501 members?

    Kyu Jong: yes he does....many times

    Misun: how about HJ in the filming set?

    GHS: He's very mature and has good manners

    Mc Yu: Kyu Jong is kind of smirking after hearing that why?

    Kyu Jong: I want to see him being well mannered for once.

    Mc Yu: SS501 sang HYD OST "Because I am stupid" ....it's a really good song... can you sing it for us?

    Kyu Jong: Yes

    Mc Yu: He stands right up for that.. hahaha

    Kyu Jong: He plays the violin in the darama so why not do that ?

    caption: He is confirmed for being 4D!

    Kyu Jong: Just pretend that you are playing...

    caption: HJ is looking totally serious

    PMS: What do you think of HJ's acting?

    Kyu Jong: I think his expressino of his eyes are really good.

    PMS: What do the other members say?

    Kyu Jong : They say the same thing.

    Misun: What about the way he delivers the lines?

    Kyu Jong:That... I think he's making a lot of effort.

    Mc Yu: What do you think about a gf like JD?

    Kyu Jong: I really like JD.... totally a big fan.

    Misun: whose fan are you? JD's or GHS's

    Kyu Jong: Geum Hye Sun's (Geum Jandi + Gu Hye Sun)

    Caption: he's good...

    Mc Yu: I heard you copy her expression at home.

    Kyu Jong: There is this face that she makes that I really like....(taking out the pic)

    caption: He's come prepared....

    Kyu Jong: This is so cute .....I copied this a lot.

    Mc Yu: That works!

    PMS: You try it Bong Sun

    PMS: Your lips got turned to the side... you need accupucture treatment

    Mc Yu: You try Misun

    Bong Sun: Do you have tooth ache?

    Mc Yu: How did you make this face?

    GHS: I studied the manga for those expressions like where your eyes turn to X and stuff like that

    Misun: How do you express X?

    Bong Sun: How about when the face has diagonal stripes?

    Misun: you try first Bong Sun

    Mc Yu: That expression is so cute like that of Manga's

    Mc Yu: Kim Jun You must have been evry popular in school

    KJ: Actually I was the kind of student that people didn't really notice...my personality like was like that

    Mc Yu: When your year book photo was revealed people said "that's little Jang Dong Gun"

    PMS: Was it really your nick?

    KJ: That's from people being very kind to me.... Others called me Mr. Bean...

    Everybody LOL

    Caption: now that you mentioned it....you look alike..

    KJ: It feels more comfortable to be called that (more burdensome to be compared to Jang Dong Gun)

    Mc Yu: I heard you are a great dancer....

    KJ: I'v always wanted to perform with you Mc Yu and PMS.

    Everybody WOW

    Mc Yu: Of course...we are always ready.

    PMS: Because you want to shine (KJ will look and stand out when performing with these two)

    Part 4 Done


    Part 5:

    PMS: Kyu Jong's also a great dancer

    Mc Yu: Kyu Jong, let us see you dance!

    Caption: I am an idol!

    caption: he tries the jump (to reach the ceiling....sort of tradition in Happy together)

    caption: He succeeded

    Caption: Now Kim Jun goes for the challenge... but he failed

    Mc Yu: HJ, why don't you try?

    Caption: HJ you are so cool....he is the perfection itself

    PMS: Your turn now Hwee Soon

    Mc Yu: Ok Hwee soon let's go!

    Caption: Are we experiencing two opposite end of extremes?

    Hwee soon: I am a little dizzy

    Mc Yu: That was very cool.... now this segment is where you get three birds with one stone.... you get prize for the right answer.... "Star quiz, how on earth this happened?"

    Misun: I want to do well today and give away the prize.... (I think she pointed to HJ)

    Mc Yu: You go first GHS...

    GHS picked a word and Mc Yu opened the word to see what quiz is hid behind it.

    Mc Yu: GHS hates men who are _ _ fill in the blanks two letter word.... start with JJ.

    Kyu Jong : Jjo jan! (someone who is either cheap or hold grudge and get pissed off easily..basically narrow minded)

    Misun: Jjon jjon (not really a word... keke she insisted that it's extreme form of jjo jan)

    Kyu Jong was right and wont he prize.

    PMS: You can play that as an istrument (the washing board)

    Mc Yu: so you hate guys who are narrow minded...?

    GHS: You know women are physically weaker than men but there are men who like to compete physical strength with women try to win over women etc... men who are like that...

    Misun: Who is most narrow minded among the them? (among F4)....

    GHS: Not one among them....

    Mc Yu: HJ you are not like that? (knossos: why does he think HJ is that way?)

    HJ: Not at all.......no matter how sick I am ... and even when I lose my wallet....I get over it in a second and forget about it.

    Caption: HJ is Candy (Candy is a manga character who is always optimistic)

    Kyu Jong motions that's not true and caption says "no it's not true"

    Caption HJ "What are you going to say?"

    Kyu Jong: HJ cries a lot.. In Japan..... when I was about to go to sleep I heard him cry on the balcony...

    Mc Yu: Why did you cry by yourself on the balcony?

    HJ: I had a hard time in Japan .. I didn't have any friends there and the other SS501 members all went to sleep early when I went to sleep late. I always missed them because of sleeping schedule....

    Caption: Cried becuase no one played with him ?

    Mc Yu: Next quiz is also about GHS... Her nick name during childhood was this?

    Kyu Jong: Pi ppi longstocking!

    HJ: Fool

    KJ: Stupid

    Mc Yu: No

    Misun: Big eyes

    Mc Yu: No..... the hint..... it's a livestock

    PMS: Pigeon

    Bong sun: Pig

    Mc Yu: I will give you a chance to change your answer

    Bong Sun: pheasant

    Mc Yu: No it's not

    HJ: Pig

    Mc Yu: yes correct!

    PMS: How can your nickname be pig?

    GHS: Because I eat a lot.... one time I ate for 18 hours straight while talking with friends.

    MC Yu: Next quiz is about HJ.... HJ's nick name is Kim _ _ _ _

    HJ: For this quiz Kyu Jong sholdn't be able to answer....

    Kyu Jong: yes I already know this answer.

    Mc yu: ....that's very honest of you...

    HJ: SS501 memebrs gave me this nick...

    GHS: Kim Andrea Kim?

    GHS: He does Andre Kim's voice very well.

    Mc Yu: This nickname also has to do with a livestock.

    Bong Sun: Hyena

    Mc Yu: Hyena is not a livestock

    PMS: Who raise Hyena to eat?

    HJ: In Ghana they raise Hyena. (Knossos: is it real or him being 4D again?)

    Bong Sun: Yes I am from Ghana

    Mc Yu: We use this phrase sometimes....

    PMS: Dog and kitty??

    Everybody lol

    Misun: Kim Dog and Cow

    Mc Yu: Correct answer!

    HJ: How did she get that right?

    Mc Yu: Why is your nick Kimg Dog and Cow?

    Kyu Jong: His eyes are big like that of a cow's and he kinda look like a baby Maltese that's why we made that his nick.

    HJ: There are memebers who interpret it nicely like this but Jung min said that dog describes my personality and just my eyes look like a cow's...... he's a bad friend.

    everybody lol

    Mc Yu: GHS told us that you can do Andre Kim very well....

    GHS: He is totally identical...

    HJ: doing Andre Kim's voice "To Kyu Jong I gave him a touch of imperial high and noble like chung ryong blue dragon..... and drop sleeve... d r o p s l e e v e....you know the spelling?"

    Caption: He's really good!

    Mc Yu: wah that's really good. .....Kim Jun how about you? can you do something like it?

    KJ: (asking HJ) what did you say before?

    HJ: Blue dragon bla bla

    caption: HJ tutoring KJ how to do Andrea Kim

    Kim Jun: ..... Blue dragon.... chong ryong......

    Mc Yu: That sounds like Kim In Moon (no idea who this is...I guess someone famous)

    If you practice a little bit... you are going to get it just right.

    What about you Kyu Jong?

    Kyu Jong: For past five years I did Kim Jong Kook's voice... (and Kyu jong sings)

    Mc Yu: wow that's very good

    Kyu Jong: I did this too many times and fans told me to stop so I am trying to do PMS now.....you know when he goes "Faiyah"

    Mc Yu: PMS show us how to do that..

    Mc Yu and PMS just make random thing of the body wash prize.... like Lavender and strawberry...not imprtant..

    Part 5 done


    Part 6:

    Mc Yu: next quiz is about Park Hwee sun (the guy who did parody of JP...curly hair) The quiz goes like this "When he was a school boy, he ran away from home but had to return home because of _ _"

    KJ: Bus fare?

    HJ: Panties?

    Mc Yu: Why?

    HJ: He ran away with no panties on but got too cold so had to return home

    Mc Yu: It's kind of natural disaster

    Misun: drought?

    HJ: Hail?

    PMS: The measles?

    Mc Yu: The measles is not natural disaster

    GHS: Blizzard?

    Mc Yu: No it's not

    Bong Sun: Typhoon

    Mc Yu: correct answer

    Misun then asked people to do rock paper scissors and the winner takes all the prizes that were won so far. Kyu jong lost first..and then final two left were HJ and Hweesun and in the end Hweesun won.

    Mc Yu: The very second Hweesun won over HJ everybody in the studio felt bad about it....

    Caption: SS501 offical fanclub is about 13,000 peeps...what are you going to do Hweesun?

    Misun: Don't worry... I will win the prize for you (to HJ or to other flower boys)

    Mc Yu: there are still many quizes and prize left

    Hweesun: In high school, I had fued with my father and I decided to run away.... I pakced my bags and eveything but that very day typhoon came and so I couldn't do it....And the other time I was trying to run away to make my parents feel bad....but that very day my parents went away on vacation and didn't even know that I was gone.

    Mc Yu: Next quiz is also about Hweesun... "He is a member of this actor's fan club...who's this actor?"

    PMS: Shin Sinae

    HJ: Kang Bu Ja

    PMS: Kim Eul dong

    Mc Yu: This person was on our show not long ago

    Misun: is tihs person she or he?

    Mc Yu: It's a guy

    GHS: Jung Ji Hoon (Rain)

    Misun: Park Hweesun

    Mc Yu: No

    Kyu Jong: Park Hee Sun

    Mc Yu: Correct answer

    Mc Yu: You really belong to his fan club?

    Hweesun: yes I liked him even before he hit big..

    Mc Yu: This one is about Kim Jun...."The first program that Kim Jun appeard on is this program" ....it's a contemporary issue program...

    Hweesun: 100 minuite discussion

    GHS: 2580

    Mc Yu: I will give you a hint.... It's Kwang su PD

    Misun: Kwang su's thoughts

    everybody lol

    GHS: PD Note

    Mc Yu: correct answer

    PMS: Do rock paper and scissors and get more prize out of Hweesun

    They decided to do 2 out of 3....and HS won the first round

    Misun: (To Hweesun) give a rock

    Misun: (To GHS) he's going to give a rock

    GHS: really?

    Hweesun: yes

    PMS: if you don't then you are trash

    Hweesun gave a scissors instead and shouted "I am trash"

    Everybody lol

    But the last round GHS won...so she got the prize out of him

    Misun: Why were you on PD note?

    Kim Jun: When "King's man" came out Lee Jun Ki made a sensation and the program talked about the popularity of pretty boys generated by the movie..... and the staff of PD Note came to my ent. company and I was happened to be there and I was interviewed.

    Mc Yu: Next question is about HJ.... Perfect handsome guy HJ's complex(what he considers his weakness) is this....

    PMS: mis matched eyes

    Bong Sun: facial hair

    Mc Yu: Why do you think that?

    Bong Sun: it's blue there....(meaning his facial hair is visible)

    Mc Yu: It's near his facial hair

    Hweesun: nose hair?

    Misun: his lips?

    Mc Yu: Why do you think it's his lips?

    Misun: He gets chapped lips often.....so I think whenever I see him I think...he should put somethng on them..

    Mc Yu: correct answer!

    Mc Yu: Why is that your complex?

    HJ: She got it exactly right. My lips get chapped often....even if I put protectant and gloss.... I always have to peel the skin off like layers of an onion.

    Misun: If you win at rock paper scissors I will give all my prize to you. What will you take out?

    HJ: Rock

    Misun: ok

    Misun gave a scissors and lost to HJ intentionally.

    Bong Sun: You are giving him the whole thing?

    Misun: Of course

    Bong Sun: what about a handshake and I will give you one of my prizes

    Mc Yu: And HJ complies lol

    Hweesun: Bong Sun let's shake hands (and he's offering one of his prizes as well)

    Bong Sun: Why?

    and preview of next week...... HJ talks about something that an idol shouldn't get but keep appearing on him....GHS talks about how to take good pictures... and HJ what happened in the hospital....
























    I think since Big bang is R&B/hiphop group they are more influenced by American R&B/Hiphop guys' way of expressing sexuality. I just hope that they don't take it all the way like Snoop dog or Ludacris coz that's just nasty.








    And on top of that, since Korea is a really conservative country that kind of clothing would generate a lot of controversy and therfore providing lots of publicity. That worked for JYP in Korea so I guess YG has taken lessons from JYP.








    I think Big Bang doesn't need that kind of publicity...they are popular enough... but I guess with grown popularity of SS501 and DBSK's comeback they want to make a big publicty too....








    Or it could be that it's just GD's taste in clothes...








    Ah and as far as Top's jacket with Japanese naval ensign that's just downright offensive. That represents imperial Japan which colonized Korea and caused havoc all over Asia.
































    Back in the day most Korean guys smoked...








    Thesdays... if not most but a lot of guys smoke in Korea and that includes the celebs...








    That's why Korean men are cute when they are young and age really really badly....








    I haven't seen one attractive older Korean man (35+) in my life..... they really gotta stop the drinking and smoking.
























    I don't know any Korean books but for English, I highly recommend the following:








    Situational Functional Japanese Volume 1: Notes








    Situational Functional Japanese Volume 1: Drills








    It's by Bojinsha Publisher... Tsukuba Language Group, I reckon? Anyway, if you get the books, you need the CD with it. I'm pretty sure you can buy it, but if not - I can send you the files. It prematurely uses hiragana (no romaji at all) so be sure to read the introduction and know the alphabets (BOTH hiragana and katakana). It may be helpful to write the romaji in. They also use kanji (in the first lesson I think...). If you need help, I've tutored with this book before so I have it all marked up.















    Thanks Putasmileon!








    I will check that out.








    Are you Japanese?








    I wonder what would be easier for me ... to learn Japanese through Korean or English...








    I am Fluent in Korean and Japanese is closer to Korean than to English.....
































    Hi all!








    I am trying to teach myself Japanese. Can you guys recommend me any good book/tape/cd for that?








    I am fluent in Korean so it'd be better if it was Korean book but English one is ok too.








    Thanks =)









  9. Yes, I wonder also what caused her to feel that way as well. For those who have seen or read that interview, please clarify the content of it. Thanks.

    She just meant that she was too embarassed to go to the bathroom while living in the same house as her husband...It's kind of hard to imagine marrying someone you are that uncomfortable around. It's not uncommon for women to be too embarassed to go to the bathroom when people just start dating though...but

  10. I am not so surprised about the divorce...

    I've heard some accounts of their disagreement and fights and that LSH said that when they woke up next morning after the fight, her pillow was sopping wet from crying....

    And on some TV show she said the hardest thing about being married is when she gets stomach upset and has to go to the bathroom...said she can't in her own house with her husband and all so she goes to her mother's house!!! I mean whao... how can that marriage last?

    Well best of luck to her!

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