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    Thank jbigdog123 for translating and ahoxan, skyeler for the link :D
























































































    Ep 100 ratings: (AGB Nielsen)
























































































    Nationwide: 32,3%
























































































    Seoul: 31,7%
























































































    I don't know why tnmsk's ratings decreases while agb's ratings increases :unsure:
































































































    EP 99
















































































    Soobin: Even at US, you know what is going on with SB. you really are something. With your strong desire for her, how can you stay in the US by yourself. With me ending up this way, you two should have worked something out and be happy















































































































































































    Does it seem that SooBin finally accepted SB & HS? :unsure:

















    It is a MUST watch episode tonight!!!!!

    Good News : Lots of sweet moments....HS & Saebyuk :w00t:
























































































    Bad News: haiz...what else, it is the NY's accident :sweatingbullets:
























































































    Paging for jbigdog123....your presence is needed :P
























































































    (don't understand what is being said)















































































































































































    i only saw some pictures and I really want to watch epi 94, it's so sweet :w00t: hose & saebuyk!!!
















































































































    I dont understand Korean but ep 93, it seems that SooBin mom finally told that SB caused NY death @@ I hate SooBin mom >___< What will happen with SB? >_<









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