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Posts posted by HaeBada

  1. 32 minutes ago, luvsjcwpmy said:

    I cannot help wonder why in PMY's IG post,  she cropped only a part of PSJ ...really she could have cropped the whole of him.  And her caption, "I will be Kim".  So, for me,  I believe she did that on purpose and she has her own reason.  I am saying this because PMY's posting always have meanings.  I, for one, do the same and I think the others. :blink: #justwondering


    Are you talking about the hashtag #김비서가왜그럴까 ?

    it's actually the title of the drama :sweatingbullets: What's wrong with Secretary Kim

    lol I don't know ig just auto translate it to I will be Kim.


    26 minutes ago, luvsjcwpmy said:


    NB:  Just to confirm there were 2 "Park Park"  in the caption of #awesome-ent in their post.   Only them know if it was meant or it was typo :) 



    Can you tell me which post? I can't find parkpark 박박 on their caption & hashtag.

    I believe knetz use twopark 투박 or bubi 부비 to describe this couple

    The term parkpark usually used by international fans.

    tvN always use twopark though.



    • Like 4
    • Thanks 5
  2. 1 hour ago, parkparkloveu said:


    SKKS was her breakthrough project she was still carefree she did not have any reservations yet. Then came City Hunter she was paired to a guy who captured millions of hearts all over Asia and that guy happened to like her. We could just imagine how she suffered because of that decision to accept him as her bf. She learned a lot about how to handle fame and have privacy. 


    I don't think PSJ will achieve the very massive popularity that LMH had. In the first place, LMH started younger. But PSJ has his own jealous fangirls all over Asia. So if he goes into a relationship, I agree that it has to be in secret. 


    Actually that was what happened around past weeks :sweatingbullets:

    I won't say it's PSJ fans, but mostly antis and trolls leaving bad comments on drama chat & their bts video.

    They even criticized PMY for being "too cold" with PSJ, despite him trying to just get close to her. lol I can't even..


    My point is with the attention they're getting, I hope they're still being careful & secretive.

    That way there'll be a chance for them to work together again on another project.

    Of course shippers want some more, but we always have our delulu minds to connect the dots :D

    • Like 5
    • LOL 1
  3. 2 hours ago, blademan said:

    This scene genuinely made me sad :( 

    Yoo Shik deserves happiness too!!!!




    He will!! :D

    Seo Hyorim (and the actor who play as MS father) has been credited as special appearance even from the 1st episode, but just appear on ep 9.

    so I'm positive she will reappear on next episodes haha

    I can't believe we're on ep 10 with only 6 ep left :tears:

    but I like that the story went fast, especially not dragging the kidnapping case too much.

    • Like 5
  4. 15 minutes ago, Alexander Neichev said:

    Hi, everyone.

    I love this drama and hard ship ParkParkCouple :)

    Can we expect bed scene soon or maybe in the end, how you think :)

    And one another question, the drama is on TVN that is payed cable canal and its not part of KBS, so i am thinking their drama cant be part of KBS drama awards ??? I think TVN dont have their awards? Can they be part of any awards and wicth ones if you know? Because i want to see them winning the couple award and drama award but if they can not be part of any awards, it will be sad. 



     tvN doesn't have their yearly award, but there's something like Korea Cable TV awards.

    Another award show that I can think right now are Korean Drama Awards and Baeksang (also include movie)

    though I don't think Baeksang give couple awards :sweatingbullets:

    • Like 6
  5. Now that they're "officially" dating, I hope YJ would call MS by her name MiSo, not just secretary Kim.

    of course when they aren't working because we know how professional they are :sweatingbullets:

    And we know how annoyed YJ was SY called her MiSo-ya lol


    I don't read the novel or manhwa so I don't know how the story goes.

    but with the writers change, I feel the story is shifted toward childhood memories.

    I hope the writers didn't forget the reason MS decided to quit was because she wants to live as Kim MiSo.

    • Like 8
  6. Finally come out from my lurking mode :D

    Now on the kiss bts, after waiting for like 3 days!! I'm a bit disappointed lol

    Watching the kiss in ep 8, I was expecting something more like the City Hunter kiss bts :wub:

    but then I read that their (PSJ & PMY) kiss scene went smoothly almost no retake haha, so maybe that's all they have?


    Also after the kiss, PSJ talk about Choi Woo Sik, can someone explain about them?

    I know they are friend and had filming drama together (one they even kiss?)

    but I don't understand why he had to talk about CWS when they hugged :sweatingbullets:

    From what I understand, PSJ said it was like hugging a friend, and that friend is Choi Woo Sik


    Anyway our PD-nim is certified ParkPark shipper lol so jealous of him!!

    • Like 3
    • LOL 1































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    me too, hope it's just a typo hehe..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    actually yesterday I read the news about Man Of Honor and Tree with Deep Roots (sageuk drama) are gonna premiere on the same day, 12 Oct.. which quite confusing :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    based on Tree with Deep Roots' official twitter, it is scheduled to premiere on 5 Oct.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so I guess sometimes the news can be somewhat misleading XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks smashingalou for creating this thread :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and all of you for contributing the news, pics, etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    melo drama isn't my cup of tea, but definitely gonna give it a try.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my friend watch Baker King kim tak goo and she enjoyed it despite the majkang elements on it haha maybe I can stand it too..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    also I believe Lee MoonShik and Kim SeungOh can give the drama a lighter mood if not funny scenes :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so far I'm expecting this drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw I wish Lee JangWoo can get a haircut.. :sweatingbullets:

































































































































  8. BTW, sorry just like to ask, was the tweet you posted already re-tweeted, cuz the tweeter name seems to be different from the one I'm following in twitter? I might be following a poser Chun Jun Myung..hehehe! 

    @chgmg is senior actress Choi Myung Gil :) she'll be playing as Young Kwang's (step)mom.

    it's nice how she tweeted PMY haha while looks like PMY is away from twitter :sweatingbullets: hope to hear from her soon.

  9. from what I remember, KH was locking her arms around MY's :)

    so that's why I think they were couple when the photo was taken.

    or maybe I'm being positive (or maybe denial :sweatingbullets: ) about YS's real father.

    but then I read all of your speculations and it all makes sense haha now it's up to the writers how to wrap it :wacko:

  10. lemonsorbet, I agree with your theory or at least those are what I want it to be :P

    lol maybe I'm going to pissed if they killed YS or NN well especially YS, after all what he'd done with no killing, revenge for JP's sake just so that they can live in peace.

    chuno's ending keep playing on my mind :(

    as much as I don't want JP to die (basically I don't want to see anybody die here lol) I have a feeling he might die :unsure:

    just like he live for the revenge omg that's so painful >.<

    lol but I don't know, CH is unpredictable. I hope the writer come with a good ending, CH is so far so good so that everyday I wish it was wednesday and thursday :lol:

    I love reading everybody's insights, thoughts, theories, etc. :D

  11. first time posting and actually I was starting this drama 3 days ago :P

    while ep 1 made me surprise with its fast pace and too much angst that made me afraid to keep watching this :vicx:

    but then I got hooked on ep 2 and really I never expected this drama would be lighter lol which I'm glad they make it lighter than a dark revenge drama :D

    I love YS's perspective about the revenge, and all he wants is just to live as a normal person in peace after all

    omg I pray for a happy ending..... please writer-nim!!!

    so far I'm LOVING its storyline is not too fast and not dragged

    I found myself a lil bit confused after watching ep 8, because I thought I've watch more than 10 episodes lol

    I was like omg that much story in just 8 episodes :lol:

    anybody know about the shooting schedule? :unsure:

    actually the no preview is kinda make me afraid

    I love the editing (esp with its one tone of skin color :sweatingbullets: lol) so I hope it won't go live shooting.


    haha I feel bad posting this kinda useless after all of the discussion above :sweatingbullets:

    EDIT : out OTP's chemistry is sizzling HOT!!!!! lol


    I was thinking that the blood dripping is going to make their hands really slippery and she'll definitely fall. Unless someone else comes and help! :crazy:

    I really hope JP could help but then it's kinda impossible >.<

    so yeah I'm rooting for YJ for the help, I just don't want more people to know YS's identity as city hunter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama is so underrated. It has so much story and more interesting than the other rom-coms out now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love reading spoilers so thank you guys! keep them coming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wonder how the maids will react upon knowing about her winning. If she goes back to work with them, then she's a part of them. Even if she does win that on her own account; still there's still that invisible thinking that they must share good or bad fortune. The dad! just makes me furious! Why doesn't the gangsters just beat him to death so he'll finally learn. hahah i'm so mean.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love the interactions between the main leads but i'm also shipping towards the 2nd guy. His bad boy vibe is just so hot.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think the winning lotto is maid's it's in from her right pocket
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the maid got confused with the left-right pocket then took the ticket from her left pocket :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but then again she's the one buying it lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    there's also a scene about left-right pocket in the ep 3, when the maid bought lipsticks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha me too!! I really hate the dad!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know but she seems to be longing for his dad (?) I mean after all what her dad did with her money :unsure:

    Does anyone know this song? I think it's Alex. But I can't seem to find it anywhere.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know if the song released yet.. I think it's on Alex' soon to be released album :) track 14
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    14. 웃으며 안녕 (Bonus Track) (KBS '로맨스 타운‘ OST)














































































    ^ I read his tweet, and remember read the evidence back in Sept *sob*










    I don't really understand those whole contract though










    I think his 10years contract was starting from 2005 no?










    So that the official contract is 7years, an he's debuted on 2008..










    isn't that the same? I mean his contract ends on 2015 =.=










    Except if his contract is counted after his debut




































    after you say that you're about to post another story, i thought it has something to do with jay's come back










    but thanks GOD it's about jay's departure lol~










    not going to judge wheter it's right or wrong, but it's somewhat exaggerated










    and i think JYP himself was not in Korea when jay's controversy happen... but maybe i'm wrong, can't seem to remember -_-










    but thx for posting btw, i'm very nervous that moment.. lol










    oh and i'm wondering if taec cuts his hair since he's going to film FO2 soon










    hope no pony tails though...










    like someone said before, taec looks gorgeous with his spikey hair.. ;)





    this i got from k-bites

    Bonsang : Top 10 artists are chosen. Voting(20%) Digital/Album sales(50%) Research(10%) Judges(20%)










    (2PM is one of the nomination)










    Daesang : One Daesang artist chosen from the 10 Bonsang artists(2PM is one of the artist nominated










    for BonSang so i have strong feeling that they can be one of the 10 artists but to win this is kinda hard coz










    i think its a 100% based on mobile votes..so its kinda hard to fight soshi and elfs )










    Rookie : 3 chosen










    Mobile Popularity(determined by fan voting) : 1 or 2










    Plus Digital Music, Best Album, Hallyu Special, Performance, R&B, Hip Hop, Trot Awards-



















    sorry for cutting your post










    i think the daesang based only 20% on mobile votes, same with the Bonsang










    since Daesang is like the highest award, so i doubt it's a 100% based on voting :)










    the only award that 100% voting is Mobile Popularity, well since it's about popularity of course :lol:










    but yeah it's gonna be tough though...










    lol i have a feeling they would win the Performance award


























    I remember khun's new account was made after the old ones said that he's not Khun..










    Maybe it got hacked?










    Not sure though










    And I believe the new ones is fake, he's english so fail :lol:










    also I think Khun would say "Jay" instead of "Jae" ??? just sounds weird to me.. :lol:
















    thx badtzmarujung & widdy for those lovely pics :lol:










    love the hanami pics.. they're so happy, colorful, and love each other lol










    and woo's muscle *drool*










    boy, eat more will you?? then show us your abs :lol:










    well, i really have a feeling that the boys are lurking on soompi lol..










    esp the english speaker who love internet, our Oktizen.. :lol:










    don't know.. this just suddenly cross my mind after i watched today's mubank..










    just couples days ago there's a disscussion about Khun being silence these days, not so talkative










    and today we finally hear Khun's word after winning mutizen (even Junsu let Khun say something)










    lol.. maybe it's just a coincidence... just want to speak my mind up










    and that would be epic though!!


























    Maybe because that job isn't a big deal?










    I mean it's not like you earn very much money from part time job? :)










    But I hope jay told JYP about his part time job, I don't want him to have a problem with JYPE because this whole media thingy is now expossing his current job (as part timer)










    I still want to be positive though I feel really dissapointed with JYPE after what they say about Jay's privacy, etc when the KBS crew flew to Seattle..










    But whatever.. stalker always have their way to stalk -_-
















    I think no mcountdown & inki this week?










    For SBS there'll be SBS love sharing or SBS love concert instead inki :lol:










    correct me if I'm wrong..










    And shouldn't Mnet oh yeah concert aired yesterday? instead of Mcountdwn I think..










    I'm so failed with schedule -_-





    Many thanks haiphuong for sharing the links. Though one question, how did you guys find out about these accounts? Were they officially announced on some official site or did you guys stumble upon them by chance?

    The accounts look legit, but it's strange that their naming of the accounts were not standardized. Cos Jay's started with 2pm, but Khun's and Taec were just using their names.










    But if these were really credible, i'm really hoping perhaps this means that they'll start uploading personal vlogs, and who knows, maybe Jay will upload a video of him in Seattle, sharing with the fans how he is doing. And perhaps, show some of his dance moves that he's been taught by JYPs personal trainers.










    I've been reading about all these injuries that the 6 members were having because of acrobatic stunts that they now have to do. I hope they appreciate Jay more from this cos' it used to be him that has to do all the main and dangerous flips and stunts, even though we know he's super good at it, but still, he probably has sported a lot of injuries over the years because of that. Esp if you think about that high back flip in MKMF, which thankfully, was successfully excecuted.



















    i found jay's account about 1-2days ago (or maybe today.. sorry can't really remember) khun wrote on his twitter










    but i'm somewhat questioning khun's new twitter though :lol:










    you know.. his new account after the hacked-thingy










    i remember couple days ago (before he tweeted jay's youtube) he also tweeted a link, and it's smtown's twitter :lol:










    i found it hilarious though.. so i don't really know if his is real or not..










    and i feel bad for the boys esp wooyoung..










    he looks... very emo :o










    hope it's just their concept effects..










    really miss our santti cutie wooyoung ang ang.... *sigh*
















    the song's growing on me... if only there were jay's voice




















    i'm somewhat hearing jay's adlib after the "it's beating for you", no? lol










    who sings the 2nd rap(?) after chansung?










    i mean this part : "Why I’m still doing these stupid things, my mind seems to understand but why my heart is still acting on its own










    I grabbed you and I still can’t let go, I still seems like you’re by my side, I can’t believe in goodbye"










    sounds like junho or wooyoung... not really sure -_-



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