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Posts posted by chickenchopflipflop

  1. 8 minutes ago, jetsu said:

    The preview ... did anyone see Jung's new hair do? it looks like So's earlier style and the mask kiss with Soo ... it can't be Jung right? I really hope that I'm wrong. Please not Jung. 


    I hope you are wrong too.. but i had this suspicion since the beginning.....

    On a separate note, in the ep 17 preview, it seems that HS and WS remain devoted to each other despite him finally becoming king... I honestly don't know how they will write the C ending into this and make it believable. ...... it doesn't feel realistic to separate them in the next 4 episodes when they have survived 16 episodes of trials and tribulations... the way they wrote the relationship, it seems like they would be strong enough to survive what will happen to CR. I really wonder what event it will be to separate them, i hope it is different from C version and i am still completely in denial about everything...

    • Like 17
  2. i would like to clarify something...
    In ep 14, the subtitles implied that WS had already married his niece. But his hair does not change to that of a married man.

    I am not sure, as i may have misread the subtitles, is he married or not? or was his niece just promised to him as a second wife and he is not yet married? i hope the niece comes back in later episodes cause i like LJG's rapport with children, so cute!

    • Like 15
  3. after reading the forum i am starting to have so many theories!

    since many of you have shared that the roles in MLSHR will be reversed compared to BBJX, KG will be the one to decree HS and WJ's wedding, i am wondering....


    if thats the case will WS die first? and HS fail to see him one last time because of a misunderstanding? 

    ok not really a spoiler, just speculation. it seems the ending of this drama is very closely guarded, there are no stills of what happens after WS becomes king (except for the visions and the WS & YW getting married pictures), so it makes me believe that the ending is maybe going to be very different from C version and the PD wants to surprise us? I really hope so!

    I am doubtful for a modern day meeting between WS and HS at the end; somehow it feels like it won't happen cause LJG had to grow his hair out long for this role and he cut it immediately after the shoot ended. not sure if they will show a long hair WS in the future. also LJG's last scene was the scene where he rode horses with his army of four back from Khitan (according to a pic in his IG), so if they indeed film the couple meeting in the future, i guess it would be shot right at the very beginning (but i also doubt that since LJG's first scene with IU was when she delivered lunch to him and her hair colour was already black - Ha Jin had brown hair).. hmmm i cannot figure this out. 

    Also, LJG posted this picture in his IG : 


    is it me, or it doesn't look like him? more like ji soo? 

    lastly, my other hypothesis for why LJG does not appear in modern clothes is because i feel he might return to the future and meet GO Ha Jin at a different age. When the little boy was drowning, the homeless guy (aka ji mong) did nothing on purpose, forcing HJ to jump in to save the little boy, so i am even thinking that the little boy IS  the reincarnation of WS, and HJ will become the mother figure he never had. so many theories my mind palace is gonna explode soon.



    So if you managed to read all the hidden text, i think you will still not know how the drama is going to end, but one thing you'll know for sure is that I HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME A CRAZY PERSON. 

    I think i am going to quit tv for a while after this drama. Don't think i have the strength to internet after this.

    • Like 10
  4. 7 hours ago, junejungki said:


    Yes, he love to cook. Dont we all love this guy? Jack of all trade.


    before becoming an actor, he trained to be a chef. He also sings, his voice is nice but i don't really dig his genre. but he can sing Jason Mraz  songs quite accurately which is amazing cause he can't speak english and the lyrics are really fast. 

    I really hope he gets to go on 3 meals a day cause NJH is hosting the latest season.



    • Like 14
  5. 7 minutes ago, shiraru said:



    On the positive note, I like how the game of thrones are started, the action scenes are done so well! All of them looked so cool, but I kinda wish to see Wang Yo who fights Wang So instead of Wang Wook. I mean, the power hungry one is Wang Yo, right? Wang Wook is just an 'ally' to him. Although yes, Wang Wook's jealousy is triggered to fight Wang So because he sees Hae Soo at the palace gate, and yes, it might be to convince Wang Yo that he is indeed on his 'side', but to have Wang Wook fighting Wang So at the Cheondeokjeon is kinda out of place for me. Wang Yo would be more fitting.



    I think in the scene WY draws his sword first and the general responded. But before they can engage in battle, WW started striking and thats when WS decided to act, i think out of obligation to his promise to HS, he rather WW fought him than the general. 

    • Like 12
  6. 6 hours ago, riuenu said:

    New spoiler of Episode 13 is out

    Is Wook and Yo bringing an army vs So and the general...and Haesoo behinds at the pillar..I guess Haesoo went to So, informing him that..that why So is standing with the general...

    I am so waiting for the translation already...

    [선공개] 왕요와 연합해 왕소를 제거하고자 하는 왕욱… 슬픈 눈의 해수





    WW's words are super lame. you want him dead you kill him yourself....

    • Like 17
  7. 12 minutes ago, lavendre said:

    @chi13lou @SizzlerZ
     Yup. Why is Wang So dragged into this whole fiasco? He should have his own drama with his own leading lady who is utterly devoted to him like HaeSoo is to that Wang Wook. I usually watch the raw on Monday and Tuesday nights, but I can't be bothered with it tonight. And I am even contemplating if I should even get the DVD/Blu Ray when it comes out. 

    I honestly feel bad for Wang So. Poor dude, how many times has he been rejected in today's episode alone? I get that she is still recovering and not in the right state to accept him etc., which I can totally understand and accept from Hae Soo's POV. But to still long and miss Wook? Yikes! *facepalm*

    i'll continue watching since I have invested my heart and time into Wang So. But I won't be shipping them anymore. I am a shipper of Wang So x the throne. Go get your throne, my hot masked man! 


    for me its not that i dislike HS for rejecting WS, its just not believable the way she treats him, its like they are not even friends and he's just some crazy irritating stalker to her...and she accepted his cape the previous episode, what's this?! the writing didn't go below the surface of the water tonight... not feeling it at all. 

    • Like 7
  8. 5 minutes ago, fengari said:

    I almost share the feeling- but I am still for So-Soo. I think that the problem is that though WS and HS are writen geniously as entirely different  characters than their homologues  characters of the chinese SH, they are trapped/bound to follow the tragic story line. I cannot explain otherwise the so-out-of-character behavior of HS (e.g: though she is resourceful and resilient, an  attribute that WS recognised/sensed very early, when she starts to have the visions, instead to do  what she usually does she runs here and there like an opera-heroine with void, blanc gaze mumbling half sentences with no sense). Anyway, my point is that I get angry when i think that such a geniously writen character like WS (there is consistency in the way it is built and performed,)  has to suffer, and be wasted, because the poor heroine HS has to fullfil the tragic fate of the c- SH.

    ps: and indeed Yeonhwa, is a very interesting character and she loves (no matter what the reason is) genuinely WS. Besides,already  when WS was a scarface pariah, she was interesting in him.This shows something about her intriguing character.



    I won't be surprised that in the end HS might have to fight with YH for WS's love. I think once WS becomes the king YH will be 100% devoted to him, honestly if the storyline is moving towards a game of thrones, then YH is the most useful character. to WS, i think she will fight fiercely for him after getting having her ambitions stomped on by lesser men such as WW and WY.   My prediction is that HS will slowly become irrelevant as the story goes on and realises her ultimate role as a silent observer and nothing more....of course she and WS might share an intense love, but that relationship is to be consummated in another time, not now (in Goryeo)

    • Like 11

    honestly again i think BK got stabbed cause they don't have to time to develop him and woohee's story so fast forward to life threatening injury.... anyway he will not die.. its unexpected but not really that interesting. 

    the only nice thing about the episode is how they finally revealed that rather than the King and JM making use of WS to help CP gain the throne, its actually the other way round, King and CP are using CP until WS is ready to ascend the throne... wow....

    • Like 11
  10. 8 minutes ago, liddi said:

    This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion... but anyway...

    This drama. I love it... and it has hit the pinnacle (so far) in terms of emotional intensity and narrative flow. However, I cannot help but see the flaws as well, and it is now that I involuntarily start comparing it to BBJX. Wook's betrayal in the rain scene delivers an irrevocable death blow to any illusions viewers might have had in terms of who is better for Soo... yet I feel that we were very much manipulated into jumping ship, so to speak. What I loved about the original is that you will continue to see strong ships for both 4th, 8th and even 14th... exactly because there is no one person who was made to be so obviously unworthy, so that the other may shine even more. Each person loved her, and continued to love her in their own way... and ultimately it was Ruoxi's decisions that decided her path... not the other way round. Here, Soo has little to no control over her life or relationships, sought for or not... and she had to be rejected by Wook in what can only be the most callous way imaginable, so as to make way for her love for So down the road. I am truly moved by So's sacrifices time and again for Soo with no regard to his own safety, but I cannot help but feel strong-armed into doing so through clear machinations, which is beginning to annoy me, because I would have just as easily loved them together without the added necessity of painting his rival in a less than flattering light. Meanwhile, what I am really missing is the brotherhood between 4th and 13th that remained undiluted until their deaths. We see Baek Ah as an ally of both So and Soo (he's the first SoSoo shipper, I'm sure of it!)... but there is nothing that reinforces the strength of his relationship with So nor justify his camaraderie with Soo, the latter of which is merely relegated to a few seconds of flashbacks. When all is said and done, the source material is more than just a love story - it is also a moving depiction of brotherhood, the pursuit of power and domination, the subtle yet lethal political chess play, choices made for good or bad, and consequences borne. So far, I am just seeing the love story being slowly fleshed out, and little else. With only 9 episodes to go and so much ground to cover in terms of the rapidly changing political landscape, Gwangjong's ascent to the throne and what comes after, I cannot help but be anxious that the pacing will be rushed rather than measured. Please don't let it be so.

    With the footing we are at now, I truly hope that the next half of the drama alleviates the contrivances and gives us a strong finish. I do not expect nor hope for a happy ending... it may be masochistic on my part, but I think it would not quite be BBJX if it were. All I ask for, is an ending that is bittersweet and heart-searingly memorable, just as BBJX did for me.

    On the other hand... can I just gush how much I love the BTSes of MLSHR? Just as the drama itself breaks our hearts, the BTSes are a perfect fodder to all that pain, and never fails to put a goofy smile on my face. The camaraderie is so heartwarming, and it is truly wonderful to see just how much fun they had during the filming, how well they got along, which in turn makes me sad that their hard work is not appreciated as much domestically. Here's hoping their ratings show marked improvement in the 2nd half of the drama... just as it is so well loved internationally.

    Last but certainly not least, here's hoping the two versions will continue to be in sync from here on. Please.


    I think the production is rather typical of Korean dramas. Koreans have the "palli palli" culture, they will not wait for the story to build itself slowly and subtle so that it is rich with meaning at the end, that is why there is the usual  trope of the male or female lead injuring themselves to fast forward the intensity of the romance etc. In a way, i think MLSHR is already trying to rise above this kind of production and storytelling culture as much as it can. plus korean prime time is very expensive so its impossible for them to dwell too much on details. Which is why i always thought this drama would have been better suited for the weekend drama spot (that usually has 30 -40 episodes.)

    • Like 12
  11. 1 minute ago, junejungki said:

    Yeah!!  same here. I cant pin point exactly why I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wang So very much. I just love him.

     cause he's hot.. after watching the preview, i can't help but think WW got BURNT! haha

    But one thing does not make sense to me, why did WS give WW evidence to prove HS's innocence? if WW did not deliver, why did WS not act on it himself? I understand that his mother threatened that if he were to report to the CP, she would say that she did it so WS could be king, and sow further discord between him and CP.  So he did not give his mother in to prevent further discord? i have trouble understanding this, if he is not afraid to die to save HS, why is he afraid that more discord will be sown btw him and CP? or did i miss something from the subtitles?



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