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Posts posted by cassiopeia1001




























































    to be honest, all these pages of bickering is ridiculous.




















































    we shouldn't start panicking until anything becomes official ...




















































    and besides, i don't think dbsk will let themselves disband, even if the news does become official, we can still parade (lol)











































































































    in case i have nothing to share (;
















































    yayy, the AADBSK thing is gonna air sooooonnn~~ and i wodner when we'll catch a sneak peek at the Stand by You MV =__="
















































    whoa, some 56 yr old man who debuted now wants to be likes DBSK? that's ... hahaha. lol




































































































































































































































































    dunno if this has been shared (;
































































































































































































































    Nobody Knows PV - Eng Subbed
































































































































































































































    it's just our boys being dorky in general, hahhaa. i cracked up SO hard when changmin stumbled over the chair when he was eating! omg hahhaa
































































































































































































































    anyway, is it really true that yunho will be acting as the "love robot"? i didn't dare go check up on the manga cuz i heard it was really pervy ...
































































































































































































































    and when is Heaven's Postman EVER gonna air??? =__="

















  4. request: The Voice Within - Christina Anguilera

    ooooold song, i know .... preferably voice please. PM me if you have it! thx

    i realized it was the first page when i'd been looking EVERYWHERE. but anyway, does anyone have Drops of Jupiter - Train?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    okay, that picture of his dad and yunho is just weird
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they look so much alike!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    though jihye and yunho somewhat look alike, she's still quite pretty
































































































































































































































































































































































































    [like stated before.]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's how:
















































































































































































































































    Go to http://www.channelv.com/
















































































































































































































































    Click "Register"
















































































































































































































































    It takes less than a minute and you don't even have to use your real e-mail.
















































































































































































































































    Just make something up!
















































































































































































































































    So register a million times if you can.
















































































































































































































































    Next go to http://www.channelv.com/rde/v/2199.htm
















































































































































































































































    Click on DBSK's icon in the upper left corner
















































































































































































































































    A pop-up will come up - click [Vote!] in DBSK's bracket.
















































































































































































































































    And you're done!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    dude, SJ is winning right now by a few hundred votes =__="
















































































































































































































































    well, either way, i'm pretty confident that we're gonna catch up .. right right?








































































































































    Bolero - DBSK "Ballerina Dreams" Parody
















































































































    I REALLY REALLY laughed so much with this vid!!!! XD XD XD *diessssss of laughter* It´s freaking hilarious. (Do not watch if you can't handle yaoi (slash) themes *cofYunjaecofYoosu*) :D
























































































































    credit: carmendove@lj















































































































































































































































    OMG hahahah! my mom was like, "wth" in the kitchen
























































































































    no no no, Jae, we don't wanna hear your princess dream! omo the part "your duck butt in tutu turns us all on" totally cracked me up XDD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i can't say that this MV was low-budget, just that there wasn't enough time for choreography perhaps? but everyone looks good in it, although i was like, "..." during the swimming part hahahha
























































































































    yes, and true, the overall "cheesiness" (if i'm not being too blunt here) is not going affect how the song really sounds
























































































































    and we have to give credit for the boys too ...
















































































































































    kanye, i'm sorry. hahaha.
























































































































    basically most of the rappers =__="
























































































































    but i'm fine with TI though.
























































































































    yes, and miley cyrus and her sugary cereal music, jonas brothers and their forgettable rock nursery rhymes, hahaha.
















































































































































































































































    What are some qualities/traits that you have in common with the boys, and who do you think you are most like??
























































































































    I was just thinking about this the other day and I was curious about you guys :D
























































































































    It's okay if it sounds like bragging^^















































































































































































































































    i don't know, i'm a bit like all of them in some ways, but i'm most like changmin ...
























































































































    if i don't feel happy at the moment, i can be really cold and aloof (sort of like JJ? lol)
























































































































    and i'm usually really sarcastic and make remarks (like CM, haha)
























































































































    but most of the time if i'm not pissed or depressed or anything i'm most like yunho
























































































































    and when i'm REALLY happy and excited i act like junsu. hahha.
























































































































    and micky ... i cry over songs :D








































































































































    dunno if this has been posted
















































































































    DBSK ~040409 Mirotic Concert in Nanjing - Dong Bang childhood~
















































































































    i see CHANGMIN!! hahaha~
















































































































    (HQ) 090404 DBSK - Hug rock version ~ 3rd Asia Tour Mirotic Concert in Nanjing (very clear fancam)







































































































































































































































    so funny! omg hahaha jaejoong hugging yunho's leg and changmin getting molested ... priceless lol
















































































































































    hey, have you guys checked this out??
























































































































    the US movie Fast and Furious is using DBSK's Rising Sun in one of the scenes!
























































































































    Fast and Furious - Clip
























































































































    hahaha, the dude running around and shooting people (;
















































































































































    realized i'd been silent for awhile ...
























































































































    anyway, i have a request. do any of you guys have changmin's baby pics or kid pics? i need them for an April Fool's thing lol
























































































































    i remember seing one where six year old changmin was wearing his rocket PJs and posing for the camera
























































































































    and one when he was twelve, i think lol
























































































































    my friend is going to see the priemere! gahh~~`
































































































    but i'm going this weekend! woot~~
































































































    anyone see the twilight interview on muchmusic this sat? i only caught the last five minutes or so T-T
























































































































































































































    and Park Bom is in~ woot!
































































































    i hope there'll be a fifth girl, though. hahaha ...
































































































    gahh, febuary's so far!

















    Robert Pattinson TO ME is perfect as Edward...

    if you don't like it too bad....































































































































































































































    Jaejoong makes a perfect Asian Edward Cullen.
















































































































    Not that you guys will probably know...








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the preview has been taken off...
































































































































































































    wow, these are awesome <3








































    they should be voted for "SM Best Couple" :P








































    too bad i can't share anything :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:








































    but, my life is complete ><





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