Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by k1D3Ck

































































































































    i like Nita's hair design in Garland

    this is the address:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Garland, TX 75042
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I haven't found any other places really that I liked, but there are some new ones over in the H-Mart area that have good reviews... they were a little more pricey though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    good korean places to eat are just around h-mart or k-town.. there's one in the shops at legacy but i've still never been there :x































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    How much is Nitas hair for a guy roughly? Also, can I just walk in on a Saturday? And is the ktown on royal ln?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Any really good korean places to eat? Also, places for guys to get their hair cut?

































































































































































    anybody from the dallas area? or want a dallas friend????
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I want a dallas friend...

































  4. For those that have studied abroad in Korea already, roughly how much did you guys spend a semester??

    I've got an estimated budget for one semester at Yonsei:

    1)Housing 1,200

    2)Meals 1,600

    3)Books 300

    4)Personal Expenses 1,000

    = TOTAL (USD) 4,100

    Are these numbers close to amount you guys spent??? :unsure:

    Plane ticket

  5. Has anyone gone to korea to study abroad just for the summer and have credits transfer back?

    I am needing a upper gen ed course. I went to a lot of the different school websites, but I am seeing more korean langauge learning summer programs then actual courses.


    I found the regular courses available for summer international students, and I am wondering if anyone is currently or have been through some of these general courses. I was wanting some input. Most places are stating that the lectures are all taught in english, and I am wondering about the difficulty level in some of these courses.

    Thanks in advance!

    I'm in Yonsei's Summer Special Program right now, and honestly, it's great. I'm actually learning a lot, but only because I choose to. There are people who just come to enjoy and play around in Korea, but you can do that while studying in the program. Classes are only from 9 AM to 1 PM, and depending on what special activity you're signed up for, 2 or 3 days of the week will end around 4 PM. So far I met tons of people, and it's just damn fun. I've already made friends that I'll keep in touch with for life. What I just said sounds corny to me, but whatever. =D

    And do you have to do the activities?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    MISS HI-TEEN contestant
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Popular in a few chinese forum for ulzzang
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    some of her new pictures.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    She didnt win i dont think, and she is 100% korean. And she is a member on here.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  7. For international or study abroad, Ehwa is for both males and females. My sister just returned from studying abroad from there and said it was great. She had a blast and made some great friends. Also, alot more classes there are taught in english, and the dorms are good from what I saw.

    Another thing, since there are 4 other schools really close by, made night life really fun.

  8. I'm interested in going to Yonsei for the summer in 2007 and was wondering,

    since I'm not planning on staying long term, would you reccomend bringing a laptop? Do they have computer labs that are easily accesible and possibly in English? I'm just paranoid about something happening to my laptop while overseas. Also, how much luggage did you all bring with you? Just curious...

    If anyone's going to Yonsei for the summer next year, I'd love to know. It'd be awesome to have a buddy :lol: I'm so scared of going alone

    I should be there.

    I am ken, you can find me on college jitterbox more often then here.

    Nice to meet everyone.

  9. Is anyone going to Yonsei in Fall 2006??

    Um, I am going to SNU during the spring 07, but if things dont work out, I might head over to Yonsei.

    And Maja, she simply didn't know. And you never stated till now, that you had to ask for it. Me, I knew about larger notes since thats what I used, till I got tired of carrying money around and open an account so I can simply swipe the card and carry only small bills.

  10. I was wondering for the DIEE program at Yonsei, are your guy's schools sister school's?

    My school is not and I am going to have to go most likely as a visiting student and was wondering if any of you guys were in my same position?

  11. Actually I found carrying Mawn won plenty enough for a college student. But he is correct, there are higher notes, (legal tender) but not the paper curency money that you are refferring too.

    Most visiting students dont know since they are only given out by the banks.

    But opening an account is a good idea esp for me (since I will be there a bit longer then the summer program students).

  12. I am planning to go the spring 2007 year since I do believe its to late to apply for the 2006 fall semester.

    I am looking at SNU mostly because I was advised to take a Chem E class and some other easier classes.

    I KNOW the chem e class will be taught in korean, but its something I will have to deal with.

    What I want to know, is beside the first post, has anyone else go to SNU and took actual classes?

    Most of the problems by the first poster was about people relations and I dont really care about those issues.

    I want to know, how the engineerng classes are, and if it will be worth my time to pay for the education or just take all blow of classes.

    Another thing, I cant seem to get on yonsei's website? Are others having this problem?
































































































































































































































































    ^^^ I think its because he realizes its not HER, cause she didnt have any brother and the mother wasn't the same mother, he doesnt know her real mother passed away in that car accident.
































































































































































































































































































    This has to be the largest thread on soompi.
































































































































































































































































































    Wow, page 840............goong is going to fast.
































































































































































































































































































    이윤지 is her name.............lol
































































































































































































































































































    AHHHHH, i dont know her name still, and i want high res pics of her, she is one of the hottest girl i think i have ever laid eyes one......
































































































































































































































































































    ^^^^You owned........lol so whats Shins older sisters name?
































































































































































































    Like her real name?
































































































































































































































































































    I want to say, shin is a lucky *beep*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol, and can someone give me more info about his older sister, she is simple gorgous :excl: :blush:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    GOSH :blush: She is beautiful :excl:
































































































































































































































































































    So, when it comes out weds and thurs, can anybody send me a pm, with a link, hq or lq............ :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I cant wait any longer................................ :tears:
































































































































































































































































































    So does two episodes come out this week? one on weds and one on thursday?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or just one and a rerun on thursday? And if it comes out on weds, do you guys get it right away? Like a nonclubbox link?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol....damn i cant wait. :lol:
































































































































































































    Oh and i guess people do the whole page pawn thing, well this is mine from college jitterbox.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Just wondering....this is fun
































































































































































































































































































































    So many people in this thread, and i wanted to post on page 666..............lol, were all going to end up like final destination.......freaky huh?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol, anyway, the girl is really cute, and i wish i was a king... :lol:

































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..