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Posts posted by hermionne

  1. 3 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    For those that are leaving the thread soon, it was a pleasure to watch this drama together. Thank you for your input and different opinions. I had much more fun watching thanks to everyone. I hope to see you again in another thread. 

    Leaving the moment I fell in love with this couple, if only they could go back to those times. 


    I will probably linger for a bit longer until I am able to let go :cry:


    yep, that would be so like him.

    Oh @mrsyooknit, I love this scene too! Thanks for posting it. I'll just relive the feelings I had when I first saw this scene, so I can say goodbye to PA with better memories.

    • Like 9
  2. 51 minutes ago, desertpanda said:


    Yup. Apparently this Hunan network has a history of butchering the production of popular books in the made for tv adaptations. I have yet to hear about a Hunan made for tv adaptation which was worthwhile watching and had a satisfactory ending.

    the ones on my do not watch my blacklist are now anything by:

    • Producers: Liu Yingxuan, Ma Zhongjun, Zhao Yifang
    • Production companies: Ciwen Entertainment, Croton Media
    • The original network: Hunan TV


    It was to bad the actors were not producing this project and did not have final script approval.


    There are several cdrama that I have watched and found satisfactory but I'm not sure they're a genre that will interest you.

    • Ten Mile of Peach Blossoms aka Eternal Love aka Three Lives Three Worlds. With Mark Chao and Yang Mi is my fave this year.
    • I also like anything by the author Gu Man (顾漫) Some better than others. In order of my personal preference:
      • Love O2O with Yang Yang and Zheng Shuang (did not care for the film adaptation)
      • Shan Shan Come Eat (aka Boss & Me) with Hans Zhang and Zanilia Zhao Liying ( little draggy 3/4's of the way in but it then picks up)
      • My Sunshine (aka: Silent Separation) with Wallace Chung and Tiffany Tang (TT's character styling was a bit distracting at times, especially her wedding dress) ( I loved Yang Mi in the film adaptation)

    @desertpanda Thank you very much for the recommendations! :)

    Because of PA, I became active in this forum and got to meet nice & witty people like you. That mitigates most of my disappointments in this drama. 

    Everyone, it's been a pleasure following this drama with you. This forum rocks! 

    • Like 11
  3. 14 minutes ago, yueyyo said:

    Me too my first time watching  CDrama while being aired and will be my last.  Next time I'll see how it ends before deciding to invest my time to watch or not.  If there's PA2 with the same cast, I'll make sure to stay away until it has finished airing and the end is not another big disappointment.

    @yueyyo Sounds like a plan. I think I'll do the same. Sigh! Hopefully, I'll be enticed to watch a CDrama again. I don't want to judge the whole CDrama industry based on this lone experience. 

    Anyway, I must also say that despite all the flaws of this drama, I don't regret watching it because of YWY. He's the sunshine that makes the grey sky disappear. 

    • Like 9
  4. Whatever happens in the ending, this drama will always be memorable to me because (1) I totally fell in love with the character of YWY, (2) this is the first CDrama that I've watched, and (3) I became an active member of this forum because of the show. Interacting with all of you made following the drama more fun. Thanks, everyone, for making my first CDrama experience remarkable! :wub:

    • Like 12
  5. I don't know if it's just me but I don't see any actions being done by CQ to free the slaves and end slavery in Yanbei or in any place for that matter. All she did was defend Yanbei against the Wei army who attacked Yan Bei because of YX. The Wei army did not attack Yan Bei in order to uphold slavery. Yan Bei won't be attacked if YX didn't go back there to claim it as his territory. I didn't see CQ nor any of her supporters take concrete steps to alleviate the people of Yan Bei from poverty and corruption. YX even abandoned Yanbei and was willing to sacrifice it for his own ambition. So all her talks about fighting for a noble cause are actually just empty words. The fact is she & YX did not improve the lives of the people of Yanbei. They are actually the ones who brought unnecessary havoc to Yanbei. She's now just trying to save Yanbei from the disaster that they caused. 

    So I hope she can already stop her delusion that she's a warrior who's sacrificing everything to fight for a noble cause. YX's plan is solely to extract revenge. Yanbei doesn't mean anything to him anymore because it's no longer the paradise that he remembered from his childhood. YX is not fighting for any cause other than his own. CQ's firm decision to stay by YX's side even after realizing that they have different objectives in going against the Emperor is beyond foolish. How can she force him to embrace her objective if she doesn't even confront him to have a rational dialogue? Does she think that as long as she's by his side, he'll eventually wake up one morning with the same ideology as hers? If she wants to straighten out YX, then she has to sternly reprimand him and make him realize that he's treading the wrong path.

    I thought one of the major plots of this drama is the fight against social injustice and slavery, but the show's now down to 3 episodes and I haven't seen that much emancipated slaves yet. CQ and YX haven't freed any slaves. Only YWY did. He freed CQ and convinced his grandfather to free all their other slaves. YWY is really the saving grace in this drama. Thank goodness for YWY! 

    • Like 15
  6. 6 hours ago, eim1 said:

    YWY had that resigned look ever since  she saved XE during the Wei and Yanbei's war.It makes me feel sad.During the ice lake scene,he 's trying not to look at XE..I'm still hoping for a happy ending for our OTP.


    4 hours ago, yueyyo said:

    I actually am glad he looks resigned and serene like he's at peace again knowing that he has done all he coulld, laid all his cards on the table and the ball is in her court.  It is preferable to seeing him pine and suffer over something he can't control.  The man still has his dignity in the face of defeat in affairs of the heart.   He may be a sap, but he's a sap with dignity.  Chun Er could learn a lesson from him. 

    I agree that YWY looks already resigned to the fact that XE/CQ chooses YX for better or worse. Since XE/CQ never clearly expressed any affection to him, he could be thinking that XE/CQ really loves YX. I'm sure it didn't escape his attention that as much as he can't walk away from her, she acts the same way towards YX. And since he's in love with CE/CQ, then she must be in love with YX. Imagining that this could be what YWY is thinking breaks my heart. Unrequited love is always painful and I hate to think that YWY is suffering from a broken heart. 

    I admire his courage and his calm demeanor, as shown in the photos. Indeed, he looks dignified despite being heart-broken. I really, really hope that he'll get a happy ending somehow. 

    • Like 6
  7. I agree that XE/CQ is a good person and she always means well. She's not rotten to the core. However, she also has qualities or lack thereof that makes her so irritating. She is not just stubborn -- she is utterly arrogant. She doesn't accept her own mistakes. Even after seeing the horrors of war, she didn't even contemplate about the warnings that YWY gave her. Since she doesn't accept her mistakes, she doesn't do anything to correct it. How can she learn if she thinks she's always right? A strong-willed person who doesn't think and reflect is just a catastrophe waiting to happen. 

    She's got great skills in martial arts, but she doesn't use her head most of the time. She trained from a very intelligent and wise master, but she only learned the fighting skills, which is actually already inherent to her. She doesn't analyze situations and just responds on reflex. She acts out her anger and calls for justice without looking at the condition of the rest of the world around her. Even when she's surrounded by death and chaos that were brought about by their rebellion, she didn't even feel responsible for it. She just felt bad and that's it. Did she even ask herself what they are actually fighting for? Do the people of Yanbei deserve to die just because their Prince wants to take revenge? Are YX's slaughtered family more important than the rest of Yanbei who are still trying to live? 

    Finally, I find her so callous and sometimes rude. When YWY hugged her tight after coming from a dangerous mission to save her life, how can she even say to YWY afterwards that he should not go easy on her when they face each other in battle? Does she even have a heart? Can't she give the man a break? Is that how the writers want to personify a strong woman? 

    The writers of this drama are not good to XE/CQ's character. They've done her a great disservice. They have to make amends and redeem her by the end of this drama. 

    • Like 7
  8. I really feel sorry for YWY. My heart breaks for him. Come to think of it, XE/CQ has never been exceptionally caring and affectionate to him. During the times that they live together, she was always preoccupied with trying to escape and taking her revenge. Then she left to join YX after she incriminated YWY as the mastermind in the killing of the creepy grandpa. In the years that followed, she treated YWY with outright hostility. She rebukes his kindness and doesn't even show him some respect. So in everyone's eyes, YWY is a big fool who loves a maid who obviously doesn't care for him and is head over heels in love with someone else. 

    I hope the writers of this drama will give YWY a happy ending. He's such an admirable and honest man, who deserves to be loved and cherished. If he'll end up with XE/CQ, then I want to see her treat him right and love him dearly. I want to see XE/CQ shower YWY with love and affection instead of just receiving love from him all the time. It's unfair that XE/CQ gets so much love while YWY, who is the most honorable character in this drama, doesn't get any.

    • Like 12
  9. 4 hours ago, cenching said:

    I rewatches the XE-XC's conversation scene, I was wondering why he encouraged her to go to YX? Enlighten me please, ladies.....

    I think that as much as all the characters in the drama believe that YWY is in love with CE/CQ, they equally believe that XE/CQ is in love with YX. So maybe XC thinks that XE/CQ feels torn between someone who loves her and can give her an easier life (YWY) vs someone she loves but will give her a tougher life (YX). XC then encourages XE/CQ to follow her heart and have faith in her choice. Since XE/CQ has always stood by YX's side even at the worst of times and has never shown any obvious affection towards YWY, it's understandable that the people around them will think that it's YX who XE/CQ loves. 

    • Like 5
  10. Since I thought there won't be any more lip-locking action in this series, I'm already very happy with this 2nd kiss. But if I set that fact aside, I must say that it's not a kiss befitting a man who is desperately clinging to a beloved who's going away. It lacks the passion and desperation that YWY must be feeling at that moment. YWY should have kissed her senseless, so that she'll know the intensity of his feelings for her and also what she'll miss out if she leaves.

    • Like 5
  11. 32 minutes ago, centuryold3 said:



    XC: Do you have faith in yourself?  

    CQ: Of course I do.

    XC: Then do you have faith in/trust YX?

    CQ: I do.

    YWY: Xiao Ce!

    XC: I've already told you before, she's already left.

    [YWY barges into the room]

    YWY: Where has she gone?

    XC: Where else would she go? Of course she's gone to Yan Bei. Unless she's supposed to stay here and wait to be killed.

    YWY: Who let her go?

    XC: She's a big girl; if she wants to go she'll go, who would be able to stop her? You two are fated to meet, but not destined to be together. If you insist on being with her, nothing good (or, nothing much that's good) will come of it.

    CQ: Yuwen Yue. (Hug scene as translated previously)


    CQ: It wasn't easy for YX and I to survive up to today. I cannot afford to be capricious, nor can I afford to be impulsive. YX is by himself in Yan Bei. What kind of adversaries he has to face... people he has to face - I don't know any of these things. I'm worried about him. I need to comfort him. I think.... he still needs me. 


    I put them together so it's easier to find. It's almost 2:30am. Time to hit the sack :blush:


    Thank you so much, @centuryold3! This preview melted my heart.

    YWY's love is so selfless. He needs his Xing'Er, but he won't hold her back from doing what she needs to do. He's letting her go but he makes sure that his Xing'Er knows that she has his heart. Awww! I'm gonna :bawling: now.

    • Like 3
  12. 33 minutes ago, Chii90 said:

    I am from surabaya, indonesia. Anyone residing in surabaya too? we can 'NoBar' PA together! :D

    Btw, while i'm designing someone wedding invitation i found this verse that i feel it's very beautiful and suited YueXing. It is in Ruth 1 : 16-17  "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go i will go, and where you stay i will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die i will die, and there i will be buried. May the lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me". 

    The song of Ruth!


    • Like 2
  13. Gosh! I'm such a sucker for love stories between a strong-willed woman and a seemingly stoic man who shatter each other's defenses. I relish watching them transform from being guarded individuals to an expressive and ardent lovers because of the intensity of their passion and love for each other. 

    This is why I ship YWY and XE/CQ. It's in this two characters that I see a transformation brought about by love. 

    I thank the powers that be for episodes 49 & 50. Finally, YWY and XE/CQ were given their special moment. :heart:

    • Like 8
  14. 1 hour ago, sorein said:

    Yes, I feel you. However, I've been dying to point out (was too afraid his fan girls would kill me) that LGX has a really awkward smile in real life and I'm really surprised that, as an actor, he didn't fix his teeth. They really do not do him any favour. He is the type of guy who looks goofy as soon as he smiles. I want to remember him as a mysterious and sexy character, not a goof ball so I rather he doesn't smile at all but just kisses/hugs (and more) her . :D

    Lol. He does look goofy when he grins. He looks his best when he's kinda serious and enigmatic. That's why he looks great as the stoic YWY. Cases in point:



    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, sorein said:


    Oh! Where is this from and who said it to who and which context?

    If you have read the book, can I be greedy and ask you to share more romantic moments...the drama is too slow and not as romantic as I hoped it would be :(

    @sorein Spoken by YWY to XE/CQ in the preview below. Sorry I haven't read the book and I also don't have a copy of it.

    3 hours ago, Melda Hung said:

    No worries ... 2moro he will confess his feeling to her ... he say u can go wherever u want ... caught by someone or dead there just dont let me know ... if i know i couldnt take it 



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