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    they were smoking outside the the font of the house...it was really dark out and the only light was from their house
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    he heard two people talking quietly or mumbling..he couldn't make out what they were saying but two people were diffidently talking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it sound like the talking was getting closer and closer to them it was getting louder and louder but not any clearly. X was starting to freak out a bit but he also thought it was maybe people inside the party...suddenly the talking stopped and he looked down to his feet and saw two black cats walking pass him and then disappearing into the dark streets again...they both ran inside the house scared.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    here is a story that happened to me...they happened maybe over a year ago
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    he started running down the stairs i got scared and ran too but right before i hit the stairs I SWEAR TO GOD! i saw two white almost transparent pair of legs hanging from the ceiling! i didn't think much n kept running..after we went home i told my brother about it and a week later
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i told my cousin and she(sees a lot of ghost..gifted? hah i dunno) but she says she also see those pair of legs but she sees it in their kitchen
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    their kitchen has those screen light on the ceiling in the center and she say she sees it there all the time!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was just like WTF! i was so scared to go back to their place but you know we had to dance n stuff haha so i went back same thing happen i got thirsty but this time her parents was upstairs in their room....i ran to the kitchen grabbed water and ran back but between the kitchen and stiars
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they had a hallway leading ot the bathroom, my cousin's room, parent's and youngest son' room. i saw a little boy standing by the brother's room holding onto the doorknob! i ran like crazy down stairs! i was sooooooo scared!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but cousin tells me all the stuff she sees in the house and its super scary that i dont wanna go there no more! haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    do i have to be in the video?! i have this beautiful music video scene in my head
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so i can Direct the mv and write the script and record it but use different peop;e in the mv? will that still count?


















































































































































    how to get this pretty big curls!




























    oh and right now my hair is like the same length as danson tangf in this picture














    i wanna do that to my hair! BUT i cant seem to achieve it


































    i love xiao mand an no i diont think that picture was suppose to be cute but more funny...














    couldnt you had choose a better pic of xiao man..haha but anyways i dont think meimei looks that different either














    just her eyes looks smaller, and i dont get it ya tou's pic still has make up???..














    and a lot of you think xiao man is the worst? noo way..haha well as you can tell from my DP i like xiao man so i mgith be a really defensive...ahha andi dont think it is like the POWER of magic at all














    here is more of xiao man














    i think she looks best with natrual and no make up














    with lots of make up










































    with little






































































    before after




























    others meimeis














    ya tou without
























































    xiao jie














    i think she still looks cute




























    yaoyao guigui




























    Tao Zi




























    yong tu

















  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..