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Posts posted by sub.lime
































































































































































































    I can speak Vietnamese, English, and some French.
































































































































































































































    i think asians can look good in blonde, having been blonde myself for the last couple of years LOL. it depends on the person though
















































































    the link for vol 8 is actually for vol 6..anyone mind uploading vol 8?
























































    ^ lmfao i'm a black eyeliner addict :) but anyways i like the new blend, i have a similar colour called woodwinked
























































    You are worth exactly $1,759,026. LOL i wish i had that much -_-
























































    1.) How am I feeling today?
































    I need a boss
































































    2.) Where will I get married?
































    Run Away
































    [that doesn't even make sense lmfao]
































    3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
































    Big Pimpin
































































    4.) What is/was highschool like?
































































    [true that. highschool seems to go on forever ugh -_-]
































    5.) What is the best thing about me?
































    Scene 5
































    [...once again does not make sense lol]
































    6.) How is today going to be?
































































































    7.) What is in store for this weekend?
































































































    8.) What song describes my parents?.
































    11 days
































    9.) How is my life going?
































    Love You So
































































    10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
































    Where You Are
































    [lol i suppose everyone wants to die with me LOL]
































    11.) How does the world see me?
































    Get It Poppin
































































    12.) What do my friends really think of me?
































































































    13) Do people secretly lust after me?
































    Perhaps Love
































    [lol i think this has made the most sense so far]
































    14.) How can I make myself happy?
































































    15.) What should I do with my life?
































































































    16.) Will I ever have children?
































    We In Here
































    [uhh the fetus in my stomach? LOL jokes]
































    17.) What is some good advice?
































































































    18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
































    I'm A Hustla
































































    19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
































































































    20.) What type of men/women do you like?:
































    One Map
































































    21.) Will you get married?:
































    Day By Day
































    [uhh i guess i have to live with my husband day by day ahah]
































    22.) What should I do with my love life?
































    I Will Give You Everything
































    [uhh devote myself to a worthy man? LOL]
































    24.) Where will you live?
































    Love Story
































    [Hell yeah. I wanna be the main character in a romantic love story :)]
































    25.) What will your dying words be?
































    London Bridge
































    [uhh bury me under london bridge? haha]
























































    after seeing that perf i am soo turned off by seeya. honestly if i was in that situation i would have helped the girl. someones life is more important than a stupid performance
















































    that looks really good except the purple-ish-ness on the outer part makes it look like a bruise =__=
































    actually, to me, smoky eyes always look like someone beat the crap out of your or something XD But I like your eyeliner part ALOT =D































































    LOL its actually not purple. i kinda got lazy so forgot to add more white eyeshadow and blend it so its just skin showing through. and the camera lighting kinda made it look bad
























































































    smokey eye. it was done a while ago so i forgot what i used lol
































































    i hate fob fashion and the big richard simmons hair..-_- i just think its very unattractive and extremely unmatched and colourful













    (angelix @ Jun 26 2006, 09:05 AM)

    so to make this thread more exciting than ever (and to make more members reply hehe ;D), been wondering, what is your MOST favorite shinhwa songs of all jibs (choose only one since i ask MOST kekek ^^v) i know everyone loves all their songs, but just wondering which of the songs are your fav. ^^;;







































    hmm i'm kinda new to this thread :) anyways my favourite song has to be perfect man LOL. they all look good in that mv and it was one of the first shinhwa songs i heard :D




























































    ^ ooh thats good to know, i guess i'll make a visit to the mac at robson tomorrow =]
































































    ^ hmm i was debating if i should buy mac's liquid last liner..its so small so i didn't really know if its worth it but yeahh how does it work for you?
































































    eh i don't wear watches. but my mom owns a longinese longines watch for $2000 something
































































    hi does anyone have pictures of imda with blonde hair with no words all over it. if you do can you please pm me =]









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