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Posts posted by sub.lime
















































    100% Vietnamese.
































    ...Well probably Chinese somewhere along the line..
























































    Sucks for Kangin, but oh well..at least he doesn't know its messed. And I actually
































    like Shindong's tattoo but not the quote.....
































































































































































































    - wallet
































































    - water bottle
































































    - keys
































































    - ipod shuffle
































































    - shiseido makeup bag (diorshow mascara, clinique mascara, clinique liner, mac lipstick, shiseido eyelash curler)
































































    - $40 cash in the bag + some change
































































    - lg shine
































































    - black leggings
















































































































    Cake, although apple pie is seriously very tempting.
















































































































    No, I don't really have moodswings but my friends have some horrible moodswings and when they take it out on me,
































































    I get mad even though I know "they can't help it". LOL...I feel like a guy for not understanding the whole moodswing thing..
















































































































    I remember we were waiting in line for this restaurant and all of a sudden I hear someone say really loudly, "I THINK WE NEED A TABLE FOR FIVE!"
































































    I turn around to look and its these two old white guys (ewww...)
































































    him: so you ladies wanna sit with us?
































































    me: no
































































    him: aww, c'mon, we'll pay
































































    me: you can pay but we're not gonna sit with you
































































    him: why you gotta be so cold for?
































































    me: cause you're old enough to be my grandpa
















































































































    Oh gosh, my friend is the queen of lame jokes.
































































    Knock knock
































































    - Whos There?
































































    A man.
































































    - A man who?
































































    A man walking down the street.
































































    Knock Knock.
































































    - Whos There?
































































    A man.
































































    - A man who?
































































































































    Yes...not even funny at all yet shes told me these a few million times
















































































































    Kimmie kinda looks like she has a michael jackson nose...but shes cute.
















































































































    [noun]: A person who likes to steal tins of tuna
















































































































    fail math for two terms this year and end up passing the year XD thanks to my final exam mark...
































































    honestly i'm not that stupid...i just didn't go to class
















































































































    lol they have some similarities but eric is hotter <3 haha
















































































































    Okay like right now, i'd get $50 more and get myself a damn ipod because mine is totally dead...
































































    grr thanks to water damage..bah its not even a year old
















































































































    Ethnicity: Vietnamese
































































    English or Math? English. I'm math handicap
















































































































    wth i hope the third picture wasn't an ad or anything because they really need to airbrush out those flaws on her body
















































































































    I have no accent, I speak pretty good in the languages I'm fluent in
















































































































    No I don't, no point anyways
















































































































    Well..it's pretty rude to speak in another language when some people in your group don't understand. It's like purposely excluding them. Why not just speak in the language everyone understands? Unless of course all your friends speak the same language and you're just having a conversation then whatever
















































































































































































    math midterm tomorrow
































































    bio exam tomorrow
































































    family probs
















































































































































































































































    ^ HAHAHA. i like the last part but yeahh a lot of people are surprised, i'm kinda surprised about the fob looking thing in vietnam (cause i haven't been there in awhile) but here theres tons of goodlooking viet people. guys and girls
















































































































    i wanna be paler cause my parents make fun of me for being the darkest in the family LMFAO. umm but yeah i like being tan in the summer and paler in the winter
































































































































































    cell phone. and mp3..when its freaking working +__+

















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