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  2. Yeah the guy would find that annoying. There's this annoying girl in my school that kept saying Hi to me and talking to me on MSN that I got annoyed. Her approach wasn't very good. If you're going to get closer to a guy saying "Hi how's it going?" all the time isn't going to help. If he doesn't reply to the message then he's just annoyed enough not to care if he didn't.

    Well, the girl is not asking "Hi how it's going?" in particular..

    She's more like asking about what time the club starts and whether he attended or not..

    Is that still annoying?

    So the girl should just back off for a while? XD

  3. QUESTION!!!

    I know this might be a usual problem for many girls (or maybe even guys)

    But I really need a guy's opinion about this..

    If a girl you're not THAT close with keeps text messaging you and says hi to you on MSN, what would you think?

    The guy doesn't have any feelings for the girl though..

    Would he think that it's annoying or what?

    And what is the possible reason for not replying a message anymore?

    Please help! >.<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    And as most of the people here..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I ahve no experience at all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    - Who think like they're the queen of the world and everyone should obey them
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Who say nice things in front of someone, but once with their group, they'll say bad things about that person
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Who are really loud and too excited about the smallest things (Like the air-conditioner just went on, the whole group starts to cheer and clap)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    (These are all based on real people I know)

































































































































































































































































  8. @It4cH1:

    Ah yes..

    I noticed I can sing higher notes than before after singing a lot of songs I can't sing..

    But it still sound as if I'm forcing it or my voice will fade away, if you know what I mean.. >.<

    But thx, I'll continue on practicing!!


    I used to sing by forcing myself to get the high notes...

    But after that I changed to the other method since the other one was tiring and I could hit higher notes..

    But what do you mean with relaxing my stomach and jaw? (Yeah, I'm unfamiliar with the diaphragm term XD)

    And I don't understand the long run either...

    But still, thanks! ^_^
















    Suju bnrn jd ke Indo ya?




    Bc di forum2 laen katanya Jakarta ga termasuk.




    Tp moga2 bnrn dateng d..




    Pengen.. Ketemu.. SungMin!!! >.<




    Hahaha.. :lol:




    *cross fingers*





  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..