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    Making a mini bento box
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^I made the egg shell too xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    woah.. you are amazing :o

























    For everyone who says the kioskes people are annoying, it's not their fault they're just trying to make a living! Even if you don't intend to buy anything, you should at least acknowledge them and say no thank you. I work at a mall, and befriend a lot of kioskes people, and they know themselves to target international shoppers and not locals...but it's really sad when people just walk past by without smiling or saying a simple ''No thank you.''








































































































































































































































    No cause as soon as you have eye contact with them they HAVE A GRIP HOLD ON YOU AND DON'T LET YOU GO EVEN WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO POLITELY GO AWAY. A "no thank you" prompts them to continue pestering you and be like "come on, just one try." *makes random conversation that keeps you there longer then leads back to their sales*








































































































































































































































    I know they're just trying to make a living but it makes me feel SO uncomfortable cause I don't want to be rude to them and tell them to leave me alone or completely ignore them when they try to catch my attention.








































































































































































































































    The tactic that works for me is before I pass by their stall, I pretend to be really engrossed in a conversation with my shopping buddy or texting on my phone. They don't approach me that way, haha.








































































































































































































































    Anyway one thing that bothers me most is the long lines for dressing rooms! I have very little patience. Esp when I only want to try on one item.









































































































































































































































    Five year old children that stare into the depth of your soul while you try to find a nice sweater.








































































































































































































































    i lol'ed :lol:









































































































































    I think I should add that I am not asian (sorry about that). I have just a regular pudgy body type, not tall and lanky. i'm more pear shaped than anything. I guess maybe "cute" was the wrong word, but maybe "feminine?" I just feel overly masculine around people, and even more so around boys that are shorter than myself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    capitalize/embrace your height and wear heels :D whether you're wearing jeans or dress/skirt.. heels = feminine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but if you dont want to add any more height (I think tall girls look great with heels though), like someone suggested, it's important to play up your hair and face(makeup)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    for tall "pudgy" body type, I imagine wearing blouse/chiffon, jeans and boots! =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Have you seen FreePeople's models? They're freaking tall! they model normal/extremely cute clothes. They're pretty slim though, but maybe you can check out how they piece things together to see what would look nice on your body type.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    you know though.. what it boils down to is your confidence and how you view yourself. Because what you wear may or may not change how you feel. You can still feel out of place and masculine even though you're wearing the prettiest dress in the room. what you need to do first is change your attitude/confidence ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know where I can download Love Contract? I originally had all the episodes but seeing as how my computer wiped out and the original source I got it from was megaupload (which is no longer open).. I don't know where else I can download it =(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've started rewatching one of his old dramas (and one of my favorites!), Love Contract. Dang he's a cutie kekeke~ and he's such a sweetheart in that drama ^^'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What's he been up to lately?? Any works after WWL?





































































































































































































































































    @SunniRise & Poop-Shoop-A-Loop: do you guys have any ideas how to prevent ticket stubs from fading? I currently keep them in a pocket in my wallet, and I realized the older ones from years ago are becoming almost unreadable!!! :( I'm afraid if I put them in a book, it'll still scratch against the page on top of it!!!! D: Sad liiiife.
























    If you put them in a book (like pasting it), I think they should be fine.
























    I'm currently holding it in a wallet that holds cards (see through pages).. and they're fading too =( the ones that don't fade are the ones that are hidden behind the other tickets.




























    ^^not sure if you can see but the front tickets are faded (sad :( ) but all the tickets behind them aren't.
























    I think it only fades if it's rubbing back and forth on the surfaces. since the plastic creates friction against the ticket, it erases the ink but I think with paper , the problem wouldn't be the same as long as you're not constantly flipping the pages back and forth.
























    SunniRise's suggestion of laminating is a good idea, or you can put each in an individual sleeve (like the ticket diaries i'm looking for).
























    Btw while I was looking for ticket stub books/diaries, I came across this page that gives you a bunch of other cool ideas to preserve your tickets by the commenters
































    I'm not sure what kind of ticket stub book you're talking about but I found this tutorial for movie ticket saving...







































































    Oooh that one looks nice! Yeah I'm thinking of making my own if I can't find one I like.
























    ^^ What's a ticket stub book? Do you mean those that help you organise ticket stubs ... or a book of blank ones?
























    PS Thanks for all the help with the paper doilies, I bought off etsy since I don't live in the US. Thanks though!















































    Ticket stub book is a book that saves all your movie tickets/concert tickets/ other kinds of tickets.
























    I'm not the only one that saves their tickets right? lol XD
























    I wanted to get one for my friend & his dad cause they go to concerts all the time and I thought it'd be a nice memoir for them.




































    this isn't a craft item but anybody have any ideas on where to find a cute ticket stub book? I renember a soompier selling it on here before but I can't find the thread anymore =( i've tried googling it but the ones that pop up aren't cute imo. I'm looking for more like those asian stationary type of cute. I've looked on various asian stationary sites too but can't find it.. D=





  15. You have to accept him for who he is instead of changing him into what he's not. He may simply not be a communicator.

    When you try to break-up with him and give him pressure to change, you are really just making him feel lots of pain. People will do whatever it takes to avoid pain including: lying, begging, pretending to be someone they are not, saying the words you want to hear, etc. The more pain he has, the more he will avoid pain.

    Of course, as soon as he does all that, you stop breaking up with him and you turn off the pressure. You ultimately turn off his pain. Once the pain is turned off, people tend to go back to being themselves.

    If you can't communicate, then isn't that a major downfall to a relationship?

    Communication is key to a relationship and he communicates nothing.

    I've tried accepting it but it's frustrating as hell when we cannot solve any of our problems because he doesn't seem to have the ability to vocalize his thoughts and feelings.

    I'm usually a good people reader, but he's impossible to read so I can't even INFER what he's thinking.

    People will do whatever it takes to avoid pain including: lying, begging, pretending to be someone they are not, saying the words you want to hear, etc. The more pain he has, the more he will avoid pain.

    Of course, as soon as he does all that, you stop breaking up with him and you turn off the pressure. You ultimately turn off his pain. Once the pain is turned off, people tend to go back to being themselves.

    Not sure what you're saying here? You mean, he attempts to do these things but as soon as I agree to get back with him he reverts to his actual nature? He doesn't do those things though >.< When I try to talk to him about it, how it usually goes is:

    Me: Let's talk this out and figure out what's best for our relationship and for the both of us. -tells my side of the story and how I feel- .. I want to hear what you have to say so then we can both compromise. What do you want? What do you think is the best? Is it better for us to be friends..?"

    Him: -has nothing to say- -starts doing other things-

    Me: Are you even listening??

    Him: Do whatever you want to do

    Me: But I want to know what YOU want

    then everything starts going in circles and because we have no conclusion I end up breaking up with him. he accepts it. but then later he'll tell me he doesn't want to let me go and and he still wants me to be his. but he STILL does not tell me what's going on even after i've told him this is a major issue.

    I know that he cares about me a lot and does his best to make me happy but he internalizes his own thoughts and feelings to the point where I don't even feel emotionally connected to him anymore. I'm trying my best to make this work but it's not going anywhere.

  16. My boyfriend is driving me nuts.

    He has major communications issues and I don't understand why when he's been in several relationships but it feels like this is his first relationship cause I feel I need to tell him what's gonna make the relationship work and not work. You'd think after him being in so many relationships that he'd have figured out why those relationships didn't work. But I get the feeling those relationships were moreso flings than relationships to him.

    We've broken up a few times due to his issue with communication. I've tried talking to him about it and get to the root of the problem and figure out why he can't say what's on his mind, nor does he even attempt to talk it out to come to a conclusion with me on what to do to make our relationship work. The times we've broken up, before I ended it, I told him that I DIDN'T want it to end, and if he was willing to talk to me to find a solution, then I was going to stay in this relationship and do the best I can but he has NOTHING to say even after I tell him the issues I'm having. So he just let us breaking up happen, but then afterwards he'll tell me he doesn't want me to leave him and wants me to stay with him(but still doesnt say anything about the problem). If he wants this, WHY DOES HE NOT TRY TO COMMUNICATE WITH ME? I end up giving in even though we don't solve the problem and we're back to square one.. it's so frustrating!

    If a problem comes up, he likes to brush it off.. and it confuses me cause he'll ask if he can "talk" to me when we get into a fight but it's not "talking". He'll just start acting normal and act like nothing happened without addressing the issue.

    Also, when he's upset/sad/mad, he doesn't let me know :| I have no idea what's going on his mind..

    So I'm wondering if there's anyone here that thinks like him and could give me an insight on what the heck could be going on in his mind and why he has such a huge problem communicating his thoughts/feelings?
































    If you don't back off and give him his space, he will lose his feelings for you.
























    Scary that you said you'd commit suicide if he doesn't stay :crazy:









    Well, are you going to be friends with someone thats not your type and doesn't have the same interests as you? No, I'm not interested in dating or sex. Point is, we want to be friends with people we can relate to, and thats true whether you are looking for love or looking for friendship. (btw where else can I put this thread other than L&R)?
























    If you're just looking for friendship why are you
























    1) only targeting girls
























    2) want them to be goodlooking?
























    shallow much?
























    I understand that if you're looking to date, the girl needs to attract you somehow but I don't get why even with friends you don't want to be friends with a "not good looking" girl.









    i wish i had prom again! have fun girls - it's amazing! selena gomez's dresses are always so pretty. i wish the highlow dresses were in when i had prom =/
























    I know right? Me too!




































    If you're not okay with him smoking/drinking.. don't date him or things will get complicated (unless you're willing to accept his lifestyle). He has to want to quit those things on his own. With these kinds of situations, it's either you have similar lifestyles to be able to work well together or be open enough to accept him as he is. You can't help him unless he wants to help himself.
























    If he likes you enough, he might attempt to quit but I say don't date him unless he stops, cause seriously otherwise it'll just bother you a lot and probably cause unnecessary drama when you're together and he ends up breaking promises about quitting the alcohol and drugs.
























    I'm currently "dating" (it's on-and-off) someone that once was a heavy smoker and is still an alcoholic.
























    Before we started dating he had already figured out that I was a goodytwoshoe (don't drink, smoke, anything). Whilst he's a chain smoker, an alcoholic and used to do recreational drugs.
























    On his own, whenever he hung out with me he wouldn't smoke AT ALL. I never noticed this until he told me way later that he knew that I don't like to be around smoke (I never even hinted or said anything to him about this..) so he made sure never to bring his cigarette packs whenever we hung out. He used to smoke a pack a day but it lessened a lot just by the fact that we hung out so much.
























    Same thing with drinking - he used to drink everyday too. Even when he's alone. He'd drink to make himself fall asleep (he said otherwise if he didn't drink he'd wind up awake until 4,5,6 A.M.). He made an agreement with me that he wouldn't drink by himself if I blahblah (I was having probs with my family).. I didn't even think he'd go through with it cause it was just a passing comment not an actual promise or anything but he actually kept his word about it.
























    He still drank & smoked every once in a while though so when we started dating was when problems started arising.
























    Cause it was hard for me to accept it (worried too much about his health and hated being around him when he did those things.. and his alcohol breath.. yuck) so I broke it off with him saying I just couldn't handle him smoking & drinking and didn't want to control what he does so it was better we were friends.
























    He really wanted us to be together though so he quit smoking within a week and promised he'd only drink socially or on special occasions. I should have waited instead of believing his words cause now it's gotten really complicated to the point where he feels like he's being controlled and I don't want that. I'm trying to accept that at least he's lessened his habits a whole lot for me & we're working on it together..
























    but my main point is don't date him if this is a big issue for you (it will cause a lot of stress on your relationship), and renember that only HE can help himself and HE has to want to do this own his own (ex. the things my bf did on his own when we weren't dating -which he still kept his word about- vs. me nagging him)




































    ^ I agree with the whole discussion happenning naturally thing.
























    The thing I loved MOST about Soompi was the friendly atmposphere (now gone catty cause of major fandom wars and whatnot) and the fact that Soompi flourished because it was mostly COMMUNITY/MEMBER POWERED.
























    Everyone was really interactive with each other
























    and that's how we came to have "Soompi Ulzzang Contests" major collabs in performers forum, the reason why threads in the kdrama & kceleb forums flourished by itself. the reason why fanfix had so many quality fics. the reason why s&t forum had so many sellers/buyers (a mini laundromat if you will. if you guys know what laundromat was haha) ..& now theres so many rules in the s&t forum and huge blocks of texts! i dont even bother to go there anymore o_o
























    and how WITHS2 subs was created
























    Lots of great things came out of Soompi's members & were all self-volunteered because of their love for the forum (renember soompi radio?) and the great interaction between the members
























    I'm not sure how to explain it..but yeah and then Soompi decided they wanted to push everyone towards the main site where no discussion could really be involved & stepped in and tried to "improve" on things that didn't need to be improved. I renember when Soompi kept pushing and pushing for our main site to be where all the members go to and an admin saying they wanted the place to be more than a discussion place (i forgot exactly what was said..) but that was basicallly just killing the main reason why and how Soompi flourished. It was said this had to be done to "keep up with the times" but i think instead it just made members go away to other sources.
























    They wanted all the discussion and info sharing that was being done in the threads to go towards the main site. and they were trying to make Soompi into a completely socialnetworking site (with the new profile pages that no one looks at now..and all those widgets) instead of what it actually was .. A COMMUNITY/FORUM. Soompi was already socialnetworking on its own without the push of the authority.
























    & now Soompi wants to go back and improve the forums again ..when it was originally them who took it away (oh the irony)
























    I really can't be specific cause this was years ago when the new laggy layout first came out so I don't renember all the qualms I had with the changes.
























    I'm not saying its entirely the forums' fault for how we've changed, the fact that the demographics of the members have changed is also definitely a factor. No matter how we try to improve the forums & please the members..it's all about what the members interests/needs are & what we have to offer to cater to those interests/needs
























    The old members: have grown up, different interests, are too old to accept change (&therefore cannot cope with new soompi changes :P), etc
























    New members: come to the forums for different reasons than how we used to come to soompi for our resources because they now have access to other places (allkpop, tumblr, twitter, their own fan forums)
























    i still heart soompi to death though : ) hopefully our forums will still continue to bring people in and flourish like it use to some day.. xp
























    I renember when us mods had to be really strict about spam and stuff b/c it uses up soompi's resources and we'd always have the site going down cause of too much activity..
























    so i dont know if this suggestion would actually help but why don't we have a spam (no post count) forum? if you look at old threads members used to be able to *really* interact with each other because of the spam here and there..they got to know each other more. maybe the spam forum will make members more familiarized with each other and recognize each other around the other forums/threads. = friendlier atmosphere =) by a "spam" forum i mean just a place to talk about nonsense and not getting trouble for saying "lol" ..not that imsaying making into a convo forum . if its not plausible i really do think the old soompi profile where people got to customize it & comment on each others profiles was something the soompiers enjoyed a lot and were able to interact with each other more that way.
































    I like(d) the small ones and the way my mom made 'em. So spicy and good!




















    I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now so I haven't had 'em in a long time.. I think they're one of the animal related foods I miss, lol






    I hope that thing will work out for you in the long run... However, sometimes when we are in love, we are so blind that we will sacrifice many things that we have such as friendship, family, etc. You should be with someone who respects you and who makes you a better person, who doesn't take away your freedom and things that are important to you in your life. I don't know how your bf is, but if all of ur friends don't like him, and you two fight constantly, then that is a problem too. Well I hope you will make wise decision and thing will turn out to be good for you =)








    Thanks a lot for you post, lol








    Believe it or not, it lightened up my heart a load. Who knew posting on Soompi would make me feel betteR? Haha.

    Again, I'm naive with relationships since I never really been in one so... why do people who love each other fight about? It takes so much work just to be in a relationship (especially the guy who has to chase you and confess to you), you'd think that both sides would cherish it instead of arguing. Why ruin something that took so much effort to build?








    Lol that sounds simple enough but people who are in love with each other can still get into fights








    I don't know about others, but as for us, he has a huge temper and major jealousy issues so he's quick to get mad and say mean things to me. And will fight over every boy I talk to. When he says mean things to me, I get hurt and try to hold in my tears then he'll start provoking me and say why I'm moping/crying/etc and in the end it makes me explode at him. It's a constant cycle, us fighting.. even when we promise not to fight anymore and be calm when a conflict comes up but it doesn't really work out that way cause he's really hot headed. He also has a tendency to lie to me, and hide things from me about nearly everything so fights spark up pretty easily ;\








    My situation in my relationship is a bit complicated lol.. this kind of stuff doesn't happen very often I think. My boyfriend broke up with me while I was overseas studying. He said things like he doesn't think we would work out and he doesn't love me anymore. Then after a month he got a new girlfriend. I was devastated! Well, he broke up with her 1 1/2 month later and contacted me again. Now that we are back together, (i'm back in the USA), i had to have all my questions answered even though I knew it would make me upset. Thoughts would run into my head like "what did they do together? did he really like her? did he treat her the way he treated me?" >_< and I saw pictures of them together on his computer. I was just really upset and I just thought our relationship was so shattered we couldn't fix it.








    In more general terms, I was always jealous of other girls talking to him... I didn't trust him and I wanted him all to myself. Coincidently the thing that triggered the break up was when I was abroad, and I saw his fb..this girl commented on his fb, and I asked him who she is...coincidently that was the same fugly girl that he idiotically went out with. =_= But I don't think he broke up with me just because of her....*sigh who knows... but whatever!!! i'm happy now (think happy thoughts @_@)








    We argued every week for maybe a month since I came back. Just 2 weeks ago, I noticed we started improving. I stopped thinking about the horrible past and learned how to let go of the things that hurt me. I'm so happy to say, that we are happy together right now :) We are improving. I'm so thankful to have him in my life!















    I've actually seen quite a few posts about your BF these past few years and it just breaks my heart when I see 'em cause it always seemed like you're more invested in the relationship than he ever was. I personally never thought he was really much of a BF to you or very appreciative. But what do I know? I'm just a stranger basing it on a handful of posts you posted here. I wish best of luck to you, hope everything works out this time :)


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