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Pen G

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Posts posted by Pen G

  1. 5 hours ago, MimiSchu said:

    Actually that is not true. Today the production company of DWY congratulated the whole crew and cast for remaining in the top 10 most watched shows on Netflix (non English) for 7 weeks in a row, with more than 120.000.000 million hours viewed in total…

    No wonder I could not find DWY in the Top 10 in the US on Netflix. Because it wasn't from 8/21 to 10/8. Thank you and to Penny.




    But before anyone of you tell me that these above are ONLY English shows on the list. Ragnarok is Norweigan. Lupin is French. Dear Child is German. (Non-English). hahahaha. Just saying.


    Then, I researched Tomorrow NF rankings. At the end of the series on May 23, 2022. Tomorrow ranked 8th. And I think it states it had 179,000,000 million hours viewed more than the 120,000,000 million hours viewed of DWY ( of course, not sure if this has 10/11 and 10/12). I calculated the average million hours viewed of DWY since it aired is roughly 16.7 million hours. So, I would not expect it to reach more than 179 million hours like Tomorrow. Even, If I give it a buffer of 20 Million more, the total would only be 156 Million compared to 179 million hours for Tomorrow. Sorry, I just like numbers. 


    Or I could be totally wrong.




    So in conclusion, without ANY kissing, touching and sex scenes. Tomorrow was just as popular as DWY that had a lot of kissing, touching and one sex scene? Right? :blush:


    No offense. No hate. Please? Just some simple, back of the napkin analysis?



    • Blob 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Penny said:



    Please watch this edit of Robin, to understand the reason that we are here. No any sex or kiss scenes could overcome these bts off camera interactions of them. 

    At the beginning of DWY I was a bit worry that Rowoon could do the same with other FL. Today the broadcast is finished, and no one has published any BTS with Bo ah close to Rowoon. We could says that we has pass the risk step. Bo Ah for me is one of the prettiest Korea Actrees. So I think that we have nothing to worry. 

    Really? I don't think she is pretty? She is not bad but I don't find her pretty? But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. hehehe.

    6 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

    I do find that both PEB and KSW has set values where they cherish the small happiness of each day and each day doing what they love.  It’s a complex and competitive industry they are in and it’s a brilliant way to protect themselves from disappointment as well as find a happy way of living.  Simplicity is the key.  If both have mindsets to be content with each small happiness they may naturally end up with lacking less.  Just a thought 

    didn’t KSW in one of the BTS say after he was done filming and can go home to his little happiness.  I read to somewhere and couldn’t find the clip.  Perhaps choco his cat, perhaps something else.



    Yes, I think that was the Tomorrow BTS. I didn't watch it. Someone only mentioned it on this forum.


    I think he said "small happiness". If the Eng transaltion is right. It meant SIZE not AMOUNT. So yes, it could be Choco, PEB or BOTH? hehehe. Because I have a cat (loved cats since I was 7 y/o) , I wouldn't call my cat as "my small happiness". I would call my cat as my companion and my fur baby but not necessarily "my happiness".

    4 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

    Thank you Penny I was able to watch through web.  This is a great reminder of how happy they are in each other’s presence and laughing at things in their own world.  He laughs and she laughs or she laughs and he then laughs.  So lovely 


    • Blob 1
  3. On 10/12/2023 at 10:55 PM, mktgkat said:

    Hehehe... Watching dwy is dragging for me.... Huhu sorry guys... Like what I've said before... To me its just cliche after cliche after cliche... I am a huge fan of kdrama and i have watched A LOT... When i saw that the scenes of dwy were unoriginal... It became very dragging for me to watch.. i can even think of the scenes of dwy and a scene from a different drama that has a similar scene.... I get that they may be following a formula for this to sell.... Probably to a younger generation??... I think it is actually working coz it worked in business proposal...right? I see DWY being hyped in twitter a lot... But sad to say... Not to me coz im kinda older already... Huhu sorry guys.. 

    I saw clips from twitter... The kiss that is inverted... It's so spiderman... Again, unoriginal... Sex scene?? Not really looking for those when i watch kdramas.... i mean no offense to anyone.... Sorry guys if i disappoint or offend anyone here.....

    Then again maybe im not watching because i feel hurt for robin? Ahahah i really dont know... But yeah... I feel i need to not base my shipping feelings on the scenes of DWY.... Huhuhu... I just feel they think it will sell bec like business proposal became a hit bec of kissing, sex, and the likes.. maybe they are following the same formula... And yes AHS having rumored gf... He kisses girls like it's nothing.... Hahaha

    I accidentally watched(i think i was in auto play in YT) a BTS of Dr.romantic and he kissed LSK by mistake coz he was confused with the scene or director? and it was like nothing big... I think maybe at the end of  the day even if they kiss someone or something more in a drama... Its just a scene that they have to deliver...... for the views...  for work... so rwn being AHS friend probably those skinship, kissing mean nothing at the end of the day... As a delulu shipper of robin that's my hope hehehe

    I hope it stays that way ..... Only PEB in his insta yayy

    I think you are referring to this YT? Maybe?




    PEB said here that once she achieved her childhood dream of the Daesang, she has nothing more to ask for. She feels she HAS ARRIVED.

    On 10/13/2023 at 5:57 AM, Yuen10 said:

    Honestly I think his first breakthrough role is EOY which a lot of people got to know him as an actor and his fan base seem to have increased significantly.  Having said that I believe he is still very new  after EOY and going through the journey of establishing himself as an actor which for him being an idol as well may have added a bit of challenges and complexity since expectations may be different and stereotyping too can also give them more pressure to prove their acting ability.  He did very well is the other drama but in DWY he really showed his dynamic acting skills and seem to be to one who has carried the series and from DWY his great seems to be further acknowledged.  In other words, this is my opinion only that EOY to me is his breakthrough for recognition as an actor, TKA further him in the international recognition and DWY is breakthrough for establishing and putting a stamp that he is a dynamic and amazing actor and not just a pretty face. From DWY, I hope director can see his potential in cool challenging roles.  

    I see. Thank you for sharing that. Makes sense.


    Yes, it seems Rowoon carried the DWY show, even if JBA was first biling (at least on how Netlfix lists its billing). hahahaha.


    Yes, even if the show was a bit disjointed. He really stood out, even if I stopped watching because of how the themes became so corny to me. hahahaha.

    On 10/13/2023 at 5:18 AM, Penny said:

    Rowoon posted in his IG story that he went to this restaurant. Thank you Cherry to maintain us always update. 


    Some moment I have suspect that Cherry could be work for Rowoon or PEB. :isannoyed:you have lot of info from them. 

    Ahhh. I see. Did he go to this Mi Piazza after TKA ended? Or he went with his parents on his B-day? Thanks!

    On 10/13/2023 at 5:18 AM, Penny said:

    Rowoon posted in his IG story that he went to this restaurant. Thank you Cherry to maintain us always update. 


    Some moment I have suspect that Cherry could be work for Rowoon or PEB. :isannoyed:you have lot of info from them. 

    Yes, Cherry is so helpful. She is either a BIG FAN of RoBin or she works for them. OR BOTH. hahahahhahaha

    On 10/13/2023 at 5:53 AM, Penny said:

    See minutes 4:30. 

    I did watch. At 4:37 I only read: Met Park Eun Bin after a long time and time to say goodbye"?


    I didn't catch that it said he was not alllowed to say "hello" to PEB? Am I missing something? Thank you!

    On 10/12/2023 at 3:12 AM, NTTD said:

    We all know that in the entertainment industry, sex sells.  It seems like the director pulls all the tricks in the book to make this a hit rom-com but too many of a good thing can get a bit boring.  IMHO, there are too many kiss scenes and touchy, feely stuff.  The PDnim is using Rowoon's good looks and sexiness to the max!


    PEB is super modest so I can't imagine that she would take on a role that requires her to have that much intimacy.  I'm not sure anymore.  This may be a cure for my two-year obsession of hoping and wishing for them to get together.


    In any case, this was my first time shipping and definitely my last.  I will continue to follow PEB and Rowoon either together or separately.  


    At the BIFF opening ceremony, didn't PEB look so happy that she was glowing?  She looked like her life couldn't be any better!  She's either on a career high or a woman in love.  Whatever it is, she's having a great time while we're here in this forum feeling hurt and pain for our Robin hearts.  Just saying...

    Yes, maybe PEB friend-zoning Rowoon would make us all stop. And that is probably good for our obsession. hahaha.


    Yes, PEB was so stunning at the BIFF. But I don't think your career can give you that much of a stunning glow? No matter how HIGH you have achieved. You will be happy, for sure. But there may be another reason? It is either 1) her great make up artist and stylist 2) she is in love. 3) BOTH? :blush:

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

    Thank you Penny and I agree.  I still have hopes for Robin because after all it was only television and this was his breakthrough role so he is really trying to show how dynamic he can be.  Lol we get KSW but please help our delicate Robin hearts.  No other actions from KSW indicates anything else other than what is filmed in the series. I believe it was professionally done. I feel that line is drawn since I don’t feel any crossing of the line in the promotion games and the posts and interactions on instagram.  The only thing that confuses me is the food truck that JBA went.  Too many hearts and cutieness and was just completely odd to me. 

    Time will tell and I have definitely not lost hope in Robin.  Seems JBA is more actively commenting on KSW instagram that vice versa and he didn’t respond to her recent comments on one of his post.  I really hope that it is a way that our dear KSW is telling us, that line is drawn, filming is done and that is it.  My delulu thoughts 


    Cannot let one choreographed scene in DWY replace all the what seems to be genuinely sweet interacts between PEB and KSW.  

    Just curious about your comment?


    Could you kindly tell me more about DWY being Rowoon's breakout or breakthrough role? I thought his breakout role was Jung Ji Un in the TKA because his other two shows were all modern shows like SWNK and EOY? He said he has never been in a saeguk (historic) role before? So TKA would be his breakout role? Am I wrong?

    30 minutes ago, Penny said:

    A1: 7 days ago

    A2: 7 days ago

    A3: 6 days ago

    The SK actores and actress use to be very careful with all the single actions. They use to put like or comment to each other only during their drama promotion. But it is not common after the drama is ended. Suppose that they have two IG, One public and one private. For my understanding they are too much being under controlled. 

    I watched the vlog of Kim mi jae during the 2021 Kbs award, where he try to says hello to PEB, and he is even not allow to approach PEB. Some time I feel so upset about how difficult is their life. 

    Ahhhhh! Wow! you know a LOT OF THINGS!!!! Did not even know that. Thank you for sharing.

    Oh really? KMJ just wanted to say hello to PEB? And he was not even allowed? Wow! That is so strict and controlling of her agency. Although, Rowoon did like PEB IG post of Aloe Vera King on 8/8/23. But no comment, just a LIKE. hahaha.


    I guess it is possible they have 1 public account and 1 private account. Maybe, they have a Social Media Manager for their public account. Or maybe, they could just share pictures over email or text through phone. Or maybe, they just visit each other in their own places/houses. That is possible, too. hahaha



    14 hours ago, woobin said:

    Exactly right. I firmly believe that actions and eyes can’t lie especially for genuine people like KSW. What we see from a drama doesn’t necessarily reflect what’s behind the camera, you know what I mean. 

    And to add, I find it interesting how The Matchmaker and CAD are premiering one after the other lol, just 2 days apart. 


    Did she receive a FT from KSW or anonymous? 

    When you mentioned "she". Are you asking about KSW sending a FT to PEB or to JBA?


    I think I can help with that:

    1) To PEB - he probably wanted to but she was/is filming supposedly on an "island". Logistically impossible? Still that is no excuse for me. But to answer your question: We think NONE that we know of.

    ****Unless, PEB did not post ALL the FTs that were anonymous or otherwise sent to her. You can do that. You can opt NOT to post a FT that was sent to you. Especially if you don't want to draw attention to yourselves. Plus, the fact that PEB's IG is just full of promos and ads.*****


    2) To JBA - no. Not yet, so far. The minute he does and it sounds, feels and looks romantic and not someone just supporting a peer/fellow actor/actress. I shared in this forum that: I AM DONE.


    Not sure, if a FT is a sign of affection in SK though? Maybe, if you are courting someone, YES. But I could be DEAD WRONG.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/9/2023 at 1:49 AM, Penny said:



    On regards of the heart posepicture between Rowoon and Bo Ah post by DWY PD, Rowoon has asnwer to BoAh comment.  Pen I add the Tiktok link for you,  since that you don´t have IG. Here the DWY fans translate the comments in Eng and Spanish. You could see how sincery is Rowoon: "Noona, you look so tire".


     Rowoon still to learn a lot about women. It´s not so convenience saying "Noona you look tire" , specially in a romantic pose, if I´m your real girl friend I would get really angly. And also would not call her Noona, this means that you want to show everybody to keep some distance between you two. 


    If you go to the comments of Rowoon to PEB ( Pen, you should install IG, there are lot of information of Robin ). He always demostrates close with her. When she post during TKA picture with girl dress, he always put the emoji  "fire". Someone of the chat explain that in Korea the expression of fire to a girl is meant "attractive" "irresitable", etc. Also as you know that both of them constanly says compliment to each other, during BTS and interviews. 

    Until now in DWY I could not hear any compliment to Boah about how pretty she is. If there is any compliment I can guaranty that the production team would publish it inmediately to promote the show. 




    PEB is the best dreesed during BIFF. I read an article saying that he style and her look is considered as the ideal woman in Korea.  



    Penny I just have some questions on what you posted on 10/9/23:


    1) That picture in the snowy mountain of KSW and JBA that the PDnim posted. The PD nim posted that on his own IG account? Is that correct?



    2) When did the PD nim post that? When did JBA post a comment of that picture and what did she post? Was there an Eng translation as well? And when did Rowoon answer to all of them: "Noona, you look tired?"





    3) I know we should support RoBin. But we also have to prepare for the possibility that they are just friends. Like what Yuen said: "Rowoon can launch. But that does not mean that PEB catches."


    So my question is this: Why would Rowoon have the time to reply to PD nim posting a picture on PD IG of Rowoon and JBA on that snowy mountain? But Rowoon has NO time to comment on the posting of PEB IG? Is it because PEB IG is just all promotions and ads that Rowoon can not comment on? Or because Rowoon wants to promote DWY, so he made a comment on PD nim posting the picture? Or is it because Rowoon knows if he comments on anything on PEB's IG it will cause so much attention to them?


    What do you think?




    Thank you for your thoughts!



  6. 41 minutes ago, MimiSchu said:

    Actually that is not true. Today the production company of DWY congratulated the whole crew and cast for remaining in the top 10 most watched shows on Netflix (non English) for 7 weeks in a row, with more than 120.000.000 million hours viewed in total…

    Okay, so I did a bit of research. The link is found below.


    If my source is correct: You are right for the period ending 10/3-10/8 DWY ranked #7 for 7 weeks. I added all the hours viewed from 8/23 when it started to 10/8. But I think the million hours viewed was 117,100,000 million not 120,000,000 million. Maybe a typo error? Or maybe, because the period was just until 10/8 that the production team just estimated the remaining 2,900,000 for 10/11 and 10/12? Not sure?


    I guess our theory holds true that Rowoon is more popular internationally than in SK. Because the SK Nielsen Ratings was not to the level of BP that the production team wanted?




    15 minutes ago, Penny said:

    Don't worry, we are here like a close friendo, ask what ever you want. I'm living in Spain, but I was born in Hong Kong. 


    It is depended on where you are, here in Spain also is not top ten. Maybe in Asia and Latino América these drama is more sucessful. In Europe use to be very chanllege to be top 10, there are lot of options. Only Squid GAME, WYW and BP had been in top 10 during their entire broadcast. 

    Ahhhhhh! I see. It depends on the country or region.


    So if you are in Asia or Latin America it will list DWY in the Top 10 list. But if you are somewhere else. NF will not list this in the Top 10 because it is not Top 10 in your area. Got it. I didn't know that!!!!!!! Thank you very much for that information!!!!!

  7. 1 hour ago, Penny said:

    Agree with all of you that the DYW story is a bit common, and nothing to highlight to be a sucessful product. The only advantage is Rowoon acting skill. During the past life scene,  he showed lot of emotion of his love and pain at a same tine, it was brilliant. I made the research about DYW director, and according to his other productions, he is not a level A Kdrama director.  For next Rowoon should learn more of PEB and choose the adequate story and level A director. And as he says maybe a diferent genre to demonstrate more his acting skill. 


    Some time I feel a bit embrarrassed, that every girl only says how handsome he is, I suppose that this is something that he hate, looks like he is a peace of meat. 



    However, actually, instead to give up of Robin shipping, my opinion is after DYW there are lot of new shippers. Due to new Rowoon international followers are starting to watch TKA. Like me, I start watch TKA in netflix, when I was waiting of new WYW episode coming. So don´t worry ladies and gentlement, we should keep alive this forum until on of them announce dating in their real live. 


    I also checked in the dcinside page. Only today there are 5 post about Robin. Seems that Korea Robin also feel a bit jelousy of the sex scene. But this is also meant  that they still have lot of supporters. 


    Think on these, the coming 2 two week will be very long for me, I´m really anxious waiting for CAD and "matchmakers", gosh, why they release almost in the same time. I would prefer that they distribute their kdrama on per quarter of year.

    Very well said, Penny!!!!! Very well said!!! If you don't mind me asking, where are you in Europe? Thank you!


    Yes, Rowoon did say he feels uncomforable when people say he is handsome. He says 'thank you' but he still is uncomfortable. "Piece of meat". hahahahahahahhaha. That is sooo true.


    Glad you checked dcinside. I was not jealous of DWY it just was not a good show. I tried very hard to like it. And the ONLY reason I kept watching was because of Rowoon's acting. But on Ep#10, it was starting to not be a successful product, like you said. I forced myself to watch it but I could not any longer. hahahaha.


    The best way to watch CAD and MM is this:  Sat-Sun is CAD. Mon-Tues is MM. Four days straight of RoBin. hahahhaha. Simple? Right? hahaha. CAN NOT WAIT for CAD!!!!!!!!!!!


    We hope MM is not a disappointment like DWY.


    45 minutes ago, Penny said:

    Do you have IG? If you play from computer no need to instala IG. 

    I watched it. It does play. Thank you for reminding me of something special RoBin has, whether it is a great friendship or something more.

    1 hour ago, MimiSchu said:

    Actually that is not true. Today the production company of DWY congratulated the whole crew and cast for remaining in the top 10 most watched shows on Netflix (non English) for 7 weeks in a row, with more than 120.000.000 million hours viewed in total…

    Really? How come, you know when you log into Netflix. They list the Top 10 shows and DWY isn't there anymore?


    Could you please kindly share the Netflix rankings and not what the PD nim or the production company said? Greatly appreciated! Maybe, Cherry could help? Thanks!

    1 hour ago, MimiSchu said:

    Actually that is not true. Today the production company of DWY congratulated the whole crew and cast for remaining in the top 10 most watched shows on Netflix (non English) for 7 weeks in a row, with more than 120.000.000 million hours viewed in total…

    In fact, when I watched the remaining episodes of DWY. I had to go the SEARCH field at the top Right Hand side of NF because it isn't even showing up anymore? You had to specifically SEARCH for it and type the Title on the SEARCH button? Thank you for your information.

  8. 2 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Hehehe... Watching dwy is dragging for me.... Huhu sorry guys... Like what I've said before... To me its just cliche after cliche after cliche... I am a huge fan of kdrama and i have watched A LOT... When i saw that the scenes of dwy were unoriginal... It became very dragging for me to watch.. i can even think of the scenes of dwy and a scene from a different drama that has a similar scene.... I get that they may be following a formula for this to sell.... Probably to a younger generation??... I think it is actually working coz it worked in business proposal...right? I see DWY being hyped in twitter a lot... But sad to say... Not to me coz im kinda older already... Huhu sorry guys.. 

    I saw clips from twitter... The kiss that is inverted... It's so spiderman... Again, unoriginal... Sex scene?? Not really looking for those when i watch kdramas.... i mean no offense to anyone.... Sorry guys if i disappoint or offend anyone here.....

    Then again maybe im not watching because i feel hurt for robin? Ahahah i really dont know... But yeah... I feel i need to not base my shipping feelings on the scenes of DWY.... Huhuhu... I just feel they think it will sell bec like business proposal became a hit bec of kissing, sex, and the likes.. maybe they are following the same formula... And yes AHS having rumored gf... He kisses girls like it's nothing.... Hahaha

    I accidentally watched(i think i was in auto play in YT) a BTS of Dr.romantic and he kissed LSK by mistake coz he was confused with the scene or director? and it was like nothing big... I think maybe at the end of  the day even if they kiss someone or something more in a drama... Its just a scene that they have to deliver...... for the views...  for work... so rwn being AHS friend probably those skinship, kissing mean nothing at the end of the day... As a delulu shipper of robin that's my hope hehehe

    I hope it stays that way ..... Only PEB in his insta yayy

    Yes, DWY became KISS PORN. And like I mentioned, anything PORN. Hard Pass!



    No, you didn't ditch watching DWY because you were hurting for RoBin. The mere fact that you even gave it a chance. That is worth something. If you didn't even give it a chance, then we know you were just biased for RoBin.


    We are older and probably more discerning.

    Audiences nowadays are more sophisticated and probably more demanding in what they watch. If you just recycle cliche after cliche after cliche. You know you would rather not waste your time. Some people just watch to be entertained. I watch to be moved by the story or the acting or both. Either by laughing, crying or changing my perspective in life.

    That is why I didn't even watch The Glory (another one of those bully-revenge stories) and Squid Games (just pure, unashamed excuse to show gratuitous violence).


    You know I am originally from the Philippines. And the plot of bad, rich girl bullying and slapping poor, good girl. And then poor girl getting bad, rich girl's BF themes are soooooooooooooooooooo 1970-1980's in the Philippines. I already found it soooo baduy back in the 70'-80's. hahahahhaha. It seems the DWY writer was stuck in the 1970-1980's. You are right, it is unoriginal and uncreative. The only sprinkle of creativity I saw was the "past lives" theme, which I am sure is a recycled theme in SK because they believe in reincarnation. But "past lives" is a new concept for me in a show, because I don't watch a lot of reincarnation stories. And we personally do not believe in reincarnation. 


    This is one of the reasons why EAW was/is successful. It was so original and creative:


    1) Even the court cases were soooo original. We have watched so many legal shows (involving murder, theft, rape, etc) but we have NEVER watched a legal show wherein the cases were a wedding dress slipped, a tree caused a local war, a man kidnapped children but not for evil reasons, etc. The legal cases were so weird and mundane. But they made sooooo exciting. It was very different. Add to the mix, PEB's great acting.

    2) There were no real "bad guys". Everyone has a good/bad backstory.

    28 minutes ago, Yuen10 said:

    To be honest I was really confused with this genre.  I completely understood BP wheee it was definitely a fun romcom and I loved watching it.  There was fun ML/FL as well as amazing second leads and you just saw the chemistry between all the actors.  They supported each and I felt they truly had fun.  

    i got confused with DWY because of the seriousness of the storyline. I think it would have been amazing of the seriousness was brought more upfront with a twist of sporadic comedy and surprise kisses (not in every episode and more).  I have watched much buy from the clips I saw, I ask myself if it matter is KSW was even a lawyer in the show.  I guess I expected a bit more due to the actually interesting storyline of the curse even though similar concepts has been done before.  I didn’t expect this to be more comedic with an underlining serious storyline.  Even the red hand, I for some reason expect more from it.  I am not sure but these are my own feelings.  Hope no one gets offended cause I got a bit confused with DWY and what to expect from it after several episodes.  It’s like soup where all the best ingredients are thrown in and nothing stood out cuase even for me the kisses were no longer special.  Again sorry if offend anyone.  

    KSW still did an amazing amazing job acting out all the emotions and his dynamic acting really did shine through his character 

    You so eloquently expressed what I was feeling. The show feels disjointed. Aside from the same old themes of rich boy, poor girl. Rich girl is GF of rich guy. Poor girl got rich guy. Rich girl bad. Poor girl good. Rich girl slaps poor girl. Oh my gosh!!!!


    Rowoon did mention in one article that is was a mix-genre. But you can more expertly mix genre that is not too confusing. Just like TKA it had sub-plots of politics, corruption, abuse of power but is was soooo wooven together expertly. TKA was not confusing.


    But with DWY, You are right about the soup feeling. It is like a grand buffet of food with way too many choices, you can't concentrate on one or two dishes. There is so much going on.


    You are right about the kiss scenes. Overdone.


    You are right about Rowoon being a lawyer. Did it even matter he was a lawyer? Nver thought of that. Thanks for pointing that out. I thought he would get REAL cases as a lawyer and be like WYW? hahahhahaha



    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, woobin said:

    Hi all from a lurker somewhere in the land down under :1646639759_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1): I have been reading this forum for the past week from page 1-129! I’ve watched EAW and adored PEB since. I didn’t even know Rowoon existed until I saw a tweet about him. I got curious so I checked his dramas and found TKA. I’m not into K dramas by the way, I only choose what I watch. I try to see the trailer first and maybe 1-2 episodes and if I feel I don’t connect with the actors and the intro of the story, I stop. I’ve only watched few of them (Crash Landing on You, Vincenzo, EAW, TKA, Business Proposal, Legend of the Blue Sea, Goblin and The King Eternal Monarch). I’m a certified BinJin fan by the way, my first ever K drama to watch after I got convinced by a friend and my first ever ship (that sailed)! 

    From my point of view, take it from a birds eyeview, Seokwoo and PEB had developed this special friendship. It may or may not be a romantic one but I’m pretty sure it is something special. From what I’ve researched and all the interviews and video clips I’ve seen about these two adorable humans, they’re deep-thinking people with values and strong beliefs in life, career and relationship. As such kind of people, I don’t think they could easily ditch the friendship and bond formed from TKA. They’re not that kind of people based on what all of you and their fans say.


    As cute, bubbly and kind as they are, both are good actors. Both are professional and as far as I’ve seen, they know how to draw the line between work/career and personal life, well of course except from some instances in TKA behind the scenes and even when the camera’s rolling hehe. There were so many instances from TKA bts where they got carried away. EYES DON’T LIE! The gaze, I could feel the depth, the emotions, oh my I felt things watching them. 

    What we see now is just the surface, only a portion of their life - that “professional/work/career” part. I’m sure Seokwoo and PEB remain special to each other, if not, at least very good friends. So don’t be jealous with DWY lol. I saw some clips of the interviews and bts, all I could see from their interactions were mere “friends-from-work”, no chills, not heart-fluttering, incomparable to TKA’s. I don’t know I can’t fully explain. After watching TKA, I got really curious so I searched for the bts and watched all the clips over and over again just to conclude that there’s really something special between them. Boy, I could really feel the sexual tension between them. It’s pretty strange because PEB’s so gentle and wholesome but why oh why did I feel that. 

    Sorry for the lengthy post, thought to just share this with you for a little positivity. I wish they would work again together in a modern drama. I’m being positive, I know they would one day. To end this, I tell you, they’re BinJin v2.0  :)

    Welcome woobin the lurker from Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love it that you are here! We love lengthy posts. haha.

    I don't know who BinJin is because I am ONLY faithful to one, which is PEB. Don't know any other SK actresses and am not willing to know others. haha. I only admire Rowoon but I would say I am more in love with PEB than I am with KSW.


    Wow! You read all 1-129 pages in just ONE WEEK? It took me months probably because I wanted to absorb EVERY SINGLE page and I am a slow reader. hahahahha.


    True. True. True. True. Everything you said is all true. Thank you for keeping us grounded and looking at the BIG PICTURE and not just one choreographed (like Yuen mentioned) sex PICTURE.


    Ohhhh! You felt that sexual tension, too??????? hahahahha. Me, too. I could feel it flowing from my screen. It was so palpable.


    Yes, you are right about all the TKA BTS of RoBin. But no matter how professional you are and know how to draw the line between work and personal life. If you feel something special, it will show. Both of you will slip because it can not be helped. Feelings are feelings no matter how hard you try to hide these.


    That is true. Whatever relationship PEB has with KSW whether friends or more than friends is something that they can NOT just abandon, JUST LIKE THAT. KSW said loyalty matters to him. I would imagine PEB is the same, too



    I can only speak for myself but I wasn't jealous of DWY. In fact, I was the one encouraging everyone to make DWY the Top 10 on NF. So it was #5 on Netlfix on August 23-24. But after that first week it was no longer in the Top 10. I heavily and personally promoted DWY on YT making comments so that it could go back up to its spot. It never gained traction. The average viewership on Wikipedia is about 2.8%, I think. Not bad, but it wasn't the Business Proposal (BP) that they wanted it to be, which the average viewership in SK was almost 10% (Nielsen Korea).


    1) Rowoon's acting was superb but I didn't like the acting of the 2nd FL (she was like a tree log) and JBA acting too much like 4 y/o child with that voice; turned me off? hahahaha. Sorry! No offense. 

    2) The funny parts of Rowoon made me stay. But the story devolved into so many, old, tired, overused tropes that I could not sustain watching anymore. Like I mentioned, even my admiration for Rowoon could NOT prop me up to continue watching. And to think, that I don't watch many SK shows but I still got turned off by the cliches of the shows.

    3) Too much and overdone skinship. Unlike BP, DWY had too many kissing and touching. In BP, the skinship happened towards the end. Unless, I am corrected there was ONE kissing scene, maybe TWO hand-holding and the final bed scene in BP. Just like the sexual tension you felt watching RoBin in their BTS of TKA, THAT is more exciting and heart fluttering. The restrained, longing, aching, yearning, pining, can't-touch-it feelings. Skinship is used to move a story forward. It should not be used just to tittilate audiences. This is what Wiz, another poster mentioned.

    4) DWY was just or became KISS PORN to me. And anything, PORN. Nah!!!! Hard Pass. hahaha.

    5) That is why EAW/TKA was such a success. It proves you don't have to have a lot of skinship to make a show successful.


    Anyway, just my thoughts. No offense, please?

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, daisy D said:

    It's true that the scene is very hurtful to pur hearts.  


    Me too, this is my first ever shipping and i felt betrayed :sleepy:. I have invested so much of my time for this


    Anyway,  i anxiously waiting for CAD.  I'm not to continue watching final episode of DWY :lol:

    I have stopped watching DWY not because of RoBin but because the story started to become sooooooooooooooo corny. And I didn't like the acting of 2nd FL and I was so annoyed by the acting of JBA in about Episode #10, I think?



  11. 6 hours ago, NTTD said:

    We all know that in the entertainment industry, sex sells.  It seems like the director pulls all the tricks in the book to make this a hit rom-com but too many of a good thing can get a bit boring.  IMHO, there are too many kiss scenes and touchy, feely stuff.  The PDnim is using Rowoon's good looks and sexiness to the max!


    PEB is super modest so I can't imagine that she would take on a role that requires her to have that much intimacy.  I'm not sure anymore.  This may be a cure for my two-year obsession of hoping and wishing for them to get together.


    In any case, this was my first time shipping and definitely my last.  I will continue to follow PEB and Rowoon either together or separately.  


    At the BIFF opening ceremony, didn't PEB look so happy that she was glowing?  She looked like her life couldn't be any better!  She's either on a career high or a woman in love.  Whatever it is, she's having a great time while we're here in this forum feeling hurt and pain for our Robin hearts.  Just saying...

    What????????????? There is a sex scene???? We already abandoned watching DWY. Like I mentioned, even my admiration for Rowoon was not enough to prop me up to watch any longer. Not because of the sex scene. I would have watched that (hehehe). But, because the story and writing devolved into something sooooo, old, tired, overused, cliche'd tropes in dramas.


    Folks here were right. We were expecting more substance. But you are right, sex sells. But does it, really? You are right. Maybe, too much touching, kissing and too much intimacy can tire an audience. Anything overdone, and people are done. The viewership of DWY has declined. Probably because just like me, the story no longer is sustainable and creative? I don't know.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

    I just saw! How, how and how.  Painful, not matter what the reason and despite them being professional actors.  

    i know his bestie AHS had quite a scene on Business Purposal as well with the FL and rumours is that he may be in a LT relationship with another girl.  

    But yes that scene was painful to watch.  I really hope the Robin ship has not sunken 

    I have stop after the first several.  It’s was too much for me of the kissy touchy, whatever you want to call it.  I have only watch clips here and there.  I think the end of episode 15 maybe be good to skip for Robins. Just hard 

    Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a sex scene????????? I didn't even get to THAT part!!!!! hahahahaha. I just watched less than half of DWY Episode #15! I was so bored of how the story went and it was the same old, old, old, tired themes. I stopped watching at the part where JBA confronted that bad girl in their High School dinner. It was sooooo tiring to watch. I didn't even know there was a sex scene??????? Was this at the end of Episode #15?  hahahhahahaha.


    Yes, Rowoon's bestie AHS had an intense bed scene in BP but he has been in a relationship now with Park Ji Hyun for about 5 years now according to rumors. Park Ji Hyun is in the same Namoo agency as Park Eun Bin.

    3 hours ago, Penny said:


    Don't pánic, agree with NTTD that PD Nim has put all the criché scene of típical romcom. Compare the ending of 'Business Proposal' or 'she was pretty',  he didn't innovate too much. The only part I like is the story of the both  pass life. 

    Anyway I would not say that we have to give up. PEB still is the only girl with couple picture in Rowoon IG. Also still is the first girl that Rowoon sent her a FT, being the first One to send and with couple privates pictures. 

    However if you reminicence WYW kissing scene, I felt more fluttery heart feelling  than DWY, without any sex scene. 

    3 hours ago, Penny said:


    Don't pánic, agree with NTTD that PD Nim has put all the criché scene of típical romcom. Compare the ending of 'Business Proposal' or 'she was pretty',  he didn't innovate too much. The only part I like is the story of the both  pass life. 

    Anyway I would not say that we have to give up. PEB still is the only girl with couple picture in Rowoon IG. Also still is the first girl that Rowoon sent her a FT, being the first One to send and with couple privates pictures. 

    However if you reminicence WYW kissing scene, I felt more fluttery heart feelling  than DWY, without any sex scene. 

    That is so true. The kiss scene of WYW gave me heart-fluttering feelings. I didn't even know there was a sex scene in Episode #15 because I got so bored with the story of DWY. Yes, I only enjoyed Rowoon's funny parts and past lives of DWY. I watched a only a few minutes of Episode #15 but turned it off because the story was sooooooooo tiring and boring. It was no longer sustainable. The story/writing could not be sustained anymore. Even my admiration for Rowoon could not prop up my desire to watch the remaining minutes because the story turned soooo old, tired and cliched. This proves to me that even if I admire the actor but if the story and script has gone bad it will force me not watch anymore.


    The only part that I found funny and entertaining, to be honest was Ms. Ma and Mr. Gong's blind date fighting in Ep#15 then I turned it off. So, I didn't even watch the sex scene of DWY because I didn't even get to that part. I didn't even KNOW there was a sex scene. hahahahhahaha.

  13. On 10/9/2023 at 10:40 AM, mktgkat said:

    Hehehe... I will tell you what I think now... after searching .... as a fellow delulu... of course I think it is PEB who's the anonymous sender...

    You know why??


    So it says "At 3 p.m. (KST) on April 9, Park Eun Bin held her “First Official Fan Party” at the Grand Theater of Kwangwoon University Donghae Culture and Arts Center."


    So here is the insta of the truck again 4/9/23



    4/9/23.....PEB performed, danced, sang, etc. In my delulu mind he made time to help her practice with her moves? or something? maybe?... you know being the idol and great stage performer that he is.... he could've helped in any way.... so in my delulu mind... it could be like a thank you filled with other emotions like gratitude, love?(banner message about love!), etc. Hahaha

    I dont know if even she's busy she can just order those things... she could be getting help from others to order it even if she's super busy... it's possible right?


    So maybe that's why there's an emoticon of an ILY sign... hehehe ... if you see it in that kind of delulu way, it makes sense right? Hahaha


    If we're gonna think it's impossible coz she's super busy?? Nah... it is possible even if she's super busy... right? Just get someone to do it like an assistant or something? hehehe

    For the first time in all the Episodes of  DWY on Episode #15, I stopped watching. I only watched about 1/2 of the Episode. I was so tired of the same, old, tired tropes. Especially the scene wherein JBA goes to that dinner with the antagonist lady and faces her bully in HS. I was like HO-HUM so boring. I am tired of this same old, same old. Then, I stopped watching.


    I couldn't believe myself for not watching. I tried very hard to watch Episode #15 today but I just got tired of it. hahahahhaha. So very sorry! I really tried my very, very, very best. I really liked Rowoon's comedic scenes in the first few episodes but other than that the writing kind of deteriorated? My deepest apologies!!!!

    • Like 2
  14. 23 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Hehehe... I will tell you what I think now... after searching .... as a fellow delulu... of course I think it is PEB who's the anonymous sender...

    You know why??


    So it says "At 3 p.m. (KST) on April 9, Park Eun Bin held her “First Official Fan Party” at the Grand Theater of Kwangwoon University Donghae Culture and Arts Center."


    So here is the insta of the truck again 4/9/23



    4/9/23.....PEB performed, danced, sang, etc. In my delulu mind he made time to help her practice with her moves? or something? maybe?... you know being the idol and great stage performer that he is.... he could've helped in any way.... so in my delulu mind... it could be like a thank you filled with other emotions like gratitude, love?(banner message about love!), etc. Hahaha

    I dont know if even she's busy she can just order those things... she could be getting help from others to order it even if she's super busy... it's possible right?


    So maybe that's why there's an emoticon of an ILY sign... hehehe ... if you see it in that kind of delulu way, it makes sense right? Hahaha


    If we're gonna think it's impossible coz she's super busy?? Nah... it is possible even if she's super busy... right? Just get someone to do it like an assistant or something? hehehe

    Yes, of course she has a Personal Assistant. It is possible. She could have picked Rowoon's pictures that were already known or public, pointed to it and the assistant ran with it. Anything is possible, especially in delulu world. hahahahaha/


    Yes, it is possible he helped her with Idol moves. hehehhe


    On 10/9/2023 at 1:49 AM, Penny said:



    On regards of the heart posepicture between Rowoon and Bo Ah post by DWY PD, Rowoon has asnwer to BoAh comment.  Pen I add the Tiktok link for you,  since that you don´t have IG. Here the DWY fans translate the comments in Eng and Spanish. You could see how sincery is Rowoon: "Noona, you look so tire".


     Rowoon still to learn a lot about women. It´s not so convenience saying "Noona you look tire" , specially in a romantic pose, if I´m your real girl friend I would get really angly. And also would not call her Noona, this means that you want to show everybody to keep some distance between you two. 


    If you go to the comments of Rowoon to PEB ( Pen, you should install IG, there are lot of information of Robin ). He always demostrates close with her. When she post during TKA picture with girl dress, he always put the emoji  "fire". Someone of the chat explain that in Korea the expression of fire to a girl is meant "attractive" "irresitable", etc. Also as you know that both of them constanly says compliment to each other, during BTS and interviews. 

    Until now in DWY I could not hear any compliment to Boah about how pretty she is. If there is any compliment I can guaranty that the production team would publish it inmediately to promote the show. 




    PEB is the best dreesed during BIFF. I read an article saying that he style and her look is considered as the ideal woman in Korea.  



    I saw those FIRE comments of Rowoon to PEB. I thought he just meant "HOT". hahahahhahaha.


    Thank you so much for this. Unfortunately, I don't want to have social media? hehehehehe. But thanks to you and everyone else in this forum, I am updated about RoBin? hehehe.

    On 10/9/2023 at 9:47 AM, Yuen10 said:

    Since she is older, isn’t it normal for him to call her Noona? Of he doesn’t the. It may be even more rude.  

    As one of you observed, maybe it was @Pen G that he use to talk about his ex-girlfriend a lot but since TKA or maybe even before, he hasn’t mentioned at all or I haven’t seen any. Perhaps he has 1) moved on 2) his ex-gf moved on or is married so it rude to talk about someone else’s women 3) or he is matured or advised not to do that anymore since he may affect his fans or his career.  

    Another delulu thought of mine is of course since his first appearance in kdrama, he has experienced a lot more in life: pain, happiness, stress, anger and this is where my delulu sets in is as well love and ups and downs of a love relationship since of course in real life is not always picture perfect as kdrama makes it.  These life experiences, including love, whether it is one sided love, lost in love, longing someone, really missing someone or even rejection and many more complex feelings may enable him to convey his emotions even better in his work such as DWY.  His acting is really good and a huge improvement from his previous shows 

    It is possible. But, Rowoon started talking about his ex-GF maybe around 2017-2018 (I think). And the last he spoke about her was in Happy Together on Jan 23, 2020. If FNC really wanted to stop Rowoon from talking about his ex-GF, wouldn't they try to stop him the very first time he said it? They would have stopped him back in 2017 or 2018? But he kept on talking about her until about when he met PEB in 2021. And I don't hear him talking about his ex nowadays. Of course, we may hear it again in the future but for the time being, I have never heard him talk about her again after TKA. But I could be wrong.


    "His acting is really good and a huge improvement from his previous shows"


    I am just curious about your comment above. Did you not think his acting in TKA was phenomenal? That is why they won awards like KBS Awards and an Emmy? Or do you mean previous shows before TKA? Like SWNK and EOY?


    Just wondering. Thank you!



  15. 16 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Yes!!! She is just so beautiful to watch... so elegant, so beautiful, so cute, so pretty, she looks sexy too.. her shoulders make her look sexy doesn't it? hahaha

    ...ok.. im fan girl-ing too much here!!

    I always say this... she's the only one who looks cute, beautiful and sexy all at the same time... i could not think of anyone with those 3 adjectives all at the same time... :transforms:


    I knowww!!! Oohhh maybe he could be a warrior in his future project... or like an assassin? Haha wishful thinking... i think maybe he is good in these kinds of scenes coz he is good in dancing... 

    So the reason i stumbled upon TKA is i was searching for crouching tiger hidden dragon and it wasn't in NF and TKA was suggested instead.. good thing I watched it!!! Anyway, michelle yeoh who was in crouching tiger hidden dragon said in one of her interviews that sword fight scenes or just plain fight scenes are just like dancing...

    I am a fan of any movie or drama that has sword fights... just maybe growing up I used to watch those.. (my age is being obvious hahaha)

    So... rowoon is the coolest in sword fights in kdramas in this generation... he's so cool and so handsome and manly when doing those scenes :fullofhearts:

    Yes, a lot of sword fighting is based on choreography. Even just plain action like hand-to-hand combat is choreographed.


    Yes, yes, yes, yes to all you mentioned. Rowoon is handsome, manly, a good dancer, good at choreographed stunts all while sword-fighting. It helps he is handsome and a very good actor, at that. His FORM in sword-figthing is superb. Yes, he should be a warrior or assasin in his next role. hahahahha


    Never watched Michelle.

    16 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Yes!!! She is just so beautiful to watch... so elegant, so beautiful, so cute, so pretty, she looks sexy too.. her shoulders make her look sexy doesn't it? hahaha

    ...ok.. im fan girl-ing too much here!!

    I always say this... she's the only one who looks cute, beautiful and sexy all at the same time... i could not think of anyone with those 3 adjectives all at the same time... :transforms:


    I knowww!!! Oohhh maybe he could be a warrior in his future project... or like an assassin? Haha wishful thinking... i think maybe he is good in these kinds of scenes coz he is good in dancing... 

    So the reason i stumbled upon TKA is i was searching for crouching tiger hidden dragon and it wasn't in NF and TKA was suggested instead.. good thing I watched it!!! Anyway, michelle yeoh who was in crouching tiger hidden dragon said in one of her interviews that sword fight scenes or just plain fight scenes are just like dancing...

    I am a fan of any movie or drama that has sword fights... just maybe growing up I used to watch those.. (my age is being obvious hahaha)

    So... rowoon is the coolest in sword fights in kdramas in this generation... he's so cool and so handsome and manly when doing those scenes :fullofhearts:

    Yes, cute, pretty, elegant, beautiful inside and out, SEXY all in ONE sentence describes PEB.

    17 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Yes!!! She is just so beautiful to watch... so elegant, so beautiful, so cute, so pretty, she looks sexy too.. her shoulders make her look sexy doesn't it? hahaha

    ...ok.. im fan girl-ing too much here!!

    I always say this... she's the only one who looks cute, beautiful and sexy all at the same time... i could not think of anyone with those 3 adjectives all at the same time... :transforms:


    I knowww!!! Oohhh maybe he could be a warrior in his future project... or like an assassin? Haha wishful thinking... i think maybe he is good in these kinds of scenes coz he is good in dancing... 

    So the reason i stumbled upon TKA is i was searching for crouching tiger hidden dragon and it wasn't in NF and TKA was suggested instead.. good thing I watched it!!! Anyway, michelle yeoh who was in crouching tiger hidden dragon said in one of her interviews that sword fight scenes or just plain fight scenes are just like dancing...

    I am a fan of any movie or drama that has sword fights... just maybe growing up I used to watch those.. (my age is being obvious hahaha)

    So... rowoon is the coolest in sword fights in kdramas in this generation... he's so cool and so handsome and manly when doing those scenes :fullofhearts:

    Okay, after talking about Rowoon's manliness in sword fights. hehehehe


    What did you think of the anonymous FT that was sent to Rowoon on 4/9/23,, that he replied with the " I Love you" hand signal. I think you asked for the page and someone told you to go to page 96 posted by Penny.


    Your thoughts? Either delulu or otherwise????? hahahahaha. Remember, Rowoon would never respond to his fans with "I love you". And his immediate family would not send him a FT and if they ever did, it would not be anonymous and the message would not sound romantic. hahahaha

    17 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Yes!!! She is just so beautiful to watch... so elegant, so beautiful, so cute, so pretty, she looks sexy too.. her shoulders make her look sexy doesn't it? hahaha

    ...ok.. im fan girl-ing too much here!!

    I always say this... she's the only one who looks cute, beautiful and sexy all at the same time... i could not think of anyone with those 3 adjectives all at the same time... :transforms:


    I knowww!!! Oohhh maybe he could be a warrior in his future project... or like an assassin? Haha wishful thinking... i think maybe he is good in these kinds of scenes coz he is good in dancing... 

    So the reason i stumbled upon TKA is i was searching for crouching tiger hidden dragon and it wasn't in NF and TKA was suggested instead.. good thing I watched it!!! Anyway, michelle yeoh who was in crouching tiger hidden dragon said in one of her interviews that sword fight scenes or just plain fight scenes are just like dancing...

    I am a fan of any movie or drama that has sword fights... just maybe growing up I used to watch those.. (my age is being obvious hahaha)

    So... rowoon is the coolest in sword fights in kdramas in this generation... he's so cool and so handsome and manly when doing those scenes :fullofhearts:

    Btw, PEB's decision not to have make-up in CAD:


    PEB's No make-up in CAD to make it at least authentic speaks of PEB dedication to her work. While other South Korean actresses are packed with so much make up it looks like cake on their faces. PEB chose not to wear make up for the role while on the Island. Awesome!!!!!

  16. 4 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Hahaha... i was wondering wasn't rowoon having too much blood loss to be able to survive?? Hahah That was too much blood around him when he was discovered by jba, right? hahaha... kdramas! The part where he stabbed jba and he was crying reminded me of when PEB/Hwi in TKA was dying bec of the poison heheh very intense!


    I really love him in historical feels drama... i love him in dolyeonim/young master character... and the sword fights!!! He's so cool!

    Hahaha dont say that.. we all just want to be able to relate to someone... ok.. im here my friend... sorry im late.. hahaha


    This picture of them forming a big heart on the snowy mountain..... i wonder why they dont post it in their own insta?? It'll break my heart if they do but I'm just curious and wondering.... Jba has previous post of his handsome co-star lee dong wook in her insta so what is stopping her from posting his pic with rwn? Just wondering.... hehehe


    He's too cute and funny.... i understand why peb always laughs when he's around :partyblob: 

    im so excited for the matchmaker as well as CAD! the other trailers of cad in YT don't have subtitles, it's so hard to react when u cant understand anything hahaha...  20 days to go!!! :yaaa:

    Sorry for the piecemeal response. I forgot to reply. Thank you my friend!!!


    Yes, I think Rowoon is classier in Korean historical shows. He is an old soul. Thank you for educating me about what a dolyeonim is. hahahahaha. Would not have known.


    As I have mentioned, we have rewatched TKA for maybe anbout 102 times on a loop now. hahahaha.

    I have rewatched his sword fights. He really looks good doing sword fights. He is really good at it, too!!!!!

    His form is amazing in sword fights, it looks so believable.

    4 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Hahaha... i was wondering wasn't rowoon having too much blood loss to be able to survive?? Hahah That was too much blood around him when he was discovered by jba, right? hahaha... kdramas! The part where he stabbed jba and he was crying reminded me of when PEB/Hwi in TKA was dying bec of the poison heheh very intense!


    I really love him in historical feels drama... i love him in dolyeonim/young master character... and the sword fights!!! He's so cool!

    Hahaha dont say that.. we all just want to be able to relate to someone... ok.. im here my friend... sorry im late.. hahaha


    This picture of them forming a big heart on the snowy mountain..... i wonder why they dont post it in their own insta?? It'll break my heart if they do but I'm just curious and wondering.... Jba has previous post of his handsome co-star lee dong wook in her insta so what is stopping her from posting his pic with rwn? Just wondering.... hehehe


    He's too cute and funny.... i understand why peb always laughs when he's around :partyblob: 

    im so excited for the matchmaker as well as CAD! the other trailers of cad in YT don't have subtitles, it's so hard to react when u cant understand anything hahaha...  20 days to go!!! :yaaa:

    Sorry for the 193rd time.


    This is funny but very appropriate. People called PEB "Binphrodite". hahahahahahhaha




    • Blob 1
  17. 3 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Hahaha... i was wondering wasn't rowoon having too much blood loss to be able to survive?? Hahah That was too much blood around him when he was discovered by jba, right? hahaha... kdramas! The part where he stabbed jba and he was crying reminded me of when PEB/Hwi in TKA was dying bec of the poison heheh very intense!


    I really love him in historical feels drama... i love him in dolyeonim/young master character... and the sword fights!!! He's so cool!

    Hahaha dont say that.. we all just want to be able to relate to someone... ok.. im here my friend... sorry im late.. hahaha


    This picture of them forming a big heart on the snowy mountain..... i wonder why they dont post it in their own insta?? It'll break my heart if they do but I'm just curious and wondering.... Jba has previous post of his handsome co-star lee dong wook in her insta so what is stopping her from posting his pic with rwn? Just wondering.... hehehe


    He's too cute and funny.... i understand why peb always laughs when he's around :partyblob: 

    im so excited for the matchmaker as well as CAD! the other trailers of cad in YT don't have subtitles, it's so hard to react when u cant understand anything hahaha...  20 days to go!!! :yaaa:

    That is true. Maybe, that is why Jang Shin Yu flatlined in the hospital, almost dead and dead for a few minutes due to a lot of blood loss. hahahahahahahaha!


    Twenty days for you. Twenty one days for us here. Hahahahhahahha. CAN NOT WAIT FOR CAD!!!!!!!


    Yeah, I think Rowoon would do hearts with anyone who asks. I remember in DWY BTS the scene wherein the CEO of the law firm Law and High, asked to have his picture taken with Rowoon after the shoot. The actor only had a few scenes (maybe just one scene?) with Rowoon but he took a picture with Rowoon, and Rowoon initiated hand-hearts with him. That is how kind and humble Rowoon is just like our PEB. hahahahha

    2 hours ago, Penny said:

    That picture was postes by DWY PD again. He is strongly promoting the ramance aspect of the drama and create the off shooting chemestry. 

    I have checked the reaction of Rowoon , in the DWY PD IG , He never put any like of off shooting picture if Bo Ah is in. This I think has lot of meaning. 


    Sorry not to give opinion about DYW episode 12-13, too busy in these days. 


    Thank you for sharing that Penny. I don't have IG so thank you for checking for us. Much appreciated.


    No worries. Take your time. No pressure. Watch when you have the time?


    We love your comments and thoughts! Thank you very much!

    4 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Hahaha... i was wondering wasn't rowoon having too much blood loss to be able to survive?? Hahah That was too much blood around him when he was discovered by jba, right? hahaha... kdramas! The part where he stabbed jba and he was crying reminded me of when PEB/Hwi in TKA was dying bec of the poison heheh very intense!


    I really love him in historical feels drama... i love him in dolyeonim/young master character... and the sword fights!!! He's so cool!

    Hahaha dont say that.. we all just want to be able to relate to someone... ok.. im here my friend... sorry im late.. hahaha


    This picture of them forming a big heart on the snowy mountain..... i wonder why they dont post it in their own insta?? It'll break my heart if they do but I'm just curious and wondering.... Jba has previous post of his handsome co-star lee dong wook in her insta so what is stopping her from posting his pic with rwn? Just wondering.... hehehe


    He's too cute and funny.... i understand why peb always laughs when he's around :partyblob: 

    im so excited for the matchmaker as well as CAD! the other trailers of cad in YT don't have subtitles, it's so hard to react when u cant understand anything hahaha...  20 days to go!!! :yaaa:

    That is true. I don't know who that previous actor is but what is stopping JBA from posting pictures of her and Rowoon? Hmmmmmmm. :smirk:


    And the more important question is........... Why doesn't Rowoon post pictures of him and JBA????? hahahahaha.


    But wait! I shouldn't be laughing just yet. What if they do?????? Oh my gosh! Like you said, it would break our hearts. hahahhahahaha.

    • Blob 1
  18. On 10/4/2023 at 4:35 AM, mktgkat said:

    Thanks for the posts @cherry47

    Park eun bin so gorgeous! Im tuned in in YT, it's still live! I thought i was gonna miss it:sparklyeyes:

    Sorry to message you again. It is me, your friend. Your the only one that tolerates me and replies to my stupid questions. hahahahhahaha.


    I just watched all The Matchmaker vids that Cherry posted. Oh my goodness! It seems soooooooooooo hilarious!!!!!! Rowoon is very good at crying, angry, just chill acting. But you know what he is BEST at? Funny scenes. He is sooooo funny. Can't wait for The Matchmaker. Can't wait!

  19. On 10/4/2023 at 4:35 AM, mktgkat said:

    Thanks for the posts @cherry47

    Park eun bin so gorgeous! Im tuned in in YT, it's still live! I thought i was gonna miss it:sparklyeyes:

    We must say that Episode #14 of DWY was Oh-My-gosh-Acting!!!!!! Since, I am older we have watched so many "stabbing scenes" in my life. Wow! Rowoon's stabbing scene was/is the best stabbing scene with a knife in the stairwell, we have ever watched. No exaggeration. Oh my gosh! We were floored.


    Wow! Rowoon did not care about his handsome looks in this stabbing scene. After running up 17 x2 flight of stairs and then being stabbed? All the combination of BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS....... Rowoon made it ALL TOO REAL.

    Wow! Is all we can say! That my friend, is phenomenal acting! BRAVO!!!!!!


    And when he stabbed JBA in their past lives because he was forced to do it and his wailing and crying after he killed her. Wow! Spectacular acting! This should win awards!!! hahahaha

  20. 8 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Thanks for the posts @cherry47

    Park eun bin so gorgeous! Im tuned in in YT, it's still live! I thought i was gonna miss it:sparklyeyes:

    Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! PEB looks like a Sea Goddess or an Island Princess with that flowing turquiose gown with her Under The Sea vibes and bling. And the clam-shell looking neckline. Maybe, as a nod to her Castaway Diva role. She is Drop Dead Gorgeous because her beauty comes from within!


    I watched all 2 and a half hours of the BIFF but I fast forward to just the PEB parts. hahaha


    So radiant. So beautiful!!!!! 

    • Blob 1
  21. 1 hour ago, Penny said:

    The because of the carácter that he has to be. The story is about that he was a brilliant and sucess guy to have marry with a Princess. Princess died the Day before wedding. And according to that momento rule, it is not allow him to marry again. 


    Even he is tire, he still cute and healthy. See his picture when he is not shooting. Hope Robin can have long holiday in winter together. After the promo of their drama are finish. Remember that EB want to go to Disney. They should go together. 



    Sorry, I promise to my self to not says anything negative of DWY. But I'm so angry with this Bts. For most could be a cute scene. But we now that Rowoon has huge problema with his back. Do you think is neccesary this? And Bo Ah stay lift in the air more than it is neccesary. Sorry I would never do something to hurt my work colleague if I know he has prevously problem with his back. 

    Still completely disappoint with DWY PD. All these ideas are for Disney story. 

    Well, he does not look healthy to me????? hahahaha


    Yes, we hope they can have a loooooooooong winter holiday together not doing anything. hahahaha


    Yes, that is true. The scriptwriter should know better than to have a scene that will further be bad on Rowoon's back. But Rowoon being such a professional actor will probably do what the scene requires, even if it means it will further be bad on his back. Poor Rowoon!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  22. 8 hours ago, mktgkat said:

    Thanks for this @Penny:hwaiting2:

    Oh my gosh! Did you see the pictures of Rowoon on The Matchmaker that Penny posted????? Oh my gosh! He looks so sickly. His face is drooping and is so skinny. Cherry posted pictures of him in hanbok(?) from EOY period to The Matchmaker?

    He still had full, healty cheeks from EOY up to TKA. Then, he started to lose his healthy cheeks from DWY picture to now The Matchmaker. Am I the only one seeing this? Even the stills of The Matchmaker he looks like he is so tired? No light in his eyes? I could compare the light in his eyes when he was so happy filming TKA? But now, I can't see that light?


    Am I wrong? Unless, his character is supposed to look sickly (again?) in The Matchmaker ........ Poor Rowoon!


    Will someone please kindly help Rowoon? What is happening? What is he doing? What are they doing to him?


    Am I over-reacting?

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