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Posts posted by binniejinniecultivator

  1. 2 hours ago, rocher22 said:

    SJ - '' Are you two dating...''

    Yeong - '' Its the same for you and TE...''


    Same as him and Tae Eul could either mean a strong friendship or a one-sided love (JY is Shin Jae). From Episode 1, I have a hunch that JY maybe loves Lee Gon romantically. Some here have pointed out the scenes as clues. Like when Eun Sup joked that he has a boyfriend. His expression was amusement. His wallpaper is a picture with Lee Gon. That feeling would explain his dedication and being over-protective towards Lee Gon and slight indifference with Tae Eul. But, it could be all just PURE bromance vibes. And we're just a bit malicious haha.

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  2. MY THEORY of the timeline:

    The story/timeline we are seeing now is the corrected timeline/right track, the one (out of a million possibilities) where Lee Gon & the good side wins. (just like on Avengers: Endgame)


    This timeline would have been reversed many times already. And who reverses it? It is Yoyo Girl/Fate/Deity/God. It is the representation of the Yoyo. Time goes back and forth to regain that balance and for good to prevail. Luna asked why her strings were red, she said she changed it. She controls time and can influence people (rescue Tae Eul, make her lose her ID) but only people's decisions and actions can truly change the events. If they will win, or not.


    So, future Lee Gon visiting Tae Eul on Episode 10 COULD BE a Lee Gon from a timeline where they did not win. Maybe on the final episodes, they'll show us what went wrong on the first timelines where they lost.



    Episode 8 (Tae-Eul will say "I love you" to Lee Gon the first time)

    Tae-Eul: It took me a long time to realize this.

    When it's fate, there are no coincidences.

    Your fate is determined by the choices you make.But there are times, when your fate chooses you. Things that are bound to happen are taking place even at this moment. I was struck with a sad premonition that this is will be short-lived but I decided to love my fate that chose me. I love you.

    ***her decision changed on our current timeline. maybe at the previous ones, she was not brave enough to love her fate/Lee Gon/Queen of Corea.***


    Episode 6 (Tae Eul's ID was lost)

    Lee Gon: Head Lady Court Noh, I know this might sound odd and I can't explain why. But I feel that everything that is happening now was meant to be. And it was all set in motion 25 years ago.

    ***He is having a Deja Vu moment. He feels that they're now on the right track and someone could have set it up even mentioning it's 25 years ago***

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  3. 11 hours ago, lindas55 said:

    Yoyo child said “I am trying to restore balance. There are too many enemies.” That is why Yoyo child has tied JTE and the King together in fate. The king with JTE’s help is called  to gain the other half of the flute, join it together and play it so that the legion can be fulfilled. Saving both worlds is not about closing down anything but about joining together two pieces of what was broken to restore peace and balance. How's that for a metaphor on life. 


    Agree with you. For me, the goal is not to close the gates of the two worlds but to maintain balance. Just like what Yoyo Girl always say. By balance, it might mean that no 2 doppelganger should exist in one world, a person from another world should not alter the events (murder people) in the other world, etc. Just like the rules of time travel/parallel universe travel in other movies.


    Someone here pointed out that the time freezing only happened when Lee Gon started to travel to the other world. Maybe it means, it is meant to be only used by one. The fact that Lady Noh is from ROK proves that traveling to the other world is done even from decades ago. Maybe Kings are using it too discreetly. So, only Lee Rim dared to disrupt this harmony and balance and used the power of the flute abusively.


    Lee Gon and Tae-Eul is a badass King and Queen of Corea who will surely restore the balance together. Together, our King Arthur and Warrior Queen will be invincible. Tae-Eul is meant to be in Corea.


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    It's like LG's asking permission to be inconsiderate when she looked at her before continuing to kiss her. AND, she didn't move.


    *Tae Eul showing her shoulders if she has the mark*

    Lee Gon: This hurts even more. (Resisting the sexual tension is greater than the pain on his shoulder)


    Tae Eul is so shook so she didn't speak a word. Like "Go on Pyeha, go on."


    I didn't sleep well after watching this.

    Can we get the continuation on the next episode :naughty:



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  5. 30 minutes ago, Felizak@t said:


    That Esquire interview is really a gold mine. You throw good questions, you'll get wonderful answers.:wub:



    Yesss! That's why HB or V/st don't need to address any issue now. If they denied it, just means it will be on the same level as the denial with BinJin. 'Cause we all know the denial of BinJin is hmmm... a request for privacy :wub: 

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  6. 17 minutes ago, binniejinniecultivator said:


    ***I'm time traveling to 8 hours into the future so I can watch it now*** :lol:



    6 minutes ago, blobbityblobbityblob said:

    Oof please let us know as soon as you come back if we need to steal some ventilators from our nearby hospital


    I'm back from 8 hours into the future and watched TKEM :P


    I saw Yoyo Girl peaking through the door of Lee Gon and Tae-Eul's bedroom. She's guarding the door. Making sure to maintain the balance. The balance to produce Royal Family HEIR/S since we lost one (Prince Buyeong).

    Therefore, Lee Gon and Tae-Eul will not be disturbed of their fatal bedroom kisses and more. :D:D:D Pyeha is not a patient man nowadays.


    Lady Noh will be so happy. Her lucky charms on Episode 1 worked!


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  7. 1 hour ago, syntyche said:


    Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun were caught touching each other in the bedroom. In the drama, Lee Gon and Jung Tae Eul reveal their glowing emotional lines. With the two sitting side by side on the bed, he looks at her carefully. They exchanged fatal kisses. The question is amplified as to what they were trying to confirm with each other and how the romance between the two, who are enduring a difficult crisis, will unfold .


    The scenes of Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun's "Fatal Bedroom Kiss" were filmed at a set located in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, in early May. Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun appeared with a shy smile before shooting a comprehensive gift set that would give them a vibe from cheerfulness to adult beauty. And as they went into the shoot, Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul, who were in real love, were possessed by a bewitching romance, and a thrill without NGs, which led to the enthusiastic response of the staff.


    "It's a scene where Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul, who showed dramatic rescue at the end of the last episode, show stronger feelings toward each other in the 12th episode," said the production company Hwa & Dam Pictures. "In the 12th episode, Lee Min-ho and Kim Go-eun are waiting for a more affectionate romance to show. Please keep an eye on them."




    OH.MY.GOD.    :scream:


    Touching each other in the bedroom?

    Fatal Bedroom Kiss?

    Fatal? Will we die when see it?

    We won't mind!! Hahaha.


    ***I'm time traveling to 8 hours into the future so I can watch it now*** :lol:


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  8. Re: TE & LG Romance, rushed?


    For me, their romance is not rushed at all. Some stories have more rushed love than theirs. Some even start at "love at first sight / encounter".


    Lee Gon sees Tae-Eul as his savior since childhood. He clinged to her image and memory of her (if she's really his savior) to get through that traumatic night. He maybe considers her as her imaginary bestfriend. The feeling that you have someone that is just far away. An inspiration.


    While Tae-Eul is attracted initially to Lee Gon. She is not the heart-flutter type just because he's a handsome man in a horse. She is rational, even seeing him as crazy at first. But clearly, she enjoys his company . She's comfortable to be with him eventhough she shows him that she's indifferent. I bet her feelings sinks in to her the first time he went back to Corea. She missed him.


    Their love is not the cheesy-lines type but more of a practical, straightforward one. Not much of the flowery words and it's more sincere that way (for me) because we focus on the important lines/feelings. When there's not much of something, it's more heartfelt.


    We have so much story and characters to show in TKEM, maybe that's why there's not much screentime to show the step-by-step. But on every scene, you can see how much they are closer and closer. They also share magical moments (parallel universe traveling) that is unique, feelings growing faster is easier. 

    It's very realistic for me. How you jump bases because you know you don't have much time and you're savoring every moment together like you're both normal people in a normal love story.


    LG & JTE is a fresh formula in love stories :wub:

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  9. 39 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

    I’m sorry, everything you said was amazing but I just couldn’t help fixating on this part. 

    Everyone remembers the rage, the kidnapping, the escaping, the rescue... all I remember is how Lee Gon said he won’t be considerate next time. 


    Be a man of your words, Pyeha!

    I better see an inconsiderate king next episode! With JTE right next to him in his chamber on his bed, boy better make his move! 



    HAHAHA me too!! Can't get it out of my head!!


    We hear it, guys! 

    Tae-Eul is asking for it.

    Lee Gon will not be considerate.

    So.. when the next times comes, we have 2 consenting adults :rolleyes: 

    They are so ready!!

    Anyone asking for an heir?? ;):lol:


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  10. Episode 11 is INTENSE!!! :scream:



    - We will have a happy ending because Yoyo Girl is on Lee Gon and Tae-Eul's side. The odd/gods are in their favor. They are meant to win. They just need to get through with it.

    - Yoyo Girl is a parallel-universe traveler too. Could be an eternal monarch too. Her power is through the yoyo, just like the flute for LG & LR (just letting my imaginations run wild here)

    - Both worlds will be frozen means time will stop permanently? So Lee Gon must succeed for time to flow continuously or else, both worlds are in danger. Balance must be restored.

    - PM Koo is a nuisance character (for me) as of the 11 episodes. You can omit her (or be minor character) and the story can go on. She is so annoying (semi-evil) when she smiled at mourning Lee Gon. She will probably side with Lee Rim because they both want unlimited power and to do anything to climb up from the bottom. Wonder what she did with her doppelganger.

    - Tae Eul is badass here! The damsels-in-distress are bowing their heads now. If she doesn't fight well and is not quick-minded, she'll be dead.

    - Lee Gon is swooning as a literal prince/king charming who will do anything for his woman. He is badass in serving justice (beheading). Just fit for a king who has an evil uncle who is a killer in 2 worlds.

    - SJ fights well! I hope he doesn't get swayed by Lee Rim. Maybe he and Luna can get along? Not soon of course.

    - I miss JY & ES! Don't kill any of them please. They are the "unbreakable sword/s" right.


    - Lastly, I love the sexual tension when they're talking in the landfields about what Lee Gon should have done when they were alone in a room at the palace. Hmmm. Marry him and be the queen, Tae-Eul! I bet she will!


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  11. 59 minutes ago, Felizak@t said:


    I think the photos were up for several hours until they made it here? They know this forum is the IT about shipping. That's when the photos/vids started to be taken down. :D 


    Yesss!! I slept then I woke up with those photos on Instagram! Then, I liked it. But I can't like it. Then, I got it, it's been erased. At first I thought it's not HB, I thought it's a double :lol: because he's dark with facial hair. But I look closely... there's the dimples!! :D 


    I do think this forum is the IT (you are right @Felizak@t). So they monitor here. So shippers, next time, let's wait for some hours before we post it here (JOKE, JOKE, JOKE, PEACE V/AST! We love you and your CEO!! :wub:)

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  12. 1 hour ago, pariss said:

    Thank you. I also hope that HB's characteristics are similar to RJH in real life. 

    I guess even Koreans do know much about a real HB when he does not have any social media accounts, not appear in reality shows and not so many personal face to face interviews on TVs recently. He seems to prefer to keep a mysterious image to the public. This is my points of view.


    :) He says that every character he plays is like him in some ways. Yes HB seems to want to keep his private life private. Maybe that's why he doesn't have social media accounts. That's true, mysterious makes us more curious. Just like HB & SYJ relationship. We see it, we feel it, but we can't hear it :D

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  13. 1 hour ago, pariss said:


    If we read the article carefully it was The Japan Newspaper, not Korean Newspaper considers HB's image in Crash Landing On You as an "Ideal Image Of Modern Society", NOT his real life image. 


    The articles talked about CLOY popularity around the world. 


    Starmometer is a worldwide poll in all social media platforms from a nominated list for most beautiful women around the globe from voters.


    They definitely do not know about the number 22.


    The nomination list include other popular beautiful women in the world such as:

    Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce, Keira Knightley, Gigi Hadid, Cara Delevingne, 5 members of Black Pink, Suzy, IU, Lu Yifei (China)...


    It is Korean news. They shared how admired HB and RJH is in Japan and other Asian countries. So technically, they admire and gave that title to Hyun Bin and his character Ri Jyeong Hyeok.


    What's the difference anyway? Hyun Bin portrayed that character and just like him in real life in a lot of ways.


    Link: https://dailian.co.kr/mobile/news/view/891921


    I know what Starmometer is and the nominees. I voted for YJ.


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  14. 28 minutes ago, Walk Kindly said:


    about the leaking movie info photos, its a little bit weird that i still find it on HB oppa fan page. some page post it on feed, some fan page post it on IG story. Are they not get the DM too?


    Then while backreading yesterday, i still find the photos of busan restaurant who also get DM of V@st to turn down. Its more getting my attention because when it post on this forum all of the fanpage has turn it down include the shipper page and personal fan page of YJ unnie and HB oppa, the fact that picture really on the date when the issue comes, so thats not reposted after the DM-ing make me curious..


    maybe its not really a matter, but its really weird for me.. BINJIN GROCERY and BINJIN DIARY we know has a lot of BINJIN shipper followers or maybe i'm just over analyze of this things.. theres a lot of fanbase that maybe V@st could not DM-ing one by one? 


    Hi. That's true. I have seen the restaurant photos too on other accounts and platforms. Some might have a screenshot too of the latest pic of HB while filming and they might upload it in the future.


    I think V/st cannot keep an eye on every shipper and fan. That's why they focus their attention to fan accounts with a lot of followers because posts on that page will reach more people who are waiting for BinJin news :) Therefore, will spread more if it's not taken down.


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  15. First of all, if someone is a BinJin shipper and you joined here, your belief of the ship is strong. For a lurker, of all the discussions and pages here, your faith in the ship should have been very strong by now. If you're a new shipper, read a page, and your faith will be stronger. SO, if someone posts here, only to say their "heart is breaking" and "i'm crying" (like you are implying it's true?!?! Sharing a feeling or asking for encouragement is fine) because of some gossip from nevereverlandofnowhere. Then, that someone has a goal, he/she is spreading doubt here and more gossip thinking we'd bite it? NAH. Let me tell you, you won't gain anything from here to break us 'cause we're a strong ship. Just please help us save the comment space because we don't want to reach 2,000 soon. There's a happy relationship (marriage?) life ahead that we need to discuss for those pages :glasses:

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  16. 3 hours ago, mrsj3n said:


    I really hope we won't see that side of Luna.

    With 6 episodes left.. it's pretty jam packed already. 

    I want a final showdown whereby LR will be punished and then I want a wedding and I want a happily ever after.


    Yes I don't want to elaborate on Luna's past too. Maybe Luna is a character that will play an important part in this story. It's pretty squeezed. There are many plots and characters to wrap up. But I'm sure the writer will surprise us in a good way. That too! A final showdown with Lee Gon and Lee Rim where Lee Rim will suffer in pain or I hope he'd be imprisoned in time (ironic). Something like that. I wonder too, how Lee Rim became so evil. What was his childhood like? Maybe Lee Gon can start from there.


    The wedding will wrap it up nicely :wub: 

    King and Queen of Corea :wub: The edited picture that JTE (she had someone make) was in royal clothes and LG on the money shall come true!

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  17. 55 minutes ago, mrsj3n said:


    Since when she killed someone?

    The guy was pretty much alive as he needs to return her all the money with LG's face on it.

    Look at her new haircut and jacket.

    It's all the money... lol


    My mistake! That's right, she didn't kill him. ONLY because he offered to pay her back w interest and maybe, just maybe, because he has a kid.


    It was stated too that she does everything for money, finds people for someone, and steals anything for people too.

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  18. 4 minutes ago, Joanna Alfson said:


    We dont know her yet that much. All we heard from her so far is nothing but bad and yes i have seen her feeding that cat and conversing with the yoyo girl but not sure about her full intention just yet as her reputation is bad currently 


    That is my observation only from what I have watched so far. Maybe our opinions will be different when the next episode comes and see what good or bad she does. That's just what I foresee as of Ep 10. To me, small short scenes of encounters like that are sometimes clues of something bigger.

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  19. 2 hours ago, Joanna Alfson said:

    Luna heart? I am not so sure about that. She seems ruthless and cold to me


    She is a ruthless and a cold-hearted (edit: not a killer). But I think she (would) kill with reason (even just her own definition of reasonable). She's not a psycho (would be) killer who kills just for the sake of killing. To me, she's cold but she has a heart deep within. I bet if yoyo girl will be killed by someone, she will defend her.

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  20. It is shown that Luna has a heart. She feeds a cat and has a soft spot for children. She (edit: intended to) kill a man who betrayed her. Maybe she had a rough life which led her to this dark path that she can't get away from it anymore. She doesn't team up. She rolls on her own. Plans and thinks on her own. She doesn't have a boss and won't want one like Lee Rim.


    I think Luna will help JTE escape. Luna and JTE will both be wounded. She is dying anyway. Like many theorized already, JTE can live now in Corea. After realizing how it feels to be left by Lee Gon, she wouldn't want to be away from anymore. Yes to marriage! :wub:



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