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Posts posted by binniejinniecultivator

  1. I have been on circles too on who is/are the savior/s.


    1st - it's LG only.

    2nd - it's LG and KSJ because of JTE saying KSJ is a person he can trust and will come to help him in times of need.

    3rd - it's LG & JTE because JTE is the zero, she determines the value of a number depending on where it is located. JTE is number 0 (zero) to LG's number 1 (one). She, therefore, is the key to winning against Lee Rim.


    This may explain the BTS where LG passes by JTE and doesn't recognize her. They both traveled back in time to the past "that night". Present LG dies or closed the gates or was on the place with red balloons - time resets or the future was altered - but JTE was able to succeed on their mission, being blessed by Yoyo girl/deity, she was able to remember everything even when the timeline was altered. This time, she'll be the one to make Lee Gon remember and make him fall in love just like Lee Gon growing up loving or being inspired by her.


    OR scrap this! Because there are so many beautiful and exciting theories here :lol:


    EPISODE 14 & 15 this weekend!!


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  2. as an observer of Ye-jin's style (don't take me so seriously)


    YE-JIN'S STYLE                             YE-JIN'S STYLE                       

                                                               W/ HB'S INPUT :rolleyes:




    remember the pretty pink cardigan on yellow dress at the CLOY press conference :) Kidding aside, Ye-jin will look BEAUTIFUL and SEXY in any dress with or without blazer BUT definitely SEXIER WITH HYUN BIN :wub:


    EDIT: My post is meant to be a joke. My point is, I'd like to imagine HB (like some boyfriends) who is concerned about her lady showing skin as we know Ye-jin loves loves loves dressing sexy. I said "input", not "forbid". It is a joke of my own imagination, NOT a fact.


    I do strongly feel that HB likes to protect (not forbid) Ye-jin's beautiful skin and toned body :) Like most boyfriends do (not means to cover them up with a blanket or not let them dress sexy). 

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  3. If Smart is just teasing us on getting Yejin...

    I will call Globe (the rival company of Smart) to get Yejin and Pyo Chi Su actor to do a commercial of their wordplay game while drinking Soju :yum:

    The competition is ON but the fans are the happiest.

    Then, Yejin will do an interview too praising HB, telling us that they look good together, that he's 100% RJH, that they play golf together, that they water the orange plant together, that their channel is 20, that HB's hair is still silky, without confiming anything yet :)

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  4. 3 hours ago, luvlove said:



    Hi! Some have answered your questions already. I will try to answer them from a point-of-view as someone from the Philippines :)

    (my answers in bold)


    1. Why would a product/company promotion ask about an actor's project? Is this an actor's request, to promote their own project?


    Could be a yes or no. But HB doesn't need to promote CLOY because it's done already. It's a success :) That's why Smart got him. Smart doesn't frequently get foreign endorsers. Means, Hyun Bin is very special and has that charisma to our local consumers. CLOY is his most current work, that's why it's the topic on the interview. Viewers will recall him more as Captain Ri.


    2. Why would a product company ask questions about your leading lady? Again, are these set up to be mutually promotional? Is this an effort to push CLOY? Is it normally done this way?


    Again, no need to push CLOY on us. We are already PUSHED to the limit. Hehehe. Jokes aside, it is only natural to ask about the leading lady especially if they became more popular here in PH because of CLOY. If we don't mention CLOY and SYJ, it's quite a waste for Smart because some viewers who aren't their fans before CLOY might not register right away that it's Captain Ri, Yoon Se-ri's love.


    3. Does an actor have to do an interview like this once they sign up to promote a product? Or could HB have said, "No, I don't want to answer personal questions"?


    Here in PH (though that interview is not in PH), there is always an interview (very personal even) when an actor/celebrity is promoting a product. It's mainly to connect to the audience/consumers. And of course, we here are all dying for any interview, photos or a strand of hair (haha) of HB (and SYJ). HB's interview isn't even on that level of personal.


    4. If the company (Smart?) is going to bring Ye Jin on board, would actors EVER agree to do that if they were not still on great terms?  Like, is the money that good?  Or would they simply move on to other things/projects?


    Firstly, to me, it's obvious that they are on good terms/still together. Question is, if they are willing to work together again after all the dating news. Because for sure, the two of them will not just give us candies, they'll be throwing candies in the air like rain (haha) if they're together again on interviews and promotions. Don't think that they'll care much about the pay (both are so rich). If it's a good career move, promising project, they're comfortable, that's what they'll care about (just like CLOY after TN).


    I am very curious as to how much choice HB and SYJ have in this process and how much is their own doing? If the money is excellent or they want to make the most of their current success, then I figure--at a minimum--they are still very friendly and good with each other, but it doesn't necessarily equate to love. Could be, not sure. But if there are lots of ways to make good money and projects to do, then this spokesperson stuff feels like A. a choice to continue working together and/or talking about each other, and B. crumbs dropped to help them move toward the big reveal of actually BEING together! Why else would you stay so tied to each other?


    Does anyone have any thoughts to ease my shipper mind???


    SYJ joining Smart is not confirmed, just a theory/wish/hope of us. So HB, talking about Yejin now is not promotional, it's a mix a co-worker and "love of his life" comments :) HB is almost always the one who leaves BinJin crumbs, again, not for work purposes, but he just does. He's too real.


    In my eyes, it all equates to LOVE. 

    "BinJin shipper" tattooed on my heart/chest :)


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  5. 6 minutes ago, PetiteYeoja said:

    When the MC asked him about the skin and hair he can just explain it like other actor always do like

    "I just wash my face or wear a mask or scrubbing twice a week" (as an example) if he didn't want to mention his daily skincare product or his CF brand


    But when he start laughing and said 'Yejin-sshi' I think he couldn't focus on the question anymore.


    My delulu mind said that SYJ always touch and praise his silky hair and how smooth his skin. Well, like how close the "close friend" touching each other :P


    Exactly! He could talk only about himself if he wanted to, but he's just being real and candid about Yejin. So I'm truly excited for Baeksang (if ever they will walk the red carpet and sit beside each other) because it means they will just be themselves and be sweet, funny, bicker (haha!) just like on the TN & CLOY promo interviews. 


    HB even said he doesn't put anything on his face but cared to let us know that he knows we remember that that comment is from Yejin :)


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  6. 1 hour ago, ElectricHearts said:

    Honestly, he is "feeding" us receipts now LOL. Before they were hiding during CLOY as they were working and promoting CLOY, now that CLOY is done. Why not give us more receipts to keep us sane lol. 


    I just remembered the H/Science CF is coming out on June 3? I forget the day now  LOL


    This forum will be busy this week! I LOVE IT B) After months of BinJin drought and Covid (still fighting!), we deserve the BinJin candies, receipts, announcements :rolleyes: OK, I'm asking for too much but who knows, I didn't even imagine HB giving us Ye-jin praise and admiration when it should be all about him. Whew! LOVE. 


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  7. 1 hour ago, mychoiyoung said:


    I also wrote previously that I wanted to know more about LR's backstory.  Why is he this evil?  The little that was shown of his past hinted that he was treated well in the Kingdom, despite being a bastard.  So what drove him to forsake his family? It is hard to imagine that his rebellion is all because of his discontent at being not in line for the throne.


    Could that be it?  Was being not in line drove him to declare "heck with that throne, am gonna be even better than that.  And that's what the flute could bring him.  So who introduced him to the flute?  Why did he believe him and his King brother didn't?



    Good point! I, too, am curious of Lee Rim's past and his motivations to do what he did.


    I am sensing a "Star Wars: Last Jedi" similarity here where Luke Skywalker sees a vision of Ben/Kylo Ren as a dark side user in the future. Then, Luke tried to kill him in his sleep. Ben stopped him but felt great fear and anger. THAT MOMENT is what turned him to the dark side. Luke actually caused Ben to be on the dark side. It's a cause and effect for both.


    In TKEM, maybe what will cause Lee Rim to plot to kill his brother and nephew is future Lee Rim telling him about the power of the Manpasikjeok (am I right? haha). Preparing him too that someone (Lee Gon, unknowingly) will try to kill him. Maybe, in his point of view, he is discriminated as a bastard/illegitimate child of the Royal Family. He will finally do it. His evil plans will start.


    It will be a cause-and-effect for both:


    past Lee Rim's betrayal POV

    cause: manpasikjeok abilities and someone (Lee Gon) will kill him

    effect: he will kill his King brother and nephew


    present Lee Gon killing Lee Rim POV

    cause: Lee Rim killing his father and tried to kill him

    effect: he will take the half of the manpasikjeok and kill Lee Rim


    By this, they are the cause and effect of each other's decisions and actions. It's a cycle.


    I will still stick to my theory that it's a single timeline in a loop/cycle. If Lee Gon kills the present Lee Rim on the past, he won't exist in the future but he must let past Lee Rim live because he must exist for the loop/cycle to continue. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, scrawford said:



    one thing about the drama tho. I don’t know if this is discuss in here already. but... when was the first time LG met JTE? I try to think but I can’t figure it out because what made LG search for JTE is the ID card, and he wouldn’t get the id card if the future LG who had met JTE didn’t bring it to the night of treason. Right ???


    For me, it is a "Loop". Everything is meant to happen. From the day Lee Rim killed the king and failed to kill Lee Gon. My theory only: It's all just 1 timeline in a loop/cycle. Because of Lee Gon and Lee Rim time traveling to "that day", what happens in the future now, happened already before. That night will happen again the same as Episode 1 because they must fulfill that fate. JTE and Lee Gon is fated to meet because of JTE's ID. There's no changing of this timeline/alternate timeline (only 3 episodes left). It is all fate and destiny. Lee Gon saves himself and Lee Rim goes back to the past to stop him, outcome of that moment, then back to the present, the cycle is complete.


    Just like the time travel concept of the movies: Interstellar, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Time Traveller's Wife

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  9. 1 hour ago, ms_inquiry said:


    Switched Doppelganger theory (in my opinion more likely):


    Perhaps LL is going to successfully switch Luna and JTE as kids through time travel, not realizing that he is already living in a time line where he made this happen. JTE being from the Kingdom and not the Republic originally (and vice versa for Luna). @bebebisous33suggested a long time ago that they might have gotten switched, possibly by YoyoKid. This could still be the case and would explain why the fact that JTE's mother died of cancer/illness has been mentioned a few times and why Luna is suffering from it as well.


    Now that we know that LL will time travel he could be one to switch them. Probably for the purpose to kidnap/kill/separate JTE from LG. Perhaps he kills Luna's (really JTE's) Kingdom parents in the process but YoyoKid helps Luna escape from him. LL will basically try to hunt down Luna to kill/kidnap her believing wrongly that he is actually hunting down the JTE we know. Let's remember that he believes that he can exchange JTE for LG's flute piece.


    Even if Luna gets away LL could still time travel to try to find her BUT maybe this is where Luna's lack of identity comes into it. As well as now lacking parents (if LL kills them) and an identity because she is a doppelganger, she might lack a real identity because she needs to. A good way (perhaps the only way) of staying hidden from a time traveler is to not have an identity. He wouldn't be able to trace her down, and maybe he believes that it doesn't matter in the end since he believes that he has at least succeeded in separating LG and JTE.


    My point being that LL in the process of trying to kill/get rid of JTE is unintentionally the reason why JTE grows up in the Republic. He basically creates his problem himself, very greek tragedy-esque: "A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it"-like. If I'm right about any of this I'm pretty sure that Luna will be the one to actually kill LL. 


    Also: YoyoKid showing LG JTE walking around in the Kingdom in 2022 could be a hint to LG about where JTE really belongs. The PM meets LL at a bookstore in this episode right? The one that wasn't raided, and she asks him to take her to the Republic - this means that there are two bookstores in the Kingdom where LL hides away and not just one in each world.  Maybe you all already know this and I just missed it, I thought the bookstore was in the Republic until now. 


    This is a very beautiful theory and this is highly possible on my point of view. On Episode 13, we see that this timeline/story is a LOOP. Lee Gon is his own savior, the all-black outfit came from JTE to be unnoticeable, JTE lost her old ID because of Yoyo Girl, someone stole her new ID, only for Luna to be the way that Lee Gon gets it, etc. In short, everything is meant to be just like Lee Gon figured it out when someone stole JTE's ID in the palace. They will win because Lee Rim being successful and unsuccessful in all things will be for that moment 25 years ago when he successfully killed LG's father and unsuccessfully kill Lee Gon.


    I think that Frozen Time (62nd time crossing the portal) will happen IF they were all not able to make the LOOP (they do now or cause now what is already done in the past) happen. If they don't, time will freeze because it's not consistent anymore. Nothing on present or future time will occur unless it's not caused by anything in the past. That's a very troubled balance. Now, Yoyo Girl makes sure that they stay on the right path and 'cause some things to happen too.


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  10. 6 hours ago, CallieP said:


    Don't get why it is low chance for Baeksang though?


    I doubt King can beat Faith's record. Faith has 24 episodes to King 16,  8 episodes more but if @syntychecan use her math to calculate per episode, we know how many pages we need to be comparable to Faith as per episode. Syntyche, I therefore challenge you. I sure there will not be a problem. :lol:


    I don't know much about K-ent and I'm not from SK. Just listened to their insights :) But the series is not yet finished. Maybe the ratings will go up and the SK audience will give it the appreciation it deserves. On some countries, the ratings on TV are not really the major basis for awards. It's the "Critics' Rating". Don't know much in SK. But as stated by some, TV ratings are important. Of course, crossing my fingers that TKEM will be recognized. It's a high quality drama.


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  11. Some more math of Lady Noh's history.

    Just saw this from a TKEM fanpage.





    1932 - Lady Noh was born in Hwanghae.

    1949 - She left her hometown at 17.

    1950-1952 - (just my theory) She was either living alone in another province in ROK or married that's why she left home? 

    1953 - She got to KOC.

    1954-2020 - 67 years without news about ROK


    I highly doubt our Math-centered TKEM will have an error on this. There's something about the year computations for sure 'cause they highlighted it.


    I think Lady Noh will be a key to Lee Gon getting ahead of Lee Rim. She even kept the piece of the flute for him and told Lee Gon that it will be a secret between the 2 of them. Now I know why, it's because she knows MORE. How Lady Noh got to KOC could be a big puzzle piece. Maybe she was married or in-love to someone from ROK then followed him to KOC. That's why she feels that Tae Eul is a danger to Lee Gon at first.



    Credits to The King: The Eternal Monarch K-drama of Facebook 


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  12. 52 minutes ago, mychoiyoung said:

    When LG asked the priest if he can keep a secret, anyone here thought they got married? And the picture is their memento? 


    Am not saying they did. Is getting a photo considered a secret cos he is King? And TE is still an unknown?



    I wished it was too! I thought that he will be either proposing or ask the priest to marry them. But just a picture :(But it's a good place to have a memory of because as Lee Gon said, the church was both in RoK and KoC. So if they want to reminisce each other, they can visit the church thinking the other one could be there too.


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