Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by x_shirley
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    do anyone know how to make the whole background black and white then this 1 item in color??
































































































































































































































































































































































    is ther the togue rolling sound in japanese o.O
































































































































































































































    like when you say the "R" sounds?
































































































































































































































    do you just pronounce it like the "R" sound for english?
































































































































































































































    or do you say it fast it sounds a little like the "L" sound o.O



































    Ever worried about your b/f and the girls?
















    i trust HIM completely but not the girls
















    ill be walking around school with him and girls come up to him and try and hug him when hes HOLDING me
















    this one time he saw this girl he knew, then he let go of me cause she jumped into his arms o.O
















    i just wanted to walk away that time i dont know y i didnt
















    maybe thats y i have dreams like that...




















    A car(-ride) represents how smooth your life is moving.
















    Do you feel that it's good?































    i know for sure i was jealous of the girl thats all over my bf... so im guessing it wasnt really good...
















    but my life is running really smooth lately =]




























    ooo i wanna noe mine!!






















    most recent one was umm






















    in my dream.. my 2 closest cousins, my boyfriend, my brother, and 2 of my boyfriends friend (theyre girls), and i was in it






















    well anyways






















    i was kicking it with 2 of my cousins, my bf, and my borther, then when it was time to leave, my brother and i got into my bf's car and my cousin drove my other cousin home. then my 2 cousins was out of my dream






















    then in my bf's car, my bro was in the back seat, hes not talking or anything and my bf was driving us home, then we saw his 2 friends. they was wlaking so i thought they was going to go home... so i told him to take them home too. so he called one of them and asked them if they needed a ride. one of them said yeah. and another said no then walked off really quick.






















    i told him to call her again cause it was getting late and i didnt want 2 girls walking home by themselves. he called them again and said hes at the end of the block so he told them to get in the car.






















    i got out the car so them 2 can go in (it was a 2 door car) and one of them (the one that say she wanted the ride first) got in the back, and the other one (the one that said no then walked away quick) sat in the front seat and was all up on my boyfriend. then of course i got mad. but i didnt say anything. i just slammed the door and told him im gonna catch a ride with my cousin that already drove off. then i woke up o.O




































    Siemen... something??
















    Its has nice features... the only thing that sucks is that its volume is horrible!
















    But I shall be getting a new phone soon...















































    i use to have the samsung sghp777...
















    onli think i liked about it is that it can record videos until you run out of space on the fone
















    the mp3 doesnt hold much songs either...
















    i gots a sprint fone... sansung a920... haha i think thats wats it called...
















    haha i love this fone. onli bad thing is it can onli record for 30 secs even if i have enough memory space
















    its my also my MP3 player!!!
















































    i have no service in my room -_-




































    umm happiest with my crush (bf now) was when...














    i tried to kiss him on the cheeks then he turned his head towards mine and kissed me on my lips














    saddiest was when...














    the day i told him to wear his 14's with me (i was trying to take a picture of our shoes cus his feet is hella big compared to mine.. and yeahhh) we both wore it and then he was sent out of class that day so i couldnt take the picture o.O






















    llama staff +7
















    HP +102, MP +49, Weapon Attk +40, Magic Attk +67, 0 slots left
















    anyone know how much is that worth?




















    - name: shirley














    - picture: *avatar icon














    - gender: female














    - age: 21 














    - location: East bay area














    - ethnicity: chinese














    - interests: anything beauty related and cars. =]














    - links: *signature




















    i heard luxirie is the girl clothing of LRG...














    damm you peple with red monkey stuff... i heard they expensive HAHA














    oo im lokoing for some air force 1s MIDS... in pink n white... anyone have pix of it?? im PRETTY sure they have it in that color


































































































































































































































































































    if hes musty...
































































































































































































































    chest hair
































































































































































































































    ... being shy
































































































































































































































    no control
































































































































































































































    if he dunt noe wat hes doing
































































































































































































































    other stuff people already mentioned
































































































































































































































































































































    haha i wanna do this again =]
































































































































































































































    1.) How am I feeling today?
































































































































































































































    a couple grand - yung joc
































































































































































































































    2.) Where will I get married?
































































































































































































































    enough crying - mary j blige
































































































































































































































    3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
































































































































































































































    ride till the wheels fall off - static major
































































































































































































































    4.) What is/was highschool like?
































































































































































































































    unfaithful - rihnna
































































































































































































































    5.) What is the best thing about me?
































































































































































































































    hey girl - jacka
































































































































































































































    6.) How is today going to be?
































































































































































































































    good luck charm - jagged edge
































































































































































































































    7.) What is in store for this weekend?
































































































































































































































    sexy love - neyo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    8.) What song describes my parents?.
































































































































































































































    gallery - mario vazques
































































































































































































































    9.) How is my life going?
































































































































































































































    grind wit me - 112
































































































































































































































    10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
































































































































































































































    lean wit it rock wit it remix - dem franchize boyz
































































































































































































































    11.) How does the world see me?
































































































































































































































    greenlight - sweeze
































































































































































































































    12.) What do my friends really think of me?
































































































































































































































    soilder - destiny child
































































































































































































































    13) Do people secretly lust after me?
































































































































































































































    go dumb - the federation
































































































































































































































    14.) How can I make myself happy?
































































































































































































































    shorty be mine - 112
































































































































































































































    15.) What should I do with my life?
































































































































































































































    in my LRG - smigg dirty
































































































































































































































    16.) Will I ever have children?
































































































































































































































    so lonely - mariah carey ft twista
































































































































































































































    17.) What is some good advice?
































































































































































































































    snap you fingers - lil jon, sean paul, e40
































































































































































































































    18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
































































































































































































































    bricks for the high - dame dash
































































































































































































































    19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
































































































































































































































    hell yeah - easki
































































































































































































































    20.) What type of men/women do you like?:
































































































































































































































    shake - pitbull ft yingyang twins
































































































































































































































    21.) Will you get married?:
































































































































































































































    vans remix - wolfpack?
































































































































































































































    22.) What should I do with my love life?
































































































































































































































    stunnas on - starski
































































































































































































































    24.) Where will you live?
































































































































































































































    turf talk iz back - ??
































































































































































































































    25.) What will your dying words be?
































































































































































































































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    does that same technique work with a curling iron??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    her: you complete....... ::drop dead on the floor::
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    him: no its the other way around
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    were just friends and i was trying to hook him up with someone before the school year ends
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and out of all the girls i named... i was the onli yes he gave me... everyone else was a "no" or "nawww"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    but i can find 8... cant find the last one
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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