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    @speedredefined Or someone's just out of things to say and at this point they sound really ignorant and rude.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. @speedredefined
    The perception profile from your eyes are different from a camera lens.  This is obvious (and for some reason a point you don't get).  You can see him through various logitech webcams, that doesn't change the fact that visual perception through eyes is different than perception through 1 single optical lens. 

    Oh i agree with you on this one. I do understand that people can look different on cam than in real life. But it's because previously you said " the difference between the visual perception of 1 single lens vs 2 eyes should be enough to understand why certain people look very different on camera than in real life. " What im saying is that yes people can look very different on cam than with the real eye but in my case, because i have seen him in high resolution conditions, different angles with great lighting, it doesnt make him look THAT different from real life. It's not like i can't identify him. 
    Quite frankly, if I were in that situation, I'd want my friends to tell me how abnormal that is, and introduce me to someone who actually would want to meet me in person.    You're making it sound like he doesn't want to meet me. You dont know our situation.

    Thankfully, for those of us socially acute enough to date normally, we don't have to worry about that stuff.  We can meet people face to face, and survive normally away from behind a computer screen.
    Lol you need to stop assuming again. With every post you've been generalising and assuming. Just because someone makes the choice of dating online, doesnt mean that they're not socially acute people. Some of them are and some of them aren't. If given me the choice, i would have chosen to date in real life. I'd prefer that over online any day and i'd want to be able to be physical with them. But like i said previously, i came across someone unplanned and it just happened. And i've been very happy with my choice.
    People like me who would feel the need to actually see the person their dating (after a 3-year period)?  
    That sounds completely reasonable to me.  I'll cop to that.  
    Who says i dont feel the need to actually see him after dating for a 3 year period? Of course I do. Anyone in their right would want to. But in certain circumstances and situations, it's not possible as of right now. But that doesnt mean "oh holy shiet we've been dating for so long and i havent seen him, crap lets break up" If someone's serious enough then they'd put up with the distance and have patience until that day of meeting comes.  I don't know why you're being so defensive here.  All I did was merely point the fact out that you're dating a dude you've 1.  Dated a dude online for 3 years  2.  Have never met him before.  I never said you couldn't do it, I just pointed out the fact that it's weird, and that I'd never do it, in the thread entitled "would you date someone online."    

    Because of the points that you pointed out, of course i feel entitled to explain myself because it's related to my situation. But that's great if you'd never date someone online, im not saying or trying to convince you.

  3. speedredefined said:

    Anyways, we'll always text whenever we get the chance to and we'll never miss a day without skyping. So i know I'm on his mind. He tells me exactly what he's gonna do and then i see proof of it whenever he uploads the pics on instagram, fb etc. He'll even skype me(when he can) when he's at college or at work during breaks. 

    I had a buddy working in England.  He was skyping his college girlfriend back in the U.S. (well, at least she thought she was his girlfriend).  They skyped everyday for hours, and frequently messaged each other on FB Messenger - I know this because I knew his girlfriend quite well.  I also know that he cheated on her relentlessly.  She did not know this, and she thinks he's totally faithful because "they skype for hours every day."      
     I can also see his body language and emotions through the cam. It's not like i'm JUST typing to him through the screen, if that's what youre thinking.

    Anyone who has done online dating, can tell you people can look vastly different on cam.  Especially low-resolution webcams.  Every single girl reading this who has instagram and friends who take "selfies" can tell you this.  

    I don't have to even go into detail explaining the numerous reasons why.  But just a basic understanding of how cameras work, the difference between the visual perception of 1 single lens vs 2 eyes should be enough to understand why certain people look very different on camera than in real life.  
    Have you ever considered the fact that I'm 19 and I'm a full time student and have strict parents that won't let me travel? I also currently don't have a job because i wanna focus on my studies first. So money is an issue. And yes he's in his early 20's but he has his reasons to which i dont need to list. We also have a plan of when to meet so it's not like he left me hanging or anything.

    Oh, you're under 20, that totally explains it.  Add that to the fact that you have restrictive parents, and it basically means you have 0 clue about what you're talking about.  
    You've had, how many real relationships post High School?  3?  Please. 
    You're like the 13 year-old on the ski hill that have been on the bunny hill just enough to pick up speed.  Then they think they're all that, and they go off to the double black diamond, even against the advice of people who have ski'd a lot more.  Because the kid thinks he/she "obviously know what they're talking about, and you obviously don't."   Then you see them face plant and slide 30 feet into a tree.  Then they have to call ski rescue to come get them, because they didn't listen to people who knew what they were talking about.  
    Teenagers will be teenagers.  *shrugs*  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @speedredefinedI'm going to reply to your unedited version in response to me. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. I know he's good and honest because there are lots of signs. We nailed our communication level and just like every relationship, online or not, communication is key. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can also see his body language and emotions through the cam. It's not like i'm JUST typing to him through the screen, if that's what youre thinking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, we'll always text whenever we get the chance to and we'll never miss a day without skyping. So i know I'm on his mind. He tells me exactly what he's gonna do and then i see proof of it whenever he uploads the pics on instagram, fb etc. He'll even skype me(when he can) when he's at college or at work during breaks. He's proved to care about me whenever im unhappy about whatever he does and then he works on it to fix it. Just like every relationship, we have our typical up and down days but what brings us back on track is his sincerity and passion to talk it through and make up again (vise versa). We've had our emotional talks and ive seen him through anger, embarrassed, in tears, sexually frustrated, just about anything because we are 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    comfortable. Also he's introduced me to his friends and family as his gf so it's not like he's kidding around.   
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Yeh good for those that get married within 3 years! However basing the relationship on a number isnt what it's suppose to be all about. You should get married when you both 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    feel ready. Y
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ou cant compare those people's situation to me because I'm in an online relationship and i'm not getting married anytime soon. I'm still young. People have other priorities to focus on first. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. You're assuming that we're both in our 20's.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     I am going to be in my prime age of dating soon but i dont care. Because to me, ive already found someone im completely happy with. Have you ever considered the fact that I'm 19 and I'm a full time student and have strict parents that won't let me travel? I also currently don't have a job because i wanna focus on my studies first. So money is an issue. And yes he's in his early 20's but he has his reasons to which i dont need to list. We also have a plan of when to meet so it's not like he left me hanging or anything. . 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Of course you don't understand online relationships because you've never been in one. Or if you have, it must have turned out bad. Not everyone has it bad and if they're mature enough and know how to handle it then it's possible. I use to think just like you and was totally against online dating until i "accidentally" fell for him. Now i understand it really well. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im guilty of spending it on anything beauty related. mostly makeup 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    dolly wink liquid eyeliner. i dont like how the tip is super thin, takes a while to build the black liner. still in the look for another one 
































































































































































































































































    I wear makeup because it's fun. Makeup is my hobby, passion and obsession.I love the way how it transforms your face and plus, it makes us girls feel good !! Ain't nothing wrong with that. 

































  8. I'm currently in an online relationship and it's been close to 3 years. He's in another continent and we havent met yet but he's worth every sacrifice ive made. Like many, i hesitated at the start and even avoided the whole dating thing but i realised that if you like the person enough and think theyre worth it then go for it. It was the BEST decision ive made. 
    With that being said, online relationships arent for everyone. I don't advise jumping into one quickly. You really have to get to know them for at least a year before making a decision. If youre the jealous type and you have trust issues then just forget about it. Also people can lie about their identity but i was just lucky i came across a good and honest person. 
































































































































































































































    smoking and drugs is disgusting.
































































































































































    if my bf did any of that, id tell him to quit.
































































































































































    if he doesnt, then it's an immediate good bye.
































































































































































    i can't bare kissing a guy who reeks the smell of cigaretts. man so gross.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    taken, in a long distant relationship. been talking every single day for a year (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    religion does matter to me. I'm in a relationship where im buddhist and he's catholic. but so far it's good. as long as he doesnt try to convert me or anything
































































































































































































































    i prefer a guy that has confidence in things he does daily and to initiate a talk. Its important that he doesnt make it awkward.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I sommetimes get the "you're cute" and "you're pretty" which is a nice compliment but honestly, when i look at myself, i see an average face but because i know how to present myself - meaning having a hair style that suits me, knowing how to dress well that looks good according to my body shape etc.. all these things boosts me up to an above average. But yeh, im a harsh marker when it comes to looks and i mark myself hard too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My parents dont care lol





































    i was reading over this and i suddenly remembered what had happened to me 5 years ago. So this was when i was in 5th grade. haha, if you guys are interested in knowing the story then keep on reading but if not then dont bother reading xD



    I was overseas in vietnam at the time and it was a hot day so daddy decided to take me and my little cousin to the water theme park. My cousin and I decided to leave my dad and went to the kids section of the pool haha, they had fun little slides and such (: You guys know when you stack slide? Like, you go down the slide with another person behind you with their legs spread apart against your back? Yeah, this guy about 3-4 years older than me did that to me with his arms gripping me tighly and he roughly pushed me down the slide. I mouthed the word "crazy" to my cousin and he saw.. i really shouldnt have done that. I messed with the wrong group :( I guess he wanted to "teach" me a lesson. So I just didnt pay attention and kept on playing in the pool. Then I just keep on feeling him diving into the water against my legs? Like, to make me lose balance and fall over? I just thougth he was being a jerk and i ignored it but then it got serious. He grabbed me and with arms around my neck, he tried to drown me in the water and with his other free arm, he reached down for my.. v@gina.. he would keep on touching me in private areas and i felt like crying. I had nails so i pinched him hard in his arms so he let go. I tried to escape but his group of friends came and surrounded me, watching me getting perved and they were laughing and mocking at how hopeless i was. And the worst feeling is that many people saw but did nothing, like it didnt matter. I tried walking away but he would catch up and put his arms around my neck, asking me to meet him later, where do i live and such.



    okay, maybe this isnt a big deal but as a 5th grader, this had scarred me a lot. I never dared to go back to that water theme park again and everytime i walk onto the vietnam pathways, i feel very insecure and i always make sure someone is walking with me.. I never told anyone but DAMN, letting this out feels GOOOD (:


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