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Posts posted by danielassny

  1. I don't know how I ended up in this forum after few months. Maybe cause I just log in soompi again and saw few notifications coming from this forum. 


    I won't elaborate more. Bottom line is, I really dislike this drama wholeheartedly. I regret ever watching it. The only good thing I take from it is Nie Yuan's fantastic acting and LBW being my favourite character. Haolan is annoying. I just couldn't buy her story arc at all. 

  2. On 2/22/2019 at 12:29 PM, ChloeR said:

    I CANT BELIEVE YU ZHENG DID THIS TO ME. How can he promotes Legend of Haolan as NieYuanxWuJinYan reunion and then give them a bad ending?!! *TearsforDays*


    So im guessing they postponed earlier in November because they had to cut some scenes to make the drama more historically accurated. Im assuming the true ending of this drama is after Haolan receives the golden ball from Lu Bu Wei, she went with him (hence, the boat scene) and her disappearance when her son came to visit her. I mean afterall no one really knows if LBW really poisoned himself or if the empress dowager is really locked in her palace. I

     dont know if you all recall but Lu Bu Wei bought that golden ball at the place where he first met Haolan. And he was stating the importance of that golden ball too. So im guessing that with Lu Bu Wei gifting that to Haolan, he is telling her that shes the most important to him. Guess thats why Haolan forgave and went with him in the end? Darn it Yu Zheng, shouldve just gave us the real ending. 


    Theres so much discussion about Yingren-Haolan-LuBuWei love triangle. Personally, I would like to think Haolan never really stopped loving Lu Bu Wei (even after marriage and seeing him again after 8 yrs, she still looks/reacts to him however because shes now another persons wife so she restrained herself) btw heard they released an official MV for the LBWxHL using the main theme song “Moon Out”.  


    But yeah, I agree with above posts how Haolan doesnt deserve LBW’s love. He stayed loyal to her and prioritized her until the very end but she backstabbed him. Her character was very inconsistent or another word, not well written. I cant really root for her in this drama for some reason. And also super agree with Lao Ai and Ying Zheng’s acting *cringeworthy* 


    Time to go rewatch Yanxi because Haolan broke my heart LoL I need my happily ever after T.T

    The golden ball/pearl was bought the same day he bought Haolan. Tbh, this scene shows bad editing because first and foremost, LBW bought the pearl (actually he paid higher price for the box, not the pearl) before he bought Haolan. No idea if Haolan witnessed the grand scene of LBW showing-off his wealth since she was brought in for sell later on.


    I would also like to believe she never stopped loving LBW which actually hinted that way - from how she reacted upon seeing him after 8 years (excited but had to restrain herself), affected upon learning of his marriage to Bai Ling'Er,  she couldn't admit to LBW when he asked her if she loves Yingren and still affected by his touch when he visited the epidemic plague area. But her action shifts 360 degree once she becomes a dowager. To this day, I still don't understand why is she holding so much grudge against LBW?


    While I appreciate the feminist theme that they highlighted in this drama, but there's something not right about it. Being a feminist does not mean everything is all about you as a woman, about what you want, about your benefit and all and totally ignoring the sides of the man. That is not feminism, that is selfishness. This is exactly how Haolan is. She keeps repeating the mantra of how a woman should love herself first and more but when comes to the men, she expected them to put her first. LBW indeed loves himself but that does not mean he doesn't love her enough to have her best interest at heart. The same goes with Yingren. I read some comments on twitter and IG and I agree that Haolan's love is cheap. Perhaps that's why I couldn't root for her. And not to mention how she applies different standards on the two men in her life. No matter what LBW does for her, she still choose to refute his sincerity. In contrast, she only choose to see the good in Yingren just because he isn't outright manipulative. Haolan is so inconsistent. And as said earlier, she isn't worthy of any of those men's love esp LBW. She does not even know what she wants. She is a lost character.


    And really? There's an official MV for LBW x HL with the theme song? So, that could be said that the official CP is LBW x HL? Probably they want to make up for cutting out the boat scene or to appease the angry shippers of Yanxi's couple. Or I could be mistaken but that song only playing for the scenes involving LBW and HL.


    All and all, as most people commented, this drama is a downgrade from Yanxi and I couldn't agree more. 



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  3. Oh...towards the end of this show, I still couldn't figure out why HL resented LBW so much? While she may has concern over her son's power as the true king of Qin and LBW's carving for power, I still feel that her resentment is too much. She even made a play with Lao Ai just to aggrieved LBW, even when she knows he always and still loves her and no matter how manipulative he is, he is always concern over her well-being. With the boating scene being cut out, her final reaction upon seeing the pearl that LBW left for her is more of a reaction of a woman feeling happily accomplished that LBW finally vanished from her life and stripped off everything. In the end, I agree that the boat scene doesn't need to make in into the final cut. I don't think that HL ever loved LBW at all. She isn't worth his love either. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 13 hours ago, therewillbeddl said:

    The ending was bizarre, it was going nowhere for everyone else after YR’s death but YR’s character was well portrayed as a whole so at least there’s that. 

    Bizarre indeed. The drama is called "The Legend of Haolan" not legend of Yingren, yet her char just vanished into thin air. Other than Bai Zhong delivering her last message for her son to understand her intention, we don't know what kind of conclusion there is for her. Same goes with LBW. No proper closure to his char. These two main chars were given the journeys but not the closures. 


    While Qin Shi Huang maybe known as a tyrant, he was an able ruler and a great military strategist. In here, he was portrayed as simply a brat with anger management issue and inclination for violence. The actors who played him and Lao Ai went OTT, I cringed watching their scenes.


    A lot of scenes didn't make the final cut along with the boating scene which they weirdly released in the BTS. The CP fans are crying foul at weibo. Lol. All and all, the drama is a hot mess. *sigh* 

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  5. Oh my god. I watched the snippets of the finale on weibo. Goodness, it is terrible. The Qin Shi Huang is portrayed as a lunatic tyrant and violent young king (idk where's his resemblance with either YR or LBW or even HL), Lao Ai, a mere guard can simply desecrated the Dowager's plants just because he is angry of her and the two infamous illegitimate children in history are actually adopted by HL. And HL just dissappeared like that and that's it? The story seems to serve no purpose after Yingren's death. It's like watching a totally different drama. While Yingren was given complexity and perfect conclusion to his char, the rest are just redundant. LBW? Xiaochun? Already they whitewashed Zhao Ji (understandable) and then veered so far away from history but I didn't expect it would be this bad. Read that the ending was so rushed and that 63eps were cut down to 62eps. *Headdesk* Should have expected this from a Yu Zheng's drama. Yanxi was just a lucky fluke from him. I am going to watch the full eps of the finale to have some good laugh. 

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  6. @joy joy 1 It's because you interpreted it wrongly. LBW schemed his way from a lowly merchant at Zhao to the man who holds the highest power in Qin after the King. He did installed an impossible king. I never said or implied that he abused power or whatever richard simmons you accused me off. When I mentioned he schemed his way, I was referring to how he planned and manipulated every chances and getting rid of every obstacles to get to where he is. And please read carefully before you go calling out on other's opinion... I was angry with the writings that basically crushed all the merits of LBW when they made him climbed onto Haolan's bed after she became a widowed queen. He would automatically be branded as disrespectful, a sexual harrasser and so on and that all the goods that he did would be wiped out because of this indecent portrayal due to silly writers who think that involuntary skinship is cute and romantic and milking too much from existing fondness of this Yanxi couple. So tell me, which part you don't understand?


    @lyserose Thanks sis. Some people just couldn't grasp the point and went mad unnecessarily. Understand your leaving (I should have done so long time ago) but hope to see you again in another drama forum. I'm watching Romance Supplement too but don't feel there's anything to discuss about it. Try "Haechi", it's promising. 

  7. 6 hours ago, insertusernamehere said:

    Lol then he achieved his goal by making you mad :) I think this was precisely the point: he made her mad. Like LBW said during their last meeting, until the end, YR wanted to have it all. It's not noble idiocy, it's manipulation. I'm not defending him in any way, just want to clarify the difference between noble idiocy ("I did it for your own good", misguided but arguably with good intentions) vs. manipulation ("I did it so you will have to remember me forever", misguided but with knowingly bad intentions). I don't think anyone here disagrees with you on this point; where we differ is his action makes him an interesting character that I enjoyed watching, whereas his action makes you hate his character, which makes perfect sense as well (I'm pretty sure the writer didn't write him to be sympathetic, they almost present him as is, with all his dark sides.)


    I love Hao Lan and Princess Ya's last chat, where HL admitted that both of her options in the past were crappy: LBW loves power too much and YR loves the throne/country too much. I appreciate that the writer never tries to make us believe that either of them is "the right one" for her. It's all about timing: LBW was the one for her when she needed a partner for revenge, and YR was the one for her when she needed to survive (and take revenge for LBW). Neither of them was right for her forever, and that's ok (with her and me!)

    I would say its a mix of both manipulative and noble idiocy. When YR left the note to his son to take care of his mom for him, it was apparent where this writer is going. One is he wanted to have it all out of his selfishness, and second he truly meant for everything he did is for her benefit even at the expense of her hatred. 


    My problem with HL is that she is too self-righteous and not to mention she fall in love very easily. She got herself into the mess to begin with and expecting to come out shiny and clean. If she didn't fall in love despite associating with those men, she won't get into this much richard simmons. Also, she placed blame on those men instead on herself for letting that happened to her. But again i don't blame her entirely, should she was left undisturbed as the daughter of Censur Li, she would probably marry a good man and life would have been simpler or she may ended up marrying Prince Yao (again, she will encounter another hell). 

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  8. @therewillbeddl I agree with your points given that I remember what LBW told Haolan in ep 25, he is a royalty. That is his previledge that no matter how well he play his game, LBW could never surpass him because of that previledge (that is ofc unless he is less intelligent royals like the princes of Zhao). LBW ended up outlives him, created his legacy but he is all set for a doom ending, again, because he isn't royalty. No one could be more powerful than the one rightfully sitting on the throne. 


    And for goodness sake...I am so done with the love triangle. Haolan isn't worth it. 



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  9. 1 hour ago, joy joy 1 said:


    @danielassny are you mad? LBW did not scheme his way to the top. LBW literally sacrificed HIS LIFE, HIS WEALTH, HIS PEOPLE to maintain peace. everything he's done is for the better of the people not to abuse his power unlike the villains in this drama. he's trying to gain power to PROTECT. do not smear his name with your baseless lies. you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. 

    What the hell are you talking about? 


    Hey come on. LBW schemed everything for his main goal that is power. Yes, he has the people at his heart but he wanted power, also for the reason to protect himself, and not all are for the noble reasons (you can like a char but not to turn on a blind eye on his faults). When did I ever mention or implying of him abusing power? He is already a very wealthy merchant when this all started but he needs more than that for survival (look at what happened to his dad) and his personal ambition. And there's nothing wrong with man with ambition. I don't see any problem with that. 


    And who the hell do you think you are to call me a liar? 

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  10. 6 hours ago, lyserose said:

    This is hard to explain.


    On one hand, the writers put a modern twist to this drama by giving strong female characters in general. Do women during those time conducted themselves the way the female characters are in this drama did? Maybe but definitely not so stretched up. And there goes the noble idiocy plot. So, as a viewer, it's frustrating to switch lenses to justify certain action. I just feel like a lot of justification coming from the fondness towards Yingren as a whole. I can understand that. As a whole, the writings are inconsistent with some characters going OOC and this is really frustrating.



    LBW suffered injustice the most and his char arc been destroyed by this later half. Most of his actions towards HL are in fact out of his char. When he could pulled himself out from holding HL's hand (the scene he rescued her where she revealed her pregnancy) and then glancing at her only from afar before he left for Qin, i so don't understand how he could suddenly simply pursue and be all touchy with her when she's no longer just any man's wife but a queen and now the mother of a king. What a crap load of writings. Now all he does is becoming HL's skirt chaser. 

  11. 1 hour ago, insertusernamehere said:


    @lyserose Now that I'm caught up, I don't think what Yiren did was noble idiocy at all, it was through and through a manipulative move lol (I already know his character is like this from the start, so it doesn't surprise me). Like LBW explains, it's not that YR doesn't trust her; it's definitely not because he thinks she'd be put in danger. I also don't think he wants her to feel guilty. He wants her to *hate* him LOL this guy....seriously! Remember how Yiren saw Hao Lan cry when LBW failed his promise with her? He said he had never seen her cry before, she must be really heartbroken, but she said no, she was angry! Hao Lan can get angry like no other, so he knows the surefire way to him to "win" over LBW is to make her even angrier than LBW made her. Like Xichuan said, it's been 5 years after Yiren died, and Hao Lan was still angry with him every day, he must be dancing in his grave knowing that she misses him even in this way! It's no doubt a twisted manipulative move, but it really conveys all the complexity of these characters.

    What's his purpose of making her hate him? So he wanted her to hate him for his noble reasons? And he wants to "win" over LBW by leaving a deeper impact but still the bottomline is, he made use of her? I don't know how to brain this but no matter how I put these two and two together, the action is unjustified. He wanted her to think of him by making her so angry that she was denied every chances to understand his action that is actually meant for her benefit due to his deep love and devotion for her. That is plain selfish. If a guy ever do that to me, I would stomp all over his grave because he's been a selfish manipulative jerk till his last breath. 

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  12. 18 minutes ago, ForgottenSoulx said:


    I mean that is a mix of history and fiction from what i know? instead of exiled LBW is killed right ?? but HL does not get killed , not much of a difference really. Wont he question who his father is based on knowing about this affair? 


    I could still think its following that route and would end up there. 

    Don't know whether it will be a sad ending or a happy one since this drama was marketed under the reunion of the Yanxi couple. At weibo, the shippers are hoping for an open ending which is silly in my book. No, just no. 


    The boating scene could be just an illusion. Perhaps something that LBW dreams about but never materialized, who knows? 


    So far, there has been no affair between HL and LBW unless you count the one before she married YR. Based on the way HL view and treats LBW, i doubt she will entertain his pursuit even after YR death. Then again, there's Lao Ai and i am curious how they will spin the two infamous illegitimate children. Heh. 


    Accordingly, LBW should be exiled but eventually commited suicide. HL should be imprisoned by the son but not likely this will happen to her. WJY said that all characters have sad ending.


    At this rate, I hope LBW will die of self-destruction. The writers been dishonoring him with crappy writings. 

  13. @lyserose Garghhh... They are trying hard to destroy LBW. Climbing into the bed of dowager queen who obviously has no interest to bed him and still mourning her late husband and I am sure in a matter of time everyone will start calling him a pervert and whatever sick names out there. Idk but I feel like this writer have a thing for forced skinship, she or he must have thought that this is cute instead of sexual harassment which is not ok.


    So you see, the writing is pitching hard a noble idiot vs a pervert. You make the bet, which one will emerge as winner? I feel like slapping this writer. All the good merits of LBW with how he schemed his way to the top and even assisted in installing an impossible king could just be crushed because of this silly kindergarten level writings. I am mad. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, insertusernamehere said:

    I think HL had suspected something is up because in one ep YR's eunuch mentioned that she had been asking him about YR's health a lot and it has become difficult to hide. And note that they might not always sleep together, and can go several days without seeing each other. When YR got really sick, I could imagine that he would just make up some excuse not to see her. And since he had always been sickly since he was young, she probably was concerned (hence the asking the eunuch), but didn't think too much of it.

    When I mentioned they share the same bed, it was just a generic reference. He could be sleeping alone at time and ofc, there's Siluo. Sure she knows he has always been sick since in Zhao but his health apparently deteriorates and his cough is getting worse and still she could not see beyond it. And HL by nature is someone who would investigate should she find something suspicious. She knows about medicines for the epidemic area being tempered and she fights over the issue but she doesn't follow up on anything with regards to Yingren's health despite suspecting something not adding up?

  15. 54 minutes ago, insertusernamehere said:

    Yes! Came back here to say that I just watched ep 56 and now everything is clear! Yiren actually didn't believe his mom and Siluo, it was all an act!

    It was all an act but still noble idiocy is the biggest crime in any drama. I still reiterate my opinion that he robbed her from her rights in making decision. It's like how I always get annoyed with my colleagues. making decision all on her own and claiming credits for it, so will appear like she is the clever one or in this case, YR will emerge as the noble one. What the heck? Secondly, I will consider that person as downgrading my intellect to think that I cannot be trusted in any of life decision or that my mouth is so big that I will leak all his grand planning and finally, he is so full of himself to want her to thank him for his so-called selfless action and lives in regret for how she misunderstood him. Again triple what the heck?????


    1 hour ago, kyoko22 said:


    @danielassny i hope this is just my misinterpretation. When HL knew YR's sickness, she kinda blame LBW for didn't let her know. Is it true? 

    No. Not really. The way I see it, HL always have a prejudice towards LBW that he loves power more than anything which is partially true. She always thought that he schemed everything.

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  16. 6 hours ago, ForgottenSoulx said:

    How is this drama now people were disliking it at the start but did it get better?? 


    Also is it following history alot or more fiction?? 

    Don't expect the show to follow history because that would be controversial. Zhao Ji is not a figure the Chinese have high regards on. At the rate they are going now, I am expecting they will turn LBW into the stalker of Haolan once YR is dead and there's Lao Ai who will have obsessive love for her. Honestly, even LBW is on the borderline of being obsessed of her. Almost all men are obsessed of her and almost all women are envious of her. That is why she is the LEGEND here.


    It does get better but again, don't expect any kind of Yanxi level. Personally, I don't really like the female lead. She doesn't have the kind of compassion and gratefulness that Yingluo has despite being also smart and cunning. She always have a predetermined mindset on people without care to understand the motivation behind certain action and that's why I couldn't really take a liking on her.


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  17. I find it weird when people can justify YR's action in denying HL everything with regards to his death. To me, his action just simply meant that he is a jerk. People would be harsh if this happened in K-dramas, the infamous troupe of NOBLE IDIOCY.... but any action of ROBBING the other party's (in a relationship) involvement isn't fair at all and unacceptable. 


    He has been a jerk after all. He hides his sickness from her, listening too much to the poking of his mom, Siluo and even Princess Ya, driving her further away from him which obviously meant he never trusted her, and then angry with her when she couldn't understand his true intention (which ofc for the so-called most noble reasons). He has been denying her every chances in making decision with regards to the life that they shared and their relationship. If this action coming from LBW, I am sure a lot would called him whatever sick names they could come up with. Guess, I don't feel bad that I dislike YR from the get go. I really still dislike YR until the end.


    Even then, I still find it's weird that HL doesn't know that he has been sick all along. I mean you share the same bed with that man and you couldn't tell that he is sick? If she cares enough, she could have known even without being told. This, I blame on the lousy writing.


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  18. 15 hours ago, kyoko22 said:

    @danielassny ahhh... Hahaha. Then it is me who take the situation wrongly. Do you know why HL and YR argue again after she came back from treating LBW?

    Actually when they argued after he caught her with LBW, HL only told YR that he should already accepted her past with LBW and brought up about him marrying and having a child with Siluo during her absence. She said that he is still in her heart only because that's what YR wanted to hear, thus admitting her guilt the way he wanted to believe so. Because she said it out of anger, i am not sure if she meant it. Also, she was jealous when she saw Siluo with YR and gave her 30 beatings. Honestly, idk who she actually loves more. I think she only loves herself.


    Hmm.... Rethinking over. LBW doesn't really pester her. For that 3 years since she became queen, he doesn't make advances. He came to see her when they got caught was only to clarify why HL been avoiding him. He doesn't seek for her when he was down with illness, instead send her home. I just hope they don't turn him into a stalker of HL once YR is dead. He has been a good schemer to attain his ambition, should not let a woman becoming his main goal now. 


    HL and YR argued again after she returned because he overheard HL arguing with his mom who accused HL of staying at the epedemic town under the pretense of aiding with the relief operation but actually there to meet LBW. She nudged YR to strip her off her queen title. YR wanted HL to apologize to his mom, also accusing her of the secret tyrst with LBW and said that she doesn't deserve her queen title. That's why HL threw away her queen' emblem and caused YR to vomit blood. Before he left, he said that as long as he lives, she will always be his queen. 

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  19. If you take the word "stole" directly at face value, hence you interpreted it that way. He was taking advantage in making her marrying him in the first place. Ofc HL will say she has no regret, being a prideful person that she is. And the term "stolen" is always used when referred to someone (taken away) that is still in a relationship, it doesn't mean she is his property though rightfully she is since LBW bought her with 20k of gold. 


    I don't see HL using LBW to make YR jealous. She keeps pushing him away but he keeps coming to her which annoyed me. YR oth is using Siluo to make her jealous but now HL already knew that he is sick. And again, it is indeed lazy writing. Noble idiocy in any drama is a big no. To convince me that she loves YR, i don believe it. It's more like an obligation. 


    I feel Princess Ya's stay is way too long. They just couldn't find a more credible villain, thus making her lingering around in her various hairstyles ala in Paris fashion week spurting her evil plans. And i don't understand why none of these smart people could outwit to get rid of her. So, I am guessing once Lao Ai is in, she will be out. 


    @kyoko22 HL confession to YR is actually her way of trying to spite him out of anger, since he doesn't trust her, so she just spurted those hurtful words. Idk if she genuinely mean what she said to him. But the way she cared and still affected by LBW when he was sick is quite telling. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, kyoko22 said:

    @danielassny If I'm not mistaken (due to language barrier) I saw a short clip where few young boys brought up to Mrs Huayang's palace and got whip in front of her. One of the boys is Lao Ai. If this is true, looks like Lao Ai is Mrs Huayang's people. And tonight's episodes, Haolan confessed her love for LBW straight to YR's face. So, it is impossoble for Lao Ai to be her secret lover.

    Ya. I know that he is Lao Ai. What I meant is what role would he play in this saga? My suspect is that he will be the one that driven the wedge between Haolan+LBW and ZhengEr and led to their downfalls. 


    ZhengEr saw his mom's secret tryst with LBW tonight (though nothing happened but just a misunderstanding) and this already set the motion for him to get rid of LBW. 


    Haolan confessed her love to LBW directly to YR? Wow... That's huge since she always act indifferent around LBW. I haven't watch that part yet since my internet line sucks at the wrong time. 

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  21. @peanutbutterjellytime @kyoko22

    Hmm... None of the current running shows are much talked about either. The best performing is perhaps Minglan but I read a lot of complaints that the show is boring. And despite the most talked about among the running shows, it isn't really trending on weibo either. 


    Am I the only one getting tired of LBW pestering on Haolan? Honestly, I don't feel sorry for Yingren (well, he deserves to feel threatened since he stole her from him) when LBW making advances on HL but I just want him to focus on his main goal that is power and wealth. 


    Well, I prefer the costumes in Qin. Looking more regal except I hate almost all of the headdress on the women. They either looked like cleopatra wannabes or some kind of a gear attached to people with cervical injury. But then, I like that now the men has grown mustauche and beard. They all look better. 


    And what's with this ambiguity with the relationship? I agree, idk where they are going with the love triangles between LBW-HL-YR and GB-XC-Yi. 


    If they are to follow history, HL is to pursue LBW after YR's death but I doubt they will go this route, they will likely make LBW chasing the widowed HL but she will choose to stay noble and widowed for the sake of her son. Again, where's Lao Ai in this? 


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  22. @kyoko22 ZhengEr is also kind of fond of LBW lol. However, I doubt that he is LBW's son. Because if he is, LBW won't look so surprised when HL told him of her pregnancy and with that child born prematurely, he could have suspected that the child is his IF he indeed did slept with Haolan. So I am guessing that they didn't sleep together that night.


    @40somethingahjumma Agree. LBW is not everyone's cup of tea. But guess because my job requires me to be ruthless and as my boss used to lecture us, "He prefers a bad person who can get the job done than a good one who could barely do much". Maybe that's why I am inclined to LBW. Personally, I don't really like Haolan. There's something about her I couldn't exactly point a finger at on why I couldn't really side her. She is as manipulative as LBW just that she failed to see it herself. At least LBW admitted to his shrewdness than Haolan always acting noble. My reason of shipping her with LBW is because of the insane chemistry that Wu Jinyan has with Nie Yuan and personally, I really am impressed by Nie Yuan both in Yanxi and in here. He is the one who kept me glued. 



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  23. Lol. Now they bring up the paternity of Yingzheng but Xiaochun proven that the child belongs to Yingren. Idk but i read some discussions on weibo that the child was of pre-mature birth. So, again....  that child's paternity becomes the subject of argument. 


    LBW kinda detests Bailing Er but she is persistent. He doesn't t treat her well but I hope he will come to appreciate her eventually. Situ Que actually likes Bailing Er, too bad she is married to his master. 


    @kyoko22 Yingren has a hand at marrying LBW to Bailing Er. Even after all those years, he still feel challenged by his presence in Haolan's life. LBW initially keeps a distance from Haolan when she first arrived in Qin. That is until he got pissed off by Yingren's scheming his marriage and drunkenly confessed his love for Haolan. The reunion scene between them after not meeting for 8years and the drunken scene really broke my heart. 

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  24. Hi all.


    Glad to find this new safe heaven. 


    My interest on this drama stemming from the hangover of Yanxi palace where my fave CP is Qianlong and Yingluo. Their chemistry in Yanxi is just so lit and I am happy that the demonstrated the same level of amazing chemistry. Thus, this naturally make me a Bu Wei x Hao Lan shipper. 


    Watching up to the latest episode... I may say that I am jumping ship now. I am currently shipping LBW with Bailing Er. She is so adorable and despite how childish she is, she really provides a good shoulder for him and I hope LBW will appreciate her. 


    I also hope LBW will be done with HL. There's no point chasing a woman whom is happily married and she has made it clear to him that she wants to become an empress. It breaks my heart how she wants to discard him when he has been a great force behind her rise, despite that his initial intention was to simply exploit her. He has paid his debt to her - whatever his manipulation already offset by her betrayal by marrying YR. 


    LBW should just focus on his ambition and create a happy personal life with Bailing Er. 


    • Like 1
  25. 1 hour ago, fauna said:

    I’m not sure what he’s saying, but LSK looks like he’s being the life of the party.


    I love that they’re chanting “Hoogae! Hoogae! Hoogae! Hoogae!” like in the drama. I’m going to miss this show so much.

    Thanks for the video.


    It feels weird seeing him as Lee Seon Kyun and not Park Dong Hoon and what a polar opposite in the personality. PDH would sit quietly in the corner with his shy smile. What an amazing actor LSK is, I could not find words to describe his brilliance.



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