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Posts posted by syirazz07

  1. @vanilaz_w thank u for bring out that video  here..i have noticed that weeks ago..but im not sure when becoz it does not caught my attention much. plus at that time they were not so many viewers and people who liked it not more than 5 i guess., and theres none on the comments sections. but currently (today) i can see its getting much attentions since it has 1,345 viewers already and 28 people like it. i thought no body would like it since it's baseless. in addition to that it also promoted other parties..ok what was that for??? what was the motives? seems it does caught some joonu shipper's attention. so its quite serious becos people may accused stargazers were part of this..ok lets make it clear. people out there, if u see here.  the video does not represent us! we stargazer's do not spread fake rumours.


    im glad some fans did express their doubts on the comments section.one of our chingu here @hablandodekdramas also did questioned the uploader about the integrity of the sources.. good job chingu. sorry i cannot figured out ur soompi's id  here ..:D.fighting

    • Like 9
  2. 23 hours ago, glamlove123 said:

    @syirazz07 : i just had time to watch the vid from 5.05. I think it is until 5.39. :wub:

    @glamlove123 yea... it is... and this is  among the best performance she does in  her every 24  steps concerts. who would forget that... and i guess this time around she will add some more adjustment in term of musical instruments ,  more impacts..plus the routines...will be the same, or no more routines  or maybe even more u know... (uhuk..uhuk..EHEMM sorry my throat is tickling ):tongue:

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  3. @glamlove123 chingu wa ..i didnt know there  are coincidence for these...ekekek. guess what u r so true.. i am eating my heart right noww.  (num num....)

    i just can't handle myself listening to the breakdown part since i recalled  myself queen had performed it during 24 Steps including Taiwan concert :wub: ..it was amaazing.. and sexy too... and....... who was the guest??  

    the breakdown part started at min 5:05

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  4. yeay..... @glamlove123 your effort in translating K_hanna ig has been answered by the king :D:D wa.. good effort chingu eheheh..he is finally revealed on October 12...gosh 

    @summer2017 chungu i bet king must be proud of us seing joonu thread became so red hot

    @silentjoonu my authornim:wub:..its my pleasure... anytime when u needed me to put the link ..ill be glad to do it.


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  5. 45 minutes ago, glamlove123 said:

    Credit to rightful owners as listed above. 


    So everyone is searching for our King. Where could he be? Care to write down your suggestions. Maybe you have extra info or you have analyse any patterns pertaining to JG’s movement ... :lol:. I’ll start with the first. This is for fun ok.  


    1. JG is vacationing at a place where there is poor or no internet connection. 

    2. JG went to a place where no body knows him so he can do whatever he want.




    :D chingu  i have added  mine

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  6. Hi chingu its good to see my fellow friends here are are preparing for the Mass Attack.. Thank you @meahri_1 sunbae...for the priceless efforts. 


    while making ourself busy with the mass attack and searching for our king who is currently  no where to be found..let us see full performance of our queen last night on October 7, 2017

    as i can see:

    JE showed her manners as a professional singer. She just being her true self.

    The red dress and  extended hair really portrayed herself at TTN (hae soo's Vibe) and she's deadly breathtaking to look at.  She respected GD as the host. Taiwan VIPS sure loves her more... 


    proud of US!! stargazers who are looking towards their performance in a positive side. we always support JG JE personal project with whomever they are working with. thts really show how mature  we are...

    • Like 6
  7. annyeong captain @akinahana89... its a great pleasure to see u.. OMG! so happy to see our captain  said something inspiring .ur presence really a big pleasure to us. gomawo captain.:wub: may god restore your health. 


    @glamlove123 chingu , haha ... sure they do have different schedule... queen have another plan with me! ekeke just kdding... im just having a good mood before Friday.:D 

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  8. welcome aboard @saphire_D chingu.. yeay now i can tag people:D. TQ soompi for hearing my words.


    chingu ... i just miss our OTP so much since the last update given by our king.. and his is missing right now doing his ninja things maybe hahaha... both on vacation i believed.. and today no update from the queen too. a busy vacation i guess.. :ph34r: .

     so i just drop by a video that might heal our longing for them..

     credits to the video maker 

    天使魚 LO_JG owesome!


     oo ya.. to add my answer for the survey questions.. first and for most i was so in love for this two great sweetheart,  because of  admiring so much when an actor always does his action scenes by himself (i love martial arts). and secondly i respect a lot a singer who can produce his/her own songs. 

    that's definitely our JOONU right!

    • Like 7
  9. welcome back fireflies stargazers... we missed u guys a lot.. no wonder some of u had been in hiatus mode lately. i thought u guys were busy with extra daily routines i.e submarine special oprations or something...  huhu

    well i'm surprised to hear about the account problems. no wonder i found my self same as @silentjoonu faced . i cant tagged people ... right now.. it happened now. why? whoa I hope soompi will recover everything soon. camon.. dont be too hard on us soompi ya... make it fast upgrading everything please..please. 


    @sublimelyheureuse  now my turn answering ur survey

    1.when we first thought about boarding HMS JoonU,

    answer: It was SAF that make me think really hard on them, to see JG smile and happy face like flying out of the world standing next to most beautiful person. i searched his attitude before 2016 SAF and it was never happened like that before. even with the "x:crazy:". but still not boarding this ship because i still wanna look for more evidence.  (but silently supporting them already). 


    (2) when we officially did, 

    Answere: hmm after  JG break up  news and Moonlover's 1st Anniversary Mass Attack...  it confirmed to me they have something special to this extend.  hmm and joonu supporters had been labeled as bad fan groups.stargazers also became the target to be blamed. then i decided to be on board to show my support to my fellow chingu here.  im willing my self to be the shield for whatever outcomes.


    (3) what's kept us on board?

    Answer: their support on each other on giving us crumbs and more crumbs make me stayed on board for them. 


    Happy 1st JOONU Anniversary stargazers...:heart:

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  10. :D:D

     guys.. i am so touched to see such a beautiful heart  our queen has.she gave a surprise conglatory song  on a wedding. i believe the bride is such a big fan her. the moment when the bride's tears coming out, make me cried too omo omo......thats definitely me if queen attended my wedding ..or i might be fainted to see her gorgeousness. what a lovely smile she gave.  OK queen we encourage u to attend more wedding event, who knows it will be the track that will lead to your own wedding soon yaa... we stargazers always pray for it!:):)  

    credits to @iuteamstarcandy for the video 


    @aprilana chingu, your comica is really funny...

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  11. @glamlove123 chingu did u mean this pic:D ??


    @aprilana chingu..yea u r rigt.. those pics caught the fans attentions and they are circulating it already..i saw them too after @silenjoonu chingu mentioned it here. ekekek.mixed thought coming up on my mind..maybe he just teasing his fans or he got drunk on something..


    @nsyavita chingu.those 2 pics are really reminisce ekekek i just called it twins picture..or what else does this universe wanna play  our heart like this.

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  12. Ooo big OMG @silentjoonu chingu thank you for revealing it!!. seriously .no wonder some fans were saying about bed and bathroom things.....why did he deleted it? It'll be fishy...but I feel u jg...i think he was anxious people might connected his and Her update..  i dont want to say it ekekeek..i just let our authornims describe it on  fanfics...i believe u gys have ur point right now.eekeke.. chaa.. they all yours chingu! (while waiting for the truth to be revealed, Being delulu currently is our heaven ..):D omg this is hilarious. im dead too!

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  13. 22 minutes ago, silentjoonu said:



    24 minutes ago, silentjoonu said:


    hahahaha... chingu, she must be one of us here, even the manager lurks here...hahaha... :D

    @silentjoonu @glamlove123ahaha i can understand her excitement...no wonder joonu are well guarded all this time.its becoz of the loyal  stargazers!!...ehehehe (delulu overload)


    By the way @goldenmoon chingu, i think u have uploaded king's and queen's latest update.i think one of them is the pic that was deleted by him.i wonder why king has deleted it.. i just realised it from the fans comments on his ig. How many pic did he deleted? and Why he deleted it? 

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  14. @silentjoonu chingu i always wait for ur fanfics... yass.. finally updated.

    I always check it from this link





    (please  correct me if i gave the wrong link ekek)

    Sometimes i just google joonu fanfics..it will definately come up to ur fanfics with some other joonu authornim fanfics including siracusa authornim and some others. They are my vitamins.. u guys r awesome joonu fighters. 

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