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Posts posted by InSong

  1. On 11/20/2016 at 4:08 AM, ambycakes said:

    Hey Everyone! 

    Wouldn't it be great if Soompi had it's own Gaming section in the forum? 

    So, perhaps we can start with, what games are you currently playing and what platform! 


    they used to have one till everything changed. haven't used this forum in years
































































































































































































































































































































































    a lot of koreans go to Cheltenham area ( bobo's , Soho , Tofu house , han chon , noodle house , etc ).
































































































































































































































































































































    a lot of my friends do go to Koko's a lot. Never been there yet tho.
































































































































































































































































































































    69th I live pretty close by there. Pocha Pocha is ok and there is a nrb upstairs. Also theres a nrb next to H-Mart called Rodeo or ppl go to Soobin behind Hmart.
































































































































































































































































































































    If you go to drexel , penn or whatever I work at Pod Restaurant ( sushi chef ) :P
















































































































































































































































































































































    sushi because im a sushi chef :D
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    plat / diamond leagues
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can never play now since I get a maplestory error 30 crap.
















































































































































































































































































    anyone know how to fix this?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I finally got a 360
















































































































































































































































































































































    my gamertag is : kimtekz
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What is worth getting the DS Lite or DSi? ( Yea this is my 3rd time buying a nintendo ds :P )
















































































































































































































































































































































































    Man I still need help finding that one rock song that plays in couple of the episode which wasn't on the soundtrack. Was wondering if anyone knew which one I was talking about.
















































































































































































































































































































































































    got mine today from amazon for 40$ :)
































































































































































































































































































































    will be playing mine tonight after work
































































































































































































































































































































    woot my bad company 2 is coming tomo can't wait!
















































































































































































































































































































































































    if you want to play sc2 beta offline let me know























    heavy rain demo wasn't bad.





    just don't like the controls. The graphics were really decent and to me I think its worth a 40$ game.





    if you want the demo codes let me know since I will link ya :)








    finally got my ps3 fix from a local person that fixes like every console.





    now I have to pick up modern warfare 2 later on :D





    so everyone add me again if you haven't - Kimtekz



    Yeah, i would like to know what song that is too at end of ep. 22, because the ost didn't have that song. if anyone ever finds out what exactly that song is or provide a link to the song, would really appreciate it, thanks





    I been looking for the rock song too :P





    I have all the ost for this drama except the rock song I been looking for =D


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