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Posts posted by Hell104

  1. On 5/24/2019 at 10:45 AM, thi2018 said:

    Yes agreed!


    roughly translated

    Early this year’s dating rumor… with an acting project on top of it.

    Actors Hyun Bin (37) and Son Ye Jin both are in the same age who will be acting together after the dating rumors.

    On May 22, they confirmed to act in “The crash landing of love”, a new series written by writer Park Ji Eun, which will be broadcast in November.  With the background of South and North Korea, “The crash landing of love” will draw a love story of a North Korean military officer (Hyun Bin) who falls in love while guarding a chaebol’s heiress (Son Ye Jin). This is the second time they work together after the movie “Negotiation” in 2018.

    Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin were caught in the heat of dating rumors twice in January. As they confirmed to participate in the new project, this had become suspicious by many.

    Both sides denied it. Hyun Bin’s agency said “the actor has thoroughly reviewed and carefully decided to join the drama due to many aspects.” Son Ye Jin, who received the proposal before Hyun Bin, said “the decision to appear in the drama was not affected by the dating rumors.” She further explained “the decision was made based on the attractively fresh and brilliant role and the drama was written by the acclaimed writer.”

    After the movie “Confidential Assignment” in 2017, actor Hyun Bin once again plays North Korean military officer. It is expected that he will continue to show masculine side through tough actions from “Confidential Assignment” to “The crash landing of love”. The character is expected to be “attractive and skillful.” For Son Ye Jin, this will be the most dazzling role she ever had since her debut. As an heiress of the chaebol family, she will be glamorous from head to toe.      



    sounds pretty good i cant wait to see this drama :D

    • Like 4































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    looks like http://k2nblog.com/ got their blog closed down 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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..