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    Hmm, now that you mention it, I would have liked to see a love storyline for the MV. ^^ But I'm still happy he did another MV. :]]














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There was an original rapper before Doojoon and Joonhyung [ Hahaha, I wrote down his name from before so I could remember it ;P ]






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol no it's only invisionfree - can't afford an IPB ): maybe we'll convert if we get donations one day lol














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [HQ] [090503] MTV Diary of Aj Ep 1.1
















































































































































































































































































































































































































    [HQ] [090503] MTV Diary of Aj Ep 1.2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [HQ] [090503] MTV Diary of Aj Ep 1.3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [HQ] [090510] MTV Diary of Aj Ep 2.1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [HQ] [090510] MTV Diary of Aj Ep 2.2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [HQ] [090510] MTV Diary of Aj Ep 2.3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omg yay AJ HAS A SHOW<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    started to watch it though i have no idea what he is saying lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he looks so cute talking; he has such a gentle speaking voice
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hopefully some kind soul on YT will sub soon lol
















































































































































































































































    And if anyone is interested to know, I have actually started on the AJ forum (:































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I will work on making it pretty soon lol
















































































































































































































    maizakichi - thanks for the schedule ^^
















































































































































































































    I hope he'll carry on promoting Wipe the Tears still

    his 'wipe the tears' mv is out! i lovee this song, he's such a cutie in the mv <33

    [MV] AJ (에이제이) - Wipe The Tears (눈물을 닦고)















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG YAY. He heard me asking for one ^^ aha
















































































































































































































    He looks so cute in them glasses<3 Hm.. I would have liked more variety
















































































































































































































    of scenes cos there's not alot going on in the MV. A love story would have
















































































































































































































    been quite nice but it's ok... it's fed my AJ deprivation =D
















































































































































































































    And I also see that they've actually recorded Doojoon and the other guy
















































































































































































































    (always forget his name) parts xD I'm glad they have cos I didn't really like
















































































































































































































    the original guy who rapped it lol
























































































































































































































    Everyone/anyone // Hmm, help me think of a name for AJ's LJ community! XD














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    AJrising to match the YT account? Idk ^^; Has a ring to it lol































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was gonna start one too aha But you go ahead (:































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe I'll learn how to start up a forum when exams are over xD






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know his upcoming schedule?































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He hasn't been on Mubank/Inki/etc this week ): I'm feeling AJ deprived D:































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope his CF comes out soon too lol








































































































































































































































    Just watched the performance - the intro was pretty cool































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Minji and CL totally owned the perf for me































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love Minji! She's so cute xD And her dancing is pretty awesome































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CL has so much attitude and charisma too































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Park Bom and Dara were kinda lacking for me...
















































































































    oh, i agree on the forum thingy. been wanting to request for someone to make one. XD











































































































































































































    i don't really know how to start a forum. so yeh. :\






















































































































































































































































































































    yeah same =/ lol we'd have to buy an ipb forum, or get a free one i think















































































































































































































    thanks for the pics - i finally know what that rapper guy looks like behind those sunglasses lol


























































































































































































































































































































    [120509]AJ - Wiping the Tears at SUKIRA



















































































































































































































































































































    his long/high note in the bridge was good xD








































































































    i don't think anyone has posted his perf at mubank today on yt yet ):








































































































    i wonder what his rapping sounds like...








































































































    some graphics i made yesterday








































































































    feel free to use








































































































    please credit/don't hotlink








































































































    sorry, banners are split into two because of file size






















































































































































































































































    Yea I agree. Idk... I think we mentioned it before, but we started with a youtube acct dedicated to AJ videos. :3























































    Ooo yeah I just noticed the YT account xD Backlogged all the pages and now I have square eyes














    Seriously, my obsession with AJ right now is bad ><"














    Dying for his next perf D:














    I've also realised that when he looks up/opens his eyes wider he gets a double eyelid crease lol














    How cute xD




















    Kissing someone? *cries* Nooooo aha














    I'm glad he's getting a lot of recognition =D














    Watched the whole of Star Goldenbell for him (even though I didn't understand














    a word apart from when he said the word "miniskirt" lmao)














    But he is so cute; especially when he laughs














    You know... I think someone needs to open up an AJ forum aha




















    Gah, I've just totally fallen for AJ now xD



























    I liked Dancing Shoes, but now he's promoting Wipe the Tears, I'm completely a fan



























    I love his hair like this (: And the new outfits are hot



























    I'm really hoping he'll release an MV for this; I need more AJ eye candy



























    The Mnet Countdown perf is like on repeat lol




















    Oh man, I haven't been in this thread for ages - it's grown so much xD
























































    Happy Birthday to our beloved 4D angel (:














    We are now the same age ;D














    I hope the girls are having a great time in the US














    and staying healthy!














    Sunmi ah - As you grow older you undoubtedly














    get more beautiful and cuter. Enjoy your day <3














    This page is quite image heavy already so I won't add any pics aha



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