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Posts posted by [hF9]










































































































































































































































    I feel really awkward when a guy forks over money to pay for me.  I'd love to make it equal and have each of us politely pay for ourselves.  Besides, just enjoying the other's company is enough.  They shouldn't have to pay for you as well.

































  2. frozensunshine said: [hF9] said: ok, i have an apparently simple question, Guys, do you always act like you care (e.g ask her about how her job is going on, knowing she was having a hard time or simply how your day went) to someone you chat with everyday?Or do you really care or is it just because you are out of convo?

  3. ok, i have an apparently simple question, Guys, do you always act like you care (e.g ask her about how her job is going on, knowing she was having a hard time or simply how your day went) to someone you chat with everyday?Or do you really care or is it just because you are out of convo?

  4. Dude, grow some "apples"!it's not considered childish not to want your parents to see you.In fact, my parents are not "mean" but they are old-fashioned about the dating thing, like "finish college, get a work, then you can start dating". Therefore, i was always afraid of meeting my parents when i hang out with a "guy friend". Anyways, you just want to have fun, i guess if it's not fun enough for you, break it off. I'm sure you will do the girl a favour! 
    Crunchyrunchy said:UPON FURTHER REVIEW, I have decided that termination of this relationship should only be a final option. I am open to proper and logical resolutions. I am going to have a conversation with her and hopefully we will be able to negotiate a fair settlement, but as for now I will need a back up plan in cased she refuses to budge.

    The main problem is that I don't really like hiding. I don't care if she never introduce me to her parents during the course of this "relationship" or if her parents see us.  This is not my main priority as of now. I am simply trying to assuage the tension that this is causing for the both of us.
    Now if I do have to hide every-time her parents get close then well.. That is a final resolution WHICH I AM CONSIDERING.

    Now to address some of these obstacles:

    • She doesn't drive so her parents are usually her ride.
    • We live in a city where public transportation are not widely available

    I am open to more suggestions on what to do.

    To eliminate the obvious though, I already stated that I am going to be negotiating with her. So yes, I will be going to talk with her about this problem soon when I see her.








































    tried watching this drama but i could not even finish episode 1. I don't know whether it was because i had a headache or it was boring or it was the "moon-sun" effect. sorry the musical fans 









  6. Just "marathoned" this drama!! My second historical drama and both was awesome!Can't believe i'm loving historical drama, maybe i'm getting old,lol.yet,i despised Kim Soo Hyun's character in dream high but in this drama, he totally won my respectI've read the early post here saying that he is not a strong king. I agree and disagree.He isn't strong as the kings that are portrayed in movies. However, he portrayed the role of king beyond my expectations since he is only 22 years old and he is already king.this drama was original, unexpected and heartbreaking (i love heartbreaking drama). when Hwon discovered that Min hwa is involved and is pregnant, i became pessimist and i wondered how the heck this would be resolved.However,it was resolved perfectly. Min hwa totally deserved this punishment.I love how half of the last episode was allocated to the future. 
    however, i have 2 unresolved questions:1) when the Queen dowager died, she saw the king, was the king really there or was it an illusion?At first, i thought that it was Yang Myung in disguise but he was innocent all along2)In the last ep when YW thanked the king and told him that she has a hidden gift, what was the gift?i thought she would have said that she was pregnant and that the gift is the pregnancy.
    Anyone can help me please?








































    Most of the times, i take it as a joke.why?because i get it alot where i work and because they don't know me...at all (seriously,love at first sight much?).
























    the other times that i'm not taking it as a joke (to friends), i kindly refused. It may not work, you're going to lose a friend in the process, but i guess it's for the best.
























    better kindly tell him the truth than misleading him and him falling deeper and deeper.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^there were some plotholes also
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he confessed to me through FB, that was totally lame >.>
















    Well, it wouldn't have been that "lame" if i was even a tad bit interested but that wasn't the case.Well, i rejected him..nicely through FB.
















    I just told him that he was too nice for a girl like me (that's 70% true!)
















    well it all depends how trolled he is and to what trolling extent it is.For e.g, i find the first example unacceptable, unless he shows the real one just after that.




    Mine trolls me all the time, telling me i'm short, got a big nose, stupid, annoys me on purpose .. etc.




    Not that it really affects me, because sometimes I catch him looking at me quite lovingly when he thinks i'm not looking. And he brushes the hair from my face and kisses me when he thinks i'm sleeping.







    this is cute^^


































































    watched it again yesterday,still love it and still cried(i'm not usually a tearjerker kind of girl)
































    want more dramas like this
















































































    Postal Worker!
































    Your murder score is 750 points
































    There's a good chance you're going on a killing spree one day
































    hahahaha,lowest score=patient people :P
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol,i remember getting this once in a while from guys but i've never really thought about it. I just said thanks, i've always taken it lightly,like "i'm pleasant" since i'm sure they don't have any interest in me...or vice versa.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  14. Also,i waited 1hour outside my house since i forgot my key at home.I constantly phoned home,yelling so that if they're sleeping,they would hear me,noone picked,i call my dad's mobile,told me that my brother was home and that supposedly he will come home soon.

    Guess what,my brother supposedly was sleeping and my dad came home after 1hr!!I i was sooo angry,he lied to me,i would have wait at my grandma if he would have told me about it.

    As for my brother,he got slapped and i didn't cook for anyone,didn't feed the pets

    In addition,one of my team members for an assignment we got for monday phoned me 1hr ago to tell me that the group disbanded and that i don't have a group.I always knew that these supposed friends were backstabbers,now,i definitely got what i supposedly deserve...gotta be on my own from now on,got a news,a solution for x assignment,just gonna richard simmons them off.

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