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    okay you guys can count me in for subbing, but I think we're all newbies...lol, so we would need to learn how to do this. Hmm, Dara and lin and anybody else that wants to join, let's pm and exchange information so we can figure what how to go from here. I can help with subbing because I have people I know that speaks the Thai language, but it'll take a while because it'll depends on their availability. Maybe somebody can get in contact with wishboniko and get tips from her, she's subbing by herself and she's doing a really fast, excellent job!



    I use to rent Thai drama at a local mini mart but then I don't understand anything and so it was a waste of money.... If only I understand Thai I would love to start os Thai fan subbing group with you but sadly I don't... It would be nice if there is a Thai Fan Subbing Squad like "withS2" subbing squad... they are the best fan subbing squad...

    So if there's anyone interested in forming a Thai Fan Subbing Squad/Team... we so dresspreatly need a group because I know there are lots of GOOD Thai drama that I want to see or that I've seen in the past with no sub and would love to understand it more....



    P'lee, I can not stand that girl anymore... finally Nrin moves out... she can be a peace for a little bit b4 Kawee come looking for her.





    I would help with the timing and stuff...lol, I don't understand Thai. Thank Goodness for wishboniko and all her wonderful english subs!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow those captions of kawee is soo hot, is it me or is Ken getting hotter the more I look at him? LOL









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ummm you mean Ken is less much less of a douchebag that Aum? LMAO. You used the wrong names. Janie was in Rak Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong as the girl character and Aff was in JLR as the main character hehe not trying to offend you or anything. Really, most people actually think Ken is like a freaking douchebag compared to Aum in JLR. I think so too, I mean Aum wasn't that much of a douchebag in JLR. Ken raped Anne like so many times in that one episode! and his attitude stinks but he is hot! yeah only in Thai lakorns you can get away with raping the girls and then the girls end up falling in love with the guys -_-; but gahhh I love lakorns so much. Can't wait till the next one when she finds out she's preganant ^__^v.
































    I am alway surprised at how many lakorns there are with the main guy raping the main girl <_< , with such a great plot and storyline, the raping part should be taken out to fit the modern view and norms. Of course just like JLR, SB is also another remake of earlier ones so I guess the producer and director wanted to keep everything same same...but still, the rape episode were a little over the top. Kawee better have a hell of a change of heart or something for Narin to fall in love with him. Ken is sooooo hot :blush:









  5. ?????Was this supposed to be funny, or what?? :huh: I don't get it :unsure: Maybe there's another Goo Hye Sun out there worthy of such blather, but these comments cannot possibly be refering to this actress and are way too mean-spirited to be appearing in any thread on this sight. :blink: The author of this attack should be ashamed of themself. :blush: Maybe owning a dog would give you a better outlook on life. :fury: Sheeesh......................... :(

    Can't wait to see GHS in another drama. Fly high, "Gukwha", you're the best!!!! :D

    I agree with you, this is a thread for fans who support and like Hye Sun's acting. Why would a person randomly attack somebody based on 'just because there's something about them' that you don't like. So please be respectful. Aside from that, Congratualtion "Gukwha"! You're working with super hottie Eric^^

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  6. Ken actually kissed Janie too in that romantic comedy uploaded by our very own wonderful uploader at youtube^^ He got to kiss some really good looking actresses! I totally agree Kawee is way too mean, aside from his own personal problems he's going about it the wrong way if he's trying to win his father's love... and he is definitely going the right way if he's goal is to richard simmons off his dad. that man needs some real help. Narin should sign him up for counseling or something.

  7. She's currently starring in SBS's The King And I (which is a serious historical drama), running around doing lots of modeling assignments, had a small cameo in Robin Williams' latest film August Rush (anyone seen it or pictures of her in it?), and has been slated to emcee one of the Korean awards shows (don't know which one though.) I looking forward to her getting another series where we'll get to see her more bouncy and smiling like "Gukwha" in Pure in Heart. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for the update. I'm not really too much into time period but will watch The king and I for Goo Hye Sun...wonder if it's english sub?








































































    does anybody have any good fanfix on Golf n Mike on Soompi? I'm searching everywhere and can't find, if there is please provide the links. Thanks^^









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